A superflat vector drawing of a ceramic throne.
Kaka Farm!

The Kaka Farm Blog!

The Gemini protocol is a Dadaist multimedia art installation impotently raging against the enshittification of the World Wide Web.

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A steaming hot take from the bottom of the Ceramic Throne:

The Gemini protocol is a Dadaist art installation. And as the Dadaists impotently raged against what they had perceived to be an unjust war a hundred or so years ago1, so do the new Dadaists, the Gemini developers and users impotently rage against the enshittification of the World Wide Web. The reason it exists is because it feels nice to be doing something, even when it is empirically ineffective.

Also, I keep misspelling it as "Dataism" due to muscle memory, but this mistake seems to be a rather good name for Gemini and the Small Web art movements………

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Kaka Farm by Yuval Langer is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International