
My embarrassing half assed SICP run.
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exercise-70.scm (2819B)

      1 (import (only (srfi :1) zip))
      2 (import (srfi :26))
      3 (import (srfi :64))
      4 (import (only (sicp utils) accumulate))
      5 (import (only (sicp solutions huffman-codes-stuff)
      6               decode
      7               encode
      8               generate-huffman-tree
      9               weight
     10               make-leaf))
     12 (define (remove-empty-strings list-of-strings)
     13   (filter (compose not
     14                    (cut equal?
     15                         ""
     16                         <>))
     17           list-of-strings))
     19 (define code-text
     20   "A    2    NA  16
     21 BOOM 1    SHA  3
     22 GET  2    YIP  9
     23 JOB  2    WAH  1")
     25 (define songs-huffman-tree
     26   (let* ([split-code-text
     27           (string-split code-text
     28                         (string->char-set "\n "))]
     29          [only-tokens-code-text
     30           (remove-empty-strings split-code-text)]
     31          [list-of-pairs (let loop ([code-list only-tokens-code-text])
     32                           (cond
     33                            ((null? code-list) '())
     34                            ((null? (cdr code-list)) '())
     35                            (else (cons (list (string->symbol (car code-list))
     36                                              (string->number (cadr code-list)))
     37                                        (loop (cddr code-list))))))]
     38          [ordered-pairs-by-weight (sort list-of-pairs
     39                                         (lambda (x y)
     40                                           (< (cadr x)
     41                                              (cadr y))))])
     42     (generate-huffman-tree ordered-pairs-by-weight)))
     44 (define song-text
     45   "Get a job
     46 Sha na na na na na na na na
     48 Get a job
     49 Sha na na na na na na na na
     51 Wah yip yip yip yip
     52 yip yip yip yip yip
     53 Sha boom")
     55 (define only-letters-song-message
     56   (remove-empty-strings
     57    (string-split (string-upcase song-text)
     58                  (string->char-set "\n "))))
     60 (define song-message
     61   (map string->symbol only-letters-song-message))
     63 (define encoded-song-message
     64   (encode song-message
     65           songs-huffman-tree))
     67 (test-begin "chapter-2-exercise-70")
     68 (test-equal
     69     84
     70   (length encoded-song-message))
     71 (test-equal
     72     992
     73   (* 8 ;; Length of message in bits is a 8 bits per byte times length of message in characters.
     74      (apply + ;; length of message in characters
     75             (cons ;; is length of spaces
     76              (- (length only-letters-song-message) ;; which is the length of message in symbols
     77                 1) ;; minus one to get the number of spaces between symbols
     78              (map string-length
     79                   only-letters-song-message))))) ;; plus the number of characters in each symbol.
     80 (test-end "chapter-2-exercise-70")
     82 ;; We count consecutive whitespaces - newline and a spacey space - as a single
     83 ;; space delimiting the symbols.
     84 ;; We also disregard letter case and casing, which is unadvised for a
     85 ;; reasonably safe journey in the land of languages.