
Replace the yes-or-no function with an even more demanding yes or no prompt, rather than with y-or-n.
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commit 84632a838a5079b0b74f8ce4dff56afe11d09304
parent 2abda492de8351375606c262f74dfba15d9a8303
Author: Yuval Langer <yuvallangerontheroad@gmail.com>
Date:   Sat,  7 Oct 2023 01:24:56 +0300

Add installation and better and more updated usage.

MREADME.org | 24++++++++++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org @@ -50,18 +50,34 @@ still only up on https://codeberg.org/ [1]: <https://codeberg.org/yuvallangerontheroad/super-duper-yes-or-no> [2]: <https://codeberg.org/yuvallangerontheroad/emacs-wordlists> +* Installation: + +1. Download super-duper-yes-or-no.el. +2. Run src_text{M-x package-install-file <RET> /path/to/superduper-yes-or-no.el <RET>}. +3. Add src_elisp{(require 'super-duper-yes-or-no)} to your src_text{~/.config/emacs/init.el}. + * Usage: -To replace yes or no with super-duper-yes-or-no: + +- To replace yes-or-no-p with random sequences of words: + +#+begin_src elisp + (defalias 'yes-or-no + 'super-duper-yes-or-no-yes-or-no-words-p) +#+end_src + +- To replace yes-or-no-p with uppercase letters hunts: #+begin_src elisp -(defalias 'yes-or-no 'super-duper-yes-or-no) + (defalias 'yes-or-no + 'super-duper-yes-or-no-yes-or-no-toggle-case-p) #+end_src -To use the randomly case toggling prompt instead of yes-or-no: +- To replace yes-or-no-p with arithmetic problems: #+begin_src elisp -(defalias 'yes-or-no 'super-duper-yes-or-no-yes-or-no-toggle-case-p) + (defalias 'yes-or-no + 'super-duper-yes-or-no-yes-or-no-arithmetic-problem-p) #+end_src * Todo: