
A steaming hot pile of sh...ell scripts and configuration files.
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.gitconfig (926B)

      1 [alias]
      2 	c = checkout
      3 	d = diff
      4 	df = diff --word-diff
      5 	hash = rev-parse HEAD
      6 	l = log --all --graph --decorate --oneline
      7 	lg = log --all --graph --decorate --color
      8 	pushall = !git remote | xargs -P 0 -l git push --all -v
      9 	s = status
     10 [color]
     11 	ui = true
     12 [core]
     13 	editor = e # The bin/e script.
     14 	excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
     15         whitespace = tab-in-indent, trailing-space
     16 [diff]
     17 	tool = diff
     18 [difftool]
     19 	tool = meld
     20 [fetch]
     21 	parallel = 10
     22 [gc]
     23 	auto = 0
     24 [gui]
     25 	fontdiff = -family Inconsolata -size 16 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0
     26 [init]
     27 	defaultBranch = master
     28 	defaultObjectFormat = sha256
     29 [merge]
     30 	tool = meld
     31 [mergetool]
     32 	cmd = meld "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"
     33 [push]
     34 	default = nothing
     35 [user]
     36 	useConfigOnly = true
     37 	email =
     38 	name = Yuval Langer
     39 [sendemail]
     40 	smtpserver =
     41 	smtpUser =
     42 	smtpencryption = tls
     43 	smtpserverport = 587