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Kaka Farm!

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Gary Gygax of Dungeons And Dragons Fame Was A Funny Guy.

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A comment on Youtube by username @cowpercoles1194 wrote about a funny bit Gary Gygax did in his own game guidebooks:

Back in the 70s, Gygax was criticized for including tons of unnecessary tables in the D&D rules. When he wrote the Urban Random Encounter table in the DMG, he added a "Harlot subclass table" so the DM could roll up exactly what kind of Harlot the party randomly encountered in a city. Then he flipped through a thesaurus to find a bunch of flowery adjectives as descriptions. The whole thing was a joke --it was a ridiculous 'easter egg' hidden in the back of the DMG, with the hopes that when a DM rolled an encounter and flipped to the page, they were presented with a ridiculous table complete with completely unnecessary procedures to follow. The only thing more ridiculous than this table, is actually taking it seriously.

This is great, innit?

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