index.scm (3139B)
1 (define-library (kakafarm index) 2 (import (guile)) 3 (export make-index-sxml) 4 5 (begin 6 (define* (make-index-sxml #:key posts) 7 `(div (h2 "Pages of interest:") 8 9 (ul 10 (li (a (@ (href "/software/")) 11 "Various software!")) 12 (li (a (@ (href "/haunt/")) 13 "A blog!")) 14 (li (a (@ (href "/dabbling/")) 15 "Dabbling!")) 16 (li (a (@ (href "//")) 17 "Commonly Forgotten") 18 " has some terribly written notes (which I should consolidate into 19 Haunt). A very old bunch of static site generator notes.")) 20 21 (p 22 "(I promise I'll stop Static-Site-Generators-hopping this time!)") 23 24 (h2 "Git repository repositories") 25 (ul (li (a (@ (href "/~stagit/")) 26 "My copies of some of my git repositories") 27 " were generated by the static site generator" 28 (a (@ (href "")) 29 " Stagit") 30 " (" 31 (a (@ (href "")) 32 "README") 33 ").") 34 (li (a (@ (href "//")) "Codeberg account")) 35 (li (a (@ (href "//")) "Sourcehut account")) 36 (li (a (@ (href "//")) "GitGud account")) 37 (li (a (@ (href "//")) "GitLab account")) 38 (li (a (@ (href "//")) "Also a GitLab account")) 39 (li (a (@ (href "//")) "GitHub account")) 40 (li (a (@ (href "//")) "Also a GitHub account"))) 41 42 (h2 "org-roam notes") 43 (p 44 "Splitting your org-roam notes into" 45 (a (@ (href "/private-org-roam-notes/")) " private") 46 " and " 47 (a (@ (href "/org-roam-notes/")) 48 "public") 49 " notes is a pain in the arse. Luckily for me, I love " 50 (a (@ (href "//")) 51 "pita.")) 52 53 (h2 "Contact(?)") 54 (ul 55 (li "On Activitypub: " (a (@ (href "")) 56 "") 57 ".") 58 (li "cow_2001 on " 59 (a (@ (href "")) 60 "IRC") 61 ".") 62 (li (a (@ (href "")) 63 "") 64 ".")) 65 66 (h2 "Webrings!") 67 (div (@ (class "craftering")) 68 (a (@ (href "")) ←) 69 (a (@ (href "")) craftering) 70 (a (@ (href "")) →))))))