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software.scm (1633B)

      1 (define-library (kakafarm software)
      2   (import (guile))
      3   (export make-sxml)
      5   (begin
      6     (define* (make-sxml #:key posts)
      8       `(div
      9         (div "Some stuff I wrote:"
     10              (ul (li (a (@ (href "diceware.html"))
     11                         "Diceware!"))
     12                  (li (a (@ (href "clipboard-speaker.html"))
     13                         "Clipboard Speaker!"))
     14                  (li
     15                   (a (@ (href "https://codeberg.org/kakafarm/guix-kakafarm-channel/"))
     16                      "GNU Guix Kakafarm Channel!")
     17                   " (a modest GNU Guix channel I manage).  Also here on my "
     18                   (a (href "/~stagit/guix-kakafarm-channel/log.html")
     19                      "Stagit")
     20                   ".")))
     21         (div "A few GNU Emacs packages:"
     22              (ul (li
     23                   (a (@ (href "https://codeberg.org/kakafarm/super-duper-yes-or-no"))
     24                      "Emacs Super Duper Yes or No - ")
     25                   "Alternatives to yes-or-no-p whose affirmative is even more of an hassle to type in than \"yes\".")
     26                  (li
     27                   (a (@ (href "https://codeberg.org/kakafarm/emacs-nano-tts-minor-mode/"))
     28                      "Emacs Nano TTS Minor Mode")
     29                   " - A minor mode which reads whatever is currently marked.")
     30                  (li
     31                   (a (@ (href "https://codeberg.org/kakafarm/emacs-wordlists/"))
     32                      "Emacs Wordlists - ")
     33                   "Emacs Wordlists is a package which packages lists of words for such things as passphrase generators, or, generally, when one wants to encode a number in a list of words.")))))))