Appendix D Attributes in Declarations

You can specify certain additional requirements in a declaration, to get fine-grained control over code generation, and helpful informational messages during compilation. We use a few attributes in code examples throughout this manual, including


The aligned attribute specifies a minimum alignment for a variable or structure field, measured in bytes:

int foo __attribute__ ((aligned (8))) = 0;

This directs GNU C to allocate foo at an address that is a multiple of 8 bytes. However, you can’t force an alignment bigger than the computer’s maximum meaningful alignment.


The packed attribute specifies to compact the fields of a structure by not leaving gaps between fields. For example,

struct __attribute__ ((packed)) bar
  char a;
  int b;

allocates the integer field b at byte 1 in the structure, immediately after the character field a. The packed structure is just 5 bytes long (assuming int is 4 bytes) and its alignment is 1, that of char.


Applicable to both variables and functions, the deprecated attribute tells the compiler to issue a warning if the variable or function is ever used in the source file.

int old_foo __attribute__ ((deprecated));

int old_quux () __attribute__ ((deprecated));

The __noinline__ attribute, in a function’s declaration or definition, specifies never to inline calls to that function. All calls to that function, in a compilation unit where it has this attribute, will be compiled to invoke the separately compiled function. See Inline Function Definitions.


The __noclone__ attribute, in a function’s declaration or definition, specifies never to clone that function. Thus, there will be only one compiled version of the function. See Label Value Caveats, for more information about cloning.


The always_inline attribute, in a function’s declaration or definition, specifies to inline all calls to that function (unless something about the function makes inlining impossible). This applies to all calls to that function in a compilation unit where it has this attribute. See Inline Function Definitions.


The gnu_inline attribute, in a function’s declaration or definition, specifies to handle the inline keyword the way GNU C originally implemented it, many years before ISO C said anything about inlining. See Inline Function Definitions.

For full documentation of attributes, see the GCC manual. See System Headers in Using the GNU Compiler Collection.