
A "game" for the 2023 Autumn Lisp Game Jam. Won first place! (from the bottom...)
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opt.scm (8007B)

      1 ;;;; opt.scm - optimizer
      4 (define (optimize form state)
      5   (let-syntax ((result
      6 		(syntax-rules ()
      7 		  ((_ (a b c) x body ...)
      8 		   (match-let ((#(a b c) x)) body ...)))))
      9     (let ((debug (test-option 'debug state))
     10 	  (block (test-option 'block state))
     11 	  (local-env #f))
     12       ;; (walk FORM ENV DEST LOC) -> #(FORM' VALUE SIDEEFFECT?)
     13       ;;
     14       ;;   ENV = ((<variable1> <value1> <used?>) ...)
     15       ;;   VALUE = '<const> | <variable> | #f | (%void)
     16       (define (walk form e dest loc)
     17 	(define (return form val se?)
     18 	  ;;(pp `(RETURN: ,form ,val ,se?))
     19 	  (vector form val se?))
     20 	;;(pp `(WALK: ,form))
     21 	(match form
     22 	  ;; * propagate variable value, if known
     23 	  ((? symbol?)
     24 	   (let ((px (propagate form form #f)))
     25 	     (cond ((and (symbol? px) (assq px e)) =>
     26 		    (lambda (a) (set-car! (cddr a) #t)))) ; mark as used
     27 	     (return 
     28 	      (if (eq? px form)
     29 		  form
     30 		  (note
     31 		   loc state
     32 		   px
     33 		   (string-append
     34 		    "replaced reference to `" (symbol->string form) "' with: ")
     35 		   px))
     36 	      form #f)))
     37 	  ;; * "straighten" `let' forms
     38 	  ;;
     39 	  ;;XXX disabled, because it results in too deeply nested
     40 	  ;;    functions (r4rstest.scm), even for v8
     41 ;; 	  (('let ((v1 ('let ((v2 x)) z))) y)
     42 ;; 	   (walk `(let ((,v2 ,x)) ; alpha-conversion should make this safe
     43 ;; 		    (let ((,v1 ,z)) ,y))
     44 ;; 		 e dest loc))
     45 	  ;; * remove side-effect free unused bindings
     46 	  (('let (('%unused x)) y)
     47 	   (result
     48 	    (x2 vx se) (walk x e #f loc)
     49 	    (if se
     50 		(result 
     51 		 (y2 yv yse) (walk y e dest loc)
     52 		 (return
     53 		  `(let ((%unused ,x2))
     54 		     ,y2)
     55 		  yv #t))
     56 		(note
     57 		 loc state
     58 		 (walk y e dest loc)
     59 		 "removed side-effect free expression: " x2))))
     60 	  ;; * remove unused bindings
     61 	  (('let ((v x)) y)
     62 	   (result
     63 	    (x2 xv xse) (walk x e v loc)
     64 	    (let ((b (list v xv #f)))
     65 	      (fluid-let ((local-env (cons b local-env)))
     66 		(result
     67 		 (y2 yv yse) (walk y (cons b e) dest loc)
     68 		 (return
     69 		  (cond ((caddr b)	; variable used?
     70 			 `(let ((,v ,x2))
     71 			    ,y2))
     72 			(xse		; unused, but bound value has side-effect?
     73 			 `(let ((%unused ,x2))
     74 			    ,y2))
     75 			(else 
     76 			 (note loc state y2 "removed unused binding: " v)))
     77 		  yv
     78 		  (or xse yse)))))))
     79 	  (('quote c) (return form form #f))
     80 	  ;; * remove self-assignment
     81 	  (('set! v x)
     82 	   (result
     83 	    (x2 xv _) (walk x e v loc)
     84 	    (cond ((eq? v x2)
     85 		   (note
     86 		    loc state
     87 		    (return '(%void) '(%void) #f)
     88 		    "removing self-assignment: " v))
     89 		  (else
     90 		   (cond ((and xv (assq v local-env)) =>
     91 			  (lambda (a)	; assign new value, if local
     92 			    (set-car! (cddr a) #t) ; mark as used
     93 			    (set-car! (cdr a) xv)))
     94 			 ((assq v e) =>	; otherwise invalidate
     95 			  (lambda (a)
     96 			    (set-car! (cddr a) #t)
     97 			    (set-car! (cdr a) #f))))
     98 		   (return `(set! ,v ,x2) '(%void) #t)))))
     99 	  ;;
    100 	  (('lambda llist body)
    101 	   (match-let (((vars _) (parse-llist llist)))
    102 	     (fluid-let ((local-env (map (cut list <> #f #f) vars)))
    103 	       (result
    104 		(body2 _ _) 
    105 		(walk body (append local-env e) #f dest)
    106 		(let ((form2 `(lambda ,llist ,body2)))
    107 		  (return form2 #f #f))))))
    108 	  ;;
    109 	  (('%void) (return form form #f))
    110 	  ;; * replace with constant, if argument known to be void or non-void
    111 	  (('%void? x)
    112 	   (result
    113 	    (x2 xv se?) (walk x e #f loc)
    114 	    (match xv
    115 	      ('(%void) 
    116 	       (note
    117 		loc state
    118 		(return
    119 		 (if se? 
    120 		     `(let ((%unused ,x2)) ''#t)
    121 		     ''#t)
    122 		 ''#t
    123 		 se?)
    124 		"removed voidness-test (true)"))
    125 	      (('quote _) 
    126 	       (note 
    127 		loc state
    128 		(return
    129 		 (if se? 
    130 		     `(let ((%unused ,x2)) ''#f)
    131 		     ''#f)
    132 		 ''#f
    133 		 se?)
    134 		"removed voidness-test (false)"))
    135 	      (_ (return `(%void? ,x2) #f se?)))))
    136 	  ;; * "straighten" binding inside condition
    137 	  (('if ('let binding x) . more)
    138 	   (let ((t (temp)))
    139 	     (walk
    140 	      `(let ,binding 
    141 		 (let ((,t ,x))
    142 		   (if ,t ,@more)))
    143 	      e dest loc)))
    144 	  ;; * replace side-effect free known condition and/or side-effect free branches
    145 	  (('if x y z)
    146 	   (result 
    147 	    (x2 xv xse) (walk x e #f loc)
    148 	    (cond ((and (pair? xv) (eq? 'quote (car xv))) ; constant condition?
    149 		   (let ((b (if (cadr xv) y z)))
    150 		     (note 
    151 		      loc state
    152 		      (if xse
    153 			  (result ; execute condition, but ignore result
    154 			   (b2 bv bse) (walk b e dest loc)
    155 			   (return
    156 			    `(let ((%unused ,x2)) ,b2)
    157 			    b2 #t))
    158 			  (note
    159 			   loc state
    160 			   (walk b e dest loc)	; drop alternative branch
    161 			   "removed side-effect free conditional branch for: " x2))
    162 		      "constant condition in conditional: " x2)))
    163 		  (else
    164 		   (result
    165 		    (y2 yv yse) (walk y e dest loc)
    166 		    (result
    167 		     (z2 zv zse) (walk z e dest loc)
    168 		     (return
    169 		      `(if ,x2 ,y2 ,z2)
    170 		      #f 
    171 		      (or xse yse zse))))))))
    172 	  ;;
    173 	  (('%host-ref _) 
    174 	   (return form #f debug))
    175 	  ;;
    176 	  (('%host-set! p x)
    177 	   (result 
    178 	    (x2 xv xse) (walk x e p loc)
    179 	    (return `(%host-set! ,p ,x2) #f #t)))
    180 	  ;;
    181 	  (('%property-ref _)
    182 	   (return form #f debug))
    183 	  ;;
    184 	  (('%check type x) 
    185 	   ;;XXX remove unneeded `%check's (constant known value)
    186 	   (result 
    187 	    (x2 xv xse) (walk x e dest loc)
    188 	    (return `(%check ,type ,x2) #f (or xse debug))))
    189 	  ;; ((%property-ref PARTS) X) ~> (%property-ref PARTS X)
    190 	  ((('%property-ref parts) x)
    191 	   (walk `(%property-ref ,parts ,x) e dest loc))
    192 	  ;;
    193 	  (('%property-ref parts x) 
    194 	   (result 
    195 	    (x2 xv xse) (walk x e dest loc)
    196 	    (return `(%property-ref ,parts ,x2) #f (or xse debug))))
    197 	  ;;
    198 	  (('%property-set! p x y)
    199 	   (result 
    200 	    (x2 _ xse) (walk x e #f loc)
    201 	    (result 
    202 	     (y2 _ yse) (walk y e p loc)
    203 	     (return `(%property-set! ,p ,x2 ,y2) #f #t))))
    204 	  ;;
    205 	  (('%code . code)
    206 	   (return form #f #t))
    207 	  ;;
    208 	  (('%native-lambda . code)
    209 	   (return form #f #f))
    210 	  ;;
    211 	  (('%inline name args ...)
    212 	   (result
    213 	    (xs _ _) (walk-many args e loc)
    214 	    (return `(%inline ,name ,@xs) #f #t)))
    215 	  ;;
    216 	  (('%new args ...)
    217 	   (result
    218 	    (xs _ _) (walk-many args e loc)
    219 	    (return `(%new ,@xs) #f #t)))
    220 	  ;;
    221 	  (('%global-ref _)
    222 	   (return form #f debug))
    223 	  ;; * remove global, if unused, if in block-mode and value has no side-effects
    224 	  ;; * remove self-assignment
    225 	  (('%global-set! v x)		
    226 	   (result
    227 	    (x2 _ se) (walk x e v loc)
    228 	    (cond ((eq? v x2)
    229 		   (note 
    230 		    loc state 
    231 		    (return '(%void) '(%void) #f)
    232 		    "removing global self-assignment: " v))
    233 		  ((and block (not se)
    234 			(not (memq v referenced)))
    235 		   (set! dropped (cons v dropped))
    236 		   (note
    237 		    loc state
    238 		    (return '(%void) '(%void) #f)
    239 		    "dropped unused global variable assignment: "
    240 		    v))
    241 		  (else
    242 		   (return `(%global-set! ,v ,x2) '(%void) #t)))))
    243 	  ;;
    244 	  (('%loop llist body)
    245 	   (result 
    246 	    (x2 xv xse) (walk body e dest loc)
    247 	    (return `(%loop ,llist ,x2) xv xse)))
    248 	  ;;
    249 	  (('%continue . xs)
    250 	   (result 
    251 	    (xs2 _ se) (walk-many xs e loc)
    252 	    (return `(%continue ,@xs2) #f se))) ;XXX se?
    253 	  ;;
    254 	  ((op args ...)
    255 	   (for-each (lambda (a) (set-car! (cdr a) #f)) e) ; invalidate all variables in env
    256 	   (result
    257 	    (xs2 _ se) (walk-many form e loc) ;XXX should we re-walk if op changed?
    258 	    (return xs2 #f #t)))
    259 	  (_ (error "opt: invalid form" form))))
    260       (define (walk-many forms e loc)
    261 	(let loop ((forms forms) (xs '()) (vs '()) (se #f))
    262 	  (if (null? forms)
    263 	      (vector (reverse xs) (reverse vs) se)
    264 	      (result
    265 	       (x2 xv xse) (walk (car forms) e #f loc)
    266 	       (loop (cdr forms) 
    267 		     (cons x2 xs)
    268 		     (cons xv vs)
    269 		     (or se xse))))))
    270       ;; replace expression with known value, if possible and no side effects are caused
    271       (define (propagate exp val se)
    272 	(if se
    273 	    exp
    274 	    (let loop ((val val))
    275 	      (cond ((and (pair? val) 
    276 			  (or (and (eq? 'quote (car val))
    277 				   ;; do not propagate complex constants
    278 				   (not (pair? (cadr val)))
    279 				   (not (vector? (cadr val))))
    280 			      (eq? '%void (car val))))
    281 		     val)
    282 		    ((and (symbol? val) (assq val local-env)) =>
    283 		     (lambda (a)
    284 		       (if (cadr a)
    285 			   (loop (cadr a))
    286 			   val)))
    287 		    (else exp)))))
    288       (result
    289        (form2 _ _) (walk form '() #f #f)
    290        form2))))