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arbitrary-null.scm (8155B)

      1 (define-library (rsv arbitrary-null)
      2   (import (scheme base)
      3           (scheme file)
      4           (scheme write))
      5   (export write-rsv
      6           write-rsv-row
      7           read-rsv
      8           read-rsv-row
      9           legal-rsv?)
     11   (begin
     12     (define row-terminator-byte #xFD)   ;; 253
     13     (define value-terminator-byte #xFF) ;; 255
     14     (define null-value-byte #xFE)       ;; 254
     16     (define (row-terminator-byte? byte) (= row-terminator-byte byte))
     17     (define (value-terminator-byte? byte) (= value-terminator-byte byte))
     18     (define (null-value-byte? byte) (= null-value-byte byte))
     20     (define (write-rsv-field field port)
     21       (cond
     22        ((not field)
     23         (write-u8 null-value-byte
     24                   port))
     25        (else
     26         (write-bytevector (string->utf8 field)
     27                           port))))
     29     (define (write-rsv-row row port)
     30       (unless (binary-port? port)
     31         (error "Provided port should be a binary port."
     32                port))
     34       (let loop ((row row))
     35         (cond
     36          ((null? row)
     37           (write-u8 row-terminator-byte
     38                     port))
     39          (else
     40           (let ((field (car row))
     41                 (rest-of-fields (cdr row)))
     42             (write-rsv-field field port)
     43             (write-u8 value-terminator-byte port)
     44             (loop rest-of-fields))))))
     46     (define (write-rsv scm port)
     47       "Convert provided SCM, which is a list of lists of strings or null values, into RSV and write it into PORT.
     49 The SCM, the sexp representation of RSV, is defined as:
     51 RSV := ( ROW* )
     52 ROW := ( STRING-or-NULL-VALUE* )
     53 STRING-or-NULL-VALUE := String | Null-Value
     54 Null-Value := #f"
     55       (unless (binary-port? port)
     56         (error "Expected binary port." port))
     58       (let loop ((scm scm))
     59         (cond
     60          ((null? scm) '())
     61          (else
     62           (let ((row (car scm))
     63                 (rest-of-rows (cdr scm)))
     64             (write-rsv-row row port)
     65             (loop rest-of-rows))))))
     67     (define (legal-utf8? byte)
     68       ;; XXX: Replace with a better predicate.
     69       (and (integer? byte)
     70            (< -1 byte #xF8)))
     72     (define (legal-rsv? byte)
     73       ;; XXX: Same as for legal-utf8?
     74       (and (integer? byte)
     75            (< -1 byte #x100)))
     77     (define (read-rsv-string row-count column-count port)
     78       "Read a string from PORT.
     80 Return the string just read, and the number of bytes just
     81 read."
     82       (unless (binary-port? port)
     83         (error "Expected binary port." port))
     85       (let ((output-field-port (open-output-bytevector)))
     86         (let loop ((column-count column-count))
     87           (let ((byte (read-u8 port)))
     88             (cond
     89              ((eof-object? byte)
     90               (error "Prematurely terminated RSV at: (row, column)"
     91                      row-count
     92                      column-count))
     93              ((not (legal-rsv? byte))
     94               (error "Illegal value returned by RSV string reader: (illegal value, row, column)"
     95                      byte
     96                      row-count
     97                      column-count))
     98              ((value-terminator-byte? byte)
     99               (values (utf8->string (get-output-bytevector output-field-port))
    100                       row-count
    101                       column-count))
    102              ((legal-utf8? byte)
    103               (write-u8 byte
    104                         output-field-port)
    105               (loop (+ column-count 1))))))))
    107     (define (read-null-value row-count column-count port)
    108       ;; `row->scm` had already `peek-u8`-ed and knows that the next
    109       ;; `read-u8` will be the Null-Value-Byte, a.k.a. #xFE, so we can
    110       ;; remove it without looking at it.
    111       (unless (binary-port? port)
    112         (error "Expected binary port." port))
    114       ;; Remove Null-Value-Byte.  XXX: Already checked in the
    115       ;; procedure calling read-null-value, so it should be okay not
    116       ;; to check it, no?  Can a time-of-check-time-of-use result when not checking?
    117       (let ((byte (read-u8 port)))
    118         (cond
    119          ((eof-object? byte)
    120           (error "Prematurely terminated RSV: (row, column)"
    121                  row-count
    122                  column-count))
    123          ((not (legal-rsv? byte))
    124           (error "Illegal value returned by RSV string reader: (illegal value, row, column)"
    125                  byte
    126                  row-count
    127                  column-count))
    128          ((not (null-value-byte? byte))
    129           (error "Expected a Null Byte (#xFE), instead got: (unexpected byte, row, column)"
    130                  byte
    131                  row-count
    132                  column-count))))
    134       (let ((byte (read-u8 port))) ;; Remove value terminator byte.
    135         (cond
    136          ((eof-object? byte)
    137           (error "Prematurely terminated RSV: (row, column)"
    138                  row-count
    139                  column-count))
    140          ((not (legal-rsv? byte))
    141           (error "Expected a Value-Terminator-Byte (#xFF) after a Null Byte (#xFE), instead got illegal value: (illegal value, row, column)"
    142                  byte
    143                  row-count
    144                  column-count))
    145          ((value-terminator-byte? byte)
    146           ;; Return successfully.
    147           (values row-count
    148                   (+ column-count 2)))
    149          (else
    150           (error "Expected a Value-Terminator-Byte (#xFF) after a Null Byte (#xFE), instead got illegal value: (illegal value, row, column)"
    151                  byte
    152                  row-count
    153                  column-count)))))
    155     (define (read-rsv-row row-count column-count port)
    156       (unless (binary-port? port)
    157         (error "Provided port should be a binary port."
    158                port))
    159       (let loop ((row '())
    160                  (row-count row-count)
    161                  (column-count column-count))
    162         (let ((byte (peek-u8 port)))
    163           (cond ((eof-object? byte)
    164                  (error "Prematurely terminated RSV: (row, column)"
    165                         row-count
    166                         column-count))
    167                 ((row-terminator-byte? byte) ;; End of row.
    168                  (read-u8 port)              ;; Remove row terminator.
    169                  (values (reverse row)
    170                          (+ row-count 1)
    171                          0))
    173                 ((null-value-byte? byte) ;; Field is null.
    174                  (let-values (((new-row-count new-column-count)
    175                                (read-null-value row-count column-count port)))
    176                    (loop (cons #f row)
    177                          new-row-count
    178                          new-column-count)))
    180                 ((value-terminator-byte? byte)
    181                  (read-u8 port)
    182                  (loop (cons ""
    183                              row)
    184                        row-count
    185                        (+ column-count 1)))
    187                 ((legal-utf8? byte) ;; Field is a string.
    188                  (let-values (((new-field-value new-row-count new-column-count)
    189                                (read-rsv-string row-count
    190                                                 column-count
    191                                                 port)))
    192                    (loop (cons new-field-value
    193                                row)
    194                          new-row-count
    195                          new-column-count)))
    197                 (else
    198                  (error "Illegal value returned in read-rsv-row: (illegal value, row, column)"
    199                         byte
    200                         row-count
    201                         column-count))))))
    203     (define (read-rsv port)
    204       (unless (binary-port? port)
    205         (error "Provided port should be a binary port."
    206                port))
    207       (let loop ((rows '())
    208                  (row-count 0)
    209                  (column-count 0))
    210         (let ((byte (peek-u8 port)))
    211           (cond
    212            ((eof-object? byte)
    213             (reverse rows))
    215            ((legal-rsv? byte)
    216             (let-values (((new-row new-row-count new-column-count)
    217                           (read-rsv-row row-count column-count port)))
    218               (loop (cons new-row rows)
    219                     new-row-count
    220                     new-column-count)))
    222            (else
    223             (error "Illegal value returned when reading RSV row: (illegal value, row)"
    224                    byte
    225                    row-count))))))))