
My embarrassing half assed SICP run.
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exercise-32.scm (3231B)

      1 ;; Exercise 2.32
      3 (define (exercise-2.32)
      4   (define (subsets s)
      5     (if (null? s)
      6         (list '())
      7         (let ([rest (subsets (cdr s))])
      8           (append rest
      9                   (map (lambda (x)
     10                          (cons (car s)
     11                                x))
     12                        rest)))))
     14   (subsets '())
     15   (if (null? '())
     16       (list '())
     17       (let ([rest (subsets (cdr s))])
     18         (append rest
     19                 (map (lambda (x)
     20                        (cons (car s)
     21                              x))
     22                      rest))))
     23   (list '())
     25   (subsets '(1))
     26   (if (null? '(1))
     27       (list '())
     28       (let ([rest (subsets (cdr '(1)))])
     29         (append rest
     30                 (map (lambda (x)
     31                        (cons (car '(1))
     32                              x))
     33                      rest))))
     34   (let ([rest (subsets (cdr '(1)))])
     35     (append rest
     36             (map (lambda (x)
     37                    (cons (car '(1))
     38                          x))
     39                  rest)))
     40   (let ([rest (subsets '())])
     41     (append rest
     42             (map (lambda (x)
     43                    (cons (car '(1))
     44                          x))
     45                  rest)))
     46   (append '(())
     47           (map (lambda (x)
     48                  (cons 1 x))
     49                '(())))
     50   (append '(())
     51           (list (cons 1 '())))
     52   (append (list '())
     53           (list (list 1)))
     54   (list '() (list 1))
     56   ;; We go deep into the list each time we [rest (subset (cdr s))].
     57   ;; The first rest we really get is '().
     58   ;; Then we append (list rest) to (map ... rest).
     59   ;; (map ... rest) is (map ... '()), so it's '().
     60   ;; (list rest) is '(()), so we append '(()) to '(),
     61   ;; which is '(()). We return that to the above procedure call
     62   ;; and now rest is '(()).
     63   ;; We append '(()) to (map ... '(())).
     64   ;; This time we map over a non-empty list, so the map proc
     65   ;; is important. It is (map (lambda (x) (cons (car s) x)) rest).
     66   ;; That is, we attach the current first element of s to each of
     67   ;; the elements of rest. Because this is done from the last to first
     68   ;; items of s in the subsets call stack, we first cons the last element
     69   ;; first while unwinding the callstack.
     70   ;; (map ... rest) is (list (cons (car s) '())), so (map ...)
     71   ;; is (list (list s-item-n)). rest is '(()), so attaching
     72   ;; '(()) to (list s-item-n) is (list '() (list s-item-n)).
     73   ;; We return that and assign to rest.
     74   ;; Now rest is (list '() (list s-item-n)).
     75   ;; We attach (list '() (list s-item-n)) to
     76   ;; (list (list s-item-n-1) (list s-item-n-1 s-item-n))
     77   ;; thereby getting (list '() (list s-item-n) (list s-item-n-1) (list s-item-n-1 s-item-n))
     78   ;; and we see the pattern. Each time we go up the call stack we append the previous combinations,
     79   ;; rest, to the list where s-item-i was consed to each of the elements of rest.
     80   ;; So at each point we append the list, rest, where s-item-i did not appear to the list
     81   ;; where it did appear and return that.
     82   ;; In the end we get all combinations of subsets where any particular s-item-i appared and all
     83   ;; combinations of subsets where s-item-i did not appear.
     85   (test-begin "2.32")
     86   (test-equal
     87       '(() (3) (2) (2 3) (1) (1 3) (1 2) (1 2 3))
     88     (subsets '(1 2 3)))
     89   (test-end "2.32"))
     91 (exercise-2.32)