A superflat vector drawing of a ceramic throne.
Kaka Farm!

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Scheme Macro Guides For A Myriad of Neurological and Emotional Afflictions

Date published:

Scheme macros seem to fascinate and attract unhinged people from across the globe, resulting in a series of guides dedicated to the craft of macros for a wide range of brain afflications.

Some examples follow and may be updated in the future.

An Advanced Syntax-Rules Primer for the Mildly Insane by Al Petrofsky:


Various comp.lang.scheme discussions:


mnieper's Extending a Language

The web page:


and the source repository:


JRM's Syntax-rules Primer for the Merely Eccentric

A cleaned up version by the talented Zipheir:


Some other(?) versions:


If you dislike beautifully rendered text files and prefer using uncomfortable PDF files that can never quite fit on a screen or on an e-ink portable device, and do not work well with text-to-speech engines:


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Kaka Farm by Yuval Langer is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International