index.html (1209B)
1 <!doctype html> 2 <html> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="utf-8"> 5 <title>Dabbling in the hidden arts of programming. A useless crap repository.</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <h1>Dabbling</h1> 9 <h2>"projects":</h2> 10 <ul> 11 <li> 12 <a href="tau/2020-darts.html">τ Day 2020 darts</a> 13 </li> 14 <li> 15 <a href="sokoban/sokoban.html">Sokoban</a> 16 </li> 17 <li> 18 <a href="tau-mandala/">τ mandala</a> 19 </li> 20 <li> 21 <a href="wtc_plaza_2001-09-11/">WTC plaza circa 2001-09-11</a> 22 </li> 23 <li> 24 <a href="the-dancing-polygon-screensaver/">The Dancing Polygon Screensaver</a> 25 </li> 26 <li> 27 <a href="quadratic-bezier-curves/">Quadratic Bezier Curves</a> 28 </li> 29 <li> 30 <a href="shades-of-grey/">Shades of Grey</a> 31 </li> 32 <li> 33 <a href="spinning-shapes/">Spinning Shapes</a> 34 </li> 35 </ul> 36 <h2>Dabbling code repositories:</h2> 37 <h3>Main repository:</h3> 38 <a href=""></a> 39 <h3>Mirror repositories:</h3> 40 <ul> 41 <li><a href=""></a></li> 42 <li><a href="">Framagit</a></li> 43 </ul> 44 </body> 45 </html>