
R7RS Scheme library for reading and writing RSV (Rows of String Values) data format. Specified in and demonstrated in
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      1 - [X] Use a single object to track RSV position.
      2   - [X] Tried it and it results in GC churn.  Use rows and columns
      3     instead.
      4 - [X] I don't like the naming of the libraries.  Rename things into
      5   something proper.
      7 Zipheir's points:
      9 - [X] ALL-CAPS-NAMES are not very Schemely,
     10 - [X] you can write hex literals, e.g. #xfd, #xff, etc.,
     11 - [ ] every 'match' expression should have a catch-all failure clause
     12   that raises an exception (probably an assertion-violation, in R6RS
     13   terms). i.e. a more *useful* exception than "no match".
     14 - [X] For the library, you may want to provide a way to read a large
     15   RSV in chunks (say a row) rather than all at once.  A stream or
     16   coroutine generator might be a good choice for this.  For example
     17   rsv->stream might return a stream of rows which are parsed
     18   on-demand.  This might take some design thinking.
     19 - [X] BTW, I think the row & offset numbers should be passed to
     20   'error' as irritants instead of formatted into the error message.
     21   That way, people can easily extract them.  So (error <message>
     22   row-num offset) You can then call error-object-irritants in R7RS to
     23   get them out.  It's not important for the binary tools, of course.
     24 - [X] Oh yeah, if they're doing I/O they should definitely be called
     25   read-something.
     26 - [X] Actually, X->Y procedures in Scheme generally return one
     27   value. I don't think there are any exceptions.
     28 - [ ] [me: i should make a note about the error api, which i don't
     29   quite understand.]  That will take some thought. The library should
     30   raise a specific type of condition to indicate RSV errors.  This is
     31   similar to the bytestring library, which exports
     32   bytestring-error?.
     33   [me: so define-record-type <rsv-error>?] That's the most portable
     34   way to do it. If you're willing to depend on R6RS conditions (which
     35   Guile has, and which R7RS-large will eventually have) you could use
     36   define-condition-type. Then you'd use something like (raise
     37   (make-rsv-error-object MESSAGE IRRITANT ...)), instead of 'error',
     38   to actually signal a problem.