A superflat vector drawing of a ceramic throne.
Kaka Farm!

The Kaka Farm Blog!

Making Quicksilver and friends play nice with wasm32.

Date published:


This technology is indistinguishable from magic. I am merely recalling which spells and incantations worked for me. If you have anything to add, you can reach me on https://gitgud.io/yuvallanger/kaka.farm/ or https://gitlab.com/yuvallanger/kaka.farm/.

Several months ago, writing a Flappy Bird clone called Rectangly Rect, I have done a bunch of asking around and found exactly which parts don't work and how to replace them. Yesterday, trying to adapt YasamSim to the web, I have re-discovered those workarounds, and decided to write this down.


First thing, drop all of your println!s. For some esoteric reason, this function throws a wrench into the web's machinery. Same goes for std::time::Instance::now(). For now I just dropped all calls to now(), maybe I could ask the browser manually with whatever function Javascript has, or maybe there is a more standardized std alternative for the web - I don't know.

In order to replace println!, I had to add to Cargo.toml a general dependency for the crate log, an entry for every target that is not wasm32 for the crate env_logger, and an entry for the crate web_logger for the wasm32 target:

log = "0.4"

env_logger = "0.6"

web_logger = "0.1"

In src/logging.rs, conditionally compile a different init_logger() function for each platform, wasm32 and not-wasm32:

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub fn init_logger() {

#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub fn init_logger() {

In src/main.rs, call the init_logger() defined in the logging.rs sub-module at the head of your main() function:

mod logging;

fn main() {

Now you can call info!(), error!(), warn!(), etc., as described in https://docs.rs/log/0.4/log/.

If you also debug it in your native target, you can also provide the RUST_LOG environment variable, as per https://docs.rs/env_logger/0.6/env_logger/'s documentation, in your command line incantations:

$ RUST_LOG=DEBUG cargo run

Sequentialize SPECS.

For some more esoteric reasons, probably something to do with threads, I had to rewrite how I run my specs::Systems , and how specs::Systems written.

Dispatching specs::Dispatcher.

One normally builds a dependency graph of specs::Systems using something like:

fn make_specs_dispatcher() -> specs::Dispatcher<'static, 'static> {

struct OurGameState {
    specs_world: specs::World,
    specs_dispatcher: specs::Dispatcher,

impl State for OurGameState {
    fn new() -> Result<World> {
        let specs_world = make_specs_world_and_register_components(); // Implemented elsewhere…
        let specs_dispatcher = make_specs_dispatcher();

            OurGameState {
    fn update(&mut self, window: &mut Window) -> Result<()> {
        let system_foo = SystemFoo;
        let system_bar = SystemBar;

    [imagine the rest of the quicksilver::lifecycle::State methods implemented here…]

In this example SystemBar depends on the state of the specs::World left by SystemFoo after it does its thing.

Instead of using this Dispatcher as described in https://slide-rs.github.io/specs/03_dispatcher.html, you do this in your quicksilver::lifecycle::State::update()

struct OurGameState {
    specs_world: specs::World,

impl State for OurGameState {
    fn new() -> Result<World> {
        let specs_world = make_specs_world_and_register_components(); // Implemented elsewhere…

            OurGameState {

    fn update(&mut self, window: &mut Window) -> Result<()> {
        let system_foo = SystemFoo;
        let system_bar = SystemBar;

    [imagine the rest of the quicksilver::lifecycle::State methods implemented here…]

But in order to sequentialize how you deal with specs, you'd need to change one more thing:

Lay off specs::LazyUpdater.

If you do anything with specs::LazyUpdate, you would have to convert it into another form, interacting with your Component Storages directly with WriteStorage or whatever.

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Kaka Farm by Yuval Langer is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International