
A "game" for the 2023 Autumn Lisp Game Jam. Won first place! (from the bottom...)
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core.scm (11073B)

      1 ;;;; core.scm
      4 (define (add-undefined var)
      5   (unless (memq var undefined)
      6     (set! undefined (cons var undefined))))
      8 (define (add-access var assign)
      9   (let ((d (get var 'defined)))
     10     (if d
     11 	(when (and (symbol? d) (not (memq d used-sections)))
     12 	  (set! used-sections (cons d used-sections)))
     13 	(add-undefined var))
     14     (cond (assign 
     15 	   (unless (get var 'assigned)
     16 	     (put! var 'assigned #t)
     17 	     (set! assigned (cons var assigned))))
     18 	  ((not (get var 'referenced))
     19 	   (put! var 'referenced #t)
     20 	   (set! referenced (cons var referenced))))))
     22 (define (canonicalize form state)
     23   (let ((looping #f)
     24 	(debug-mode (test-option 'debug state))
     25 	(xref-mode (test-option 'xref state))
     26 	(strict-mode (test-option 'strict state)))
     27     (define (match-llist? llist args)
     28       (let loop ((ll llist) (args args))
     29 	(cond ((null? ll) (null? args))
     30 	      ((symbol? ll))
     31 	      ((null? args) #f)
     32 	      (else (loop (cdr ll) (cdr args))))))
     33     (define (dotted? name)
     34       (string-find-char #\. (stringify name)))
     35     (define (normalize-ref ref)
     36       (let* ((str (stringify ref))
     37 	     (len (string-length str)))
     38 	(cond ((char=? #\. (string-ref str 0))
     39 	       (normalize-ref (substring str 1 len)))
     40 	      ((char=? #\. (string-ref str (- len 1)))
     41 	       (normalize-ref (substring str 0 (- len 1))))
     42 	      (else str))))
     43     (define (walk x e tail ldest)
     44       ;;(pp x)
     45       (match x
     46 	((or (? char?) (? number?) (? string?) (? boolean?))
     47 	 `(quote ,x))
     48 	((? symbol?)
     49 	 (if (and (not strict-mode) (dotted? x))
     50 	     (let ((str (symbol->string x)))
     51 	       (cond ((char=? #\. (string-ref str 0))
     52 		      `(%property-ref ,(normalize-ref str)))
     53 		     (else
     54 		      `(%host-ref ,(normalize-ref str)))))
     55 	     (cond ((assq x e) => cdr)
     56 		   (else
     57 		    (when xref-mode (add-access x #f))
     58 		    `(%global-ref ,x)))))
     59 	(('set! x y)
     60 	 (let ((y (walk y e #f #f)))
     61 	   (if (and (not strict-mode) (dotted? x))
     62 	       `(%host-set! ,(normalize-ref x) ,y)
     63 	       (cond ((assq x e) => (lambda (a) `(set! ,(cdr a) ,y)))
     64 		     (else
     65 		      (when xref-mode
     66 			(put! x 'assigned #t)
     67 			(add-access x #t))
     68 		      `(%global-set! ,x ,y))))))
     69 	(('quote _) x)
     70 	(('if x y) 
     71 	 `(if ,(walk x e #f #f)
     72 	      ,(walk y e tail ldest) 
     73 	      (%void)))
     74 	(('if x y z)
     75 	 `(if ,(walk x e #f #f)
     76 	      ,(walk y e tail ldest)
     77 	      ,(walk z e tail ldest)))
     78 	((('lambda _ ('%dispatch lambdas ...)) args ...)
     79 	 (let loop ((ls lambdas))
     80 	   (if (or (null? (cdr ls))
     81 		   (match-llist? (cadar ls) args))
     82 	       (walk `(,(car ls) ,@args) e tail ldest)
     83 	       (loop (cdr ls)))))
     84 	((('lambda () body ...))
     85 	 (walk `(begin ,@body) e #t ldest))
     86 	((('lambda llist body ...) args ...)
     87 	 (match-let (((vars rest) (parse-llist llist)))
     88 	   (let ((aliases (map (lambda (v) (cons v (temp))) vars)))
     89 	     (let loop ((as aliases) (vars vars) (args args))
     90 	       (cond ((null? as)
     91 		      ;; handle surplus arguments
     92 		      (let loop2 ((args args))
     93 			(if (null? args)
     94 			    (walk 
     95 			     `(begin ,@body) 
     96 			     (append aliases e)
     97 			     tail ldest)
     98 			    `(let ((%unused ,(walk (car args) e #f #f)))
     99 			       ,(loop2 (cdr args))))))
    100 		     ((eq? rest (caar as))
    101 		      `(let ((,(cdar as) ,(walk `(%list ,@args) e #f (car vars))))
    102 			 ,(loop '() '() '())))
    103 		     ((null? args)
    104 		      `(let ((,(cdar as) (%void)))
    105 			 ,(loop (cdr as) (cdr vars) '())))
    106 		     (else
    107 		      `(let ((,(cdar as) ,(walk (car args) e #f (car vars))))
    108 			 ,(loop (cdr as) (cdr vars) (cdr args)))))))))
    109 	(('lambda _ ('%dispatch lambdas ...))
    110 	 (walk (last lambdas) e tail ldest))
    111 	(('letrec () body ...)
    112 	 (walk `(begin ,@body) e tail ldest))
    113 	(('letrec ((vars vals) ...) body ...)
    114 	 (let* ((aliases (map (lambda (v) (cons v (temp))) vars))
    115 		(e2 (append aliases e)))
    116 	   (let loop1 ((as aliases))
    117 	     (if (null? as)
    118 		 (if strict-mode
    119 		     (let ((temps (map (lambda _ (temp)) aliases)))
    120 		       (let loop2 ((tmps temps) (vals vals))
    121 			 (if (null? tmps)
    122 			     (let loop3 ((as aliases) (temps temps))
    123 			       (if (null? as) 
    124 				   (walk `(begin ,@body) e2 tail #f)
    125 				   `(let ((%unused (set! ,(cdar as) ,(car temps))))
    126 				      ,(loop3 (cdr as) (cdr temps)))))
    127 			     `(let ((,(car tmps) ,(walk (car vals) e2 #f #f)))
    128 				,(loop2 (cdr tmps) (cdr vals))))))
    129 		     (let loop2 ((as aliases) (vars vars) (vals vals))
    130 		       (if (null? as) 
    131 			   (walk `(begin ,@body) e2 tail #f)
    132 			   `(let ((%unused
    133 				   (set! ,(cdar as) ,(walk (car vals) e2 #f (car vars)))))
    134 			      ,(loop2 (cdr as) (cdr vars) (cdr vals))))))
    135 		 `(let ((,(cdar as) (%void)))
    136 		    ,(loop1 (cdr as)))))))
    137 	(('%check type x)
    138 	 (if (not debug-mode)
    139 	     (walk x e tail ldest)
    140 	     `(%check ,type ,(walk x e tail ldest))))
    141 	(('%check x)
    142 	 (if (not debug-mode)
    143 	     ''#t
    144 	     (walk x e tail ldest)))
    145 	(((or '%void '%void?) args ...)
    146 	 `(,(car x) ,@(map (cut walk <> e #f #f) args)))
    147 	(('%host-ref (or ('quote name) name))
    148 	 `(%host-ref ,(normalize-ref name)))
    149 	(('%host-set! (or ('quote name) name) x)
    150 	 `(%host-set! ,(normalize-ref name) ,(walk x e #f #f)))
    151 	(('%syntax-error msg . arg)
    152 	 (apply fail msg arg))
    153 	(('%new args ...) 
    154 	 `(%new ,@(map (cut walk <> e #f #f) args)))
    155 	(('%property-ref (or ('quote name) name) x)
    156 	 `(%property-ref ,(normalize-ref name) ,(walk x e #f #f)))
    157 	(('%property-ref (or ('quote name) name))
    158 	 `(%property-ref ,(normalize-ref name)))
    159 	(('%property-set! (or ('quote name) name) x y)
    160 	 `(%property-set!
    161 	   ,(normalize-ref name)
    162 	   ,(walk x e #f #f)
    163 	   ,(walk y e #f #f)))
    164 	(('%inline (or name ('quote name)) xs ...) 
    165 	 `(%inline ,name ,@(map (cut walk <> e #f #f) xs)))
    166 	(((or '%native-lambda '%code) code ...) x)
    167 	(('begin x) (walk x e tail ldest))
    168 	(('begin) '(%void))
    169 	(('begin x1 . more)
    170 	 `(let ((%unused ,(walk x1 e #f #f)))
    171 	    ,(walk `(begin ,@more) e tail ldest)))
    172 	(('lambda llist body ...)
    173 	 (set! looping #f)
    174 	 (match-let (((vars rest) (parse-llist llist)))
    175 	   (let* ((aliases (map (lambda (v) (cons v (temp))) vars))
    176 		  (newllist
    177 		   (append 
    178 		    (map cdr (if rest (butlast aliases) aliases))
    179 		    (if rest
    180 			(cdr (assq rest aliases))
    181 			'()))))
    182 	     `(lambda ,newllist
    183 		,(fluid-let ((looping #t))
    184 		   ;; walking body checks for self-call in tail-pos. and sets `looping'
    185 		   (let ((body (walk `(begin ,@body) (append aliases e) #t ldest)))
    186 		     (if looping
    187 			 `(%loop ,newllist ,body)
    188 			 body)))))))
    189 	(('define v x)
    190 	 (when (and xref-mode
    191 		    (not (get v 'defined)))
    192 	   (put! v 'defined #t)
    193 	   (set! defined (cons v defined)))
    194 	 `(%global-set! ,v ,(walk x e #f #f)))
    195 	;;XXX we actually have to check `op' for not being a special form name
    196 	((op args ...)
    197 	 (cond ((and tail (symbol? op) (eq? op ldest)) ; tail + self call?
    198 		`(%continue ,@(map (cut walk <> e #f #f) x)))
    199 	       (else
    200 		(set! looping #f)
    201 		(map (cut walk <> e #f #f) x))))
    202 	(_ (fail "bad expression" x))))
    203     (walk form '() #t #f)))
    205 ;; CPS-conversion algorithm from "Essentials of Programming Languages"
    206 (define (cps form)
    207   (let ((toplambdas '()))
    208     (define (zero x)
    209       (let ((k (temp "k")))
    210 	`(lambda (,k) ,(one x k))))	; Cpgm
    211     (define (one x k)
    212       (match x
    213 	(('let ((v x)) y)		; canonicalizer only generates single-var `let'
    214 	 (if (simple? x)
    215 	     `(let ((,v ,(two x)))	; Clet
    216 		,(one y k))
    217 	     (let ((t (temp)))		; Chead
    218 	       (one x `(lambda (,t)
    219 			 (let ((,v ,t))
    220 			   ,(one y k)))))))
    221 	((? simple?)
    222 	 (callk k (lambda () x)))
    223 	;; from here on `x' is non-simple
    224 	(((or 'set! '%global-set! '%host-set!) v y)
    225 	 (let ((t (temp)))
    226 	   (one y `(lambda (,t)		; Chead
    227 		     (let ((%unused (,(car x) ,v ,t)))
    228 		       ,(callk k (lambda () '(%void))))))))
    229 	(('if x y z)
    230 	 (bindk
    231 	  k
    232 	  (lambda (k)		; Cif
    233 	    (if (simple? x)
    234 		`(if ,(two x)
    235 		     ,(one y k)
    236 		     ,(one z k))
    237 		(let ((t (temp)))		; Chead
    238 		  (one x `(lambda (,t)
    239 			    (if ,t 
    240 				,(one y k)
    241 				,(one z k)))))))))
    242 	(('%loop llist x) `(%loop ,llist ,(one x k)))
    243 	(('%continue args ...)
    244 	 (head
    245 	  args
    246 	  (lambda (args2)
    247 	    `(%continue ,(car args2) ,k ,@(cdr args2)))))
    248 	(((or '%property-set! '%inline) info xs ...)
    249 	  ;; simple %inline/%property-set! form is already handled above
    250 	 (head 
    251 	  xs
    252 	  (lambda (xs2)
    253 	    (callk k (lambda () `(,(car x) ,info ,@xs2))))))
    254 	(('%check type x)		; s.a.
    255 	 (head 
    256 	  (list x)
    257 	  (lambda (xs2)
    258 	    (callk k (lambda () `(%check ,type ,@xs2))))))
    259 	(('%new args ...)
    260 	 (head
    261 	  args
    262 	  (lambda (args2)
    263 	    (callk k (lambda () `(%new ,@args2))))))
    264 	(((? simple?) ...)		; Capp
    265 	 (cons (two (car x)) (cons k (map two (cdr x)))))
    266 	((xs ...)
    267 	 (head
    268 	  xs
    269 	  (lambda (xs2) (cons (car xs2) (cons k (cdr xs2))))))
    270 	(else (error "one" x k))))
    271     (define (two x)
    272       (match x
    273 	((? symbol?) x)
    274 	(('lambda llist body)		; Cproc
    275 	 (let ((k (temp "k")))
    276 	   `(lambda (,k . ,llist) ,(one body k))))
    277 	(('if xs ...) `(if ,@(map two xs)))
    278 	(((or '%inline '%property-set!) info xs ...) 
    279 	 `(,(car x) ,info ,@(map two xs)))
    280 	(((or 'set! '%global-set! '%check) v y) `(,(car x) ,v ,(two y)))
    281 	(((or 'quote '%host-ref '%code '%native-lambda '%void) . _) x)
    282 	(('%property-ref parts) x)
    283 	(((or '%host-set! '%property-ref) parts y) 
    284 	 `(,(car x) ,parts ,(two y)))
    285 	(('let ((var x)) y)
    286 	 `(let ((,var ,(two x))) ,(two y)))
    287 	(((or '%new '%continue '%void?) xs ...) `(,(car x) ,@(map two xs)))
    288 	((xs ...) (map two xs))
    289 	(_ (error "two" x))))
    290     (define (bindk k proc)
    291       (if (symbol? k)
    292 	  (proc k)
    293 	  (let ((t (temp)))
    294 	    `(let ((,t ,k))
    295 	       ,(proc t)))))
    296     (define (callk k thunk)
    297       (if (symbol? k)
    298 	  `(,k ,(two (thunk)))	      ; Csimplevar
    299 	  (let ((v (caadr k)))	      ; Csimpleproc
    300 	    `(let ((,v ,(two (thunk))))     ;XXX must we `two' here as well?
    301 	       ,(caddr k)))))
    302     (define (head xs wrap)
    303       (let loop ((xs xs) (xs2 '()))	; Chead
    304 	(if (null? xs)
    305 	    (wrap (reverse xs2))
    306 	    (let ((x (car xs)))
    307 	      (if (simple? x)
    308 		  (loop (cdr xs) (cons (two x) xs2))
    309 		  (let ((t (temp)))
    310 		    (one x `(lambda (,t) 
    311 			      ,(loop (cdr xs) (cons t xs2))))))))))
    312     (define (simple? x)
    313       (match x
    314 	(((or '%host-ref '%code 'lambda 'quote '%global-ref '%void
    315 	      '%native-lambda) . _)
    316 	 #t)
    317 	(('%property-ref _) #t)
    318 	(((or '%host-set! '%property-ref) _ x) (simple? x))
    319 	((? symbol?) #t)
    320 	(('if (? simple?) ...) #t)
    321 	(('%void? (? simple?)) #t)
    322 	(('let ((_ (? simple?))) (? simple?)) #t)
    323 	(((or 'set! '%inline '%global-set! '%check '%new '%property-set!) _ (? simple?) ...)
    324 	 #t)
    325 	(((or '%loop '%continue) . _) #f)
    326 	(_ #f)))
    327     (define (sequence parts)
    328       (let loop ((parts parts))
    329 	(if (null? (cdr parts))
    330 	    (car parts)
    331 	    `(let (,(car parts))
    332 	       ,(loop (cdr parts))))))
    333     (define (toplambda parts)
    334       (set! toplambdas (cons (zero (sequence parts)) toplambdas)))
    335     (define (top x parts)
    336       ;; perform "clustering": build groups of toplevel forms
    337       ;; transformed together to reduce function nesting
    338       ;; XXX is this still needed, or does this pay off?
    339       (match x
    340 	(('let ((_ (? simple?))) y)
    341 	 (top y (cons (caadr x) parts)))
    342 	(('let (('%unused z)) y)
    343 	 (toplambda (reverse (cons z parts)))
    344 	 (top y '()))
    345 	(_ (toplambda
    346 	    (if (null? parts)
    347 		(list x)
    348 		(reverse (cons x parts)))))))
    349     (top form '())
    350     (reverse toplambdas)))