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Wrote Guix Package Definitions For Srfi-235 (Combinators) And Srfi-253 (Type Checking).

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They are both on my Guix channel as guile-srfi-235 and guile-srfi-253. They're meant for use in the GNU Guile Scheme implementation.

The definitions are in the ./kakafarm/packages/guile-xyz.scm file.

SRFI-235 was finalised in 2023, but SRFI-253 is still in draft form, so it may still change drastically until its deadline, which is in 2024-10-12, about a month from now, please submit your gripes and suggestions as described in https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-253/!

I also submitted the SRFI-235 package definition as a patch to the official Guix channel: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=73096

I want to use SRFI-235 as a way to comfortably define types, as suggested in the SRFI-253 document, so I went through this packaging yak shaving. Hopefully it'll be useful to others.

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