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Kaka Farm!

The Kaka Farm Blog!

The First Video About CSJ by Thunderf00t?

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Dr. Phil E. Mason, known under the monicker "Thunderf00t", is a long time (almost 20 years now?) science communicator on Youtube and an academic chemist. Along the way he has seen and commented on many of the great mental malignancies of the Western world. One of these things was the flowering of the CSJ Blight.

I was wondering what was the first Thunderf00t video concerning this Blight and it seems that it started, at least for Mason, with Dr. P.Z. Myers and his ironically named Free Thought Blogs. Myers was very much like Mason, criticising the various ills of religion and other New Atheist this-or-thats, but in text-form rather than video-form, writing on his blog - Pharyngula.

Eventually some of these New Atheists decided to congregate within their own blog hosting platform they called Free Thought Blogs. At a certain point Mason also joined, but after a very short stay they kicked him out for having reasoned opinions, what else...

So here it is, published on 2012-07-05, the first video of the Thunderf00t CSJ arc:

PZ Myers and the Art of Shameless Dishonesty.

Now, looking back at the unfolding events since around that time and culminating with the recent CSJ calls for genocide……… oh boy, what a ride, and it isn't over yet……… ……… ………

You know, I have an advice for you:

Don't get born in interesting times.

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