
A "game" for the 2023 Autumn Lisp Game Jam. Won first place! (from the bottom...)
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honu.scm (5203B)

      1 ;;; honu.scm - "honu"-syntax reader
      4 (define read-honu
      5   (let ((comma (string->symbol ","))
      6 	(semicolon (string->symbol ";"))
      7 	(operator-chars
      8 	 '(#\- #\+ #\/ #\? #\: #\* #\% #\& #\! #\. #\~ #\_ #\| #\> #\< #\= #\^) ))
      9     (define (read-token pred . port)
     10       (let* ((port (optional port (current-input-port)))
     11 	     (out (open-output-string)))
     12 	(let loop ()
     13 	  (let ([c (peek-char port)])
     14 	    (cond ((and (not (eof-object? c)) (pred c))
     15 		   (write-char (read-char port) out)
     16 		   (loop) )
     17 		  (else (get-output-string out) ) ) ) ) ) )
     18     (define (read-line . port)
     19       (let ((in (optional port (current-input-port))))
     20 	(let loop ((chars '()))
     21 	  (let ((c (read-char in)))
     22 	    (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (char=? #\newline c))
     23 		   (list->string (reverse chars)))
     24 		  (else (loop (cons c chars))))))))
     25     (define (reverse-list->string lst)
     26       (list->string (reverse lst)))
     27     (lambda port
     28       (let ((port (optional port (current-input-port))))
     29 	(define (err msg . args)
     30 	  (apply error 'read-honu msg args))
     31 	(define (opchar? c) (memv c operator-chars))
     32 	(define (skip)
     33 	  (let ((c (peek-char port)))
     34 	    (cond ((eof-object? c) c)
     35 		  ((char-whitespace? c)
     36 		   (read-char port)
     37 		   (skip) )
     38 		  ((char=? #\/ c)
     39 		   (read-char port)
     40 		   (let ((c (peek-char port)))
     41 		     (case c
     42 		       ((#\/) 
     43 			(read-line port)
     44 			(skip) )
     45 		       ((#\*) (skip-comment) (skip))
     46 		       (else
     47 			(if (opchar? c)
     48 			    (let ((s (read-token opchar? port)))
     49 			      (string->symbol (string-append "/" s) ) )
     50 			    '/) ) ) ) )
     51 		  (else #f) ) ) )
     52 	(define (scan)
     53 	  (or (skip)
     54 	      (let ((c (peek-char port)))
     55 		(if (eof-object? c)
     56 		    (err "unexpected end of input")
     57 		    (case c
     58 		      ((#\#)
     59 		       (read-char port)
     60 		       (let ((c (peek-char port)))
     61 			 (case c
     62 			   ((#\;)
     63 			    (read-char port)
     64 			    (let* ((x1 (scan))
     65 				   (x2 (scan)) )
     66 			      (if x1
     67 				  x2
     68 				  (scan) ) ) )
     69 			   (else
     70 			    (let ((t (read-token char-alphabetic? port)))
     71 			      (cond ((string=? "hx" t) (scan))
     72 				    ((string=? "sx" t) (read port)) 
     73 				    (else (err "invalid escape syntax" t)) ) ) ) ) ) )
     74 		      ((#\') 
     75 		       (read-char port)
     76 		       (let ((s (read-escaped (lambda (c) (char=? #\' c)))))
     77 			 (if (zero? (string-length s))
     78 			     (err "empty character literal")
     79 			     (string-ref s 0) ) ) )
     80 		      ((#\,) (read-char port) comma)
     81 		      ((#\;) (read-char port) semicolon)
     82 		      ((#\") (read-char port) (read-escaped (lambda (c) (char=? #\" c))))
     83 		      ((#\() (read-char port) (read-sequence '%parens #\)))
     84 		      ((#\[) (read-char port) (read-sequence '%brackets #\]))
     85 		      ((#\{) (read-char port) (read-sequence '%braces #\}))
     86 		      ((#\) #\] #\}) (err "unexpected closing delimiter" c))
     87 		      (else
     88 		       (cond ((char-numeric? c) (read-num))
     89 			     ((or (char-alphabetic? c) 
     90 				  (char=? c #\_)
     91 				  (char=? c #\$))
     92 			      (string->symbol
     93 			       (read-token
     94 				(lambda (c)
     95 				  (or (char-alphabetic? c)
     96 				      (char-numeric? c)
     97 				      (char=? #\_ c)
     98 				      (char=? #\$ c)))
     99 				port) ) )
    100 			     ((opchar? c) (string->symbol (read-token opchar? port)))
    101 			     (else (err "invalid character" c)) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
    102 	(define (read-num)
    103 	  (string->number
    104 	   (let ((e #f)
    105 		 (d #f))
    106 	     (let loop ((lst '()))
    107 	       (let ((c (peek-char port)))
    108 		 (if (eof-object? c)
    109 		     (reverse-list->string lst)
    110 		     (case c 
    111 		       ((#\e #\E)
    112 			(cond (e (reverse-list->string lst))
    113 			      (else
    114 			       (set! e #t)
    115 			       (read-char port)
    116 			       (case (peek-char port)
    117 				 ((#\+ #\-) (loop (cons (read-char port) lst)))
    118 				 (else (reverse-list->string lst)) ) ) ) )
    119 		       ((#\.)
    120 			(cond (d (reverse-list->string lst))
    121 			      (else
    122 			       (set! d #t)
    123 			       (loop (cons (read-char port) lst)))))
    124 		       (else
    125 			(if (char-numeric? c)
    126 			    (loop (cons (read-char port) lst))
    127 			    (reverse-list->string lst) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
    128 	(define (read-escaped pred)
    129 	  (with-input-from-string
    130 	      (with-output-to-string
    131 		(lambda ()
    132 		  (write-char #\")
    133 		  (let loop ()
    134 		    (let ((c (read-char port)))
    135 		      (cond ((eof-object? c) (err "unexpected end of character sequence"))
    136 			    ((pred c))
    137 			    ((char=? #\\ c)
    138 			     (write-char #\\)
    139 			     (write-char (read-char port))
    140 			     (loop) )
    141 			    (else 
    142 			     (write-char c)
    143 			     (loop) ) ) ) )
    144 		  (write-char #\") ) )
    145 	    read))
    146 	(define (skip-comment)
    147 	  (let ((c (read-char port)))
    148 	    (if (eof-object? c)
    149 		(err "unexpected end of comment")
    150 		(case c
    151 		  ((#\*)
    152 		   (let loop ()
    153 		     (case (read-char port)
    154 		       ((#\*) (loop))
    155 		       ((#\/) #f)
    156 		       (else (skip-comment)) ) ))
    157 		  ((#\/)
    158 		   (case (read-char port)
    159 		     ((#\*) (skip-comment) (skip-comment))
    160 		     (else (skip-comment)) ) )
    161 		  (else (skip-comment)) ) ) ) )
    162 	(define (read-sequence tok del)
    163 	  (cons
    164 	   tok
    165 	   (let loop ((lst '()))
    166 	     (let ((s (skip)))
    167 	       (if (and s (not (eof-object? s)))
    168 		   (loop (cons s lst))
    169 		   (let ((c (peek-char port)))
    170 		     (cond ((eof-object? c) (err "unexpected end of sequence"))
    171 			   ((char=? del c)
    172 			    (read-char port)
    173 			    (reverse lst) )
    174 			   (else (loop (cons (scan) lst))) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
    175 	(scan) ))))