A superflat vector drawing of a ceramic throne.
Kaka Farm!

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GNU Emacs Advice Function Removal Before Dawn

Date published:

The following function definition removes every advice-function from an advised-function.

(defun kakafarm/advice-unadvise (function)
  "Remove every advice-function from FUNCTION."
   (lambda (advice-function properties-alist)
     (advice-remove function

Let's say you add the following advice to the scratch-buffer command so that the *scratch* buffer would switch to text-mode each time you run scratch-buffer:

(advice-add 'scratch-buffer
            (lambda ()

Maybe you also add more advice functions interactively to the scratch-buffer function it's a big mess. You want to remove all the advice functions, so you run:

(kakafarm/advice-unadvise 'scratch-buffer)
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Kaka Farm by Yuval Langer is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International