
A steaming hot pile of sh...ell scripts and configuration files.
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termux-url-opener (427B)

      1 fbreader_save_dir="$HOME/storage/shared/Books/web2fbreader"
      2 url="$1"
      3 printf "book, img, vid, msc? "
      4 cmd="$(python3 -c 'print(input())')"
      5 case "$cmd" in
      6         book) curl -o "${fbreader_save_dir}/$(date --rfc-3=sec).html" "$url";;
      7         img) cd "${img_save_dir}" && wget -m -np -l 1 "$url";;
      8         vid) cd "${vid_save_dir}" && wget -m -np -l 1 "$url";;
      9         msc) cd "${music_save_dir}" && wget -m -np -l 1 "$url";;
     10 esac