commit 1d321ee53af293679b1572ec2138a663c357abb4
parent 1fbe2de5322020557c52b39c122d2b79705f7b8b
Author: Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 14:06:57 -0500
Split file.
38 files changed, 9407 insertions(+), 9533 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/additional-material.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/additional-material.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+@node Additional material
+@chapter Additional material
+The Scheme community website at contains additional resources for
+learning and programming, job and event postings, and Scheme user group information.
+A bibliography of Scheme-related research at links to
+technical papers and theses related to the Scheme language, including both classic
+papers and recent research.
+On-line Scheme discussions are held using IRC on the #scheme channel at and on the Usenet discussion group comp.lang.scheme.
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/appendix-a.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/appendix-a.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+@node Appendix A Standard Libraries
+@section Appendix A Standard Libraries
+This section lists the exports provided by the standard libraries. The libraries are factored
+so as to separate features which might not be supported by all implementations, or which
+might be expensive to load.
+The scheme library prefix is used for all standard libraries, and is reserved for use by
+future standards.
+* Base Library::
+* Case-Lambda Library::
+* Char Library::
+* Complex Library::
+* CxR Library::
+* Eval Library::
+* File Library::
+* Inexact Library::
+* Lazy Library::
+* Load Library::
+* Process-Context Library::
+* Read Library::
+* Repl Library::
+* Time Library::
+* Write Library::
+* R5RS Library::
+@end menu
+@node Base Library
+@subsection Base Library
+The (scheme base) library exports many of the procedures and syntax bindings that are
+traditionally associated with Scheme. The division between the base library and the other
+standard libraries is based on use, not on construction. In particular, some facilities that
+are typically implemented as primitives by a compiler or the run-time system rather than
+in terms of other standard procedures or syntax are not part of the base library, but are
+defined in separate libraries. By the same token, some exports of the base library are
+implementable in terms of other exports. They are redundant in the strict sense of the
+word, but they capture common patterns of usage, and are therefore provided as
+convenient abbreviations.
+ * +
+ - ...
+ / <
+ <= =
+ => >
+ >= _
+ abs and
+ append apply
+ assoc assq
+ assv begin
+ binary-port? boolean=?
+ boolean? bytevector
+ bytevector-append bytevector-copy
+ bytevector-copy! bytevector-length
+ bytevector-u8-ref bytevector-u8-set!
+ bytevector? caar
+ cadr
+ call-with-current-continuation
+ call-with-port call-with-values
+ call/cc car
+ case cdar
+ cddr cdr
+ ceiling char->integer
+ char-ready? char<=?
+ char<? char=?
+ char>=? char>?
+ char? close-input-port
+ close-output-port close-port
+ complex? cond
+ cond-expand cons
+ current-error-port current-input-port
+ current-output-port define
+ define-record-type define-syntax
+ define-values denominator
+ do dynamic-wind
+ else eof-object
+ eof-object? eq?
+ equal? eqv?
+ error error-object-irritants
+ error-object-message error-object?
+ even? exact
+ exact-integer-sqrt exact-integer?
+ exact? expt
+ features file-error?
+ floor floor-quotient
+ floor-remainder floor/
+ flush-output-port for-each
+ gcd get-output-bytevector
+ get-output-string guard
+ if include
+ include-ci inexact
+ inexact? input-port-open?
+ input-port? integer->char
+ integer? lambda
+ lcm length
+ let let*
+ let*-values let-syntax
+ let-values letrec
+ letrec* letrec-syntax
+ list list->string
+ list->vector list-copy
+ list-ref list-set!
+ list-tail list?
+ make-bytevector make-list
+ make-parameter make-string
+ make-vector map
+ max member
+ memq memv
+ min modulo
+ negative? newline
+ not null?
+ number->string number?
+ numerator odd?
+ open-input-bytevector open-input-string
+ open-output-bytevector open-output-string
+ or output-port-open?
+ output-port? pair?
+ parameterize peek-char
+ peek-u8 port?
+ positive? procedure?
+ quasiquote quote
+ quotient raise
+ raise-continuable rational?
+ rationalize read-bytevector
+ read-bytevector! read-char
+ read-error? read-line
+ read-string read-u8
+ real? remainder
+ reverse round
+ set! set-car!
+ set-cdr! square
+ string string->list
+ string->number string->symbol
+ string->utf8 string->vector
+ string-append string-copy
+ string-copy! string-fill!
+ string-for-each string-length
+ string-map string-ref
+ string-set! string<=?
+ string<? string=?
+ string>=? string>?
+ string? substring
+ symbol->string symbol=?
+ symbol? syntax-error
+ syntax-rules textual-port?
+ truncate truncate-quotient
+ truncate-remainder truncate/
+ u8-ready? unless
+ unquote unquote-splicing
+ utf8->string values
+ vector vector->list
+ vector->string vector-append
+ vector-copy vector-copy!
+ vector-fill! vector-for-each
+ vector-length vector-map
+ vector-ref vector-set!
+ vector? when
+ with-exception-handler write-bytevector
+ write-char write-string
+ write-u8 zero?
+@node Case-Lambda Library
+@subsection Case-Lambda Library
+The (scheme case-lambda) library exports the case-lambda syntax.
+ case-lambda
+@node Char Library
+@subsection Char Library
+The (scheme char) library provides the procedures for dealing with characters that involve
+potentially large tables when supporting all of Unicode.
+ char-alphabetic? char-ci<=?
+ char-ci<? char-ci=?
+ char-ci>=? char-ci>?
+ char-downcase char-foldcase
+ char-lower-case? char-numeric?
+ char-upcase char-upper-case?
+ char-whitespace? digit-value
+ string-ci<=? string-ci<?
+ string-ci=? string-ci>=?
+ string-ci>? string-downcase
+ string-foldcase string-upcase
+@node Complex Library
+@subsection Complex Library
+The (scheme complex) library exports procedures which are typically only useful with
+non-real numbers.
+ angle imag-part
+ magnitude make-polar
+ make-rectangular real-part
+@node CxR Library
+@subsection CxR Library
+The (scheme cxr) library exports twenty-four procedures which are the compositions of
+from three to four car and cdr operations. For example caddar could be defined by
+(define caddar
+ (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr (car x)))))). The procedures car and cdr themselves and the four
+two-level compositions are included in the base library. See section 6.4.
+ caaaar caaadr
+ caaar caadar
+ caaddr caadr
+ cadaar cadadr
+ cadar caddar
+ cadddr caddr
+ cdaaar cdaadr
+ cdaar cdadar
+ cdaddr cdadr
+ cddaar cddadr
+ cddar cdddar
+ cddddr cdddr
+@node Eval Library
+@subsection Eval Library
+The (scheme eval) library exports procedures for evaluating Scheme data as programs.
+ environment eval
+@node File Library
+@subsection File Library
+The (scheme file) library provides procedures for accessing files.
+ call-with-input-file call-with-output-file
+ delete-file file-exists?
+ open-binary-input-file open-binary-output-file
+ open-input-file open-output-file
+ with-input-from-file with-output-to-file
+@node Inexact Library
+@subsection Inexact Library
+The (scheme inexact) library exports procedures which are typically only useful with
+inexact values.
+ acos asin
+ atan cos
+ exp finite?
+ infinite? log
+ nan? sin
+ sqrt tan
+@node Lazy Library
+@subsection Lazy Library
+The (scheme lazy) library exports procedures and syntax keywords for lazy evaluation.
+ delay delay-force
+ force make-promise
+ promise?
+@node Load Library
+@subsection Load Library
+The (scheme load) library exports procedures for loading Scheme expressions from files.
+ load
+@node Process-Context Library
+@subsection Process-Context Library
+The (scheme process-context) library exports procedures for accessing with the
+program's calling context.
+ command-line emergency-exit
+ exit
+ get-environment-variable
+ get-environment-variables
+@node Read Library
+@subsection Read Library
+The (scheme read) library provides procedures for reading Scheme objects.
+ read
+@node Repl Library
+@subsection Repl Library
+The (scheme repl) library exports the interaction-environment procedure.
+ interaction-environment
+@node Time Library
+@subsection Time Library
+The (scheme time) library provides access to time-related values.
+ current-jiffy current-second
+ jiffies-per-second
+@node Write Library
+@subsection Write Library
+The (scheme write) library provides procedures for writing Scheme objects.
+ display write
+ write-shared write-simple
+@node R5RS Library
+@subsection R5RS Library
+The (scheme r5rs) library provides the identifiers defined by R5RS, except that
+transcript-on and transcript-off are not present. Note that the exact and inexact
+procedures appear under their R5RS names inexact->exact and exact->inexact
+respectively. However, if an implementation does not provide a particular library such as
+the complex library, the corresponding identifiers will not appear in this library either.
+ * +
+ - ...
+ / <
+ <= =
+ => >
+ >= _
+ abs acos
+ and angle
+ append apply
+ asin assoc
+ assq assv
+ atan begin
+ boolean? caaaar
+ caaadr caaar
+ caadar caaddr
+ caadr caar
+ cadaar cadadr
+ cadar caddar
+ cadddr caddr
+ cadr
+ call-with-current-continuation
+ call-with-input-file call-with-output-file
+ call-with-values car
+ case cdaaar
+ cdaadr cdaar
+ cdadar cdaddr
+ cdadr cdar
+ cddaar cddadr
+ cddar cdddar
+ cddddr cdddr
+ cddr cdr
+ ceiling char->integer
+ char-alphabetic? char-ci<=?
+ char-ci<? char-ci=?
+ char-ci>=? char-ci>?
+ char-downcase char-lower-case?
+ char-numeric? char-ready?
+ char-upcase char-upper-case?
+ char-whitespace? char<=?
+ char<? char=?
+ char>=? char>?
+ char? close-input-port
+ close-output-port complex?
+ cond cons
+ cos current-input-port
+ current-output-port define
+ define-syntax delay
+ denominator display
+ do dynamic-wind
+ else eof-object?
+ eq? equal?
+ eqv? eval
+ even? exact->inexact
+ exact? exp
+ expt floor
+ for-each force
+ gcd if
+ imag-part inexact->exact
+ inexact? input-port?
+ integer->char integer?
+ interaction-environment lambda
+ lcm length
+ let let*
+ let-syntax letrec
+ letrec-syntax list
+ list->string list->vector
+ list-ref list-tail
+ list? load
+ log magnitude
+ make-polar make-rectangular
+ make-string make-vector
+ map max
+ member memq
+ memv min
+ modulo negative?
+ newline not
+ null-environment null?
+ number->string number?
+ numerator odd?
+ open-input-file open-output-file
+ or output-port?
+ pair? peek-char
+ positive? procedure?
+ quasiquote quote
+ quotient rational?
+ rationalize read
+ read-char real-part
+ real? remainder
+ reverse round
+ scheme-report-environment
+ set! set-car!
+ set-cdr! sin
+ sqrt string
+ string->list string->number
+ string->symbol string-append
+ string-ci<=? string-ci<?
+ string-ci=? string-ci>=?
+ string-ci>? string-copy
+ string-fill! string-length
+ string-ref string-set!
+ string<=? string<?
+ string=? string>=?
+ string>? string?
+ substring symbol->string
+ symbol? syntax-rules
+ tan truncate
+ values vector
+ vector->list vector-fill!
+ vector-length vector-ref
+ vector-set! vector?
+ with-input-from-file with-output-to-file
+ write write-char
+ zero?
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/appendix-b.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/appendix-b.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+@node Appendix B Standard Feature Identifiers
+@section Appendix B Standard Feature Identifiers
+An implementation may provide any or all of the feature identifiers listed below for use by
+cond-expand and features, but must not provide a feature identifier if it does not provide
+the corresponding feature.
+r7rsAll R7RS Scheme implementations have this feature.
+exact-closedThe algebraic operations +, -, *, and expt where the second argument is a
+non-negative integer produce exact values given exact inputs.
+exact-complexExact complex numbers are provided.
+ieee-floatInexact numbers are IEEE 754 binary floating point values.
+full-unicodeAll Unicode characters present in Unicode version 6.0 are supported as
+Scheme characters.
+ratios/ with exact arguments produces an exact result when the divisor is nonzero.
+posixThis implementation is running on a POSIX system.
+windowsThis implementation is running on Windows.
+unix, darwin, gnu-linux, bsd, freebsd, solaris, ...Operating system flags (perhaps more
+than one).
+i386, x86-64, ppc, sparc, jvm, clr, llvm, ...CPU architecture flags.
+ilp32, lp64, ilp64, ...C memory model flags.
+big-endian, little-endianByte order flags.
+@svar{name}The name of this implementation.
+@svar{name-version}The name and version of this implementation.
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/basic-concepts.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/basic-concepts.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+@node Basic concepts
+@chapter Basic concepts
+@c XXX: How do I insert commas into menu items?
+* Variables - syntactic keywords - and regions::
+* Disjointness of types::
+* External representations basic::
+* Storage model::
+* Proper tail recursion::
+@end menu
+@node Variables - syntactic keywords - and regions
+@section Variables, syntactic keywords, and regions
+An identifier can name either a type of syntax or a location where a value
+can be stored. An identifier that names a type of syntax is called a
+@dfn{syntactic keyword} and is said to be @dfn{bound} to a transformer for
+that syntax. An identifier that names a location is called a @dfn{variable}
+and is said to be @dfn{bound} to that location. The set of all visible
+bindings in effect at some point in a program is known as the
+@dfn{environment} in effect at that point. The value stored in the location
+to which a variable is bound is called the variable's value. By abuse of
+terminology, the variable is sometimes said to name the value or to be bound
+to the value. This is not quite accurate, but confusion rarely results from
+this practice.
+Certain expression types are used to create new kinds of syntax and to bind
+syntactic keywords to those new syntaxes, while other expression types
+create new locations and bind variables to those locations. These expression
+types are called @dfn{binding constructs}. Those that bind syntactic
+keywords are listed in section 4.3. The most fundamental of the variable
+binding constructs is the @code{lambda} expression, because all other
+variable binding constructs (except top-level bindings) can be explained in
+terms of @code{lambda} expressions. The other variable binding constructs
+are @code{let}, @code{let*}, @code{letrec}, @code{letrec*},
+@code{let-values}, @code{let*-values}, and @code{do} expressions (see
+sections 4.1.4, 4.2.2, and 4.2.4).
+Scheme is a language with block structure. To each place where an identifier
+is bound in a program there corresponds a @dfn{region} of the program text
+within which the binding is visible. The region is determined by the
+particular binding construct that establishes the binding; if the binding is
+established by a @code{lambda} expression, for example, then its region is
+the entire @code{lambda} expression. Every mention of an identifier refers
+to the binding of the identifier that established the innermost of the
+regions containing the use. If there is no binding of the identifier whose
+region contains the use, then the use refers to the binding for the variable
+in the global environment, if any (chapters 4 and 6); if there is no binding
+for the identifier, it is said to be @dfn{unbound}.
+@node Disjointness of types
+@section Disjointness of types
+No object satisfies more than one of the following predicates:
+@c Yes, this is a table in the PDF, but it's semantically a list.
+@end itemize
+and all predicates created by @code{define-record-type}.
+These predicates define the types @dfn{boolean}, @dfn{bytevector},
+@dfn{character}, the empty list object, @dfn{eof-object}, @dfn{number},
+@dfn{pair}, @dfn{port}, @dfn{procedure}, @dfn{string}, @dfn{symbol},
+@dfn{vector}, and all record types.
+Although there is a separate boolean type, any Scheme value can be used as a
+boolean value for the purpose of a conditional test. As explained in section
+6.3, all values count as true in such a test except for @code{#f}. This
+report uses the word ``true'' to refer to any Scheme value except @code{#f},
+and the word ``false'' to refer to @code{#f}.
+@node External representations basic
+@section External representations (basic)
+An important concept in Scheme (and Lisp) is that of the @dfn{external
+representation} of an object as a sequence of characters. For example, an
+external representation of the integer 28 is the sequence of characters
+@samp{28}, and an external representation of a list consisting of the
+integers 8 and 13 is the sequence of characters @samp{(8 13)}.
+The external representation of an object is not necessarily unique. The
+integer 28 also has representations @samp{#e28.000} and @samp{#x1c}, and the
+list in the previous paragraph also has the representations @samp{( 08 13 )}
+and @samp{(8 . (13 . ()))} (see section 6.4).
+Many objects have standard external representations, but some, such as
+procedures, do not have standard representations (although particular
+implementations may define representations for them).
+An external representation can be written in a program to obtain the
+corresponding object (see @code{quote}, section 4.1.2).
+External representations can also be used for input and output. The
+procedure @code{read} (section 6.13.2) parses external representations, and
+the procedure @code{write} (section 6.13.3) generates them. Together, they
+provide an elegant and powerful input/output facility.
+Note that the sequence of characters @samp{(+ 2 6)} is @emph{not} an
+external representation of the integer 8, even though it @emph{is} an
+expression evaluating to the integer 8; rather, it is an external
+representation of a three-element list, the elements of which are the symbol
+@code{+} and the integers 2 and 6. Scheme's syntax has the property that any
+sequence of characters that is an expression is also the external
+representation of some object. This can lead to confusion, since it is not
+always obvious out of context whether a given sequence of characters is
+intended to denote data or program, but it is also a source of power, since
+it facilitates writing programs such as interpreters and compilers that
+treat programs as data (or vice versa).
+The syntax of external representations of various kinds of objects
+accompanies the description of the primitives for manipulating the objects
+in the appropriate sections of chapter 6.
+@node Storage model
+@section Storage model
+Variables and objects such as pairs, strings, vectors, and bytevectors
+implicitly denote locations or sequences of locations. A string, for
+example, denotes as many locations as there are characters in the string. A
+new value can be stored into one of these locations using the
+@code{string-set!} procedure, but the string continues to denote the same
+locations as before.
+An object fetched from a location, by a variable reference or by a procedure
+such as @code{car}, @code{vector-ref}, or @code{string-ref}, is equivalent
+in the sense of @code{eqv?} (@ref{Equivalence predicates}) to the object
+last stored in the location before the fetch.
+Every location is marked to show whether it is in use. No variable or object
+ever refers to a location that is not in use.
+Whenever this report speaks of storage being newly allocated for a variable
+or object, what is meant is that an appropriate number of locations are
+chosen from the set of locations that are not in use, and the chosen
+locations are marked to indicate that they are now in use before the
+variable or object is made to denote them. Notwithstanding this, it is
+understood that the empty list cannot be newly allocated, because it is a
+unique object. It is also understood that empty strings, empty vectors, and
+empty bytevectors, which contain no locations, may or may not be newly
+Every object that denotes locations is either mutable or immutable. Literal
+constants, the strings returned by @code{symbol->string}, and possibly the
+environment returned by @code{scheme-report-environment} are immutable
+objects. All objects created by the other procedures listed in this report
+are mutable. It is an error to attempt to store a new value into a location
+that is denoted by an immutable object.
+These locations are to be understood as conceptual, not physical. Hence,
+they do not necessarily correspond to memory addresses, and even if they do,
+the memory address might not be constant.
+Rationale: In many systems it is desirable for constants (i.e. the values of
+literal expressions) to reside in read-only memory. Making it an error to
+alter constants permits this implementation strategy, while not requiring
+other systems to distinguish between mutable and immutable objects.
+@node Proper tail recursion
+@section Proper tail recursion
+Implementations of Scheme are required to be @dfn{properly tail-recursive}.
+Procedure calls that occur in certain syntactic contexts defined below are
+@dfn{tail calls}. A Scheme implementation is properly tail-recursive if it
+supports an unbounded number of active tail calls. A call is @dfn{active} if
+the called procedure might still return. Note that this includes calls that
+might be returned from either by the current continuation or by
+continuations captured earlier by @code{call-with-current-continuation} that
+are later invoked. In the absence of captured continuations, calls could
+return at most once and the active calls would be those that had not yet
+returned. A formal definition of proper tail recursion can be found in [6].
+@subheading Rationale
+Intuitively, no space is needed for an active tail call because the
+continuation that is used in the tail call has the same semantics as the
+continuation passed to the procedure containing the call. Although an
+improper implementation might use a new continuation in the call, a return
+to this new continuation would be followed immediately by a return to the
+continuation passed to the procedure. A properly tail-recursive
+implementation returns to that continuation directly.
+Proper tail recursion was one of the central ideas in Steele and Sussman's
+original version of Scheme. Their first Scheme interpreter implemented both
+functions and actors. Control flow was expressed using actors, which
+differed from functions in that they passed their results on to another
+actor instead of returning to a caller. In the terminology of this section,
+each actor finished with a tail call to another actor.
+Steele and Sussman later observed that in their interpreter the code for
+dealing with actors was identical to that for functions and thus there was
+no need to include both in the language.
+A @dfn{tail call} is a procedure call that occurs in a tail context. Tail
+contexts are defined inductively. Note that a tail context is always
+determined with respect to a particular lambda expression.
+The last expression within the body of a lambda expression, shown as <tail
+expression> below, occurs in a tail context. The same is true of all the
+bodies of @code{case-lambda} expressions.
+(lambda @svar{formals}
+ @svar{definition}* @svar{expression}* @svar{tail expression})
+(case-lambda (@svar{formals} @svar{tail body})*)
+@end example
+If one of the following expressions is in a tail context, then the
+subexpressions shown as @svar{tail expression} are in a tail context. These
+were derived from rules in the grammar given in @ref{Formal syntax and
+semantics} by replacing some occurrences of @svar{body} with @svar{tail
+body}, some occurrences of @svar{expression} with @svar{tail expression},
+and some occurrences of @svar{sequence} with @svar{tail sequence}. Only
+those rules that contain tail contexts are shown here.
+@c Maybe @format would be better here. FIXME: We still need markup
+@c for metavariables.
+(@code{if} @svar{expression} @svar{tail expression} @svar{tail expression})
+(@code{if} @svar{expression} @svar{tail expression})
+(@code{cond} @svar{cond clause}+)
+(@code{cond} @svar{cond clause}* (else @svar{tail sequence}))
+(@code{case} @svar{expression}
+ @svar{case clause}+)
+(@code{case} @svar{expression}
+ @svar{case clause}*
+ (else @svar{tail sequence}))
+(@code{and} @svar{expression}* @svar{tail expression})
+(@code{or} @svar{expression}* @svar{tail expression})
+(@code{when} @svar{test} @svar{tail sequence})
+(@code{unless} @svar{test} @svar{tail sequence})
+(@code{let} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
+(@code{let} @svar{variable} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
+(@code{let*} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
+(@code{letrec} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
+(@code{letrec*} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
+(@code{let-values} (@svar{mv binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
+(@code{let*-values} (@svar{mv binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
+(@code{let-syntax} (@svar{syntax spec}*) @svar{tail body})
+(@code{letrec-syntax} (@svar{syntax spec}*) @svar{tail body})
+(@code{begin} @svar{tail sequence})
+(@code{do} (@svar{iteration spec}*)
+ (@svar{test} @svar{tail sequence})
+ @svar{expression}*)
+@end display
+@svar{cond clause} @expansion{} (@svar{test} @svar{tail sequence})
+@svar{case clause} @expansion{} ((@svar{datum}*) @svar{tail sequence})
+@svar{tail body} @expansion{} @svar{definition}* @svar{tail sequence}
+@svar{tail sequence} @expansion{} @svar{expression}* @svar{tail expression}
+@end display
+If a @code{cond} or @code{case} expression is in a tail context, and has a
+clause of the form @code{(}@svar{expression@sub{1}} @code{=>}
+@svar{expression@sub{2}}@code{)} then the (implied) call to the procedure
+that results from the evaluation of @svar{expression} is in a tail context.
+@svar{expression} itself is not in a tail context.
+@end itemize
+Certain procedures defined in this report are also required to perform tail
+calls. The first argument passed to @code{apply} and to
+@code{call-with-current-continuation}, and the second argument passed to
+@code{call-with-values}, must be called via a tail call. Similarly,
+@code{eval} must evaluate its first argument as if it were in tail position
+within the @code{eval} procedure.
+In the following example the only tail call is the call to @code{f}. None of
+the calls to @code{g} or @code{h} are tail calls. The reference to @code{x}
+is in a tail context, but it is not a call and thus is not a tail call.
+(lambda ()
+ (if (g)
+ (let ((x (h)))
+ x)
+ (and (g) (f))))
+@end example
+@subheading Note
+Implementations may recognize that some non-tail calls, such as the call to
+@code{h} above, can be evaluated as though they were tail calls. In the
+example above, the @code{let} expression could be compiled as a tail call to
+@code{h}. (The possibility of @code{h} returning an unexpected number of
+values can be ignored, because in that case the effect of the @code{let} is
+explicitly unspecified and implementation-dependent.)
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived-expressions-implementation.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived-expressions-implementation.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+@node Derived expression types formal
+@section Derived expression types (formal)
+This section gives syntax definitions for the derived expression types in terms of the
+primitive expression types (literal, variable, call, lambda, if, and set!), except for
+Conditional derived syntax types:
+(define-syntax cond
+ (syntax-rules (else =>)
+ ((cond (else result1 result2 ...))
+ (begin result1 result2 ...))
+ ((cond (test => result))
+ (let ((temp test))
+ (if temp (result temp))))
+ ((cond (test => result) clause1 clause2 ...)
+ (let ((temp test))
+ (if temp
+ (result temp)
+ (cond clause1 clause2 ...))))
+ ((cond (test)) test)
+ ((cond (test) clause1 clause2 ...)
+ (let ((temp test))
+ (if temp
+ temp
+ (cond clause1 clause2 ...))))
+ ((cond (test result1 result2 ...))
+ (if test (begin result1 result2 ...)))
+ ((cond (test result1 result2 ...)
+ clause1 clause2 ...)
+ (if test
+ (begin result1 result2 ...)
+ (cond clause1 clause2 ...)))))
+(define-syntax case
+ (syntax-rules (else =>)
+ ((case (key ...)
+ clauses ...)
+ (let ((atom-key (key ...)))
+ (case atom-key clauses ...)))
+ ((case key
+ (else => result))
+ (result key))
+ ((case key
+ (else result1 result2 ...))
+ (begin result1 result2 ...))
+ ((case key
+ ((atoms ...) => result))
+ (if (memv key '(atoms ...))
+ (result key)))
+ ((case key
+ ((atoms ...) result1 result2 ...))
+ (if (memv key '(atoms ...))
+ (begin result1 result2 ...)))
+ ((case key
+ ((atoms ...) => result)
+ clause clauses ...)
+ (if (memv key '(atoms ...))
+ (result key)
+ (case key clause clauses ...)))
+ ((case key
+ ((atoms ...) result1 result2 ...)
+ clause clauses ...)
+ (if (memv key '(atoms ...))
+ (begin result1 result2 ...)
+ (case key clause clauses ...)))))
+(define-syntax and
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((and) #t)
+ ((and test) test)
+ ((and test1 test2 ...)
+ (if test1 (and test2 ...) #f))))
+(define-syntax or
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((or) #f)
+ ((or test) test)
+ ((or test1 test2 ...)
+ (let ((x test1))
+ (if x x (or test2 ...))))))
+(define-syntax when
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((when test result1 result2 ...)
+ (if test
+ (begin result1 result2 ...)))))
+(define-syntax unless
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((unless test result1 result2 ...)
+ (if (not test)
+ (begin result1 result2 ...)))))
+@end example
+Binding constructs:
+(define-syntax let
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((let ((name val) ...) body1 body2 ...)
+ ((lambda (name ...) body1 body2 ...)
+ val ...))
+ ((let tag ((name val) ...) body1 body2 ...)
+ ((letrec ((tag (lambda (name ...)
+ body1 body2 ...)))
+ tag)
+ val ...))))
+(define-syntax let*
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((let* () body1 body2 ...)
+ (let () body1 body2 ...))
+ ((let* ((name1 val1) (name2 val2) ...)
+ body1 body2 ...)
+ (let ((name1 val1))
+ (let* ((name2 val2) ...)
+ body1 body2 ...)))))
+@end example
+The following letrec macro uses the symbol @svar{undefined} in place of an expression which
+returns something that when stored in a location makes it an error to try to obtain the
+value stored in the location. (No such expression is defined in Scheme.) A trick is used to
+generate the temporary names needed to avoid specifying the order in which the values
+are evaluated. This could also be accomplished by using an auxiliary macro.
+(define-syntax letrec
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((letrec ((var1 init1) ...) body ...)
+ (letrec "generate_temp_names"
+ (var1 ...)
+ ()
+ ((var1 init1) ...)
+ body ...))
+ ((letrec "generate_temp_names"
+ ()
+ (temp1 ...)
+ ((var1 init1) ...)
+ body ...)
+ (let ((var1 @svar{undefined}) ...)
+ (let ((temp1 init1) ...)
+ (set! var1 temp1)
+ ...
+ body ...)))
+ ((letrec "generate_temp_names"
+ (x y ...)
+ (temp ...)
+ ((var1 init1) ...)
+ body ...)
+ (letrec "generate_temp_names"
+ (y ...)
+ (newtemp temp ...)
+ ((var1 init1) ...)
+ body ...))))
+(define-syntax letrec*
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((letrec* ((var1 init1) ...) body1 body2 ...)
+ (let ((var1 @svar{undefined}) ...)
+ (set! var1 init1)
+ ...
+ (let () body1 body2 ...)))))
+(define-syntax let-values
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((let-values (binding ...) body0 body1 ...)
+ (let-values "bind"
+ (binding ...) () (begin body0 body1 ...)))
+ ((let-values "bind" () tmps body)
+ (let tmps body))
+ ((let-values "bind" ((b0 e0)
+ binding ...) tmps body)
+ (let-values "mktmp" b0 e0 ()
+ (binding ...) tmps body))
+ ((let-values "mktmp" () e0 args
+ bindings tmps body)
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () e0)
+ (lambda args
+ (let-values "bind"
+ bindings tmps body))))
+ ((let-values "mktmp" (a . b) e0 (arg ...)
+ bindings (tmp ...) body)
+ (let-values "mktmp" b e0 (arg ... x)
+ bindings (tmp ... (a x)) body))
+ ((let-values "mktmp" a e0 (arg ...)
+ bindings (tmp ...) body)
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () e0)
+ (lambda (arg ... . x)
+ (let-values "bind"
+ bindings (tmp ... (a x)) body))))))
+(define-syntax let*-values
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((let*-values () body0 body1 ...)
+ (let () body0 body1 ...))
+ ((let*-values (binding0 binding1 ...)
+ body0 body1 ...)
+ (let-values (binding0)
+ (let*-values (binding1 ...)
+ body0 body1 ...)))))
+(define-syntax define-values
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((define-values () expr)
+ (define dummy
+ (call-with-values (lambda () expr)
+ (lambda args #f))))
+ ((define-values (var) expr)
+ (define var expr))
+ ((define-values (var0 var1 ... varn) expr)
+ (begin
+ (define var0
+ (call-with-values (lambda () expr)
+ list))
+ (define var1
+ (let ((v (cadr var0)))
+ (set-cdr! var0 (cddr var0))
+ v)) ...
+ (define varn
+ (let ((v (cadr var0)))
+ (set! var0 (car var0))
+ v))))
+ ((define-values (var0 var1 ... . varn) expr)
+ (begin
+ (define var0
+ (call-with-values (lambda () expr)
+ list))
+ (define var1
+ (let ((v (cadr var0)))
+ (set-cdr! var0 (cddr var0))
+ v)) ...
+ (define varn
+ (let ((v (cdr var0)))
+ (set! var0 (car var0))
+ v))))
+ ((define-values var expr)
+ (define var
+ (call-with-values (lambda () expr)
+ list)))))
+(define-syntax begin
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((begin exp ...)
+ ((lambda () exp ...)))))
+@end example
+The following alternative expansion for begin does not make use of the ability to write
+more than one expression in the body of a lambda expression. In any case, note that
+these rules apply only if the body of the begin contains no definitions.
+(define-syntax begin
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((begin exp)
+ exp)
+ ((begin exp1 exp2 ...)
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () exp1)
+ (lambda args
+ (begin exp2 ...))))))
+@end example
+The following syntax definition of do uses a trick to expand the variable clauses. As with
+letrec above, an auxiliary macro would also work. The expression (if #f #f) is used to
+obtain an unspecific value.
+(define-syntax do
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((do ((var init step ...) ...)
+ (test expr ...)
+ command ...)
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (var ...)
+ (if test
+ (begin
+ (if #f #f)
+ expr ...)
+ (begin
+ command
+ ...
+ (loop (do "step" var step ...)
+ ...))))))
+ (loop init ...)))
+ ((do "step" x)
+ x)
+ ((do "step" x y)
+ y)))
+@end example
+Here is a possible implementation of delay, force and delay-force. We
+define the expression
+(delay-force @svar{expression})
+@end example
+to have the same meaning as the procedure call
+(make-promise #f (lambda () @svar{expression}))
+@end example
+as follows
+(define-syntax delay-force
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((delay-force expression)
+ (make-promise #f (lambda () expression)))))
+@end example
+and we define the expression
+(delay @svar{expression})
+@end example
+to have the same meaning as:
+(delay-force (make-promise #t @svar{expression}))
+@end example
+as follows
+(define-syntax delay
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((delay expression)
+ (delay-force (make-promise #t expression)))))
+@end example
+where make-promise is defined as follows:
+(define make-promise
+ (lambda (done? proc)
+ (list (cons done? proc))))
+@end example
+Finally, we define force to call the procedure expressions in promises
+iteratively using a trampoline technique following [38] until a
+non-lazy result (i.e. a value created by delay instead of delay-force)
+is returned, as follows:
+(define (force promise)
+ (if (promise-done? promise)
+ (promise-value promise)
+ (let ((promise* ((promise-value promise))))
+ (unless (promise-done? promise)
+ (promise-update! promise* promise))
+ (force promise))))
+@end example
+with the following promise accessors:
+(define promise-done?
+ (lambda (x) (car (car x))))
+(define promise-value
+ (lambda (x) (cdr (car x))))
+(define promise-update!
+ (lambda (new old)
+ (set-car! (car old) (promise-done? new))
+ (set-cdr! (car old) (promise-value new))
+ (set-car! new (car old))))
+@end example
+The following implementation of make-parameter and
+parameterize is suitable for an implementation with no threads. Parameter objects are
+implemented here as procedures, using two arbitrary unique objects @svar{param-set!} and
+(define (make-parameter init . o)
+ (let* ((converter
+ (if (pair? o) (car o) (lambda (x) x)))
+ (value (converter init)))
+ (lambda args
+ (cond
+ ((null? args)
+ value)
+ ((eq? (car args) @svar{param-set!})
+ (set! value (cadr args)))
+ ((eq? (car args) @svar{param-convert})
+ converter)
+ (else
+ (error "bad parameter syntax"))))))
+@end example
+Then parameterize uses dynamic-wind to
+dynamically rebind the associated value:
+(define-syntax parameterize
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((parameterize ("step")
+ ((param value p old new) ...)
+ ()
+ body)
+ (let ((p param) ...)
+ (let ((old (p)) ...
+ (new ((p @svar{param-convert}) value)) ...)
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (p @svar{param-set!} new) ...)
+ (lambda () . body)
+ (lambda () (p @svar{param-set!} old) ...)))))
+ ((parameterize ("step")
+ args
+ ((param value) . rest)
+ body)
+ (parameterize ("step")
+ ((param value p old new) . args)
+ rest
+ body))
+ ((parameterize ((param value) ...) . body)
+ (parameterize ("step")
+ ()
+ ((param value) ...)
+ body))))
+@end example
+The following implementation of guard depends on an auxiliary macro, here called
+(define-syntax guard
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((guard (var clause ...) e1 e2 ...)
+ ((call/cc
+ (lambda (guard-k)
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (condition)
+ ((call/cc
+ (lambda (handler-k)
+ (guard-k
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((var condition))
+ (guard-aux
+ (handler-k
+ (lambda ()
+ (raise-continuable condition)))
+ clause ...))))))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () e1 e2 ...)
+ (lambda args
+ (guard-k
+ (lambda ()
+ (apply values args)))))))))))))
+(define-syntax guard-aux
+ (syntax-rules (else =>)
+ ((guard-aux reraise (else result1 result2 ...))
+ (begin result1 result2 ...))
+ ((guard-aux reraise (test => result))
+ (let ((temp test))
+ (if temp
+ (result temp)
+ reraise)))
+ ((guard-aux reraise (test => result)
+ clause1 clause2 ...)
+ (let ((temp test))
+ (if temp
+ (result temp)
+ (guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...))))
+ ((guard-aux reraise (test))
+ (or test reraise))
+ ((guard-aux reraise (test) clause1 clause2 ...)
+ (let ((temp test))
+ (if temp
+ temp
+ (guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...))))
+ ((guard-aux reraise (test result1 result2 ...))
+ (if test
+ (begin result1 result2 ...)
+ reraise))
+ ((guard-aux reraise
+ (test result1 result2 ...)
+ clause1 clause2 ...)
+ (if test
+ (begin result1 result2 ...)
+ (guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...)))))
+(define-syntax case-lambda
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((case-lambda (params body0 ...) ...)
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((len (length args)))
+ (letrec-syntax
+ ((cl (syntax-rules ::: ()
+ ((cl)
+ (error "no matching clause"))
+ ((cl ((p :::) . body) . rest)
+ (if (= len (length '(p :::)))
+ (apply (lambda (p :::)
+ . body)
+ args)
+ (cl . rest)))
+ ((cl ((p ::: . tail) . body)
+ . rest)
+ (if (>= len (length '(p :::)))
+ (apply
+ (lambda (p ::: . tail)
+ . body)
+ args)
+ (cl . rest))))))
+ (cl (params body0 ...) ...)))))))
+@end example
+This definition of cond-expand does not interact with the features procedure. It requires
+that each feature identifier provided by the implementation be explicitly mentioned.
+(define-syntax cond-expand
+ ;; Extend this to mention all feature ids and libraries
+ (syntax-rules (and or not else r7rs library scheme base)
+ ((cond-expand)
+ (syntax-error "Unfulfilled cond-expand"))
+ ((cond-expand (else body ...))
+ (begin body ...))
+ ((cond-expand ((and) body ...) more-clauses ...)
+ (begin body ...))
+ ((cond-expand ((and req1 req2 ...) body ...)
+ more-clauses ...)
+ (cond-expand
+ (req1
+ (cond-expand
+ ((and req2 ...) body ...)
+ more-clauses ...))
+ more-clauses ...))
+ ((cond-expand ((or) body ...) more-clauses ...)
+ (cond-expand more-clauses ...))
+ ((cond-expand ((or req1 req2 ...) body ...)
+ more-clauses ...)
+ (cond-expand
+ (req1
+ (begin body ...))
+ (else
+ (cond-expand
+ ((or req2 ...) body ...)
+ more-clauses ...))))
+ ((cond-expand ((not req) body ...)
+ more-clauses ...)
+ (cond-expand
+ (req
+ (cond-expand more-clauses ...))
+ (else body ...)))
+ ((cond-expand (r7rs body ...)
+ more-clauses ...)
+ (begin body ...))
+ ;; Add clauses here for each
+ ;; supported feature identifier.
+ ;; Samples:
+ ;; ((cond-expand (exact-closed body ...)
+ ;; more-clauses ...)
+ ;; (begin body ...))
+ ;; ((cond-expand (ieee-float body ...)
+ ;; more-clauses ...)
+ ;; (begin body ...))
+ ((cond-expand ((library (scheme base))
+ body ...)
+ more-clauses ...)
+ (begin body ...))
+ ;; Add clauses here for each library
+ ((cond-expand (feature-id body ...)
+ more-clauses ...)
+ (cond-expand more-clauses ...))
+ ((cond-expand ((library (name ...))
+ body ...)
+ more-clauses ...)
+ (cond-expand more-clauses ...))))
+@end example
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived/binding-constructs.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived/binding-constructs.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+@node Binding constructs
+@subsection Binding constructs
+The binding constructs @code{let}, @code{let*}, @code{letrec},
+@code{letrec*}, @code{let-values}, and @code{let*-values} give Scheme a
+block structure, like Algol 60. The syntax of the first four constructs is
+identical, but they differ in the regions they establish for their variable
+bindings. In a @code{let} expression, the initial values are computed before
+any of the variables become bound; in a @code{let*} expression, the bindings
+and evaluations are performed sequentially; while in @code{letrec} and
+@code{letrec*} expressions, all the bindings are in effect while their
+initial values are being computed, thus allowing mutually recursive
+definitions. The @code{let-values} and @code{let*-values} constructs are
+analogous to @code{let} and @code{let*} respectively, but are designed to
+handle multiple-valued expressions, binding different identifiers to the
+returned values.
+@deffn syntax let @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
+Syntax: @svar{Bindings} has the form
+@code{((}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
+@end display
+where each @svar{init} is an expression, and @svar{body} is a sequence of
+zero or more definitions followed by a sequence of one or more expressions
+as described in @ref{Expressions}. It is an error for a @svar{variable} to
+appear more than once in the list of variables being bound.
+Semantics: The @svar{init}s are evaluated in the current environment (in
+some unspecified order), the @svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations
+holding the results, the @svar{body} is evaluated in the extended
+environment, and the values of the last expression of @svar{body} are
+returned. Each binding of a @svar{variable} has @svar{body} as its region.
+(let ((x 2) (y 3))
+ (* x y)) @result{} 6
+(let ((x 2) (y 3))
+ (let ((x 7)
+ (z (+ x y)))
+ (* z x))) @result{} 35
+@end example
+See also ``named @code{let},'' @ref{Iteration}.
+@end deffn
+@deffn syntax let* @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
+Syntax: @svar{Bindings} has the form
+@code{((}@svar{variable1} @svar{init@sub{1}}) @dots{}@code{)},
+@end display
+and @svar{body} is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by
+one or more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}.
+Semantics: The @code{let*} binding construct is similar to @code{let}, but
+the bindings are performed sequentially from left to right, and the region
+of a binding indicated by @code{(}@svar{variable} @svar{init}@code{)} is
+that part of the @code{let*} expression to the right of the binding. Thus
+the second binding is done in an environment in which the first binding is
+visible, and so on. The @svar{variable}s need not be distinct.
+(let ((x 2) (y 3))
+ (let* ((x 7)
+ (z (+ x y)))
+ (* z x))) @result{} 70
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn syntax letrec @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
+Syntax: @svar{Bindings} has the form
+@code{((}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
+@end display
+and @svar{body} is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by one or
+more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}. It is an error for a
+@svar{variable} to appear more than once in the list of variables being
+Semantics: The @svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations holding
+unspecified values, the @svar{init}s are evaluated in the resulting
+environment (in some unspecified order), each @svar{variable} is assigned to
+the result of the corresponding @svar{init}, the @svar{body} is evaluated in
+the resulting environment, and the values of the last expression in
+@svar{body} are returned. Each binding of a @svar{variable} has the entire
+letrec expression as its region, making it possible to define mutually
+recursive procedures.
+(letrec ((even?
+ (lambda (n)
+ (if (zero? n)
+ #t
+ (odd? (- n 1)))))
+ (odd?
+ (lambda (n)
+ (if (zero? n)
+ #f
+ (even? (- n 1))))))
+ (even? 88))
+@result{} #t
+@end example
+One restriction on @code{letrec} is very important: if it is not possible to
+evaluate each @svar{init} without assigning or referring to the value of any
+@svar{variable}, it is an error. The restriction is necessary because
+@code{letrec} is defined in terms of a procedure call where a @code{lambda}
+expression binds the @svar{variable}s to the values of the @svar{init}s. In
+the most common uses of @code{letrec}, all the @svar{init}s are
+@code{lambda} expressions and the restriction is satisfied automatically.
+@end deffn
+@deffn syntax letrec* @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
+Syntax: @svar{Bindings} has the form
+@code{((}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
+@end display
+and @svar{body}is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by one or
+more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}. It is an error for a
+@svar{variable} to appear more than once in the list of variables being
+Semantics: The @svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations, each
+@svar{variable} is assigned in left-to-right order to the result of
+evaluating the corresponding @svar{init} (interleaving evaluations and
+assignments), the @svar{body} is evaluated in the resulting environment, and
+the values of the last expression in @svar{body} are returned. Despite the
+left-to-right evaluation and assignment order, each binding of a
+@svar{variable} has the entire @code{letrec*} expression as its region,
+making it possible to define mutually recursive procedures.
+If it is not possible to evaluate each @svar{init} without assigning or
+referring to the value of the corresponding @svar{variable} or the
+@svar{variable} of any of the bindings that follow it in @svar{bindings}, it
+is an error. Another restriction is that it is an error to invoke the
+continuation of an @svar{init} more than once.
+;; Returns the arithmetic, geometric, and
+;; harmonic means of a nested list of numbers
+(define (means ton)
+ (letrec*
+ ((mean
+ (lambda (f g)
+ (f (/ (sum g ton) n))))
+ (sum
+ (lambda (g ton)
+ (if (null? ton)
+ (+)
+ (if (number? ton)
+ (g ton)
+ (+ (sum g (car ton))
+ (sum g (cdr ton)))))))
+ (n (sum (lambda (x) 1) ton)))
+ (values (mean values values)
+ (mean exp log)
+ (mean / /))))
+@end example
+Evaluating @code{(means '(3 (1 4)))} returns three values: 8/3,
+2.28942848510666 (approximately), and 36/19.
+@end deffn
+@deffn syntax let-values @svar{mv binding spec} @svar{body}
+Syntax: @svar{Mv binding spec} has the form
+@code{((}@svar{formals@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
+@end display
+where each @svar{init} is an expression, and @svar{body} is zero or more
+definitions followed by a sequence of one or more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}.
+It is an error for a variable to appear more than once in the set of @svar{formals}.
+The @svar{init}s are evaluated in the current environment (in some
+unspecified order) as if by invoking @code{call-with-values}, and the
+variables occurring in the @svar{formals} are bound to fresh locations
+holding the values returned by the @svar{init}s, where the
+@svar{formals} are matched to the return values in the same way that
+the @svar{formals} in a @code{lambda} expression are matched to the
+arguments in a procedure call. Then, the @svar{body} is evaluated in
+the extended environment, and the values of the last expression of
+@svar{body} are returned. Each binding of a @svar{variable} has
+@svar{body} as its region.
+It is an error if the @svar{formals} do not match the number of values
+returned by the corresponding @svar{init}.
+(let-values (((root rem) (exact-integer-sqrt 32)))
+ (* root rem)) @result{} 35
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn syntax let*-values @svar{mv binding spec} @svar{body}
+Syntax: @svar{Mv binding spec} has the form
+@code{((}@svar{formals} @svar{init}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
+@end display
+and @svar{body} is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by one or
+more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}. In each @svar{formals},
+it is an error if any variable appears more than once.
+The @code{let*-values} construct is similar to @code{let-values}, but the
+@svar{init}s are evaluated and bindings created sequentially from left to
+right, with the region of the bindings of each @svar{formals} including the
+@svar{init}s to its right as well as @svar{body}. Thus the second
+@svar{init} is evaluated in an environment in which the first set of
+bindings is visible and initialized, and so on.
+(let ((a 'a) (b 'b) (x 'x) (y 'y))
+ (let*-values (((a b) (values x y))
+ ((x y) (values a b)))
+ (list a b x y))) @result{} (x y x y)
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived/case-lambda.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived/case-lambda.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+@node Case-lambda
+@subsection Case-lambda
+case-lambda library syntax: (case-lambda @svar{clause} @dots{})
+Syntax: Each @svar{clause} is of the form (@svar{formals} @svar{body}), where @svar{formals} and @svar{body}
+have the same syntax as in a lambda expression.
+Semantics: A case-lambda expression evaluates to a procedure that accepts a variable
+number of arguments and is lexically scoped in the same manner as a procedure resulting
+from a lambda expression. When the procedure is called, the first @svar{clause} for which the
+arguments agree with @svar{formals} is selected, where agreement is specified as for the
+@svar{formals} of a lambda expression. The variables of @svar{formals} are bound to fresh
+locations, the values of the arguments are stored in those locations, the @svar{body} is
+evaluated in the extended environment, and the results of @svar{body} are returned as the
+results of the procedure call.
+It is an error for the arguments not to agree with the @svar{formals} of any @svar{clause}.
+(define range
+ (case-lambda
+ ((e) (range 0 e))
+ ((b e) (do ((r '() (cons e r))
+ (e (- e 1) (- e 1)))
+ ((< e b) r)))))
+(range 3) @result{} (0 1 2)
+(range 3 5) @result{} (3 4)
+@end example
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived/conditionals.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived/conditionals.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+@node Conditionals derived
+@subsection Conditionals
+@deffn syntax cond @svar{clause@sub{1}} @svar{clause@sub{2}}@dots{}
+@deffnx {auxiliary syntax} else
+@deffnx {auxiliary syntax} =>
+Syntax: @svar{Clauses} take one of two forms, either
+@code{(}@svar{test} @svar{expression@sub{1}} @dots{}@code{)}
+@end display
+where @svar{test} is any expression, or
+@code{(}@svar{test}@code{ => }@svar{expression}@code{)}
+@end display
+The last @svar{clause} can be an ``else clause,'' which has the form
+@code{(else }@svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}} @dots{}@code{)}.
+@end display
+Semantics: A @code{cond} expression is evaluated by evaluating the
+@svar{test} expressions of successive @svar{clause}s in order until one of
+them evaluates to a true value (@xref{Booleans). When a @svar{test}
+evaluates to a true value, the remaining @svar{expression}s in its
+@svar{clause} are evaluated in order, and the results of the last
+@svar{expression} in the @svar{clause} are returned as the results of the
+entire cond expression.
+If the selected @svar{clause} contains only the @svar{test} and no
+@svar{expression}s, then the value of the @svar{test} is returned as the
+result. If the selected @svar{clause} uses the @code{=>} alternate form,
+then the @svar{expression} is evaluated. It is an error if its value is not
+a procedure that accepts one argument. This procedure is then called on the
+value of the @svar{test} and the values returned by this procedure are
+returned by the @code{cond} expression.
+If all @svar{test}s evaluate to @code{#f}, and there is no else clause, then
+the result of the conditional expression is unspecified; if there is an else
+clause, then its @svar{expression}s are evaluated in order, and the values
+of the last one are returned.
+@end deffn
+(cond ((> 3 2) 'greater)
+ ((< 3 2) 'less)) @result{} greater
+(cond ((> 3 3) 'greater)
+ ((< 3 3) 'less)
+ (else 'equal)) @result{} equal
+(cond ((assv 'b '((a 1) (b 2))) => cadr)
+ (else #f)) @result{} 2
+@end example
+@deffn syntax case @svar{key} @svar{clause@sub{1}} @svar{clause@sub{2}}@dots{}
+Syntax: @svar{Key} can be any expression. Each @svar{clause} has the form
+@code{((}@svar{datum@sub{1}} @dots{}@code{) }@svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}} @dots{}@code{)},
+@end display
+where each @svar{datum} is an external representation of some object. It is
+an error if any of the @svar{datum}s are the same anywhere in the
+expression. Alternatively, a @svar{clause} can be of the form
+@code{((}@svar{datum@sub{1}} @dots{})@code{ => }@svar{expression}@code{)}
+@end display
+The last @svar{clause} can be an ``else clause,'' which has one of the forms
+@code{(else }@svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}} @dots{}@code{)}
+@end display
+@code{(else => }@svar{expression}@code{)}.
+@end display
+Semantics: A @code{case} expression is evaluated as follows. @svar{Key} is
+evaluated and its result is compared against each @svar{datum}. If the
+result of evaluating @svar{key} is the same (in the sense of @code{eqv?};
+@xref{Equivalence predicates}) to a @svar{datum}, then the expressions in
+the corresponding @svar{clause} are evaluated in order and the results of
+the last expression in the @svar{clause} are returned as the results of the
+@code{case} expression.
+If the result of evaluating @svar{key} is different from every @svar{datum},
+then if there is an else clause, its expressions are evaluated and the
+results of the last are the results of the @code{case} expression; otherwise
+the result of the case expression is unspecified.
+If the selected @svar{clause} or else clause uses the @code{=>} alternate
+form, then the @svar{expression} is evaluated. It is an error if its value
+is not a procedure accepting one argument. This procedure is then called on
+the value of the @svar{key} and the values returned by this procedure are
+returned by the @code{case} expression.
+@end deffn
+(case (* 2 3)
+ ((2 3 5 7) 'prime)
+ ((1 4 6 8 9) 'composite)) @result{} composite
+(case (car '(c d))
+ ((a) 'a)
+ ((b) 'b)) @result{} unspecified
+(case (car '(c d))
+ ((a e i o u) 'vowel)
+ ((w y) 'semivowel)
+ (else => (lambda (x) x))) @result{} c
+@end example
+@deffn syntax and @svar{test@sub{1}}@dots{}
+Semantics: The @svar{test} expressions are evaluated from left to right, and
+if any expression evaluates to @code{#f} (@xref{Booleans}), then @code{#f}
+is returned. Any remaining expressions are not evaluated. If all the
+expressions evaluate to true values, the values of the last expression are
+returned. If there are no expressions, then @code{#t} is returned.
+@end deffn
+(and (= 2 2) (> 2 1)) @result{} #t
+(and (= 2 2) (< 2 1)) @result{} #f
+(and 1 2 'c '(f g)) @result{} (f g)
+(and) @result{} #t
+@end example
+@deffn syntax or @svar{test@sub{1}}@dots{}
+Semantics: The @svar{test} expressions are evaluated from left to right, and
+the value of the first expression that evaluates to a true value
+(@xref{Booleans}) is returned. Any remaining expressions are not evaluated.
+If all expressions evaluate to @code{#f} or if there are no expressions,
+then @code{#f} is returned.
+@end deffn
+(or (= 2 2) (> 2 1)) @result{} #t
+(or (= 2 2) (< 2 1)) @result{} #t
+(or #f #f #f) @result{} #f
+(or (memq 'b '(a b c))
+ (/ 3 0)) @result{} (b c)
+@end example
+@deffn syntax when @svar{test} @svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}}@dots{}
+Syntax: The @svar{test} is an expression.
+Semantics: The test is evaluated, and if it evaluates to a true value, the
+expressions are evaluated in order. The result of the @code{when} expression
+is unspecified.
+@end deffn
+(when (= 1 1.0)
+ (display "1")
+ (display "2")) @result{} @r{unspecified}
+@print{} 12
+@end example
+@deffn syntax unless @svar{test} @svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}}@dots{}
+Syntax: The @svar{test} is an expression.
+Semantics: The test is evaluated, and if it evaluates to @code{#f}, the
+expressions are evaluated in order. The result of the @code{unless}
+expression is unspecified.
+@end deffn
+(unless (= 1 1.0)
+ (display "1")
+ (display "2")) @result{} @r{unspecified}
+@print{} @r{nothing}
+@end display
+@deffn syntax cond-expand @svar{ce-clause@sub{1}} @svar{ce-clause@sub{2}}@dots{}
+Syntax: The @code{cond-expand} expression type provides a way to statically
+expand different expressions depending on the implementation. A
+@svar{ce-clause} takes the following form:
+@code{(}@svar{feature requirement} @svar{expression} @dots{}@code{)}
+@end display
+The last clause can be an ``else clause,'' which has the form
+@code{(else }@svar{expression} @dots{}@code{)}
+@end display
+A @svar{feature requirement} takes one of the following forms:
+@svar{feature identifier}
+@code{(library }@svar{library name}@code{)}
+@code{(and }@svar{feature requirement} @dots{}@code{)}
+@code{(or }@svar{feature requirement} @dots{}@code{)}
+@code{(not }@svar{feature requirement}@code{)}
+@end itemize
+Semantics: Each implementation maintains a list of feature identifiers which
+are present, as well as a list of libraries which can be imported. The value
+of a @svar{feature requirement} is determined by replacing each
+@svar{feature identifier} and @code{(library }@svar{library name}@code{)} on
+the implementation's lists with @code{#t}, and all other feature identifiers
+and library names with @code{#f}, then evaluating the resulting expression
+as a Scheme boolean expression under the normal interpretation of
+@code{and}, @code{or}, and @code{not}.
+A @code{cond-expand} is then expanded by evaluating the @svar{feature
+requirement}s of successive @svar{ce-clause}s in order until one of them
+returns @code{#t}. When a true clause is found, the corresponding
+@svar{expression}s are expanded to a @code{begin}, and the remaining clauses
+are ignored. If none of the @svar{feature requirement}s evaluate to
+@code{#t}, then if there is an else clause, its @svar{expression}s are
+included. Otherwise, the behavior of the @code{cond-expand} is unspecified.
+Unlike @code{cond}, @code{cond-expand} does not depend on the value of any
+The exact features provided are implementation-defined, but for portability
+a core set of features is given in appendix B.
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived/delayed-evaluation.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived/delayed-evaluation.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+@node Delayed evaluation
+@subsection Delayed evaluation
+@deffn {lazy library syntax} delay @svar{expression}
+The @code{delay} construct is used together with the procedure @code{force} to
+implement @dfn{lazy evaluation} or @dfn{call by need}.
+@code{(delay} @svar{expression}@code{)} returns an object called a
+@dfn{promise} which at some point in the future can be asked (by
+the @code{force} procedure) to evaluate
+@svar{expression}, and deliver the resulting value.
+The effect of @svar{expression} returning multiple values
+is unspecified.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {lazy library syntax} delay-force @svar{expression}
+The expression @code{(delay-force} @var{expression}@code{)} is conceptually similar to
+@code{(delay (force} @var{expression}@code{))},
+with the difference that forcing the result
+of @code{delay-force} will in effect result in a tail call to
+@code{(force} @var{expression}@code{)},
+while forcing the result of
+@code{(delay (force} @var{expression}@code{))}
+might not. Thus
+iterative lazy algorithms that might result in a long series of chains of
+@code{delay} and @code{force}
+can be rewritten using @code{delay-force} to prevent consuming
+unbounded space during evaluation.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {lazy library procedure} force promise
+The @code{force} procedure forces the value of a @var{promise} created
+by @code{delay}, @code{delay-force}, or @code{make-promise}.
+If no value has been computed for the promise, then a value is
+computed and returned. The value of the promise must be cached (or
+``memoized'') so that if it is forced a second time, the previously
+computed value is returned.
+Consequently, a delayed expression is evaluated using the parameter
+values and exception handler of the call to @code{force} which first
+requested its value.
+If @var{promise} is not a promise, it may be returned unchanged.
+(force (delay (+ 1 2))) @result{} 3
+(let ((p (delay (+ 1 2))))
+ (list (force p) (force p)))
+ @result{} (3 3)
+(define integers
+ (letrec ((next
+ (lambda (n)
+ (delay (cons n (next (+ n 1)))))))
+ (next 0)))
+(define head
+ (lambda (stream) (car (force stream))))
+(define tail
+ (lambda (stream) (cdr (force stream))))
+(head (tail (tail integers)))
+ @result{} 2
+@end example
+@end deffn
+The following example is a mechanical transformation of a lazy
+stream-filtering algorithm into Scheme. Each call to a constructor is
+wrapped in @code{delay}, and each argument passed to a deconstructor is
+wrapped in @code{force}. The use of @code{(delay-force @dots{})} instead of
+@code{(delay (force @dots{}))} around the body of the procedure ensures that an
+ever-growing sequence of pending promises does not
+exhaust available storage,
+because @code{force} will in effect force such sequences iteratively.
+(define (stream-filter p? s)
+ (delay-force
+ (if (null? (force s))
+ (delay '())
+ (let ((h (car (force s)))
+ (t (cdr (force s))))
+ (if (p? h)
+ (delay (cons h (stream-filter p? t)))
+ (stream-filter p? t))))))
+(head (tail (tail (stream-filter odd? integers)))) @result{} 5
+@end example
+The following examples are not intended to illustrate good programming
+style, as @code{delay}, @code{force}, and @code{delay-force} are mainly intended
+for programs written in the functional style.
+However, they do illustrate the property that only one value is
+computed for a promise, no matter how many times it is forced.
+(define count 0)
+(define p
+ (delay (begin (set! count (+ count 1))
+ (if (> count x)
+ count
+ (force p)))))
+(define x 5)
+p @result{} @r{a promise}
+(force p) @result{} 6
+p @result{} @r{a promise, still}
+(begin (set! x 10)
+ (force p)) @result{} 6
+@end example
+Various extensions to this semantics of @code{delay}, @code{force} and
+@code{delay-force} are supported in some implementations:
+Calling @code{force} on an object that is not a promise may simply return the object.
+It may be the case that there is no means by which a promise can be operationally
+ distinguished from its forced value. That is, expressions like the following may evaluate
+ to either @code{#t} or to @code{#f}, depending on the implementation:
+(eqv? (delay 1) 1) @result{} @r{unspecified}
+(pair? (delay (cons 1 2))) @result{} @r{unspecified}
+@end example
+Implementations may implement ``implicit forcing,'' where the value of a promise is
+ forced by procedures that operate only on arguments of a certain type, like
+@code{cdr} and @code{*}.
+ However, procedures that operate uniformly on their arguments, like
+@code{list}, must not
+ force them.
+(+ (delay (* 3 7)) 13) @result{} @r{unspecified}
+ (list (delay (* 3 7)) 13)) @result{} @r{a promise}
+@end example
+@end itemize
+@deffn {lazy library procedure} promise? obj
+The promise? procedure returns @code{#t} if its argument is a promise, and
+@code{#f} otherwise. Note
+that promises are not necessarily disjoint from other Scheme types such as procedures.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {lazy library procedure} make-promise obj
+The make-promise procedure returns a promise which, when forced, will return
+@var{obj}. It is similar to delay, but does not delay its argument: it is a procedure rather than
+syntax. If
+@var{obj} is already a promise, it is returned.
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived/dynamic-bindings.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived/dynamic-bindings.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+@node Dynamic bindings
+@subsection Dynamic bindings
+The dynamic extent of a procedure call is the time between when it is initiated and when it
+returns. In Scheme, call-with-current-continuation (section 6.10) allows reentering a
+dynamic extent after its procedure call has returned. Thus, the dynamic extent of a call
+might not be a single, continuous time period.
+This sections introduces parameter objects, which can be bound to new values for the
+duration of a dynamic extent. The set of all parameter bindings at a given time is called
+the dynamic environment.
+@deffn procedure make-parameter init
+@deffnx procedure make-parameter init converter
+Returns a newly allocated parameter object, which is a procedure that accepts zero
+arguments and returns the value associated with the parameter object. Initially, this value
+is the value of @code{(@var{converter} @var{init})}, or of
+@var{init} if the conversion procedure
+@var{converter} is not specified. The associated value can be temporarily changed using
+parameterize, which is described below.
+The effect of passing arguments to a parameter object is implementation-dependent.
+@end deffn
+@deffn syntax parameterize (@svar{param@sub{1}} @svar{value@sub{1}})@dots{} @svar{body}
+Syntax: Both @svar{param@sub{1}} and @svar{value@sub{1}} are expressions.
+It is an error if the value of any @svar{param} expression is not a parameter object.
+A @code{parameterize} expression is used to change the values returned by
+specified parameter objects during the evaluation of the body.
+The @svar{param} and @svar{value} expressions
+are evaluated in an unspecified order. The @svar{body} is
+evaluated in a dynamic environment in which calls to the
+parameters return the results of passing the corresponding values
+to the conversion procedure specified when the parameters were created.
+Then the previous values of the parameters are restored without passing
+them to the conversion procedure.
+The results of the last
+expression in the @svar{body} are returned as the results of the entire
+@code{parameterize} expression.
+Note: If the conversion procedure is not idempotent, the results of
+@code{(parameterize ((x (x))) @dots{})},
+which appears to bind the parameter @var{x} to its current value,
+might not be what the user expects.
+If an implementation supports multiple threads of execution, then
+@code{parameterize} must not change the associated values of any parameters
+in any thread other than the current thread and threads created
+inside @svar{body}.
+Parameter objects can be used to specify configurable settings for a
+computation without the need to pass the value to every
+procedure in the call chain explicitly.
+(define radix
+ (make-parameter
+ 10
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (and (exact-integer? x) (<= 2 x 16))
+ x
+ (error "invalid radix")))))
+(define (f n) (number->string n (radix)))
+(f 12) @result{} "12"
+(parameterize ((radix 2))
+ (f 12)) @result{} "1100"
+(f 12) @result{} "12"
+(radix 16) @result{} @r{unspecified}
+(parameterize ((radix 0))
+ (f 12)) @error{}
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived/exception-handling.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived/exception-handling.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+@node Exception handling
+@subsection Exception handling
+syntax: (guard (@svar{variable}
+ @svar{cond clause1} @svar{cond clause2} @dots{})
+ @svar{body})
+Syntax: Each @svar{cond clause} is as in the specification of cond.
+Semantics: The @svar{body} is evaluated with an exception handler that binds the raised object
+(see raise in section 6.11) to @svar{variable} and, within the scope of that binding, evaluates the
+clauses as if they were the clauses of a cond expression. That implicit cond expression is
+evaluated with the continuation and dynamic environment of the guard expression. If
+every @svar{cond clause}'s @svar{test} evaluates to #f and there is no else clause, then
+raise-continuable is invoked on the raised object within the dynamic environment of the
+original call to raise or raise-continuable, except that the current exception handler is that
+of the guard expression.
+See section 6.11 for a more complete discussion of exceptions.
+(guard (condition
+ ((assq 'a condition) => cdr)
+ ((assq 'b condition)))
+ (raise (list (cons 'a 42))))
+@result{} 42
+(guard (condition
+ ((assq 'a condition) => cdr)
+ ((assq 'b condition)))
+ (raise (list (cons 'b 23))))
+@result{} (b . 23)
+@end example
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived/iteration.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived/iteration.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+@node Iteration
+@subsection Iteration
+@c Since @deffn would put this whole complex form on one line in most
+@c output types, I've put the actual syntax after definition header.
+@c Maybe there's a better way?
+@deffn syntax do
+@code{(do ((}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}} @svar{step@sub{1}}@code{)}
+ @dots{}@code{)}
+ @code{(}@svar{test} @svar{expression} @dots{}@code{)}
+ @svar{command} @dots{}@code{)}
+@end format
+Syntax: All of @svar{init}, @svar{step}, @svar{test}, and @svar{command} are expressions.
+A @code{do} expression is an iteration construct. It specifies a set of variables to
+be bound, how they are to be initialized at the start, and how they are
+to be updated on each iteration. When a termination condition is met,
+the loop exits after evaluating the @svar{expression}s.
+A @code{do} expression is evaluated as follows:
+The @svar{init} expressions are evaluated (in some unspecified order),
+the @svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations, the results of the
+@svar{init} expressions are stored in the bindings of the
+@svar{variable}s, and then the iteration phase begins.
+Each iteration begins by evaluating @svar{test}; if the result is
+false (@xref{Booleans}), then the @svar{command}
+expressions are evaluated in order for effect, the @svar{step}
+expressions are evaluated in some unspecified order, the
+@svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations, the results of the
+@svar{step}s are stored in the bindings of the
+@svar{variable}s, and the next iteration begins.
+If @svar{test} evaluates to a true value, then the
+@svar{expression}s are evaluated from left to right and the values of
+the last @svar{expression} are returned. If no @svar{expression}s
+are present, then the value of the @code{do} expression is unspecified.
+The region of the binding of a @svar{variable}
+consists of the entire @code{do} expression except for the @svar{init}s.
+It is an error for a @svar{variable} to appear more than once in the
+list of @code{do} variables.
+A @svar{step} can be omitted, in which case the effect is the
+same as if @code{(}@svar{variable} @svar{init} @svar{variable}@code{)} had
+been written instead of @code{(}@svar{variable} @svar{init}@code{)}.
+(do ((vec (make-vector 5))
+ (i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((= i 5) vec)
+ (vector-set! vec i i)) @result{} #(0 1 2 3 4)
+(let ((x '(1 3 5 7 9)))
+ (do ((x x (cdr x))
+ (sum 0 (+ sum (car x))))
+ ((null? x) sum))) @result{} 25
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn syntax let @svar{variable} @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
+``Named @code{let}'' is a variant on the syntax of @code{let} which provides
+a more general looping construct than @code{do} and can also be used to express
+It has the same syntax and semantics as ordinary @code{let}
+except that @svar{variable} is bound within @svar{body} to a procedure
+whose formal arguments are the bound variables and whose body is
+@svar{body}. Thus the execution of @svar{body} can be repeated by
+invoking the procedure named by @svar{variable}.
+(let loop ((numbers '(3 -2 1 6 -5))
+ (nonneg '())
+ (neg '()))
+ (cond ((null? numbers) (list nonneg neg))
+ ((>= (car numbers) 0)
+ (loop (cdr numbers)
+ (cons (car numbers) nonneg)
+ neg))
+ ((< (car numbers) 0)
+ (loop (cdr numbers)
+ nonneg
+ (cons (car numbers) neg)))))
+ @result{} ((6 1 3) (-5 -2))
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived/quasiquotation.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived/quasiquotation.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+@node Quasiquotation
+@subsection Quasiquotation
+syntax: (quasiquote @svar{qq template})
+syntax: `@svar{qq template}
+auxiliary syntax: unquote
+auxiliary syntax: ,
+auxiliary syntax: unquote-splicing
+auxiliary syntax: ,﹫
+``Quasiquote''expressions are useful for constructing a list or vector structure when some
+but not all of the desired structure is known in advance. If no commasappear within the
+@svar{qq template}, the result of evaluating `@svar{qq template} is equivalent to the result of
+evaluating '@svar{qq template}. If a commaappears within the @svar{qq template}, however, the
+expression following the comma is evaluated (``unquoted'') and its result is inserted into
+the structure instead of the comma and the expression. If a comma appears followed
+without intervening whitespace by a commercial at-sign (﹫),then it is an error if the
+following expression does not evaluate to a list; the opening and closing parentheses of
+the list are then ``stripped away'' and the elements of the list are inserted in place of the
+comma at-sign expression sequence. A comma at-sign normally appears only within a list
+or vector @svar{qq template}.
+Note: In order to unquote an identifier beginning with @code{,} it is necessary to use either
+an explicit unquote or to put whitespace after the comma, to avoid colliding with the
+comma at-sign sequence.
+`(list ,(+ 1 2) 4) @result{} (list 3 4)
+(let ((name 'a)) `(list ,name ',name))
+@result{} (list a (quote a))
+`(a ,(+ 1 2) ,@@(map abs '(4 -5 6)) b)
+@result{} (a 3 4 5 6 b)
+`(( foo ,(- 10 3)) ,@@(cdr '(c)) . ,(car '(cons)))
+@result{} ((foo 7) . cons)
+`#(10 5 ,(sqrt 4) ,@@(map sqrt '(16 9)) 8)
+@result{} #(10 5 2 4 3 8)
+(let ((foo '(foo bar)) (@@baz 'baz))
+ `(list ,@@foo , @@baz))
+@result{} (list foo bar baz)
+@end example
+Quasiquote expressions can be nested. Substitutions are made only
+for unquoted components appearing at the same nesting level as the outermost
+quasiquote. The nesting level increases by one inside each successive quasiquotation, and
+decreases by one inside each unquotation.
+`(a `(b ,(+ 1 2) ,(foo ,(+ 1 3) d) e) f)
+@result{} (a `(b ,(+ 1 2) ,(foo 4 d) e) f)
+(let ((name1 'x)
+ (name2 'y))
+ `(a `(b ,,name1 ,',name2 d) e))
+@result{} (a `(b ,x ,'y d) e)
+@end example
+A quasiquote expression may return either newly allocated, mutable
+objects or literal structure for any structure that is constructed at run time during the
+evaluation of the expression. Portions that do not need to be rebuilt are always literal.
+Thus, @code{(let ((a 3)) `((1 2) ,a ,4 ,'five 6))} may be treated as equivalent to either of the following
+`((1 2) 3 4 five 6)
+(let ((a 3))
+ (cons '(1 2)
+ (cons a (cons 4 (cons 'five '(6))))))
+@end example
+However, it is not equivalent to this expression:
+(let ((a 3)) (list (list 1 2) a 4 'five 6))
+@end example
+The two notations `@svar{qq template} and (quasiquote <qq
+template>) are identical in all respects. ,@svar{expression} is identical to (unquote
+@svar{expression}), and ,@@@svar{expression} is identical to (unquote-splicing @svar{expression}). The
+write procedure may output either format.
+(quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))
+@result{} (list 3 4)
+'(quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))
+@result{} `(list ,(+ 1 2) 4)
+ i.e., (quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))
+@end example
+It is an error if any of the identifiers quasiquote, unquote, or unquote-splicing appear in
+positions within a @svar{qq template} otherwise than as described above.
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/derived/sequencing.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/derived/sequencing.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+@node Sequencing
+@subsection Sequencing
+Both of Scheme's sequencing constructs are named @code{begin}, but the two have slightly
+different forms and uses:
+@deffn syntax begin @svar{expression or definition}@dots{}
+This form of begin can appear as part of a @svar{body}, or at the outermost level of a
+@svar{program}, or at the REPL, or directly nested in a @code{begin} that is itself of this form. It causes
+the contained expressions and definitions to be evaluated exactly as if the enclosing @code{begin}
+construct were not present.
+Rationale: This form is commonly used in the output of macros (@xref{Macros}) which
+need to generate multiple definitions and splice them into the context in which they
+are expanded.
+@end deffn
+@deffn syntax begin @svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}}@dots{}
+This form of @code{begin} can be used as an ordinary expression. The @svar{expression}s are
+evaluated sequentially from left to right, and the values of the last @svar{expression} are
+returned. This expression type is used to sequence side effects such as assignments or
+input and output.
+(define x 0)
+(and (= x 0)
+ (begin (set! x 5)
+ (+ x 1))) @result{} 6
+(begin (display "4 plus 1 equals ")
+ (display (+ 4 1)))
+ @result{} @r{unspecified}
+@print{} 4 plus 1 equals 5
+@end example
+@end deffn
+Note that there is a third form of @code{begin} used as a library declaration.
+@xref{Library syntax}
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+@node Formal semantics
+@section Formal semantics
+This section provides a formal denotational semantics for the primitive expressions of
+Scheme and selected built-in procedures. The concepts and notation used here are
+described in [36]; the definition of dynamic-wind is taken from [39]. The notation is
+summarized below:
+The reason that expression continuations take sequences of values instead of single
+values is to simplify the formal treatment of procedure calls and multiple return values.
+The boolean flag associated with pairs, vectors, and strings will be true for mutable
+objects and false for immutable objects.
+The order of evaluation within a call is unspecified. We mimic that here by applying
+arbitrary permutations permute and unpermute, which must be inverses, to the arguments
+in a call before and after they are evaluated. This is not quite right since it suggests,
+incorrectly, that the order of evaluation is constant throughout a program (for any given
+number of arguments), but it is a closer approximation to the intended semantics than a
+left-to-right evaluation would be.
+The storage allocator new is implementation-dependent, but it must obey the following
+axiom: if new σ ∈ L, then σ (new σ ∣ L)↓2 = false.
+The definition of calK is omitted because an accurate definition of calK would complicate
+the semantics without being very interesting.
+If P is a program in which all variables are defined before being referenced or assigned,
+then the meaning of P is
+ calE [ [ ((lambda (I*) ] ]
+ P')
+ @svar{undefined}
+ @dots{})
+where I* is the sequence of variables defined in P, P′ is the sequence of expressions
+obtained by replacing every definition in P by an assignment, @svar{undefined} is an
+expression that evaluates to undefined, and calE is the semantic function that assigns
+meaning to expressions.
+* Abstract syntax::
+* Domain equations::
+* Semantic functions::
+* Auxiliary functions::
+@end menu
+@node Abstract syntax
+@subsection Abstract syntax
+XXX: TeX!
+@node Domain equations
+@subsection Domain equations
+XXX: TeX!
+@node Semantic functions
+@subsection Semantic functions
+XXX: TeX!
+@node Auxiliary functions
+@subsection Auxiliary functions
+XXX: TeX!
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/formal-syntax.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/formal-syntax.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+@node Formal syntax
+@section Formal syntax
+This chapter provides formal descriptions of what has already been described informally
+in previous chapters of this report.
+* Lexical structure::
+* External representations formal::
+* Expressions formal::
+* Quasiquotations::
+* Transformers::
+* Programs and definitions::
+* Libraries formal::
+@end menu
+@node Lexical structure
+@subsection Lexical structure
+This section provides a formal syntax for Scheme written in an extended BNF.
+All spaces in the grammar are for legibility. Case is not significant except in the definitions
+of @svar{letter}, @svar{character name} and @svar{mnemonic escape}; for example, #x1A and #X1a are
+equivalent, but foo and Foo and #\space and #\Space are distinct. @svar{empty} stands for the
+empty string.
+The following extensions to BNF are used to make the description more concise: @svar{thing}*
+means zero or more occurrences of @svar{thing}; and @svar{thing}+ means at least one @svar{thing}.
+@node External representations formal
+@subsection External representations (formal)
+This section describes how individual tokens(identifiers, numbers, etc.) are formed from
+sequences of characters. The following sections describe how expressions and programs
+are formed from sequences of tokens.
+@svar{Intertoken space} can occur on either side of any token, but not within a token.
+Identifiers that do not begin with a vertical line are terminated by a @svar{delimiter} or by the
+end of the input. So are dot, numbers, characters, and booleans. Identifiers that begin
+with a vertical line are terminated by another vertical line.
+The following four characters from the ASCII repertoire are reserved for future
+extensions to the language: [ ] @{ @}
+In addition to the identifier characters of the ASCII repertoire specified below, Scheme
+implementations may permit any additional repertoire of non-ASCII Unicode characters to
+be employed in identifiers, provided that each such character has a Unicode general
+category of Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Mc, Me, Nd, Nl, No, Pd, Pc, Po, Sc, Sm, Sk, So, or Co, or is
+U+200C or U+200D (the zero-width non-joiner and joiner, respectively, which are needed
+for correct spelling in Persian, Hindi, and other languages). However, it is an error for the
+first character to have a general category of Nd, Mc, or Me. It is also an error to use a
+non-Unicode character in symbols or identifiers.
+All Scheme implementations must permit the escape sequence \x@svar{hexdigits}; to appear in
+Scheme identifiers that are enclosed in vertical lines. If the character with the given
+Unicode scalar value is supported by the implementation, identifiers containing such a
+sequence are equivalent to identifiers containing the corresponding character.
+@svar{token} ⟶@svar{identifier} ∣@svar{boolean} ∣@svar{number} ∣@svar{character} ∣@svar{string}
+∣( ∣) ∣#( ∣#u8( ∣' ∣` ∣, ∣,@ ∣.
+@svar{delimiter} ⟶@svar{whitespace} ∣@svar{vertical line}
+∣( ∣) ∣" ∣;
+@svar{intraline whitespace} ⟶@svar{space or tab}
+@svar{whitespace} ⟶@svar{intraline whitespace} ∣@svar{line ending}
+@svar{vertical line} ⟶|
+@svar{line ending} ⟶@svar{newline} ∣@svar{return} @svar{newline}
+@svar{comment} ⟶; ⟨all subsequent characters up to a
+ line ending⟩ ∣@svar{nested comment}
+∣#; @svar{intertoken space} @svar{datum}
+@svar{nested comment} ⟶#| @svar{comment text}
+@svar{comment cont}* |#
+@svar{comment text} ⟶⟨character sequence not containing
+ #| or |#⟩
+@svar{comment cont} ⟶@svar{nested comment} @svar{comment text}
+@svar{directive} ⟶#!fold-case ∣#!no-fold-case Note that it is ungrammatical to follow a
+@svar{directive} with anything but a @svar{delimiter} or the end of file.
+@svar{atmosphere} ⟶@svar{whitespace} ∣@svar{comment} ∣@svar{directive}
+@svar{intertoken space} ⟶@svar{atmosphere}*
+Note that +i, -i and @svar{infnan} below are exceptions to the @svar{peculiar identifier} rule; they are
+parsed as numbers, not identifiers.
+@svar{identifier} ⟶@svar{initial} @svar{subsequent}*
+∣@svar{vertical line} @svar{symbol element}* @svar{vertical line}
+∣@svar{peculiar identifier}
+@svar{initial} ⟶@svar{letter} ∣@svar{special initial}
+@svar{letter} ⟶a ∣b ∣c ∣... ∣z
+∣A ∣B ∣C ∣... ∣Z
+@svar{special initial} ⟶! ∣$ ∣% ∣& ∣* ∣/ ∣: ∣< ∣=
+∣> ∣? ∣@ ∣^ ∣_ ∣~
+@svar{subsequent} ⟶@svar{initial} ∣@svar{digit}
+∣@svar{special subsequent}
+@svar{digit} ⟶0 ∣1 ∣2 ∣3 ∣4 ∣5 ∣6 ∣7 ∣8 ∣9
+@svar{hex digit} ⟶@svar{digit} ∣a ∣b ∣c ∣d ∣e ∣f
+@svar{explicit sign} ⟶+ ∣-
+@svar{special subsequent} ⟶@svar{explicit sign} ∣. ∣@
+@svar{inline hex escape} ⟶\x@svar{hex scalar value};
+@svar{hex scalar value} ⟶@svar{hex digit}+
+@svar{mnemonic escape} ⟶\a ∣\b ∣\t ∣\n ∣\r
+@svar{peculiar identifier} ⟶@svar{explicit sign}
+∣@svar{explicit sign} @svar{sign subsequent} @svar{subsequent}*
+∣@svar{explicit sign} . @svar{dot subsequent} @svar{subsequent}*
+∣. @svar{dot subsequent} @svar{subsequent}*
+@svar{dot subsequent} ⟶@svar{sign subsequent} ∣.
+@svar{sign subsequent} ⟶@svar{initial} ∣@svar{explicit sign} ∣@
+@svar{symbol element} ⟶ @svar{any character other than <vertical line} or \>
+∣@svar{inline hex escape} ∣@svar{mnemonic escape} ∣\|
+@svar{boolean} ⟶#t ∣#f ∣#true ∣#false
+@svar{character} ⟶#\ @svar{any character}
+∣#\ @svar{character name}
+∣#\x@svar{hex scalar value}
+@svar{character name} ⟶alarm ∣backspace ∣delete
+∣escape ∣newline ∣null ∣return ∣space ∣tab
+@svar{string} ⟶" @svar{string element}* "
+@svar{string element} ⟶@svar{any character other than " or \\}
+∣@svar{mnemonic escape} ∣\" ∣\\ ∣\|
+∣\@svar{intraline whitespace}*@svar{line ending}
+ @svar{intraline whitespace}*
+∣@svar{inline hex escape}
+@svar{bytevector} ⟶#u8(@svar{byte}*)
+@svar{byte} ⟶@svar{any exact integer between 0 and 255}
+@svar{number} ⟶@svar{num 2} ∣@svar{num 8}
+∣@svar{num 10} ∣@svar{num 16}
+The following rules for @svar{num R}, @svar{complex R}, @svar{real R}, @svar{ureal R}, @svar{uinteger R}, and
+@svar{prefix R} are implicitly replicated for R = 2, 8, 10, and 16. There are no rules for <decimal
+2>, @svar{decimal 8}, and @svar{decimal 16}, which means that numbers containing decimal points
+or exponents are always in decimal radix. Although not shown below, all alphabetic
+characters used in the grammar of numbers can appear in either upper or lower case.
+@svar{num R} ⟶@svar{prefix R} @svar{complex R}
+@svar{complex R} ⟶@svar{real R} ∣@svar{real R} @ @svar{real R}
+∣@svar{real R} + @svar{ureal R} i ∣@svar{real R} - @svar{ureal R} i
+∣@svar{real R} + i ∣@svar{real R} - i ∣@svar{real R} @svar{infnan} i
+∣+ @svar{ureal R} i ∣- @svar{ureal R} i
+∣@svar{infnan} i ∣+ i ∣- i
+@svar{real R} ⟶@svar{sign} @svar{ureal R}
+@svar{ureal R} ⟶@svar{uinteger R}
+∣@svar{uinteger R} / @svar{uinteger R}
+∣@svar{decimal R}
+@svar{decimal 10} ⟶@svar{uinteger 10} @svar{suffix}
+∣. @svar{digit 10}+ @svar{suffix}
+∣@svar{digit 10}+ . @svar{digit 10}* @svar{suffix}
+@svar{uinteger R} ⟶@svar{digit R}+
+@svar{prefix R} ⟶@svar{radix R} @svar{exactness}
+∣@svar{exactness} @svar{radix R}
+@svar{infnan} ⟶+inf.0 ∣-inf.0 ∣+nan.0 ∣-nan.0
+@svar{suffix} ⟶@svar{empty}
+∣@svar{exponent marker} @svar{sign} @svar{digit 10}+
+@svar{exponent marker} ⟶e
+@svar{sign} ⟶@svar{empty} ∣+ ∣-
+@svar{exactness} ⟶@svar{empty} ∣#i∣#e@svar{radix 2} ⟶#b@svar{radix 8} ⟶#o@svar{radix 10} ⟶@svar{empty} ∣#d
+@svar{radix 16} ⟶#x@svar{digit 2} ⟶0 ∣1
+@svar{digit 8} ⟶0 ∣1 ∣2 ∣3 ∣4 ∣5 ∣6 ∣7
+@svar{digit 10} ⟶@svar{digit}
+@svar{digit 16} ⟶@svar{digit 10} ∣a ∣b ∣c ∣d ∣e ∣f
+@node Expressions formal
+@subsection Expressions (formal)
+@svar{Datum} is what the read procedure (section 6.13.2) successfully parses. Note that any
+string that parses as an @svar{expression} will also parse as a @svar{datum}.
+@svar{datum} ⟶@svar{simple datum} ∣@svar{compound datum}
+∣@svar{label} = @svar{datum} ∣@svar{label} #
+@svar{simple datum} ⟶@svar{boolean} ∣@svar{number}
+∣@svar{character} ∣@svar{string} ∣@svar{symbol} ∣@svar{bytevector}
+@svar{symbol} ⟶@svar{identifier}
+@svar{compound datum} ⟶@svar{list} ∣@svar{vector} ∣@svar{abbreviation}
+@svar{list} ⟶(@svar{datum}*) ∣(@svar{datum}+ . @svar{datum})
+@svar{abbreviation} ⟶@svar{abbrev prefix} @svar{datum}
+@svar{abbrev prefix} ⟶' ∣` ∣, ∣,@
+@svar{vector} ⟶#(@svar{datum}*)
+@svar{label} ⟶# @svar{uinteger 10}
+@node Quasiquotations
+@subsection Quasiquotations
+The definitions in this and the following subsections assume that all the syntax keywords
+defined in this report have been properly imported from their libraries, and that none of
+them have been redefined or shadowed.
+@svar{expression} ⟶@svar{identifier}
+∣@svar{procedure call}
+∣@svar{lambda expression}
+∣@svar{derived expression}
+∣@svar{macro use}
+∣@svar{macro block}
+@svar{literal} ⟶@svar{quotation} ∣@svar{self-evaluating}
+@svar{self-evaluating} ⟶@svar{boolean} ∣@svar{number} ∣@svar{vector}
+∣@svar{character} ∣@svar{string} ∣@svar{bytevector}
+@svar{quotation} ⟶'@svar{datum} ∣(quote @svar{datum})
+@svar{procedure call} ⟶(@svar{operator} @svar{operand}*)
+@svar{operator} ⟶@svar{expression}
+@svar{operand} ⟶@svar{expression}
+@svar{lambda expression} ⟶(lambda @svar{formals} @svar{body})
+@svar{formals} ⟶(@svar{identifier}*) ∣@svar{identifier}
+∣(@svar{identifier}+ . @svar{identifier})
+@svar{body} ⟶@svar{definition}* @svar{sequence}
+@svar{sequence} ⟶@svar{command}* @svar{expression}
+@svar{command} ⟶@svar{expression}
+@svar{conditional} ⟶(if @svar{test} @svar{consequent} @svar{alternate})
+@svar{test} ⟶@svar{expression}
+@svar{consequent} ⟶@svar{expression}
+@svar{alternate} ⟶@svar{expression} ∣@svar{empty}
+@svar{assignment} ⟶(set! @svar{identifier} @svar{expression})
+@svar{derived expression} ⟶ (cond @svar{cond clause}+)
+∣(cond @svar{cond clause}* (else @svar{sequence}))
+∣(case @svar{expression}
+ @svar{case clause}+)
+∣(case @svar{expression}
+ @svar{case clause}*
+ (else @svar{sequence}))
+∣(case @svar{expression}
+ @svar{case clause}*
+ (else => @svar{recipient}))
+∣(and @svar{test}*)
+∣(or @svar{test}*)
+∣(when @svar{test} @svar{sequence})
+∣(unless @svar{test} @svar{sequence})
+∣(let (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{body})
+∣(let @svar{identifier} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{body})
+∣(let* (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{body})
+∣(letrec (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{body})
+∣(letrec* (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{body})
+∣(let-values (@svar{mv binding spec}*) @svar{body})
+∣(let*-values (@svar{mv binding spec}*) @svar{body})
+∣(begin @svar{sequence})
+∣(do (@svar{iteration spec}*)
+ (@svar{test} @svar{do result})
+ @svar{command}*)
+∣(delay @svar{expression})
+∣(delay-force @svar{expression})
+∣(parameterize ((@svar{expression} @svar{expression})*)
+ @svar{body})
+∣(guard (@svar{identifier} @svar{cond clause}*) @svar{body})
+∣(case-lambda @svar{case-lambda clause}*)
+@svar{cond clause} ⟶(@svar{test} @svar{sequence})
+∣(@svar{test} => @svar{recipient})
+@svar{recipient} ⟶@svar{expression}
+@svar{case clause} ⟶((@svar{datum}*) @svar{sequence})
+∣((@svar{datum}*) => @svar{recipient})
+@svar{binding spec} ⟶(@svar{identifier} @svar{expression})
+@svar{mv binding spec} ⟶(@svar{formals} @svar{expression})
+@svar{iteration spec} ⟶(@svar{identifier} @svar{init} @svar{step})
+∣(@svar{identifier} @svar{init})
+@svar{case-lambda clause} ⟶(@svar{formals} @svar{body})
+@svar{init} ⟶@svar{expression}
+@svar{step} ⟶@svar{expression}
+@svar{do result} ⟶@svar{sequence} ∣@svar{empty}
+@svar{macro use} ⟶(@svar{keyword} @svar{datum}*)
+@svar{keyword} ⟶@svar{identifier}
+@svar{macro block} ⟶ (let-syntax (@svar{syntax spec}*) @svar{body})
+∣(letrec-syntax (@svar{syntax spec}*) @svar{body})
+@svar{syntax spec} ⟶(@svar{keyword} @svar{transformer spec})
+@svar{includer} ⟶ ∣(include @svar{string}+)
+∣(include-ci @svar{string}+)
+@node Transformers
+@subsection Transformers
+The following grammar for quasiquote expressions is not context-free. It is presented as
+a recipe for generating an infinite number of production rules. Imagine a copy of the
+following rules for D = 1, 2, 3, @dots{}, where D is the nesting depth.
+@svar{quasiquotation} ⟶@svar{quasiquotation 1}
+@svar{qq template 0} ⟶@svar{expression}
+@svar{quasiquotation D} ⟶`@svar{qq template D}
+∣(quasiquote @svar{qq template D})
+@svar{qq template D} ⟶@svar{simple datum}
+∣@svar{list qq template D}
+∣@svar{vector qq template D}
+∣@svar{unquotation D}
+@svar{list qq template D} ⟶(@svar{qq template or splice D}*)
+∣(@svar{qq template or splice D}+ . @svar{qq template D})
+∣'@svar{qq template D}
+∣@svar{quasiquotation D + 1}
+@svar{vector qq template D} ⟶#(@svar{qq template or splice D}*)
+@svar{unquotation D} ⟶,@svar{qq template D−1}
+∣(unquote @svar{qq template D−1})
+@svar{qq template or splice D} ⟶@svar{qq template D}
+∣@svar{splicing unquotation D}
+@svar{splicing unquotation D} ⟶,@@@svar{qq template D−1}
+∣(unquote-splicing @svar{qq template D−1}) In @svar{quasiquotation}s, a @svar{list qq template D} can
+sometimes be confused with either an @svar{unquotation D} or a @svar{splicing unquotation D}.
+The interpretation as an @svar{unquotation} or @svar{splicing unquotation D} takes precedence.
+@node Programs and definitions
+@subsection Programs and definitions
+Note: Though this grammar does not say so, a top-level syntax-rules pattern must be
+a list pattern, not a vector pattern or an identifier pattern.
+@svar{transformer spec} ⟶ (syntax-rules (@svar{identifier}*) @svar{syntax rule}*)
+∣(syntax-rules @svar{identifier} (@svar{identifier}*)
+ @svar{syntax rule}*)
+@svar{syntax rule} ⟶(@svar{pattern} @svar{template})
+@svar{pattern} ⟶@svar{pattern identifier}
+∣(@svar{pattern}+ . @svar{pattern})
+∣(@svar{pattern}* @svar{pattern} @svar{ellipsis} @svar{pattern}*)
+∣(@svar{pattern}* @svar{pattern} @svar{ellipsis} @svar{pattern}*
+ . @svar{pattern})
+∣#(@svar{pattern}* @svar{pattern} @svar{ellipsis} @svar{pattern}*)
+∣@svar{pattern datum}
+@svar{pattern datum} ⟶@svar{string}
+@svar{template} ⟶@svar{pattern identifier}
+∣(@svar{template element}*)
+∣(@svar{template element}+ . @svar{template})
+∣#(@svar{template element}*)
+∣@svar{template datum}
+@svar{template element} ⟶@svar{template}
+∣@svar{template} @svar{ellipsis}
+@svar{template datum} ⟶@svar{pattern datum}
+@svar{pattern identifier} ⟶@svar{any identifier except ...}
+@svar{ellipsis} ⟶@svar{an identifier defaulting to ...}
+@svar{underscore} ⟶@svar{the identifier _}
+@node Libraries formal
+@subsection Libraries (formal)
+@svar{program} ⟶ @svar{import declaration}+
+@svar{command or definition}+
+@svar{command or definition} ⟶@svar{command}
+∣(begin @svar{command or definition}+)
+@svar{definition} ⟶(define @svar{identifier} @svar{expression})
+∣(define (@svar{identifier} @svar{def formals}) @svar{body})
+∣@svar{syntax definition}
+∣(define-values @svar{formals} @svar{body})
+∣(define-record-type @svar{identifier}
+ @svar{constructor} @svar{identifier} @svar{field spec}*)
+∣(begin @svar{definition}*)
+@svar{def formals} ⟶@svar{identifier}*
+∣@svar{identifier}* . @svar{identifier}
+@svar{constructor} ⟶(@svar{identifier} @svar{field name}*)
+@svar{field spec} ⟶(@svar{field name} @svar{accessor})
+∣(@svar{field name} @svar{accessor} @svar{mutator})
+@svar{field name} ⟶@svar{identifier}
+@svar{accessor} ⟶@svar{identifier}
+@svar{mutator} ⟶@svar{identifier}
+@svar{syntax definition} ⟶ (define-syntax @svar{keyword} @svar{transformer spec})
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/language-changes.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/language-changes.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+@node Language changes
+@chapter Language changes
+* Incompatibilities with R5RS::
+* Other language changes since R5RS::
+* Incompatibilities with R6RS::
+@end menu
+@node Incompatibilities with R5RS
+@section Incompatibilities with R5RS
+This section enumerates the incompatibilities between this report and the ``Revised5
+report'' [20].
+This list is not authoritative, but is believed to be correct and complete.
+* Case sensitivity is now the default in symbols and character names. This means that
+ code written under the assumption that symbols could be written FOO or Foo in some
+ contexts and foo in other contexts can either be changed, be marked with the new
+ #!fold-case directive, or be included in a library using the include-ci library declaration.
+ All standard identifiers are entirely in lower case.
+* The syntax-rules construct now recognizes _ (underscore) as a wildcard, which means it
+ cannot be used as a syntax variable. It can still be used as a literal.
+* The R5RS procedures exact->inexact and inexact->exact have been renamed to their
+ R6RS names, inexact and exact, respectively, as these names are shorter and more
+ correct. The former names are still available in the R5RS library.
+* The guarantee that string comparison (with string<? and the related predicates) is a
+ lexicographical extension of character comparison (with char<? and the related
+ predicates) has been removed.
+* Support for the # character in numeric literals is no longer required.
+* Support for the letters s, f, d, and l as exponent markers is no longer required.
+* Implementations of string->number are no longer permitted to return #f when the
+ argument contains an explicit radix prefix, and must be compatible with read and the
+ syntax of numbers in programs.
+* The procedures transcript-on and transcript-off have been removed.
+@node Other language changes since R5RS
+@section Other language changes since R5RS
+This section enumerates the additional differences between this report and the ``Revised5
+report'' [20].
+This list is not authoritative, but is believed to be correct and complete.
+* Various minor ambiguities and unclarities in R5RS have been cleaned up.
+* Libraries have been added as a new program structure to improve encapsulation and
+ sharing of code. Some existing and new identifiers have been factored out into
+ separate libraries. Libraries can be imported into other libraries or main programs, with
+ controlled exposure and renaming of identifiers. The contents of a library can be made
+ conditional on the features of the implementation on which it is to be used. There is an
+ R5RS compatibility library.
+* The expressions types include, include-ci, and cond-expand have been added to the
+ base library; they have the same semantics as the corresponding library declarations.
+* Exceptions can now be signaled explicitly with raise, raise-continuable or error, and can
+ be handled with with-exception-handler and the guard syntax. Any object can specify an
+ error condition; the implementation-defined conditions signaled by error have a
+ predicate to detect them and accessor functions to retrieve the arguments passed to
+ error. Conditions signaled by read and by file-related procedures also have predicates
+ to detect them.
+* New disjoint types supporting access to multiple fields can be generated with the
+ define-record-type of SRFI 9 [19]
+* Parameter objects can be created with make-parameter, and dynamically rebound with
+ parameterize. The procedures current-input-port and current-output-port are now
+ parameter objects, as is the newly introduced current-error-port.
+* Support for promises has been enhanced based on SRFI 45 [38].
+* Bytevectors, vectors of exact integers in the range from 0 to 255 inclusive, have been
+ added as a new disjoint type. A subset of the vector procedures is provided.
+ Bytevectors can be converted to and from strings in accordance with the UTF-8
+ character encoding. Bytevectors have a datum representation and evaluate to
+ themselves.
+* Vector constants evaluate to themselves.
+* The procedure read-line is provided to make line-oriented textual input simpler.
+* The procedure flush-output-port is provided to allow minimal control of output port
+ buffering.
+* Ports can now be designated as textual or binary ports, with new procedures for reading
+ and writing binary data. The new predicates input-port-open? and output-port-open?
+ return whether a port is open or closed. The new procedure close-port now closes a
+ port; if the port has both input and output sides, both are closed.
+* String ports have been added as a way to read and write characters to and from strings,
+ and bytevector ports to read and write bytes to and from bytevectors.
+* There are now I/O procedures specific to strings and bytevectors.
+* The write procedure now generates datum labels when applied to circular objects. The
+ new procedure write-simple never generates labels; write-shared generates labels for
+ all shared and circular structure. The display procedure must not loop on circular
+ objects.
+* The R6RS procedure eof-object has been added. Eof-objects are now required to be a
+ disjoint type.
+* Syntax definitions are now allowed wherever variable definitions are.
+* The syntax-rules construct now allows the ellipsis symbol to be specified explicitly
+ instead of the default ..., allows template escapes with an ellipsis-prefixed list, and
+ allows tail patterns to follow an ellipsis pattern.
+* The syntax-error syntax has been added as a way to signal immediate and more
+ informative errors when a macro is expanded.
+* The letrec* binding construct has been added, and internal define is specified in terms
+ of it.
+* Support for capturing multiple values has been enhanced with define-values,
+ let-values, and let*-values. Standard expression types which contain a sequence of
+ expressions now permit passing zero or more than one value to the continuations of
+ all non-final expressions of the sequence.
+* The case conditional now supports => syntax analogous to cond not only in regular
+ clauses but in the else clause as well.
+* To support dispatching on the number of arguments passed to a procedure,
+ case-lambda has been added in its own library.
+* The convenience conditionals when and unless have been added.
+* The behavior of eqv? on inexact numbers now conforms to the R6RS definition.
+* When applied to procedures, eq? and eqv? are permitted to return different answers.
+* The R6RS procedures boolean=? and symbol=? have been added.
+* Positive infinity, negative infinity, NaN, and negative inexact zero have been added to
+ the numeric tower as inexact values with the written representations +inf.0, -inf.0,
+ +nan.0, and -0.0 respectively. Support for them is not required. The representation -
+ nan.0 is synonymous with +nan.0.
+* The log procedure now accepts a second argument specifying the logarithm base.
+* The procedures map and for-each are now required to terminate on the shortest
+ argument list.
+* The procedures member and assoc now take an optional third argument specifying the
+ equality predicate to be used.
+* The numeric procedures finite?, infinite?, nan?, exact-integer?, square, and
+ exact-integer-sqrt have been added.
+* The - and / procedures and the character and string comparison predicates are now
+ required to support more than two arguments.
+* The forms #true and #false are now supported as well as #t and #f.
+* The procedures make-list, list-copy, list-set!, string-map, string-for-each, string->vector,
+ vector-append, vector-copy, vector-map, vector-for-each, vector->string, vector-copy!,
+ and string-copy! have been added to round out the sequence operations.
+* Some string and vector procedures support processing of part of a string or vector
+ using optional
+ start and
+ end arguments.
+* Some list procedures are now defined on circular lists.
+* Implementations may provide any subset of the full Unicode repertoire that includes
+ ASCII, but implementations must support any such subset in a way consistent with
+ Unicode. Various character and string procedures have been extended accordingly, and
+ case conversion procedures added for strings. String comparison is no longer required
+ to be consistent with character comparison, which is based solely on Unicode scalar
+ values. The new digit-value procedure has been added to obtain the numerical value of
+ a numeric character.
+* There are now two additional comment syntaxes: #; to skip the next datum, and #| ... |#
+ for nestable block comments.
+* Data prefixed with datum labels #@svar{n}= can be referenced with #@svar{n}#, allowing for
+ reading and writing of data with shared structure.
+* Strings and symbols now allow mnemonic and numeric escape sequences, and the list
+ of named characters has been extended.
+* The procedures file-exists? and delete-file are available in the (scheme file) library.
+* An interface to the system environment, command line, and process exit status is
+ available in the (scheme process-context) library.
+* Procedures for accessing time-related values are available in the (scheme time) library.
+* A less irregular set of integer division operators is provided with new and clearer
+ names.
+* The load procedure now accepts a second argument specifying the environment to
+ load into.
+* The call-with-current-continuation procedure now has the synonym call/cc.
+* The semantics of read-eval-print loops are now partly prescribed, requiring the
+ redefinition of procedures, but not syntax keywords, to have retroactive effect.
+* The formal semantics now handles dynamic-wind.
+@node Incompatibilities with R6RS
+@section Incompatibilities with R6RS
+This section enumerates the incompatibilities between R7RS and the ``Revised6 report''
+[33] and its accompanying Standard Libraries document.
+This list is not authoritative, and is possibly incomplete.
+* R7RS libraries begin with the keyword define-library rather than library in order to
+ make them syntactically distinguishable from R6RS libraries. In R7RS terms, the body of
+ an R6RS library consists of a single export declaration followed by a single import
+ declaration, followed by commands and definitions. In R7RS, commands and definitions
+ are not permitted directly within the body: they have to be wrapped in a begin library
+ declaration.
+* There is no direct R6RS equivalent of the include, include-ci,
+ include-library-declarations, or cond-expand library declarations. On the other hand,
+ the R7RS library syntax does not support phase or version specifications.
+* The grouping of standardized identifiers into libraries is different from the R6RS
+ approach. In particular, procedures which are optional in R5RS either expressly or by
+ implication, have been removed from the base library. Only the base library itself is an
+ absolute requirement.
+* No form of identifier syntax is provided.
+* Internal syntax definitions are allowed, but uses of a syntax form cannot appear before
+ its definition; the even/odd example given in R6RS is not allowed.
+* The R6RS exception system was incorporated as-is, but the condition types have been
+ left unspecified. In particular, where R6RS requires a condition of a specified type to be
+ signaled, R7RS says only ``it is an error'', leaving the question of signaling open.
+* Full Unicode support is not required. Normalization is not provided. Character
+ comparisons are defined by Unicode, but string comparisons are
+ implementation-dependent. Non-Unicode characters are permitted.
+* The full numeric tower is optional as in R5RS, but optional support for IEEE infinities,
+ NaN, and was adopted from R6RS. Most clarifications on numeric results were also
+ adopted, but the semantics of the R6RS procedures real?, rational?, and integer? were
+ not adopted. (Note that the R5RS/R7RS semantics are available in R6RS using
+ real-valued?, rational-valued?, and integer-valued?). The R6RS division operators div,
+ mod, div-and-mod, div0, mod0 and div0-and-mod0 are not provided.
+* When a result is unspecified, it is still required to be a single value. However, non-final
+ expressions in a body can return any number of values.
+* The semantics of map and for-each have been changed to use the SRFI 1 [30] early
+ termination behavior. Likewise, assoc and member take an optional equal? argument
+ as in SRFI 1, instead of the separate assp and memp procedures of R6RS.
+* The R6RS quasiquote clarifications have been adopted, with the exception of
+ multiple-argument unquote and unquote-splicing.
+* The R6RS method of specifying mantissa widths was not adopted.
+* String ports are compatible with SRFI 6 [7] rather than R6RS.
+* R6RS-style bytevectors are included, but only the unsigned byte (u8) procedures have
+ been provided. The lexical syntax uses #u8 for compatibility with SRFI 4 [13], rather than
+ the R6RS #vu8 style.
+* The utility macros when and unless are provided, but their result is left unspecified.
+* The remaining features of the Standard Libraries document were left to future
+ standardization efforts.
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/lexical-conventions.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/lexical-conventions.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+@node Lexical conventions
+@chapter Lexical conventions
+This section gives an informal account of some of the lexical conventions used in writing
+Scheme programs. For a formal syntax of Scheme, see section 7.1.
+* Identifiers::
+* Whitespace and comments::
+* Other notations::
+* Datum labels::
+@end menu
+@node Identifiers
+@section Identifiers
+An identifieris any sequence of letters, digits, and ``extended identifier characters''
+provided that it does not have a prefix which is a valid number. However, the . token (a
+single period) used in the list syntax is not an identifier.
+All implementations of Scheme must support the following extended identifier
+! $ % & * + - . / : < = > ? @ ^ _ ~
+@end example
+Alternatively, an identifier can be represented by a sequence
+of zero or more characters enclosed within vertical lines (@samp{|}), analogous to string literals.
+Any character, including whitespace characters, but excluding the backslash and vertical
+line characters, can appear verbatim in such an identifier. In addition, characters can be
+specified using either an @svar{inline hex escape} or the same escapes available in strings.
+For example, the identifier @code{|H\x65;llo|} is the same identifier as @code{Hello}, and in an
+implementation that supports the appropriate Unicode character the identifier @code{|\x3BB;|}
+is the same as the identifier @math{\lambda}. What is more, @code{|\t\t|} and @code{|\x9;\x9;|} are the same. Note
+that @code{||} is a valid identifier that is different from any other identifier.
+Here are some examples of identifiers:
+... +
++soup+ <=?
+->string a34kTMNs
+lambda list->vector
+q V17a
+|two words| |two\x20;words|
+@end example
+See section 7.1.1 for the formal syntax of
+Identifiers have two uses within Scheme programs:
+Any identifier can be used as a variable or as a syntactic keyword
+(see sections 3.1 and 4.3).
+When an identifier appears as a literal or within a literal (see
+section 4.1.2), it is being used to denote a @dfn{symbol} (see section 6.5).
+@end itemize
+In contrast with earlier revisions of the report [20], the syntax distinguishes between
+upper and lower case in identifiers and in characters specified using their names.
+However, it does not distinguish between upper and lower case in numbers, nor in <inline
+hex escapes> used in the syntax of identifiers, characters, or strings. None of the
+identifiers defined in this report contain upper-case characters, even when they appear to
+do so as a result of the English-language convention of capitalizing the first word of a
+The following directives give explicit control over case folding.
+@end example
+These directives can appear anywhere comments are permitted (see section 2.2) but
+must be followed by a delimiter. They are treated as comments, except that they affect
+the reading of subsequent data from the same port. The @code{#!fold-case} directive causes
+subsequent identifiers and character names to be case-folded as if by string-foldcase (see
+section 6.7). It has no effect on character literals. The @code{#!no-fold-case} directive causes a
+return to the default, non-folding behavior.
+@node Whitespace and comments
+@section Whitespace and comments
+@dfn{Whitespace} characters include the space, tab, and newline characters. (Implementations
+may provide additional whitespace characters such as page break.) Whitespace is used
+for improved readability and as necessary to separate tokens from each other, a token
+being an indivisible lexical unit such as an identifier or number, but is otherwise
+insignificant. Whitespace can occur between any two tokens, but not within a token.
+Whitespace occurring inside a string or inside a symbol delimited by vertical lines is
+The lexical syntax includes several comment forms. Comments are treated exactly like
+A semicolon (@samp{;}) indicates the start of a line comment.The comment continues to the end
+of the line on which the semicolon appears. Another way to indicate a comment is to
+prefix a @svar{datum} (cf. section 7.1.2) with @code{#;} and optional @svar{whitespace}. The comment
+consists of the comment prefix #;, the space, and the @svar{datum} together. This notation is
+useful for ``commenting out'' sections of code.
+Block comments are indicated with properly nested @code{#|} and @code{|#} pairs.
+ The FACT procedure computes the factorial
+ of a non-negative integer.
+(define fact
+ (lambda (n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ #;(= n 1)
+ 1 ;Base case: return 1
+ (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
+@end example
+@node Other notations
+@section Other notations
+For a description of the notations used for numbers, see section 6.2.
+@table @t
+@item @t{. + -}
+ These are used in numbers, and can also occur anywhere in an identifier. A delimited
+ plus or minus sign by itself is also an identifier. A delimited period (not occurring
+ within a number or identifier) is used in the notation for pairs (section 6.4), and to
+ indicate a rest-parameter in a formal parameter list (section 4.1.4). Note that a
+ sequence of two or more periods is an identifier.
+@item @t{( )}
+ Parentheses are used for grouping and to notate lists (section 6.4).
+@item @t{'}
+ The apostrophe (single quote) character is used to indicate literal data (section
+ 4.1.2).
+@item @t{`}
+ The grave accent (backquote) character is used to indicate partly constant data
+ (section 4.2.8).
+@item @t{, ,@@}
+ The character comma and the sequence comma at-sign are used in conjunction with
+ quasiquotation (section 4.2.8).
+@item @t{"}
+ The quotation mark character is used to delimit strings (section 6.7).
+@item @t{\}
+ Backslash is used in the syntax for character constants (section 6.6) and as an escape
+ character within string constants (section 6.7) and identifiers (section 7.1.1).
+@item @t{[ ] @{ @} |}
+ Left and right square and curly brackets (braces) are reserved for possible future
+ extensions to the language.
+@item @t{#}
+ The number sign is used for a variety of purposes depending on the character that
+ immediately follows it:
+@item @t{#t #f}
+ These are the boolean constants (section 6.3), along with the alternatives #true and
+ #false.
+@item @t{#\}
+ This introduces a character constant (section 6.6).
+@item @t{#(}
+ This introduces a vector constant (section 6.8). Vector constants are terminated by ) .
+@item @t{#u8(}
+ This introduces a bytevector constant (section 6.9). Bytevector constants are
+ terminated by @code{)} .
+@item @t{#e #i #b #o #d #x}
+ These are used in the notation for numbers (section 6.2.5).
+@item @t{#<n>= #<n>#}
+ These are used for labeling and referencing other literal data (section 2.4).
+@end table
+@node Datum labels
+@section Datum labels
+@deffn {lexical syntax} #<n>=<datum>
+@deffnx {lexical syntax} #<n>#
+The lexical syntax @code{#}<n>@code{=}<datum> reads the same as <datum>, but also results in <datum>
+being labelled by <n>. It is an error if <n> is not a sequence of digits.
+The lexical syntax @code{#}<n>@code{#} serves as a reference to some object labelled by @code{#}<n>@code{=}; the
+result is the same object as the @code{#}<n>@code{=} (see section 6.1). Together, these syntaxes permit
+the notation of structures with shared or circular substructure.
+(let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+ (set-cdr! (cddr x) x)
+ x) @result{} #0=(a b c . #0#)
+@end example
+The scope of a datum label is the portion of the outermost datum in which it appears that
+is to the right of the label. Consequently, a reference @code{#}<n>@code{#} can occur only after a label
+@code{#}<n>@code{=}; it is an error to attempt a forward reference. In addition, it is an error if the
+reference appears as the labelled object itself (as in @code{#}<n>@code{=} @code{#}<n>@code{#}), because the object
+labelled by @code{#}<n>@code{=} is not well defined in this case.
+It is an error for a <program> or <library> to include circular references except in literals.
+In particular, it is an error for quasiquote (section 4.2.8) to contain them.
+#1=(begin (display #\x) #1#) @result{} @error{}
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/overview.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/overview.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+@node top, Introduction, (dir), (dir)
+@top Revised(7) Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme
+@majorheading Summary
+The report gives a defining description of the programming language Scheme. Scheme is
+a statically scoped and properly tail recursive dialect of the Lisp programming language
+[23] invented by Guy Lewis Steele Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman. It was designed to have
+exceptionally clear and simple semantics and few different ways to form expressions. A
+wide variety of programming paradigms, including imperative, functional, and
+object-oriented styles, find convenient expression in Scheme.
+The introduction offers a brief history of the language and of the report.
+The first three chapters present the fundamental ideas of the language and describe the
+notational conventions used for describing the language and for writing programs in the
+Chapters 4 and 5 describe the syntax and semantics of expressions, definitions,
+programs, and libraries.
+Chapter 6 describes Scheme's built-in procedures, which include all of the language's data
+manipulation and input/output primitives.
+Chapter 7 provides a formal syntax for Scheme written in extended BNF, along with a
+formal denotational semantics. An example of the use of the language follows the formal
+syntax and semantics.
+Appendix A provides a list of the standard libraries and the identifiers that they export.
+Appendix B provides a list of optional but standardized implementation feature names.
+The report concludes with a list of references and an alphabetic index.
+Note: The editors of the R5RS and R6RS reports are listed as authors of this report in
+recognition of the substantial portions of this report that are copied directly from
+R5RS and R6RS. There is no intended implication that those editors, individually or
+collectively, support or do not support this report.
+* Introduction::
+* Overview of Scheme::
+* Lexical conventions::
+* Basic concepts::
+* Expressions::
+* Program structure::
+* Standard procedures::
+* Formal syntax and semantics::
+* Appendices::
+* Language changes::
+* Additional material::
+* Example::
+* References::
+@end menu
+@node Introduction
+@chapter Introduction
+Programming languages should be designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but
+by removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additional features appear
+necessary. Scheme demonstrates that a very small number of rules for forming
+expressions, with no restrictions on how they are composed, suffice to form a practical
+and efficient programming language that is flexible enough to support most of the major
+programming paradigms in use today.
+Scheme was one of the first programming languages to incorporate first-class
+procedures as in the lambda calculus, thereby proving the usefulness of static scope rules
+and block structure in a dynamically typed language. Scheme was the first major dialect
+of Lisp to distinguish procedures from lambda expressions and symbols, to use a single
+lexical environment for all variables, and to evaluate the operator position of a procedure
+call in the same way as an operand position. By relying entirely on procedure calls to
+express iteration, Scheme emphasized the fact that tail-recursive procedure calls are
+essentially GOTOs that pass arguments, thus allowing a programming style that is both
+coherent and efficient. Scheme was the first widely used programming language to
+embrace first-class escape procedures, from which all previously known sequential
+control structures can be synthesized. A subsequent version of Scheme introduced the
+concept of exact and inexact numbers, an extension of Common Lisp's generic
+arithmetic. More recently, Scheme became the first programming language to support
+hygienic macros, which permit the syntax of a block-structured language to be extended
+in a consistent and reliable manner.
+@heading Background
+The first description of Scheme was written in 1975 [35]. A revised report [31] appeared in
+1978, which described the evolution of the language as its MIT implementation was
+upgraded to support an innovative compiler [32]. Three distinct projects began in 1981
+and 1982 to use variants of Scheme for courses at MIT, Yale, and Indiana University [27,
+24, 14]. An introductory computer science textbook using Scheme was published in 1984
+As Scheme became more widespread, local dialects began to diverge until students and
+researchers occasionally found it difficult to understand code written at other sites.
+Fifteen representatives of the major implementations of Scheme therefore met in
+October 1984 to work toward a better and more widely accepted standard for Scheme.
+Their report, the RRRS [8], was published at MIT and Indiana University in the summer of
+1985. Further revision took place in the spring of 1986, resulting in the R3RS [29]. Work in
+the spring of 1988 resulted in R4RS [10], which became the basis for the IEEE Standard for
+the Scheme Programming Language in 1991 [18]. In 1998, several additions to the IEEE
+standard, including high-level hygienic macros, multiple return values, and eval, were
+finalized as the R5RS [20].
+In the fall of 2006, work began on a more ambitious standard, including many new
+improvements and stricter requirements made in the interest of improved portability. The
+resulting standard, the R6RS, was completed in August 2007 [33], and was organized as a
+core language and set of mandatory standard libraries. Several new implementations of
+Scheme conforming to it were created. However, most existing R5RS implementations
+(even excluding those which are essentially unmaintained) did not adopt R6RS, or adopted
+only selected parts of it.
+In consequence, the Scheme Steering Committee decided in August 2009 to divide the
+standard into two separate but compatible languages---a ``small'' language, suitable for
+educators, researchers, and users of embedded languages, focused on R5RS
+compatibility, and a ``large'' language focused on the practical needs of mainstream
+software development, intended to become a replacement for R6RS. The present report
+describes the ``small'' language of that effort: therefore it cannot be considered in
+isolation as the successor to R6RS.
+We intend this report to belong to the entire Scheme community, and so we grant
+permission to copy it in whole or in part without fee. In particular, we encourage
+implementers of Scheme to use this report as a starting point for manuals and other
+documentation, modifying it as necessary.
+@heading Acknowledgments
+We would like to thank the members of the Steering Committee, William Clinger, Marc
+Feeley, Chris Hanson, Jonathan Rees, and Olin Shivers, for their support and guidance.
+This report is very much a community effort, and we'd like to thank everyone who
+provided comments and feedback, including the following people: David Adler, Eli
+Barzilay, Taylan Ulrich Bay@dotless{i}rl@dotless{i}/Kammer, Marco Benelli, Pierpaolo Bernardi, Peter Bex, Per
+Bothner, John Boyle, Taylor Campbell, Raffael Cavallaro, Ray Dillinger, Biep Durieux,
+Sztefan Edwards, Helmut Eller, Justin Ethier, Jay Reynolds Freeman, Tony Garnock-Jones,
+Alan Manuel Gloria, Steve Hafner, Sven Hartrumpf, Brian Harvey, Moritz Heidkamp,
+Jean-Michel Hufflen, Aubrey Jaffer, Takashi Kato, Shiro Kawai, Richard Kelsey, Oleg
+Kiselyov, Pjotr Kourzanov, Jonathan Kraut, Daniel Krueger, Christian Stigen Larsen, Noah
+Lavine, Stephen Leach, Larry D. Lee, Kun Liang, Thomas Lord, Vincent Stewart Manis, Perry
+Metzger, Michael Montague, Mikael More, Vitaly Magerya, Vincent Manis, Vassil Nikolov,
+Joseph Wayne Norton, Yuki Okumura, Daichi Oohashi, Jeronimo Pellegrini, Jussi
+Piitulainen, Alex Queiroz, Jim Rees, Grant Rettke, Andrew Robbins, Devon Schudy, Bakul
+Shah, Robert Smith, Arthur Smyles, Michael Sperber, John David Stone, Jay Sulzberger,
+Malcolm Tredinnick, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Andre van Tonder, Daniel Villeneuve, Denis
+Washington, Alan Watson, Mark H. Weaver, G@"oran Weinholt, David A. Wheeler, Andy
+Wingo, James Wise, J@"org F. Wittenberger, Kevin A. Wortman, Sascha Ziemann.
+In addition we would like to thank all the past editors, and the people who helped them in
+turn: Hal Abelson, Norman Adams, David Bartley, Alan Bawden, Michael Blair, Gary
+Brooks, George Carrette, Andy Cromarty, Pavel Curtis, Jeff Dalton, Olivier Danvy, Ken
+Dickey, Bruce Duba, Robert Findler, Andy Freeman, Richard Gabriel, Yekta G@"ursel, Ken
+Haase, Robert Halstead, Robert Hieb, Paul Hudak, Morry Katz, Eugene Kohlbecker, Chris
+Lindblad, Jacob Matthews, Mark Meyer, Jim Miller, Don Oxley, Jim Philbin, Kent Pitman,
+John Ramsdell, Guillermo Rozas, Mike Shaff, Jonathan Shapiro, Guy Steele, Julie Sussman,
+Perry Wagle, Mitchel Wand, Daniel Weise, Henry Wu, and Ozan Yigit. We thank Carol
+Fessenden, Daniel Friedman, and Christopher Haynes for permission to use text from the
+Scheme 311 version 4 reference manual. We thank Texas Instruments, Inc. for permission
+to use text from the TI Scheme Language Reference Manual [37]. We gladly acknowledge the
+influence of manuals for MIT Scheme [24], T [28], Scheme 84 [15], Common Lisp [34], and
+Algol 60 [25], as well as the following SRFIs: 0, 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 30, 34, 39, 43, 46, 62, and
+87, all of which are available at
+@node Overview of Scheme
+@chapter Overview of Scheme
+* Semantics::
+* Syntax::
+* Notation and terminology::
+@end menu
+@node Semantics
+@section Semantics
+This section gives an overview of Scheme's semantics. A detailed informal semantics is the
+subject of chapters 3 through 6. For reference purposes, section 7.2 provides a formal
+semantics of Scheme.
+Scheme is a statically scoped programming language. Each use of a variable is associated
+with a lexically apparent binding of that variable.
+Scheme is a dynamically typed language. Types are associated with values (also called
+objects) rather than with variables. Statically typed languages, by contrast, associate types
+with variables and expressions as well as with values.
+All objects created in the course of a Scheme computation, including procedures and
+continuations, have unlimited extent. No Scheme object is ever destroyed. The reason
+that implementations of Scheme do not (usually!) run out of storage is that they are
+permitted to reclaim the storage occupied by an object if they can prove that the object
+cannot possibly matter to any future computation. Implementations of Scheme are
+required to be properly tail-recursive. This allows the execution of an iterative
+computation in constant space, even if the iterative computation is described by a
+syntactically recursive procedure. Thus with a properly tail-recursive implementation,
+iteration can be expressed using the ordinary procedure-call mechanics, so that special
+iteration constructs are useful only as syntactic sugar. See section 3.5.
+Scheme procedures are objects in their own right. Procedures can be created
+dynamically, stored in data structures, returned as results of procedures, and so on. One
+distinguishing feature of Scheme is that continuations, which in most other languages
+only operate behind the scenes, also have ``first-class'' status. Continuations are useful for
+implementing a wide variety of advanced control constructs, including non-local exits,
+backtracking, and coroutines. See section 6.10.
+Arguments to Scheme procedures are always passed by value, which means that the
+actual argument expressions are evaluated before the procedure gains control,
+regardless of whether the procedure needs the result of the evaluation. Scheme's model
+of arithmetic is designed to remain as independent as possible of the particular ways in
+which numbers are represented within a computer. In Scheme, every integer is a rational
+number, every rational is a real, and every real is a complex number. Thus the distinction
+between integer and real arithmetic, so important to many programming languages,
+does not appear in Scheme. In its place is a distinction between exact arithmetic, which
+corresponds to the mathematical ideal, and inexact arithmetic on approximations. Exact
+arithmetic is not limited to integers.
+@node Syntax
+@section Syntax
+Scheme, like most dialects of Lisp, employs a fully parenthesized prefix notation for
+programs and other data; the grammar of Scheme generates a sublanguage of the
+language used for data. An important consequence of this simple, uniform representation
+is that Scheme programs and data can easily be treated uniformly by other Scheme
+programs. For example, the eval procedure evaluates a Scheme program expressed as
+The read procedure performs syntactic as well as lexical decomposition of the data it
+reads. The read procedure parses its input as data (section 7.1.2), not as program.
+The formal syntax of Scheme is described in section 7.1.
+@node Notation and terminology
+@section Notation and terminology
+* Base and optional features::
+* Error situations and unspecified behavior::
+* Entry format::
+* Evaluation examples::
+* Naming conventions::
+@end menu
+@node Base and optional features
+@subsection Base and optional features
+Every identifier defined in this report appears in one or more of several libraries.
+Identifiers defined in the base library are not marked specially in the body of the report.
+This library includes the core syntax of Scheme and generally useful procedures that
+manipulate data. For example, the variable @code{abs} is bound to a procedure of one argument
+that computes the absolute value of a number, and the variable @code{+} is bound to a procedure
+that computes sums. The full list all the standard libraries and the identifiers they export
+is given in Appendix A.
+All implementations of Scheme:
+Must provide the base library and all the identifiers exported from it.
+May provide or omit the other libraries given in this report, but each library must either
+ be provided in its entirety, exporting no additional identifiers, or else omitted
+ altogether.
+May provide other libraries not described in this report.
+May also extend the function of any identifier in this report, provided the extensions
+ are not in conflict with the language reported here.
+Must support portable code by providing a mode of operation in which the lexical
+ syntax does not conflict with the lexical syntax described in this report.
+@end itemize
+@node Error situations and unspecified behavior
+@subsection Error situations and unspecified behavior
+When speaking of an error situation, this report uses the phrase ``an error is signaled'' to
+indicate that implementations must detect and report the error. An error is signaled by
+raising a non-continuable exception, as if by the procedure @code{raise} as described in section
+6.11. The object raised is implementation-dependent and need not be distinct from
+objects previously used for the same purpose. In addition to errors signaled in situations
+described in this report, programmers can signal their own errors and handle signaled
+The phrase ``an error that satisfies @var{predicate} is signaled'' means that an error is signaled as
+above. Furthermore, if the object that is signaled is passed to the specified predicate (such
+as @code{file-error?} or @code{read-error?}), the predicate returns @code{#t}.
+If such wording does not appear in the discussion of an error, then implementations are
+not required to detect or report the error, though they are encouraged to do so. Such a
+situation is sometimes, but not always, referred to with the phrase ``an error.'' In such a
+situation, an implementation may or may not signal an error; if it does signal an error, the
+object that is signaled may or may not satisfy the predicates @code{error-object?}, @code{file-error?}, or
+@code{read-error?}. Alternatively, implementations may provide non-portable extensions.
+For example, it is an error for a procedure to be passed an argument of a type that the
+procedure is not explicitly specified to handle, even though such domain errors are seldom
+mentioned in this report. Implementations may signal an error, extend a procedure's
+domain of definition to include such arguments, or fail catastrophically.
+This report uses the phrase ``may report a violation of an implementation restriction'' to
+indicate circumstances under which an implementation is permitted to report that it is
+unable to continue execution of a correct program because of some restriction imposed
+by the implementation. Implementation restrictions are discouraged, but
+implementations are encouraged to report violations of implementation restrictions.
+For example, an implementation may report a violation of an implementation restriction if
+it does not have enough storage to run a program, or if an arithmetic operation would
+produce an exact number that is too large for the implementation to represent.
+If the value of an expression is said to be ``unspecified,'' then the expression must evaluate
+to some object without signaling an error, but the value depends on the implementation;
+this report explicitly does not say what value is returned.
+Finally, the words and phrases ``must,'' ``must not,'' ``shall,'' ``shall not,'' ``should,'' ``should
+not,'' ``may,'' ``required,'' ``recommended,'' and ``optional,'' although not capitalized in this
+report, are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [3]. They are used only with
+reference to implementer or implementation behavior, not with reference to
+programmer or program behavior.
+@node Entry format
+@subsection Entry format
+@c To what extent should the Texinfo version follow the PDF's
+@c formatting?
+Chapters 4 and 6 are organized into entries. Each entry describes one language feature
+or a group of related features, where a feature is either a syntactic construct or a
+procedure. An entry begins with one or more header lines of the form
+for identifiers in the base library, or
+name library
+name is the short name of a library as defined in Appendix A.
+category is ``syntax,'' the entry describes an expression type, and the template gives the
+syntax of the expression type. Components of expressions are designated by syntactic
+variables, which are written using angle brackets, for example @svar{expression} and
+@svar{variable}. Syntactic variables are intended to denote segments of program text; for
+example, @svar{expression} stands for any string of characters which is a syntactically valid
+expression. The notation
+@svar{thing@sub{1}} @dots{}
+@end display
+indicates zero or more occurrences of a @svar{thing}, and
+@svar{thing@sub{1}} @svar{thing@sub{2}} @dots{}
+@end display
+indicates one or more occurrences of a @svar{thing}.
+category is ``auxiliary syntax,'' then the entry describes a syntax binding that occurs only as
+part of specific surrounding expressions. Any use as an independent syntactic construct
+or variable is an error.
+category is ``procedure,'' then the entry describes a procedure, and the header line gives a
+template for a call to the procedure. Argument names in the template are
+italicized. Thus the header line
+@deffn procedure vector-ref vector k
+indicates that the procedure bound to the @code{vector-ref} variable takes two arguments, a
+@var{vector} and an exact non-negative integer
+@var{k} (see below).
+@end deffn
+The header lines
+@deffn procedure make-vector k
+@deffnx procedure make-vector k fill
+indicate that the @code{make-vector} procedure must be defined to take either one or two
+@end deffn
+It is an error for a procedure to be presented with an argument that it is not specified to
+handle. For succinctness, we follow the convention that if an argument name is also the
+name of a type listed in section 3.2, then it is an error if that argument is not of the named
+type. For example, the header line for @code{vector-ref} given above dictates that the first
+argument to @code{vector-ref} is a vector. The following naming conventions also imply type
+@table @asis
+@item @var{alist}
+association list (list of pairs)
+@item @var{boolean}
+boolean value (@code{#t} or @code{#f})
+@item @var{byte}
+exact integer 0 @leq{} @var{byte} < 256
+@item @var{bytevector}
+@item @var{char}
+@item @var{end}
+exact non-negative integer
+@item @var{k}, @var{k}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{k}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
+exact non-negative integer
+@item @var{letter}
+alphabetic character
+@item @var{list}, @var{list}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{list}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
+@item @var{n}, @var{n}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{n}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
+@item @var{obj}
+any object
+@item @var{pair}
+@item @var{port}
+@item @var{proc}
+@item @var{q}, @var{q}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{q}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
+rational number
+@item @var{start}
+exact non-negative integer
+@item @var{string}
+@item @var{symbol}
+@item @var{thunk}
+zero-argument procedure
+@item @var{vector}
+@item @var{x}, @var{x}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{x}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
+real number
+@item @var{y}, @var{y}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{y}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
+real number
+@item @var{z}, @var{z}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{z}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
+complex number
+@end table
+The names
+@var{start} and
+@var{end} are used as indexes into strings, vectors, and bytevectors. Their use implies the
+It is an error if @var{start} is greater than @var{end}.
+It is an error if @var{end} is greater than the length of the string,
+vector, or bytevector.
+If @var{start} is omitted, it is assumed to be zero.
+If @var{end} is omitted, it assumed to be the length of the string, vector,
+or bytevector.
+The index @var{start} is always inclusive and the index
+@var{end} is always exclusive. As an example, consider a string. If
+@var{start} and
+@var{end} are the same, an empty substring is referred to, and if
+@var{start} is zero and
+@var{end} is the length of
+string, then the entire string is referred to.
+@end itemize
+@node Evaluation examples
+@subsection Evaluation examples
+The symbol ``@result{}'' used in program examples is read ``evaluates to.'' For example,
+(* 5 8) @result{} 40
+@end example
+means that the expression @code{(* 5 8)} evaluates to the object @code{40}. Or, more
+precisely: the expression given by the sequence of characters ``@code{(* 5 8)}'' evaluates, in an
+environment containing the base library, to an object that can be represented externally
+by the sequence of characters ``@code{40}.'' See section 3.3 for a discussion of external
+representations of objects.
+@node Naming conventions
+@subsection Naming conventions
+By convention, @samp{?} is the final character of the names of procedures that always return a
+boolean value. Such procedures are called @dfn{predicates}. Predicates are generally understood
+to be side-effect free, except that they may raise an exception when passed the wrong
+type of argument.
+Similarly, @samp{!} is the final character of the names of procedures that store values into
+previously allocated locations (see section 3.4). Such procedures are called @dfn{mutation
+procedures}. The value returned by a mutation procedure is unspecified.
+By convention, ``@samp{->}'' appears within the names of procedures that take an object of one
+type and return an analogous object of another type. For example, @code{list->vector} takes a list
+and returns a vector whose elements are the same as those of the list.
+A @dfn{command} is a procedure that does not return useful values to its continuation.
+A @dfn{thunk} is a procedure that does not accept arguments.
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/primitive-expressions.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/primitive-expressions.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+@node Primitive expression types
+@section Primitive expression types
+* Variable references::
+* Literal expressions::
+* Procedure calls::
+* Procedures::
+* Conditionals primitive::
+* Assignments::
+* Inclusion::
+@end menu
+@node Variable references
+@subsection Variable references
+syntax: @svar{variable}
+An expression consisting of a variable
+(@xref{Variables - syntactic keywords - and regions}) is a variable
+reference. The value of the variable reference is the value stored in the
+location to which the variable is bound. It is an error to reference an
+(define x 28)
+x @result{} 28
+@end example
+@node Literal expressions
+@subsection Literal expressions
+syntax: (quote @svar{datum})
+syntax: '@svar{datum}
+syntax: @svar{constant}
+@code{(quote} @svar{datum}@code{)} evaluates to @svar{datum}. @svar{Datum} can be any
+external representation of a Scheme object
+(@xref{External representations (basic)}). This notation is used to include
+literal constants in Scheme code.
+(quote a) @result{} a
+(quote #(a b c)) @result{} #(a b c)
+(quote (+ 1 2)) @result{} (+ 1 2)
+@end example
+@code{(quote} @svar{datum}@code{)} can be abbreviated as @code{'}@svar{datum}. The two
+notations are equivalent in all respects.
+'a @result{} a
+'#(a b c) @result{} #(a b c)
+'() @result{} ()
+'(+ 1 2) @result{} (+ 1 2)
+'(quote a) @result{} (quote a)
+''a @result{} (quote a)
+@end example
+Numerical constants, string constants, character constants, vector
+constants, bytevector constants, and boolean constants evaluate to
+themselves; they need not be quoted.
+'145932 @result{} 145932
+145932 @result{} 145932
+'"abc" @result{} "abc"
+"abc" @result{} "abc"
+'#\a @result{} #\a
+#\a @result{} #\a
+'#(a 10) @result{} #(a 10)
+#(a 10) @result{} #(a 10)
+'#u8(64 65) @result{} #u8(64 65)
+#u8(64 65) @result{} #u8(64 65)
+'#t @result{} #t
+#t @result{} #t
+@end example
+As noted in @ref{Storage model}, it is an error to attempt to alter a
+constant (i.e.@: the value of a literal expression) using a mutation
+procedure like @code{set-car!} or @code{string-set!}.
+@node Procedure calls
+@subsection Procedure calls
+syntax: (@svar{operator} @svar{operand@sub{1}} @dots{})
+A procedure call is written by enclosing in parentheses an expression for
+the procedure to be called followed by expressions for the arguments to be
+passed to it. The operator and operand expressions are evaluated (in an
+unspecified order) and the resulting procedure is passed the resulting
+(+ 3 4) @result{} 7
+((if #f + *) 3 4) @result{} 12
+@end example
+The procedures in this document are available as the values of variables
+exported by the standard libraries. For example, the addition and
+multiplication procedures in the above examples are the values of the
+variables @code{+} and @code{*} in the base library. New procedures are
+created by evaluating lambda expressions (@xref{Procedures}).
+Procedure calls can return any number of values (see values in @ref{Control
+features}). Most of the procedures defined in this report return one value
+or, for procedures such as apply, pass on the values returned by a call to
+one of their arguments. Exceptions are noted in the individual descriptions.
+Note: In contrast to other dialects of Lisp, the order of evaluation is
+unspecified, and the operator expression and the operand expressions are
+always evaluated with the same evaluation rules.
+Note: Although the order of evaluation is otherwise unspecified, the effect
+of any concurrent evaluation of the operator and operand expressions is
+constrained to be consistent with some sequential order of evaluation. The
+order of evaluation may be chosen differently for each procedure call.
+Note: In many dialects of Lisp, the empty list, @code{()}, is a legitimate
+expression evaluating to itself. In Scheme, it is an error.
+@node Procedures
+@subsection Procedures
+@deffn syntax lambda @svar{formals} @svar{body}
+Syntax: @svar{Formals} is a formal arguments list as described below, and
+@svar{body} is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by one or
+more expressions.
+Semantics: A @code{lambda} expression evaluates to a procedure. The
+environment in effect when the @code{lambda} expression was evaluated is
+remembered as part of the procedure. When the procedure is later called with
+some actual arguments, the environment in which the @code{lambda} expression
+was evaluated will be extended by binding the variables in the formal
+argument list to fresh locations, and the corresponding actual argument
+values will be stored in those locations. (A @dfn{fresh} location is one
+that is distinct from every previously existing location.) Next, the
+expressions in the body of the @code{lambda} expression (which, if it
+contains definitions, represents a @code{letrec*} form---@xref{Binding
+constructs}) will be evaluated sequentially in the extended environment. The
+results of the last expression in the body will be returned as the results
+of the procedure call.
+((lambda (x) (+ x x)) @result{} @r{a procedure}
+((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4) @result{} 8
+@end example
+(define reverse-subtract
+ (lambda (x y) (- y x)))
+(reverse-subtract 7 10) @result{} 3
+(define add4
+ (let ((x 4))
+ (lambda (y) (+ x y))))
+(add4 6) @result{} 10
+@end example
+@svar{Formals} have one of the following forms:
+@code{(}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @dots{}@code{)}: The procedure takes a fixed
+number of arguments; when the procedure is called, the arguments will be
+stored in fresh locations that are bound to the corresponding variables.
+@svar{variable}: The procedure takes any number of arguments; when the
+procedure is called, the sequence of actual arguments is converted into a
+newly allocated list, and the list is stored in a fresh location that is
+bound to @svar{variable}.
+@code{(}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @dots{} @svar{variable@sub{n}} .
+@svar{variable@sub{n+1}}@code{)}: If a space-delimited period precedes the
+last variable, then the procedure takes @var{n} or more arguments, where
+@var{n} is the number of formal arguments before the period (it is an error
+if there is not at least one). The value stored in the binding of the last
+variable will be a newly allocated list of the actual arguments left over
+after all the other actual arguments have been matched up against the other
+formal arguments.
+@end itemize
+It is an error for a @svar{variable} to appear more than once in @svar{formals}.
+((lambda x x) 3 4 5 6) @result{} (3 4 5 6)
+((lambda (x y . z) z)
+ 3 4 5 6) @result{} (5 6)
+@end example
+Each procedure created as the result of evaluating a @code{lambda}
+expression is (conceptually) tagged with a storage location, in order to
+make @code{eqv?} and @code{eq?} work on procedures (@xref{Equivalence
+@end deffn
+@node Conditionals primitive
+@subsection Conditionals
+@deffn syntax if @svar{test} @svar{consequent} @svar{alternate}
+@deffnx syntax if @svar{test} @svar{consequent}
+Syntax: @svar{Test}, @svar{consequent}, and @svar{alternate} are expressions.
+Semantics: An @code{if} expression is evaluated as follows: first,
+@svar{test} is evaluated. If it yields a true value (@xref{Booleans}), then
+@svar{consequent} is evaluated and its values are returned. Otherwise
+@svar{alternate} is evaluated and its values are returned. If @svar{test}
+yields a false value and no @svar{alternate} is specified, then the result
+of the expression is unspecified.
+@end deffn
+(if (> 3 2) 'yes 'no) @result{} yes
+(if (> 2 3) 'yes 'no) @result{} no
+(if (> 3 2)
+ (- 3 2)
+ (+ 3 2)) @result{} 1
+@end example
+@node Assignments
+@subsection Assignments
+@deffn syntax set! @svar{variable} @svar{expression}
+Semantics: @svar{Expression} is evaluated, and the resulting value is stored
+in the location to which @svar{variable} is bound. It is an error if
+@svar{variable} is not bound either in some regionenclosing the set!
+expression or else globally. The result of the @code{set!} expression is
+@end deffn
+(define x 2)
+(+ x 1) @result{} 3
+(set! x 4) @result{} @r{unspecified}
+(+ x 1) @result{} 5
+@end example
+@node Inclusion
+@subsection Inclusion
+@deffn syntax include @svar{string@sub{1}} @svar{string@sub{2}}@dots{}
+@deffnx syntax include-ci @svar{string@sub{1}} @svar{string@sub{2}}@dots{}
+Semantics: Both @code{include} and @code{include-ci} take one or more
+filenames expressed as string literals, apply an implementation-specific
+algorithm to find corresponding files, read the contents of the files in the
+specified order as if by repeated applications of read, and effectively
+replace the @code{include} or @code{include-ci} expression with a
+@code{begin} expression containing what was read from the files. The
+difference between the two is that @code{include-ci} reads each file as if
+it began with the @code{#!fold-case} directive, while @code{include} does
+Note: Implementations are encouraged to search for files in the directory
+which contains the including file, and to provide a way for users to specify
+other directories to search.
+@end deffn
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+@node Booleans
+@section Booleans
+The standard boolean objects for true and false are written as #t and #f.Alternatively,
+they can be written #true and #false, respectively. What really matters, though, are the
+objects that the Scheme conditional expressions (if, cond, and, or, when, unless, do)
+treat as trueor false. The phrase ``a true value''(or sometimes just ``true'') means any
+object treated as true by the conditional expressions, and the phrase ``a false value''(or
+``false'') means any object treated as false by the conditional expressions.
+Of all the Scheme values, only #f counts as false in conditional expressions. All other
+Scheme values, including #t, count as true.
+Note: Unlike some other dialects of Lisp, Scheme distinguishes #f and the empty list
+from each other and from the symbol nil.
+Boolean constants evaluate to themselves, so they do not need to be quoted in
+#t @result{} #t
+#f @result{} #f
+'#f @result{} #f
+@end example
+@deffn procedure not obj
+The not procedure returns #t if
+obj is false, and returns #f otherwise.
+(not #t) @result{} #f
+(not 3) @result{} #f
+(not (list 3)) @result{} #f
+(not #f) @result{} #t
+(not '()) @result{} #f
+(not (list)) @result{} #f
+(not 'nil) @result{} #f
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure boolean? obj
+The boolean? predicate returns #t if
+obj is either #t or #f and returns #f otherwise.
+(boolean? #f) @result{} #t
+(boolean? 0) @result{} #f
+(boolean? '()) @result{} #f
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure boolean=? boolean1 boolean2 boolean3 @dots{}
+Returns #t if all the arguments are #t or all are #f.
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/bytevectors.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/bytevectors.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+@node Bytevectors
+@section Bytevectors
+Bytevectors represent blocks of binary data. They are fixed-length sequences of bytes,
+where a byte is an exact integer in the range from 0 to 255 inclusive. A bytevector is
+typically more space-efficient than a vector containing the same values.
+The length of a bytevector is the number of elements that it contains. This number is a
+non-negative integer that is fixed when the bytevector is created. The valid indexesof a
+bytevector are the exact non-negative integers less than the length of the bytevector,
+starting at index zero as with vectors.
+Bytevectors are written using the notation #u8(
+byte @dots{}). For example, a bytevector of length 3 containing the byte 0 in element 0, the byte
+10 in element 1, and the byte 5 in element 2 can be written as follows:
+#u8(0 10 5) Bytevector constants are self-evaluating, so they do not need to be quoted in
+@deffn procedure bytevector? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is a bytevector. Otherwise, #f is returned.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure make-bytevector k
+@deffnx procedure make-bytevector k byte
+The make-bytevector procedure returns a newly allocated bytevector of length
+k. If
+byte is given, then all elements of the bytevector are initialized to
+byte, otherwise the contents of each element are unspecified.
+(make-bytevector 2 12) @result{} #u8(12 12)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure bytevector byte@dots{}
+Returns a newly allocated bytevector containing its arguments.
+(bytevector 1 3 5 1 3 5) @result{} #u8(1 3 5 1 3 5)
+(bytevector) @result{} #u8()
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure bytevector-length bytevector
+Returns the length of
+bytevector in bytes as an exact integer.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure bytevector-u8-ref bytevector k
+It is an error if
+k is not a valid index of
+Returns the
+kth byte of
+(bytevector-u8-ref '#u8(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21)
+ 5)
+@result{} 8
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure bytevector-u8-set! bytevector k byte
+It is an error if
+k is not a valid index of
+byte as the
+kth byte of
+(let ((bv (bytevector 1 2 3 4)))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bv 1 3)
+ bv)
+@result{} #u8(1 3 3 4)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure bytevector-copy bytevector
+@deffnx procedure bytevector-copy bytevector start
+@deffnx procedure bytevector-copy bytevector start end
+Returns a newly allocated bytevector containing the bytes in
+bytevector between
+start and
+(define a #u8(1 2 3 4 5))
+(bytevector-copy a 2 4)) @result{} #u8(3 4)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure bytevector-copy! to at from
+@deffnx procedure bytevector-copy! to at from start
+@deffnx procedure bytevector-copy! to at from start end
+It is an error if
+at is less than zero or greater than the length of
+to. It is also an error if (- (bytevector-length
+at) is less than (-
+Copies the bytes of bytevector
+from between
+start and
+end to bytevector
+to, starting at
+at. The order in which bytes are copied is unspecified, except that if the source and
+destination overlap, copying takes place as if the source is first copied into a temporary
+bytevector and then into the destination. This can be achieved without allocating storage
+by making sure to copy in the correct direction in such circumstances.
+(define a (bytevector 1 2 3 4 5))
+(define b (bytevector 10 20 30 40 50))
+(bytevector-copy! b 1 a 0 2)
+b @result{} #u8(10 1 2 40 50)
+@end example
+Note: This procedure appears in R6RS, but places the source before the destination,
+ contrary to other such procedures in Scheme.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure bytevector-append bytevector@dots{}
+Returns a newly allocated bytevector whose elements are the concatenation of the
+elements in the given bytevectors.
+(bytevector-append #u8(0 1 2) #u8(3 4 5))
+@result{} #u8(0 1 2 3 4 5)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure utf8->string bytevector
+@deffnx procedure utf8->string bytevector start
+@deffnx procedure utf8->string bytevector start end
+@deffnx procedure string->utf8 string
+@deffnx procedure string->utf8 string start
+@deffnx procedure string->utf8 string start end
+It is an error for
+bytevector to contain invalid UTF-8 byte sequences.
+These procedures translate between strings and bytevectors that encode those strings
+using the UTF-8 encoding. The utf8->string procedure decodes the bytes of a bytevector
+start and
+end and returns the corresponding string; the string->utf8 procedure encodes the
+characters of a string between
+start and
+end and returns the corresponding bytevector.
+(utf8->string #u8(#x41)) @result{} "A"
+(string->utf8 "λ") @result{} #u8(#xCE #xBB)
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/characters.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/characters.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+@node Characters
+@section Characters
+Characters are objects that represent printed characters such as letters and digits. All
+Scheme implementations must support at least the ASCII character repertoire: that is,
+Unicode characters U+0000 through U+007F. Implementations may support any other
+Unicode characters they see fit, and may also support non-Unicode characters as well.
+Except as otherwise specified, the result of applying any of the following procedures to a
+non-Unicode character is implementation-dependent.
+Characters are written using the notation #\@svar{character} or #\@svar{character name} or
+#\x@svar{hex scalar value}.
+The following character names must be supported by all implementations with the given
+values. Implementations may add other names provided they cannot be interpreted as
+hex scalar values preceded by x.
+#\alarm ; U+0007
+#\backspace ; U+0008
+#\delete ; U+007F
+#\escape ; U+001B
+#\newline ; the linefeed character, U+000A
+#\null ; the null character, U+0000
+#\return ; the return character, U+000D
+#\space ; the preferred way to write a space
+#\tab ; the tab character, U+0009
+@end example
+Here are some additional examples:
+#\a ; lower case letter
+#\A ; upper case letter
+#\( ; left parenthesis
+#\ ; the space character
+#\x03BB ; @theultimate{} (if character is supported)
+#\iota ; @greekiota{} (if character and name are supported)
+@end example
+Case is significant in #\@svar{character}, and in #\⟨character name⟩, but not in #\x<hex scalar
+value>. If @svar{character} in #\@svar{character} is alphabetic, then any character immediately
+following @svar{character} cannot be one that can appear in an identifier. This rule resolves
+the ambiguous case where, for example, the sequence of characters ``#\space'' could be
+taken to be either a representation of the space character or a representation of the
+character ``#\s'' followed by a representation of the symbol ``pace.''
+Characters written in the #\ notation are self-evaluating. That is, they do not have to be
+quoted in programs. Some of the procedures that operate on characters ignore the
+difference between upper case and lower case. The procedures that ignore case have
+``-ci'' (for ``case insensitive'') embedded in their names.
+@deffn procedure char? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is a character, otherwise returns #f.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure char=? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure char<? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure char>? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure char<=? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure char>=? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+These procedures return #t if the results of passing their arguments to char->integer
+are respectively equal, monotonically increasing, monotonically decreasing,
+monotonically non-decreasing, or monotonically non-increasing.
+These predicates are required to be transitive.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {char library procedure} char-ci=? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-ci<? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-ci>? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-ci<=? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-ci>=? char1 char2 char3 @dots{}
+These procedures are similar to char=? et cetera, but they treat upper case and lower
+case letters as the same. For example, (char-ci=? #\A #\a) returns #t.
+Specifically, these procedures behave as if char-foldcase were applied to their
+arguments before they were compared.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {char library procedure} char-alphabetic? char
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-numeric? char
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-whitespace? char
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-upper-case? letter
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-lower-case? letter
+These procedures return #t if their arguments are alphabetic, numeric, whitespace,
+upper case, or lower case characters, respectively, otherwise they return #f. Specifically,
+they must return #t when applied to characters with the Unicode properties Alphabetic,
+Numeric_Type=Decimal, White_Space, Uppercase, and Lowercase respectively, and #f
+when applied to any other Unicode characters. Note that many Unicode characters are
+alphabetic but neither upper nor lower case.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {char library procedure} digit-value char
+This procedure returns the numeric value (0 to 9) of its argument if it is a numeric digit
+(that is, if char-numeric? returns #t), or #f on any other character.
+(digit-value #\3) @result{} 3
+(digit-value #\x0664) @result{} 4
+(digit-value #\x0AE6) @result{} 0
+(digit-value #\x0EA6) @result{} #f
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure char->integer char
+@deffnx procedure integer->char n
+Given a Unicode character, char->integer returns an exact integer between 0 and #xD7FF
+or between #xE000 and #x10FFFF which is equal to the Unicode scalar value of that
+character. Given a non-Unicode character, it returns an exact integer greater than
+#x10FFFF. This is true independent of whether the implementation uses the Unicode
+representation internally.
+Given an exact integer that is the value returned by a character when char->integer is
+applied to it, integer->char returns that character.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {char library procedure} char-upcase char
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-downcase char
+@deffnx {char library procedure} char-foldcase char
+The char-upcase procedure, given an argument that is the lowercase part of a Unicode
+casing pair, returns the uppercase member of the pair, provided that both characters
+are supported by the Scheme implementation. Note that language-sensitive casing pairs
+are not used. If the argument is not the lowercase member of such a pair, it is returned.
+The char-downcase procedure, given an argument that is the uppercase part of a
+Unicode casing pair, returns the lowercase member of the pair, provided that both
+characters are supported by the Scheme implementation. Note that language-sensitive
+casing pairs are not used. If the argument is not the uppercase member of such a pair, it
+is returned.
+The char-foldcase procedure applies the Unicode simple case-folding algorithm to its
+argument and returns the result. Note that language-sensitive folding is not used. If the
+character that results from folding is not supported by the implementation, the
+argument is returned. See UAX #44 [11] (part of the Unicode Standard) for details.
+Note that many Unicode lowercase characters do not have uppercase equivalents.
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/control-features.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/control-features.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+@node Control features
+@section Control features
+This section describes various primitive procedures which control the flow of program
+execution in special ways. Procedures in this section that invoke procedure arguments
+always do so in the same dynamic environment as the call of the original procedure. The
+procedure? predicate is also described here.
+@deffn procedure procedure? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is a procedure, otherwise returns #f.
+(procedure? car) @result{} #t
+(procedure? 'car) @result{} #f
+(procedure? (lambda (x) (* x x)))
+ @result{} #t
+(procedure? '(lambda (x) (* x x)))
+ @result{} #f
+(call-with-current-continuation procedure?)
+ @result{} #t
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure apply proc arg1@dots{} args
+The apply procedure calls
+proc with the elements of the list @code{(append (list arg1 @dots{}) args)} as the actual arguments.
+(apply + (list 3 4)) @result{} 7
+(define compose
+ (lambda (f g)
+ (lambda args
+ (f (apply g args)))))
+((compose sqrt *) 12 75) @result{} 30
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure map proc list1 list2@dots{}
+It is an error if
+proc does not accept as many arguments as there are lists and return a single value.
+The map procedure applies
+proc element-wise to the elements of the
+lists and returns a list of the results, in order. If more than one
+list is given and not all lists have the same length, map terminates when the shortest list
+runs out. The
+lists can be circular, but it is an error if all of them are circular. It is an error for
+proc to mutate any of the lists. The dynamic order in which
+proc is applied to the elements of the
+lists is unspecified. If multiple returns occur from map, the values returned by earlier
+returns are not mutated.
+(map cadr '((a b) (d e) (g h)))
+@result{} (b e h)
+(map (lambda (n) (expt n n))
+ '(1 2 3 4 5))
+@result{} (1 4 27 256 3125)
+(map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6 7)) @result{} (5 7 9)
+(let ((count 0))
+ (map (lambda (ignored)
+ (set! count (+ count 1))
+ count)
+ '(a b))) @result{} (1 2)
+or (2 1)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string-map proc string1 string2@dots{}
+It is an error if
+proc does not accept as many arguments as there are strings and return a single
+The string-map procedure applies
+proc element-wise to the elements of the
+strings and returns a string of the results, in order. If more than one
+string is given and not all strings have the same length, string-map terminates when the
+shortest string runs out. The dynamic order in which
+proc is applied to the elements of the
+strings is unspecified. If multiple returns occur from string-map, the values returned by
+earlier returns are not mutated.
+(string-map char-foldcase "AbdEgH")
+@result{} "abdegh"
+ (lambda (c)
+ (integer->char (+ 1 (char->integer c))))
+ "HAL")
+@result{} "IBM"
+ (lambda (c k)
+ ((if (eqv? k #\u) char-upcase char-downcase)
+ c))
+ "studlycaps xxx"
+ "ululululul")
+@result{} "StUdLyCaPs"
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector-map proc vector1 vector2@dots{}
+It is an error if
+proc does not accept as many arguments as there are vectors and return a single value.
+The vector-map procedure applies
+proc element-wise to the elements of the
+vectors and returns a vector of the results, in order. If more than one
+vector is given and not all vectors have the same length, vector-map terminates when the
+shortest vector runs out. The dynamic order in which
+proc is applied to the elements of the
+vectors is unspecified. If multiple returns occur from vector-map, the values returned by
+earlier returns are not mutated.
+(vector-map cadr '#((a b) (d e) (g h)))
+@result{} #(b e h)
+(vector-map (lambda (n) (expt n n))
+ '#(1 2 3 4 5))
+@result{} #(1 4 27 256 3125)
+(vector-map + '#(1 2 3) '#(4 5 6 7))
+@result{} #(5 7 9)
+(let ((count 0))
+ (vector-map
+ (lambda (ignored)
+ (set! count (+ count 1))
+ count)
+ '#(a b))) @result{} #(1 2)
+or #(2 1)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure for-each proc list1 list2@dots{}
+It is an error if
+proc does not accept as many arguments as there are lists.
+The arguments to for-each are like the arguments to map, but for-each calls
+proc for its side effects rather than for its values. Unlike map, for-each is guaranteed to
+proc on the elements of the
+lists in order from the first element(s) to the last, and the value returned by for-each is
+unspecified. If more than one
+list is given and not all lists have the same length, for-each terminates when the shortest
+list runs out. The
+lists can be circular, but it is an error if all of them are circular.
+It is an error for
+proc to mutate any of the lists.
+(let ((v (make-vector 5)))
+ (for-each (lambda (i)
+ (vector-set! v i (* i i)))
+ '(0 1 2 3 4))
+ v) @result{} #(0 1 4 9 16)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string-for-each proc string1 string2@dots{}
+It is an error if
+proc does not accept as many arguments as there are strings.
+The arguments to string-for-each are like the arguments to string-map, but
+string-for-each calls
+proc for its side effects rather than for its values. Unlike string-map, string-for-each is
+guaranteed to call
+proc on the elements of the
+strings in order from the first element(s) to the last, and the value returned by
+string-for-each is unspecified. If more than one
+string is given and not all strings have the same length, string-for-each terminates when
+the shortest string runs out. It is an error for
+proc to mutate any of the strings.
+(let ((v '()))
+ (string-for-each
+ (lambda (c) (set! v (cons (char->integer c) v)))
+ "abcde")
+ v) @result{} (101 100 99 98 97)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector-for-each proc vector1 vector2@dots{}
+It is an error if
+proc does not accept as many arguments as there are vectors.
+The arguments to vector-for-each are like the arguments to vector-map, but
+vector-for-each calls
+proc for its side effects rather than for its values. Unlike vector-map, vector-for-each is
+guaranteed to call
+proc on the elements of the
+vectors in order from the first element(s) to the last, and the value returned by
+vector-for-each is unspecified. If more than one
+vector is given and not all vectors have the same length, vector-for-each terminates when
+the shortest vector runs out. It is an error for
+proc to mutate any of the vectors.
+(let ((v (make-list 5)))
+ (vector-for-each
+ (lambda (i) (list-set! v i (* i i)))
+ '#(0 1 2 3 4))
+ v) @result{} (0 1 4 9 16)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure call-with-current-continuation proc
+@deffnx procedure call/cc proc
+It is an error if
+proc does not accept one argument.
+The procedure call-with-current-continuation (or its equivalent abbreviation call/cc)
+packages the current continuation (see the rationale below) as an ``escape
+procedure''and passes it as an argument to
+proc. The escape procedure is a Scheme procedure that, if it is later called, will abandon
+whatever continuation is in effect at that later time and will instead use the continuation
+that was in effect when the escape procedure was created. Calling the escape procedure
+will cause the invocation of
+before and
+after thunks installed using dynamic-wind.
+The escape procedure accepts the same number of arguments as the continuation to
+the original call to call-with-current-continuation. Most continuations take only one
+value. Continuations created by the call-with-values procedure (including the initialization
+expressions of define-values, let-values, and let*-values expressions), take the number
+of values that the consumer expects. The continuations of all non-final expressions
+within a sequence of expressions, such as in lambda, case-lambda, begin, let, let*, letrec,
+letrec*, let-values, let*-values, let-syntax, letrec-syntax, parameterize, guard, case, cond,
+when, and unless expressions, take an arbitrary number of values because they discard
+the values passed to them in any event. The effect of passing no values or more than one
+value to continuations that were not created in one of these ways is unspecified.
+The escape procedure that is passed to
+proc has unlimited extent just like any other procedure in Scheme. It can be stored in
+variables or data structures and can be called as many times as desired. However, like
+the raise and error procedures, it never returns to its caller.
+The following examples show only the simplest ways in which
+call-with-current-continuation is used. If all real uses were as simple as these examples,
+there would be no need for a procedure with the power of
+ (lambda (exit)
+ (for-each (lambda (x)
+ (if (negative? x)
+ (exit x)))
+ '(54 0 37 -3 245 19))
+ #t)) @result{} -3
+(define list-length
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (return)
+ (letrec ((r
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (cond ((null? obj) 0)
+ ((pair? obj)
+ (+ (r (cdr obj)) 1))
+ (else (return #f))))))
+ (r obj))))))
+(list-length '(1 2 3 4)) @result{} 4
+(list-length '(a b . c)) @result{} #f
+@end example
+Rationale: A common use of call-with-current-continuation is for structured,
+ non-local exits from loops or procedure bodies, but in fact
+ call-with-current-continuation is useful for implementing a wide variety of advanced
+ control structures. In fact, raise and guard provide a more structured mechanism
+ for non-local exits.
+ Whenever a Scheme expression is evaluated there is a continuation wanting the
+ result of the expression. The continuation represents an entire (default) future for
+ the computation. If the expression is evaluated at the REPL, for example, then the
+ continuation might take the result, print it on the screen, prompt for the next input,
+ evaluate it, and so on forever. Most of the time the continuation includes actions
+ specified by user code, as in a continuation that will take the result, multiply it by the
+ value stored in a local variable, add seven, and give the answer to the REPL's
+ continuation to be printed. Normally these ubiquitous continuations are hidden
+ behind the scenes and programmers do not think much about them. On rare
+ occasions, however, a programmer needs to deal with continuations explicitly. The
+ call-with-current-continuation procedure allows Scheme programmers to do that
+ by creating a procedure that acts just like the current continuation.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure values obj @dots{}
+Delivers all of its arguments to its continuation. The values procedure might be defined
+as follows:
+(define (values . things)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (cont) (apply cont things))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure call-with-values producer consumer
+Calls its
+producer argument with no arguments and a continuation that, when passed some
+values, calls the
+consumer procedure with those values as arguments. The continuation for the call to
+consumer is the continuation of the call to call-with-values.
+(call-with-values (lambda () (values 4 5))
+ (lambda (a b) b))
+ @result{} 5
+(call-with-values * -) @result{} -1
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure dynamic-wind before thunk after
+thunk without arguments, returning the result(s) of this call.
+Before and
+after are called, also without arguments, as required by the following rules. Note that, in
+the absence of calls to continuations captured using call-with-current-continuation, the
+three arguments are called once each, in order.
+Before is called whenever execution enters the dynamic extent of the call to
+thunk and
+after is called whenever it exits that dynamic extent. The dynamic extent of a procedure
+call is the period between when the call is initiated and when it returns. The
+before and
+after thunks are called in the same dynamic environment as the call to dynamic-wind. In
+Scheme, because of call-with-current-continuation, the dynamic extent of a call is not
+always a single, connected time period. It is defined as follows:
+* The dynamic extent is entered when execution of the body of the called procedure
+ begins.
+* The dynamic extent is also entered when execution is not within the dynamic extent
+ and a continuation is invoked that was captured (using call-with-current-continuation)
+ during the dynamic extent.
+* It is exited when the called procedure returns.
+* It is also exited when execution is within the dynamic extent and a continuation is
+ invoked that was captured while not within the dynamic extent.
+If a second call to dynamic-wind occurs within the dynamic extent of the call to
+thunk and then a continuation is invoked in such a way that the
+afters from these two invocations of dynamic-wind are both to be called, then the
+after associated with the second (inner) call to dynamic-wind is called first.
+If a second call to dynamic-wind occurs within the dynamic extent of the call to
+thunk and then a continuation is invoked in such a way that the
+befores from these two invocations of dynamic-wind are both to be called, then the
+before associated with the first (outer) call to dynamic-wind is called first.
+If invoking a continuation requires calling the
+before from one call to dynamic-wind and the
+after from another, then the
+after is called first.
+The effect of using a captured continuation to enter or exit the dynamic extent of a call
+before or
+after is unspecified.
+(let ((path '())
+ (c #f))
+ (let ((add (lambda (s)
+ (set! path (cons s path)))))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (add 'connect))
+ (lambda ()
+ (add (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (c0)
+ (set! c c0)
+ 'talk1))))
+ (lambda () (add 'disconnect)))
+ (if (< (length path) 4)
+ (c 'talk2)
+ (reverse path))))
+@result{} (connect talk1 disconnect
+ connect talk2 disconnect)
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/environments-and-evaluation.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/environments-and-evaluation.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+@node Environments and evaluation
+@section Environments and evaluation
+@deffn {eval library procedure} environment list1 @dots{}
+This procedure returns a specifier for the environment that results by starting with an
+empty environment and then importing each
+list, considered as an import set, into it. (See section 5.6 for a description of import sets.)
+The bindings of the environment represented by the specifier are immutable, as is the
+environment itself.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {r5rs library procedure} scheme-report-environment version
+version is equal to 5, corresponding to R5RS, scheme-report-environment returns a
+specifier for an environment that contains only the bindings defined in the R5RS library.
+Implementations must support this value of
+Implementations may also support other values of
+version, in which case they return a specifier for an environment containing bindings
+corresponding to the specified version of the report. If
+version is neither 5 nor another value supported by the implementation, an error is
+The effect of defining or assigning (through the use of eval) an identifier bound in a
+scheme-report-environment (for example car) is unspecified. Thus both the
+environment and the bindings it contains may be immutable.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {r5rs library procedure} null-environment version
+version is equal to 5, corresponding to R5RS, the null-environment procedure returns a
+specifier for an environment that contains only the bindings for all syntactic keywords
+defined in the R5RS library. Implementations must support this value of
+Implementations may also support other values of
+version, in which case they return a specifier for an environment containing appropriate
+bindings corresponding to the specified version of the report. If
+version is neither 5 nor another value supported by the implementation, an error is
+The effect of defining or assigning (through the use of eval) an identifier bound in a
+scheme-report-environment (for example car) is unspecified. Thus both the
+environment and the bindings it contains may be immutable.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {repl library procedure} interaction-environment
+This procedure returns a specifier for a mutable environment that contains an
+implementation-defined set of bindings, typically a superset of those exported by
+(scheme base). The intent is that this procedure will return the environment in which the
+implementation would evaluate expressions entered by the user into a REPL.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {eval library procedure} eval expr-or-def environment-specifier
+expr-or-def is an expression, it is evaluated in the specified environment and its values are
+returned. If it is a definition, the specified identifier(s) are defined in the specified
+environment, provided the environment is not immutable. Implementations may extend
+eval to allow other objects.
+(eval '(* 7 3) (environment '(scheme base)))
+@result{} 21
+(let ((f (eval '(lambda (f x) (f x x))
+ (null-environment 5))))
+ (f + 10))
+ @result{} 20
+(eval '(define foo 32)
+ (environment '(scheme base)))
+ @result{} error is signaled
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/equivalence-predicates.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/equivalence-predicates.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+@node Equivalence predicates
+@section Equivalence predicates
+A predicate is a procedure that always returns a boolean value (#t or #f). An equivalence
+predicate is the computational analogue of a mathematical equivalence relation; it is
+symmetric, reflexive, and transitive. Of the equivalence predicates described in this
+section, eq? is the finest or most discriminating, equal? is the coarsest, and eqv? is
+slightly less discriminating than eq?.
+@deffn procedure eqv? obj1 obj2
+The @code{eqv?} procedure defines a useful equivalence relation on objects. Briefly, it returns #t
+@var{obj1} and @var{obj2} are normally regarded as the same object. This relation is left slightly open to
+interpretation, but the following partial specification of @code{eqv?} holds for all implementations
+of Scheme.
+The @code{eqv?} procedure returns #t if:
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are both #t or both #f.
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are both symbols and are the same symbol according to the symbol=? procedure
+ (section 6.5).
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are both exact numbers and are numerically equal (in the sense of =).
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are both inexact numbers such that they are numerically equal (in the sense of =)
+ and they yield the same results (in the sense of @code{eqv?}) when passed as arguments to any
+ other procedure that can be defined as a finite composition of Scheme's standard
+ arithmetic procedures, provided it does not result in a NaN value.
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are both characters and are the same character according to the char=? procedure
+ (section 6.6).
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are both the empty list.
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are pairs, vectors, bytevectors, records, or strings that denote the same location in
+ the store (section 3.4).
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are procedures whose location tags are equal (section 4.1.4).
+The @code{eqv?} procedure returns #f if:
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are of different types (section 3.2).
+* one of
+ @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} is #t but the other is #f.
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are symbols but are not the same symbol according to the symbol=? procedure
+ (section 6.5).
+* one of
+ @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} is an exact number but the other is an inexact number.
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are both exact numbers and are numerically unequal (in the sense of =).
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are both inexact numbers such that either they are numerically unequal (in the
+ sense of =), or they do not yield the same results (in the sense of @code{eqv?}) when passed as
+ arguments to any other procedure that can be defined as a finite composition of
+ Scheme's standard arithmetic procedures, provided it does not result in a NaN value. As
+ an exception, the behavior of @code{eqv?} is unspecified when both
+ @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are NaN.
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are characters for which the char=? procedure returns #f.
+* one of
+ @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} is the empty list but the other is not.
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are pairs, vectors, bytevectors, records, or strings that denote distinct locations.
+* @var{obj1} and
+ @var{obj2} are procedures that would behave differently (return different values or have
+ different side effects) for some arguments.
+(eqv? 'a 'a) @result{} #t
+(eqv? 'a 'b) @result{} #f
+(eqv? 2 2) @result{} #t
+(eqv? 2 2.0) @result{} #f
+(eqv? '() '()) @result{} #t
+(eqv? 100000000 100000000) @result{} #t
+(eqv? 0.0 +nan.0) @result{} #f
+(eqv? (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)) @result{} #f
+(eqv? (lambda () 1)
+ (lambda () 2)) @result{} #f
+(let ((p (lambda (x) x)))
+ (eqv? p p)) @result{} #t
+(eqv? #f 'nil) @result{} #f
+@end example
+The following examples illustrate cases in which the above rules
+do not fully specify the behavior of @code{eqv?}. All that can be said about such cases is that the
+value returned by @code{eqv?} must be a boolean.
+(eqv? "" "") @result{} unspecified
+(eqv? '#() '#()) @result{} unspecified
+(eqv? (lambda (x) x)
+ (lambda (x) x)) @result{} unspecified
+(eqv? (lambda (x) x)
+ (lambda (y) y)) @result{} unspecified
+(eqv? 1.0e0 1.0f0) @result{} unspecified
+(eqv? +nan.0 +nan.0) @result{} unspecified
+@end example
+Note that (@code{eqv?} 0.0 -0.0) will return #f if negative zero
+is distinguished, and #t if negative zero is not distinguished.
+The next set of examples shows the use of @code{eqv?} with procedures that have local state. The
+gen-counter procedure must return a distinct procedure every time, since each
+procedure has its own internal counter. The gen-loser procedure, however, returns
+operationally equivalent procedures each time, since the local state does not affect the
+value or side effects of the procedures. However, @code{eqv?} may or may not detect this
+(define gen-counter
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((n 0))
+ (lambda () (set! n (+ n 1)) n))))
+(let ((g (gen-counter)))
+ (eqv? g g)) @result{} #t
+(eqv? (gen-counter) (gen-counter))
+ @result{} #f
+(define gen-loser
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((n 0))
+ (lambda () (set! n (+ n 1)) 27))))
+(let ((g (gen-loser)))
+ (eqv? g g)) @result{} #t
+(eqv? (gen-loser) (gen-loser))
+ @result{} unspecified
+(letrec ((f (lambda () (if (eqv? f g) 'both 'f)))
+ (g (lambda () (if (eqv? f g) 'both 'g))))
+ (eqv? f g))
+ @result{} unspecified
+(letrec ((f (lambda () (if (eqv? f g) 'f 'both)))
+ (g (lambda () (if (eqv? f g) 'g 'both))))
+ (eqv? f g))
+ @result{} #f
+@end example
+Since it is an error to modify constant objects (those returned by literal
+expressions), implementations may share structure between constants where
+appropriate. Thus the value of @code{eqv?} on constants is sometimes
+(eqv? '(a) '(a)) @result{} unspecified
+(eqv? "a" "a") @result{} unspecified
+(eqv? '(b) (cdr '(a b))) @result{} unspecified
+(let ((x '(a)))
+ (eqv? x x)) @result{} #t
+@end example
+The above definition of @code{eqv?} allows implementations latitude in
+their treatment of procedures and literals: implementations may either detect or fail to
+detect that two procedures or two literals are equivalent to each other, and can decide
+whether or not to merge representations of equivalent objects by using the same pointer
+or bit pattern to represent both.
+Note: If inexact numbers are represented as IEEE binary floating-point numbers, then
+an implementation of @code{eqv?} that simply compares equal-sized inexact numbers for
+bitwise equality is correct by the above definition.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure eq? obj1 obj2
+The @code{eq?} procedure is similar to eqv? except that in some cases it is capable of discerning
+distinctions finer than those detectable by eqv?. It must always return #f when eqv? also
+would, but may return #f in some cases where eqv? would return #t.
+On symbols, booleans, the empty list, pairs, and records, and also on non-empty strings,
+vectors, and bytevectors, @code{eq?} and eqv? are guaranteed to have the same behavior. On
+procedures, @code{eq?} must return true if the arguments' location tags are equal. On numbers
+and characters, @code{eq?}'s behavior is implementation-dependent, but it will always return
+either true or false. On empty strings, empty vectors, and empty bytevectors, @code{eq?} may also
+behave differently from eqv?.
+(eq? 'a 'a) @result{} #t
+(eq? '(a) '(a)) @result{} unspecified
+(eq? (list 'a) (list 'a)) @result{} #f
+(eq? "a" "a") @result{} unspecified
+(eq? "" "") @result{} unspecified
+(eq? '() '()) @result{} #t
+(eq? 2 2) @result{} unspecified
+(eq? #\A #\A) @result{} unspecified
+(eq? car car) @result{} #t
+(let ((n (+ 2 3)))
+ (eq? n n)) @result{} unspecified
+(let ((x '(a)))
+ (eq? x x)) @result{} #t
+(let ((x '#()))
+ (eq? x x)) @result{} #t
+(let ((p (lambda (x) x)))
+ (eq? p p)) @result{} #t
+@end example
+Rationale: It will usually be possible to implement @code{eq?} much more efficiently than
+ eqv?, for example, as a simple pointer comparison instead of as some more
+ complicated operation. One reason is that it is not always possible to compute eqv?
+ of two numbers in constant time, whereas @code{eq?} implemented as pointer comparison
+ will always finish in constant time.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure equal? obj1 obj2
+The @code{equal?} procedure, when applied to pairs, vectors, strings and bytevectors, recursively
+compares them, returning #t when the unfoldings of its arguments into (possibly infinite)
+trees are equal (in the sense of @code{equal?}) as ordered trees, and #f otherwise. It returns the
+same as eqv? when applied to booleans, symbols, numbers, characters, ports,
+procedures, and the empty list. If two objects are eqv?, they must be @code{equal?} as well. In all
+other cases, @code{equal?} may return either #t or #f. Even if its arguments are circular data
+structures, @code{equal?} must always terminate.
+(equal? 'a 'a) @result{} #t
+(equal? '(a) '(a)) @result{} #t
+(equal? '(a (b) c)
+ '(a (b) c)) @result{} #t
+(equal? "abc" "abc") @result{} #t
+(equal? 2 2) @result{} #t
+(equal? (make-vector 5 'a)
+ (make-vector 5 'a)) @result{} #t
+(equal? '#1=(a b . #1#)
+ '#2=(a b a b . #2#)) @result{} #t
+(equal? (lambda (x) x)
+ (lambda (y) y)) @result{} unspecified
+@end example
+Note: A rule of thumb is that objects are generally equal? if they print the same.
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/exceptions.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/exceptions.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+@node Exceptions
+@section Exceptions
+This section describes Scheme's exception-handling and exception-raising procedures.
+For the concept of Scheme exceptions, see section 1.3.2. See also 4.2.7 for the guard
+Exception handlers are one-argument procedures that determine the action the program
+takes when an exceptional situation is signaled. The system implicitly maintains a
+current exception handler in the dynamic environment.
+The program raises an exception by invoking the current exception handler, passing it an
+object encapsulating information about the exception. Any procedure accepting one
+argument can serve as an exception handler and any object can be used to represent an
+@deffn procedure with-exception-handler handler thunk
+It is an error if
+handler does not accept one argument. It is also an error if
+thunk does not accept zero arguments.
+The with-exception-handler procedure returns the results of invoking
+Handler is installed as the current exception handler in the dynamic environment used
+for the invocation of
+ (lambda (k)
+ (with-exception-handler
+ (lambda (x)
+ (display "condition: ")
+ (write x)
+ (newline)
+ (k 'exception))
+ (lambda ()
+ (+ 1 (raise 'an-error))))))
+ @result{} exception
+ and prints condition: an-error
+ (lambda (x)
+ (display "something went wrong\n"))
+ (lambda ()
+ (+ 1 (raise 'an-error))))
+ prints
+ something went wrong After printing,
+ the second example then raises another exception.
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure raise obj
+Raises an exception by invoking the current exception handler on
+obj. The handler is called with the same dynamic environment as that of the call to raise,
+except that the current exception handler is the one that was in place when the handler
+being called was installed. If the handler returns, a secondary exception is raised in the
+same dynamic environment as the handler. The relationship between
+obj and the object raised by the secondary exception is unspecified.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure raise-continuable obj
+Raises an exception by invoking the current exception handler on
+obj. The handler is called with the same dynamic environment as the call to
+raise-continuable, except that: (1) the current exception handler is the one that was in
+place when the handler being called was installed, and (2) if the handler being called
+returns, then it will again become the current exception handler. If the handler returns,
+the values it returns become the values returned by the call to raise-continuable.
+ (lambda (con)
+ (cond
+ ((string? con)
+ (display con))
+ (else
+ (display "a warning has been issued")))
+ 42)
+ (lambda ()
+ (+ (raise-continuable "should be a number")
+ 23)))
+ prints: should be a number
+ @result{} 65
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure error message obj @dots{}
+Message should be a string.
+Raises an exception as if by calling raise on a newly allocated implementation-defined
+object which encapsulates the information provided by
+message, as well as any
+objs, known as the irritants. The procedure error-object? must return #t on such objects.
+(define (null-list? l)
+ (cond ((pair? l) #f)
+ ((null? l) #t)
+ (else
+ (error
+ "null-list?: argument out of domain"
+ l))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure error-object? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is an object created by error or one of an implementation-defined set of objects.
+Otherwise, it returns #f. The objects used to signal errors, including those which satisfy
+the predicates file-error? and read-error?, may or may not satisfy error-object?.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure error-object-message error-object
+Returns the message encapsulated by
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure error-object-irritants error-object
+Returns a list of the irritants encapsulated by
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure read-error? obj
+@deffnx procedure file-error? obj
+Error type predicates. Returns #t if
+obj is an object raised by the read procedure or by the inability to open an input or
+output port on a file, respectively. Otherwise, it returns #f.
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/input-and-output.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/input-and-output.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+@node Input and output
+@section Input and output
+* Ports::
+* Input::
+* Output::
+@end menu
+@node Ports
+@subsection Ports
+Ports represent input and output devices. To Scheme, an input port is a Scheme object
+that can deliver data upon command, while an output port is a Scheme object that can
+accept data.Whether the input and output port types are disjoint is
+Different port types operate on different data. Scheme implementations are required to
+support textual ports and binary ports, but may also provide other port types.
+A textual port supports reading or writing of individual characters from or to a backing
+store containing characters using read-char and write-char below, and it supports
+operations defined in terms of characters, such as read and write.
+A binary port supports reading or writing of individual bytes from or to a backing store
+containing bytes using read-u8 and write-u8 below, as well as operations defined in
+terms of bytes. Whether the textual and binary port types are disjoint is
+Ports can be used to access files, devices, and similar things on the host system on which
+the Scheme program is running.
+@deffn procedure call-with-port port proc
+It is an error if
+proc does not accept one argument.
+The call-with-port procedure calls
+proc with
+port as an argument. If
+proc returns, then the port is closed automatically and the values yielded by the
+proc are returned. If
+proc does not return, then the port must not be closed automatically unless it is possible
+to prove that the port will never again be used for a read or write operation.
+Rationale: Because Scheme's escape procedures have unlimited extent, it is possible
+to escape from the current continuation but later to resume it. If implementations
+were permitted to close the port on any escape from the current continuation, then
+it would be impossible to write portable code using both
+call-with-current-continuation and call-with-port.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {file library procedure} call-with-input-file string proc
+@deffnx {file library procedure} call-with-output-file string proc
+It is an error if
+proc does not accept one argument.
+These procedures obtain a textual port obtained by opening the named file for input or
+output as if by open-input-file or open-output-file. The port and
+proc are then passed to a procedure equivalent to call-with-port.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure input-port? obj
+@deffnx procedure output-port? obj
+@deffnx procedure textual-port? obj
+@deffnx procedure binary-port? obj
+@deffnx procedure port? obj
+These procedures return #t if
+obj is an input port, output port, textual port, binary port, or any kind of port,
+respectively. Otherwise they return #f.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure input-port-open? port
+@deffnx procedure output-port-open? port
+Returns #t if
+port is still open and capable of performing input or output, respectively, and #f
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure current-input-port
+@deffnx procedure current-output-port
+@deffnx procedure current-error-port
+Returns the current default input port, output port, or error port (an output port),
+respectively. These procedures are parameter objects, which can be overridden with
+parameterize (see section 4.2.6). The initial bindings for these are
+implementation-defined textual ports.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {file library procedure} with-input-from-file string thunk
+@deffnx {file library procedure} with-output-to-file string thunk
+The file is opened for input or output as if by open-input-file or open-output-file, and the
+new port is made to be the value returned by current-input-port or current-output-port
+(as used by (read), (write
+obj), and so forth). The
+thunk is then called with no arguments. When the
+thunk returns, the port is closed and the previous default is restored. It is an error if
+thunk does not accept zero arguments. Both procedures return the values yielded by
+thunk. If an escape procedure is used to escape from the continuation of these
+procedures, they behave exactly as if the current input or output port had been bound
+dynamically with parameterize.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {file library procedure} open-input-file string
+@deffnx {file library procedure} open-binary-input-file string
+Takes a
+string for an existing file and returns a textual input port or binary input port that is
+capable of delivering data from the file. If the file does not exist or cannot be opened, an
+error that satisfies file-error? is signaled.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {file library procedure} open-output-file string
+@deffnx {file library procedure} open-binary-output-file string
+Takes a
+string naming an output file to be created and returns a textual output port or binary
+output port that is capable of writing data to a new file by that name. If a file with the
+given name already exists, the effect is unspecified. If the file cannot be opened, an error
+that satisfies file-error? is signaled.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure close-port port
+@deffnx procedure close-input-port port
+@deffnx procedure close-output-port port
+Closes the resource associated with
+port, rendering the
+port incapable of delivering or accepting data. It is an error to apply the last two
+procedures to a port which is not an input or output port, respectively. Scheme
+implementations may provide ports which are simultaneously input and output ports,
+such as sockets; the close-input-port and close-output-port procedures can then be used
+to close the input and output sides of the port independently.
+These routines have no effect if the port has already been closed.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure open-input-string string
+Takes a string and returns a textual input port that delivers characters from the string. If
+the string is modified, the effect is unspecified.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure open-output-string
+Returns a textual output port that will accumulate characters for retrieval by
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure get-output-string port
+It is an error if
+port was not created with open-output-string.
+Returns a string consisting of the characters that have been output to the port so far in
+the order they were output. If the result string is modified, the effect is unspecified.
+ ((current-output-port
+ (open-output-string)))
+ (display "piece")
+ (display " by piece ")
+ (display "by piece.")
+ (newline)
+ (get-output-string (current-output-port)))
+@result{} "piece by piece by piece.\n"
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure open-input-bytevector bytevector
+Takes a bytevector and returns a binary input port that delivers bytes from the
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure open-output-bytevector
+Returns a binary output port that will accumulate bytes for retrieval by
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure get-output-bytevector port
+It is an error if
+port was not created with open-output-bytevector.
+Returns a bytevector consisting of the bytes that have been output to the port so far in
+the order they were output.
+@end deffn
+@node Input
+@subsection Input
+port is omitted from any input procedure, it defaults to the value returned by
+(current-input-port). It is an error to attempt an input operation on a closed port.
+@deffn {read library procedure} read
+@deffnx {read library procedure} read port
+The read procedure converts external representations of Scheme objects into the
+objects themselves. That is, it is a parser for the non-terminal @svar{datum} (see sections
+7.1.2 and 6.4). It returns the next object parsable from the given textual input
+port, updating
+port to point to the first character past the end of the external representation of the
+Implementations may support extended syntax to represent record types or other types
+that do not have datum representations.
+If an end of file is encountered in the input before any characters are found that can
+begin an object, then an end-of-file object is returned. The port remains open, and
+further attempts to read will also return an end-of-file object. If an end of file is
+encountered after the beginning of an object's external representation, but the external
+representation is incomplete and therefore not parsable, an error that satisfies
+read-error? is signaled.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure read-char
+@deffnx procedure read-char port
+Returns the next character available from the textual input
+port, updating the
+port to point to the following character. If no more characters are available, an end-of-file
+object is returned.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure peek-char
+@deffnx procedure peek-char port
+Returns the next character available from the textual input
+port, but without updating the
+port to point to the following character. If no more characters are available, an end-of-file
+object is returned.
+Note: The value returned by a call to peek-char is the same as the value that would
+have been returned by a call to read-char with the same
+port. The only difference is that the very next call to read-char or peek-char on that
+port will return the value returned by the preceding call to peek-char. In particular, a
+call to peek-char on an interactive port will hang waiting for input whenever a call to
+read-char would have hung.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure read-line
+@deffnx procedure read-line port
+Returns the next line of text available from the textual input
+port, updating the
+port to point to the following character. If an end of line is read, a string containing all of
+the text up to (but not including) the end of line is returned, and the port is updated to
+point just past the end of line. If an end of file is encountered before any end of line is
+read, but some characters have been read, a string containing those characters is
+returned. If an end of file is encountered before any characters are read, an end-of-file
+object is returned. For the purpose of this procedure, an end of line consists of either a
+linefeed character, a carriage return character, or a sequence of a carriage return
+character followed by a linefeed character. Implementations may also recognize other
+end of line characters or sequences.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure eof-object? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is an end-of-file object, otherwise returns #f. The precise set of end-of-file objects
+will vary among implementations, but in any case no end-of-file object will ever be an
+object that can be read in using read.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure eof-object
+Returns an end-of-file object, not necessarily unique.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure char-ready?
+@deffnx procedure char-ready? port
+Returns #t if a character is ready on the textual input
+port and returns #f otherwise. If char-ready returns #t then the next read-char operation
+on the given
+port is guaranteed not to hang. If the
+port is at end of file then char-ready? returns #t.
+Rationale: The char-ready? procedure exists to make it possible for a program to
+accept characters from interactive ports without getting stuck waiting for input.
+Any input editors associated with such ports must ensure that characters whose
+existence has been asserted by char-ready? cannot be removed from the input. If
+char-ready? were to return #f at end of file, a port at end of file would be
+indistinguishable from an interactive port that has no ready characters.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure read-string k
+@deffnx procedure read-string k port
+Reads the next
+k characters, or as many as are available before the end of file, from the textual input
+port into a newly allocated string in left-to-right order and returns the string. If no
+characters are available before the end of file, an end-of-file object is returned.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure read-u8
+@deffnx procedure read-u8 port
+Returns the next byte available from the binary input
+port, updating the
+port to point to the following byte. If no more bytes are available, an end-of-file object is
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure peek-u8
+@deffnx procedure peek-u8 port
+Returns the next byte available from the binary input
+port, but without updating the
+port to point to the following byte. If no more bytes are available, an end-of-file object is
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure u8-ready?
+@deffnx procedure u8-ready? port
+Returns #t if a byte is ready on the binary input
+port and returns #f otherwise. If u8-ready? returns #t then the next read-u8 operation on
+the given
+port is guaranteed not to hang. If the
+port is at end of file then u8-ready? returns #t.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure read-bytevector k
+@deffnx procedure read-bytevector k port
+Reads the next
+k bytes, or as many as are available before the end of file, from the binary input
+port into a newly allocated bytevector in left-to-right order and returns the bytevector. If
+no bytes are available before the end of file, an end-of-file object is returned.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure read-bytevector! bytevector
+@deffnx procedure read-bytevector! bytevector port
+@deffnx procedure read-bytevector! bytevector port start
+@deffnx procedure read-bytevector! bytevector port start end
+Reads the next end − start bytes, or as many as are available before the end of file, from
+the binary input
+port into
+bytevector in left-to-right order beginning at the
+start position. If
+end is not supplied, reads until the end of
+bytevector has been reached. If
+start is not supplied, reads beginning at position 0. Returns the number of bytes read. If
+no bytes are available, an end-of-file object is returned.
+@end deffn
+@node Output
+@subsection Output
+port is omitted from any output procedure, it defaults to the value returned by
+(current-output-port). It is an error to attempt an output operation on a closed port.
+@deffn {write library procedure} write obj
+@deffnx {write library procedure} write obj port
+Writes a representation of
+obj to the given textual output
+port. Strings that appear in the written representation are enclosed in quotation marks,
+and within those strings backslash and quotation mark characters are escaped by
+backslashes. Symbols that contain non-ASCII characters are escaped with vertical lines.
+Character objects are written using the #\ notation.
+obj contains cycles which would cause an infinite loop using the normal written
+representation, then at least the objects that form part of the cycle must be represented
+using datum labels as described in section 2.4. Datum labels must not be used if there
+are no cycles.
+Implementations may support extended syntax to represent record types or other types
+that do not have datum representations.
+The write procedure returns an unspecified value.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {write library procedure} write-shared obj
+@deffnx {write library procedure} write-shared obj port
+The write-shared procedure is the same as write, except that shared structure must be
+represented using datum labels for all pairs and vectors that appear more than once in
+the output.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {write library procedure} write-simple obj
+@deffnx {write library procedure} write-simple obj port
+The write-simple procedure is the same as write, except that shared structure is never
+represented using datum labels. This can cause write-simple not to terminate if
+obj contains circular structure.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {write library procedure} display obj
+@deffnx {write library procedure} display obj port
+Writes a representation of
+obj to the given textual output
+port. Strings that appear in the written representation are output as if by write-string
+instead of by write. Symbols are not escaped. Character objects appear in the
+representation as if written by write-char instead of by write.
+The display representation of other objects is unspecified. However, display must not
+loop forever on self-referencing pairs, vectors, or records. Thus if the normal write
+representation is used, datum labels are needed to represent cycles as in write.
+Implementations may support extended syntax to represent record types or other types
+that do not have datum representations.
+The display procedure returns an unspecified value.
+Rationale: The write procedure is intended for producing machine-readable output
+and display for producing human-readable output.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure newline
+@deffnx procedure newline port
+Writes an end of line to textual output
+port. Exactly how this is done differs from one operating system to another. Returns an
+unspecified value.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure write-char char
+@deffnx procedure write-char char port
+Writes the character
+char (not an external representation of the character) to the given textual output
+port and returns an unspecified value.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure write-string string
+@deffnx procedure write-string string port
+@deffnx procedure write-string string port start
+@deffnx procedure write-string string port start end
+Writes the characters of
+string from
+start to
+end in left-to-right order to the textual output
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure write-u8 byte
+@deffnx procedure write-u8 byte port
+Writes the
+byte to the given binary output
+port and returns an unspecified value.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure write-bytevector bytevector
+@deffnx procedure write-bytevector bytevector port
+@deffnx procedure write-bytevector bytevector port start
+@deffnx procedure write-bytevector bytevector port start end
+Writes the bytes of
+bytevector from
+start to
+end in left-to-right order to the binary output
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure flush-output-port
+@deffnx procedure flush-output-port port
+Flushes any buffered output from the buffer of output-port to the underlying file or
+device and returns an unspecified value.
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/numbers.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/numbers.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,1033 @@
+@node Numbers
+@section Numbers
+It is important to distinguish between mathematical numbers, the Scheme numbers that
+attempt to model them, the machine representations used to implement the Scheme
+numbers, and notations used to write numbers. This report uses the types number,
+complex, real, rational, and integer to refer to both mathematical numbers and Scheme
+* Numerical types::
+* Exactness::
+* Implementation restrictions::
+* Implementation extensions::
+* Syntax of numerical constants::
+* Numerical operations::
+* Numerical input and output::
+@end menu
+@node Numerical types
+@subsection Numerical types
+Mathematically, numbers are arranged into a tower of subtypes in which each level is a
+subset of the level above it:
+ number
+ complex number
+ real number
+ rational number
+ integer
+For example, 3 is an integer. Therefore 3 is also a rational, a real, and a complex number.
+The same is true of the Scheme numbers that model 3. For Scheme numbers, these types
+are defined by the predicates number?, complex?, real?, rational?, and integer?.
+There is no simple relationship between a number's type and its representation inside a
+computer. Although most implementations of Scheme will offer at least two different
+representations of 3, these different representations denote the same integer.
+Scheme's numerical operations treat numbers as abstract data, as independent of their
+representation as possible. Although an implementation of Scheme may use multiple
+internal representations of numbers, this ought not to be apparent to a casual
+programmer writing simple programs.
+@node Exactness
+@subsection Exactness
+It is useful to distinguish between numbers that are represented exactly and those that
+might not be. For example, indexes into data structures must be known exactly, as must
+some polynomial coefficients in a symbolic algebra system. On the other hand, the results
+of measurements are inherently inexact, and irrational numbers may be approximated by
+rational and therefore inexact approximations. In order to catch uses of inexact numbers
+where exact numbers are required, Scheme explicitly distinguishes exact from inexact
+numbers. This distinction is orthogonal to the dimension of type.
+A Scheme number is exact if it was written as an exact constant or was derived from exact
+numbers using only exact operations. A number is inexact if it was written as an inexact
+constant, if it was derived using inexact ingredients, or if it was derived using inexact
+operations. Thus inexactness is a contagious property of a number. In particular, an exact
+complex number has an exact real part and an exact imaginary part; all other complex
+numbers are inexact complex numbers.
+If two implementations produce exact results for a computation that did not involve
+inexact intermediate results, the two ultimate results will be mathematically equal. This is
+generally not true of computations involving inexact numbers since approximate
+methods such as floating-point arithmetic may be used, but it is the duty of each
+implementation to make the result as close as practical to the mathematically ideal result.
+Rational operations such as + should always produce exact results when given exact
+arguments. If the operation is unable to produce an exact result, then it may either report
+the violation of an implementation restriction or it may silently coerce its result to an
+inexact value. However, (/ 3 4) must not return the mathematically incorrect value 0. See
+section 6.2.3.
+Except for exact, the operations described in this section must generally return inexact
+results when given any inexact arguments. An operation may, however, return an exact
+result if it can prove that the value of the result is unaffected by the inexactness of its
+arguments. For example, multiplication of any number by an exact zero may produce an
+exact zero result, even if the other argument is inexact.
+Specifically, the expression (* 0 +inf.0) may return 0, or +nan.0, or report that inexact
+numbers are not supported, or report that non-rational real numbers are not supported,
+or fail silently or noisily in other implementation-specific ways.
+@node Implementation restrictions
+@subsection Implementation restrictions
+Implementations of Scheme are not required to implement the whole tower of subtypes
+given in section 6.2.1, but they must implement a coherent subset consistent with both
+the purposes of the implementation and the spirit of the Scheme language. For example,
+implementations in which all numbers are real, or in which non-real numbers are always
+inexact, or in which exact numbers are always integer, are still quite useful.
+Implementations may also support only a limited range of numbers of any type, subject to
+the requirements of this section. The supported range for exact numbers of any type may
+be different from the supported range for inexact numbers of that type. For example, an
+implementation that uses IEEE binary double-precision floating-point numbers to
+represent all its inexact real numbers may also support a practically unbounded range of
+exact integers and rationals while limiting the range of inexact reals (and therefore the
+range of inexact integers and rationals) to the dynamic range of the IEEE binary double
+format. Furthermore, the gaps between the representable inexact integers and rationals
+are likely to be very large in such an implementation as the limits of this range are
+An implementation of Scheme must support exact integers throughout the range of
+numbers permitted as indexes of lists, vectors, bytevectors, and strings or that result from
+computing the length of one of these. The length, vector-length, bytevector-length, and
+string-length procedures must return an exact integer, and it is an error to use anything
+but an exact integer as an index. Furthermore, any integer constant within the index
+range, if expressed by an exact integer syntax, must be read as an exact integer,
+regardless of any implementation restrictions that apply outside this range. Finally, the
+procedures listed below will always return exact integer results provided all their
+arguments are exact integers and the mathematically expected results are representable
+as exact integers within the implementation:
+- *
++ abs
+ceiling denominator
+exact-integer-sqrt expt
+floor floor/
+floor-quotient floor-remainder
+gcd lcm
+max min
+modulo numerator
+quotient rationalize
+remainder round
+square truncate
+truncate/ truncate-quotient
+It is recommended, but not required, that implementations support exact integers and
+exact rationals of practically unlimited size and precision, and to implement the above
+procedures and the / procedure in such a way that they always return exact results when
+given exact arguments. If one of these procedures is unable to deliver an exact result
+when given exact arguments, then it may either report a violation of an implementation
+restriction or it may silently coerce its result to an inexact number; such a coercion can
+cause an error later. Nevertheless, implementations that do not provide exact rational
+numbers should return inexact rational numbers rather than reporting an
+implementation restriction.
+An implementation may use floating-point and other approximate representation
+strategies for inexact numbers. This report recommends, but does not require, that
+implementations that use floating-point representations follow the IEEE 754 standard,
+and that implementations using other representations should match or exceed the
+precision achievable using these floating-point standards [17]. In particular, the
+description of transcendental functions in IEEE 754-2008 should be followed by such
+implementations, particularly with respect to infinities and NaNs.
+Although Scheme allows a variety of written notations for numbers, any particular
+implementation may support only some of them. For example, an implementation in
+which all numbers are real need not support the rectangular and polar notations for
+complex numbers. If an implementation encounters an exact numerical constant that it
+cannot represent as an exact number, then it may either report a violation of an
+implementation restriction or it may silently represent the constant by an inexact
+@node Implementation extensions
+@subsection Implementation extensions
+Implementations may provide more than one representation of floating-point numbers
+with differing precisions. In an implementation which does so, an inexact result must be
+represented with at least as much precision as is used to express any of the inexact
+arguments to that operation. Although it is desirable for potentially inexact operations
+such as sqrt to produce exact answers when applied to exact arguments, if an exact
+number is operated upon so as to produce an inexact result, then the most precise
+representation available must be used. For example, the value of (sqrt 4) should be 2, but
+in an implementation that provides both single and double precision floating point
+numbers it may be the latter but must not be the former.
+It is the programmer's responsibility to avoid using inexact number objects with
+magnitude or significand too large to be represented in the implementation.
+In addition, implementations may distinguish special numbers called positive infinity,
+negative infinity, NaN, and negative zero.
+Positive infinity is regarded as an inexact real (but not rational) number that represents an
+indeterminate value greater than the numbers represented by all rational numbers.
+Negative infinity is regarded as an inexact real (but not rational) number that represents
+an indeterminate value less than the numbers represented by all rational numbers.
+Adding or multiplying an infinite value by any finite real value results in an appropriately
+signed infinity; however, the sum of positive and negative infinities is a NaN. Positive
+infinity is the reciprocal of zero, and negative infinity is the reciprocal of negative zero.
+The behavior of the transcendental functions is sensitive to infinity in accordance with
+IEEE 754.
+A NaN is regarded as an inexact real (but not rational) number so indeterminate that it
+might represent any real value, including positive or negative infinity, and might even be
+greater than positive infinity or less than negative infinity. An implementation that does
+not support non-real numbers may use NaN to represent non-real values like (sqrt -1.0)
+and (asin 2.0).
+A NaN always compares false to any number, including a NaN. An arithmetic operation
+where one operand is NaN returns NaN, unless the implementation can prove that the
+result would be the same if the NaN were replaced by any rational number. Dividing zero
+by zero results in NaN unless both zeros are exact.
+Negative zero is an inexact real value written -0.0 and is distinct (in the sense of eqv?) from
+0.0. A Scheme implementation is not required to distinguish negative zero. If it does,
+however, the behavior of the transcendental functions is sensitive to the distinction in
+accordance with IEEE 754. Specifically, in a Scheme implementing both complex numbers
+and negative zero, the branch cut of the complex logarithm function is such that
+(imag-part (log -1.0-0.0i)) is −π rather than π.
+Furthermore, the negation of negative zero is ordinary zero and vice versa. This implies
+that the sum of two or more negative zeros is negative, and the result of subtracting
+(positive) zero from a negative zero is likewise negative. However, numerical comparisons
+treat negative zero as equal to zero.
+Note that both the real and the imaginary parts of a complex number can be infinities,
+NaNs, or negative zero.
+@node Syntax of numerical constants
+@subsection Syntax of numerical constants
+The syntax of the written representations for numbers is described formally in section
+7.1.1. Note that case is not significant in numerical constants.
+A number can be written in binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal by the use of a radix
+prefix. The radix prefixes are #b(binary), #o(octal), #d(decimal), and #x(hexadecimal). With
+no radix prefix, a number is assumed to be expressed in decimal.
+A numerical constant can be specified to be either exact or inexact by a prefix. The
+prefixes are #efor exact, and #ifor inexact. An exactness prefix can appear before or after
+any radix prefix that is used. If the written representation of a number has no exactness
+prefix, the constant is inexact if it contains a decimal point or an exponent. Otherwise, it is
+In systems with inexact numbers of varying precisions it can be useful to specify the
+precision of a constant. For this purpose, implementations may accept numerical
+constants written with an exponent marker that indicates the desired precision of the
+inexact representation. If so, the letter s, f, d, or l, meaning
+double, or
+long precision, respectively, can be used in place of e. The default precision has at least as
+much precision as
+double, but implementations may allow this default to be set by the user.
+ Round to single --- 3.141593
+ Extend to long --- .600000000000000 The numbers positive infinity, negative infinity,
+and NaN are written +inf.0, -inf.0 and +nan.0 respectively. NaN may also be written -nan.0.
+The use of signs in the written representation does not necessarily reflect the underlying
+sign of the NaN value, if any. Implementations are not required to support these
+numbers, but if they do, they must do so in general conformance with IEEE 754. However,
+implementations are not required to support signaling NaNs, nor to provide a way to
+distinguish between different NaNs.
+There are two notations provided for non-real complex numbers: the rectangular notation
+bi, where
+a is the real part and
+b is the imaginary part; and the polar notation
+r@@θ, where
+r is the magnitude and θ is the phase (angle) in radians. These are related by the equation
+a + bi = r cos θ + (r sin θ) i. All of
+r, and θ are real numbers.
+@node Numerical operations
+@subsection Numerical operations
+The reader is referred to section 1.3.3 for a summary of the naming conventions used to
+specify restrictions on the types of arguments to numerical routines. The examples used
+in this section assume that any numerical constant written using an exact notation is
+indeed represented as an exact number. Some examples also assume that certain
+numerical constants written using an inexact notation can be represented without loss of
+accuracy; the inexact constants were chosen so that this is likely to be true in
+implementations that use IEEE binary doubles to represent inexact numbers.
+@deffn procedure number? obj
+@deffnx procedure complex? obj
+@deffnx procedure real? obj
+@deffnx procedure rational? obj
+@deffnx procedure integer? obj
+These numerical type predicates can be applied to any kind of argument, including
+non-numbers. They return #t if the object is of the named type, and otherwise they return
+#f. In general, if a type predicate is true of a number then all higher type predicates are
+also true of that number. Consequently, if a type predicate is false of a number, then all
+lower type predicates are also false of that number.
+z is a complex number, then (real?
+z) is true if and only if (zero? (imag-part
+z)) is true. If
+x is an inexact real number, then (integer?
+x) is true if and only if (=
+x (round
+The numbers +inf.0, -inf.0, and +nan.0 are real but not rational.
+(complex? 3+4i) @result{} #t
+(complex? 3) @result{} #t
+(real? 3) @result{} #t
+(real? -2.5+0i) @result{} #t
+(real? -2.5+0.0i) @result{} #f
+(real? #e1e10) @result{} #t
+(real? +inf.0) @result{} #t
+(real? +nan.0) @result{} #t
+(rational? -inf.0) @result{} #f
+(rational? 3.5) @result{} #t
+(rational? 6/10) @result{} #t
+(rational? 6/3) @result{} #t
+(integer? 3+0i) @result{} #t
+(integer? 3.0) @result{} #t
+(integer? 8/4) @result{} #t
+@end example
+Note: The behavior of these type predicates on inexact numbers is unreliable, since
+ any inaccuracy might affect the result.
+Note: In many implementations the complex? procedure will be the same as
+number?, but unusual implementations may represent some irrational numbers
+exactly or may extend the number system to support some kind of non-complex
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure exact? z
+@deffnx procedure inexact? z
+These numerical predicates provide tests for the exactness of a quantity. For any Scheme
+number, precisely one of these predicates is true.
+(exact? 3.0) @result{} #f
+(exact? #e3.0) @result{} #t
+(inexact? 3.) @result{} #t
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure exact-integer? z
+Returns #t if
+z is both exact and an integer; otherwise returns #f.
+(exact-integer? 32) @result{} #t
+(exact-integer? 32.0) @result{} #f
+(exact-integer? 32/5) @result{} #f
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {inexact library procedure} finite? z
+The finite? procedure returns #t on all real numbers except +inf.0, -inf.0, and +nan.0, and
+on complex numbers if their real and imaginary parts are both finite. Otherwise it returns
+(finite? 3) @result{} #t
+(finite? +inf.0) @result{} #f
+(finite? 3.0+inf.0i) @result{} #f
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {inexact library procedure} infinite? z
+The infinite? procedure returns #t on the real numbers +inf.0 and -inf.0, and on complex
+numbers if their real or imaginary parts or both are infinite. Otherwise it returns #f.
+(infinite? 3) @result{} #f
+(infinite? +inf.0) @result{} #t
+(infinite? +nan.0) @result{} #f
+(infinite? 3.0+inf.0i) @result{} #t
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {inexact library procedure} nan? z
+The nan? procedure returns #t on +nan.0, and on complex numbers if their real or
+imaginary parts or both are +nan.0. Otherwise it returns #f.
+(nan? +nan.0) @result{} #t
+(nan? 32) @result{} #f
+(nan? +nan.0+5.0i) @result{} #t
+(nan? 1+2i) @result{} #f
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure = z1 z2 z3 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure < x1 x2 x3 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure > x1 x2 x3 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure <= x1 x2 x3 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure >= x1 x2 x3 @dots{}
+These procedures return #t if their arguments are (respectively): equal, monotonically
+increasing, monotonically decreasing, monotonically non-decreasing, or monotonically
+non-increasing, and #f otherwise. If any of the arguments are +nan.0, all the predicates
+return #f. They do not distinguish between inexact zero and inexact negative zero.
+These predicates are required to be transitive.
+Note: The implementation approach of converting all arguments to inexact numbers
+if any argument is inexact is not transitive. For example, let big be (expt 2 1000), and
+assume that big is exact and that inexact numbers are represented by 64-bit IEEE
+binary floating point numbers. Then (= (- big 1) (inexact big)) and (= (inexact big) (+ big
+1)) would both be true with this approach, because of the limitations of IEEE
+representations of large integers, whereas (= (- big 1) (+ big 1)) is false. Converting
+inexact values to exact numbers that are the same (in the sense of =) to them will
+avoid this problem, though special care must be taken with infinities.
+Note: While it is not an error to compare inexact numbers using these predicates, the
+results are unreliable because a small inaccuracy can affect the result; this is
+especially true of = and zero?. When in doubt, consult a numerical analyst.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure zero? z
+@deffnx procedure positive? x
+@deffnx procedure negative? x
+@deffnx procedure odd? n
+@deffnx procedure even? n
+These numerical predicates test a number for a particular property, returning #t or #f.
+See note above.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure max x1 x2@dots{}
+@deffnx procedure min x1 x2@dots{}
+These procedures return the maximum or minimum of their arguments.
+(max 3 4) @result{} 4 ; exact
+(max 3.9 4) @result{} 4.0 ; inexact
+@end example
+Note: If any argument is inexact, then the result will also be inexact (unless the
+procedure can prove that the inaccuracy is not large enough to affect the result,
+which is possible only in unusual implementations). If min or max is used to compare
+numbers of mixed exactness, and the numerical value of the result cannot be
+represented as an inexact number without loss of accuracy, then the procedure may
+report a violation of an implementation restriction.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure + z1 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure * z1 @dots{}
+These procedures return the sum or product of their arguments.
+(+ 3 4) @result{} 7
+(+ 3) @result{} 3
+(+) @result{} 0
+(* 4) @result{} 4
+(*) @result{} 1
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure - z
+@deffnx procedure - z1 z2@dots{}
+@deffnx procedure / z
+@deffnx procedure / z1 z2@dots{}
+With two or more arguments, these procedures return the difference or quotient of their
+arguments, associating to the left. With one argument, however, they return the additive
+or multiplicative inverse of their argument.
+It is an error if any argument of / other than the first is an exact zero. If the first
+argument is an exact zero, an implementation may return an exact zero unless one of the
+other arguments is a NaN.
+(- 3 4) @result{} -1
+(- 3 4 5) @result{} -6
+(- 3) @result{} -3
+(/ 3 4 5) @result{} 3/20
+(/ 3) @result{} 1/3
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure abs x
+The abs procedure returns the absolute value of its argument.
+(abs -7) @result{} 7
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure floor/ n1 n2
+@deffnx procedure floor-quotient n1 n2
+@deffnx procedure floor-remainder n1 n2
+@deffnx procedure truncate/ n1 n2
+@deffnx procedure truncate-quotient n1 n2
+@deffnx procedure truncate-remainder n1 n2
+These procedures implement number-theoretic (integer) division. It is an error if
+n2 is zero. The procedures ending in / return two integers; the other procedures return an
+integer. All the procedures compute a quotient
+nq and remainder
+nr such that
+n1 =
+nq +
+nr. For each of the division operators, there are three procedures defined as follows:
+n2) @result{}
+n2) @result{}
+n2) @result{}
+The remainder
+nr is determined by the choice of integer
+nr =
+n1 −
+nq. Each set of operators uses a different choice of
+ floor nq = ⌊
+ n1 /
+ n2⌋
+ truncate nq = texttruncate(
+ n1 /
+ n2)
+For any of the operators, and for integers
+n1 and
+n2 with
+n2 not equal to 0,
+n1 (+ (*
+n2 (@svar{operator}-quotient
+ (@svar{operator}-remainder
+ @result{} #t
+provided all numbers involved in that computation are exact.
+(floor/ 5 2) @result{} 2 1
+(floor/ -5 2) @result{} -3 1
+(floor/ 5 -2) @result{} -3 -1
+(floor/ -5 -2) @result{} 2 -1
+(truncate/ 5 2) @result{} 2 1
+(truncate/ -5 2) @result{} -2 -1
+(truncate/ 5 -2) @result{} -2 1
+(truncate/ -5 -2) @result{} 2 -1
+(truncate/ -5.0 -2) @result{} 2.0 -1.0
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure quotient n1 n2
+@deffnx procedure remainder n1 n2
+@deffnx procedure modulo n1 n2
+The quotient and remainder procedures are equivalent to truncate-quotient and
+truncate-remainder, respectively, and modulo is equivalent to floor-remainder.
+Note: These procedures are provided for backward compatibility with earlier
+versions of this report.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure gcd n1 @dots{}
+@deffnx procedure lcm n1 @dots{}
+These procedures return the greatest common divisor or least common multiple of their
+arguments. The result is always non-negative.
+(gcd 32 -36) @result{} 4
+(gcd) @result{} 0
+(lcm 32 -36) @result{} 288
+(lcm 32.0 -36) @result{} 288.0 ; inexact
+(lcm) @result{} 1
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure numerator q
+@deffnx procedure denominator q
+These procedures return the numerator or denominator of their argument; the result is
+computed as if the argument was represented as a fraction in lowest terms. The
+denominator is always positive. The denominator of 0 is defined to be 1.
+(numerator (/ 6 4)) @result{} 3
+(denominator (/ 6 4)) @result{} 2
+ (inexact (/ 6 4))) @result{} 2.0
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure floor x
+@deffnx procedure ceiling x
+@deffnx procedure truncate x
+@deffnx procedure round x
+These procedures return integers. The floor procedure returns the largest integer not
+larger than
+x. The ceiling procedure returns the smallest integer not smaller than
+x, truncate returns the integer closest to
+x whose absolute value is not larger than the absolute value of
+x, and round returns the closest integer to
+x, rounding to even when
+x is halfway between two integers.
+Rationale: The round procedure rounds to even for consistency with the default
+rounding mode specified by the IEEE 754 IEEE floating-point standard.
+Note: If the argument to one of these procedures is inexact, then the result will also
+be inexact. If an exact value is needed, the result can be passed to the exact
+procedure. If the argument is infinite or a NaN, then it is returned.
+(floor -4.3) @result{} -5.0
+(ceiling -4.3) @result{} -4.0
+(truncate -4.3) @result{} -4.0
+(round -4.3) @result{} -4.0
+(floor 3.5) @result{} 3.0
+(ceiling 3.5) @result{} 4.0
+(truncate 3.5) @result{} 3.0
+(round 3.5) @result{} 4.0 ; inexact
+(round 7/2) @result{} 4 ; exact
+(round 7) @result{} 7
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure rationalize x y
+The rationalize procedure returns the simplest rational number differing from
+x by no more than
+y. A rational number r1 is simpler than another rational number r2 if r1 = p1/q1 and r2 =
+p2/q2 (in lowest terms) and |p1| ≤|p2| and |q1| ≤|q2|. Thus 3/5 is simpler than 4/7.
+Although not all rationals are comparable in this ordering (consider 2/7 and 3/5), any
+interval contains a rational number that is simpler than every other rational number in
+that interval (the simpler 2/5 lies between 2/7 and 3/5). Note that 0 = 0/1 is the simplest
+rational of all.
+ (exact .3) 1/10) @result{} 1/3 ; exact
+(rationalize .3 1/10) @result{} #i1/3 ; inexact
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {inexact library procedure} exp z
+@deffnx {inexact library procedure} log z
+@deffnx {inexact library procedure} log z1 z2
+@deffnx {inexact library procedure} sin z
+@deffnx {inexact library procedure} cos z
+@deffnx {inexact library procedure} tan z
+@deffnx {inexact library procedure} asin z
+@deffnx {inexact library procedure} acos z
+@deffnx {inexact library procedure} atan z
+@deffnx {inexact library procedure} atan y x
+These procedures compute the usual transcendental functions. The log procedure
+computes the natural logarithm of
+z (not the base ten logarithm) if a single argument is given, or the base-
+z2 logarithm of
+z1 if two arguments are given. The asin, acos, and atan procedures compute arcsine (sin
+−1), arc-cosine (cos −1), and arctangent (tan −1), respectively. The two-argument variant
+of atan computes (angle (make-rectangular
+y)) (see below), even in implementations that don't support complex numbers.
+In general, the mathematical functions log, arcsine, arc-cosine, and arctangent are
+multiply defined. The value of log z is defined to be the one whose imaginary part lies in
+the range from −π (inclusive if -0.0 is distinguished, exclusive otherwise) to π (inclusive).
+The value of log 0 is mathematically undefined. With log defined this way, the values of
+sin −1z, cos −1z, and tan −1z are according to the following formulæ:
+ sin −1z = −i log (i z + (1 −
+ z2)1/2)
+ cos −1z = π/ 2 − sin −1z
+ tan −1z = (log (1 + i z) − log (1 − i z)) /
+ (2 i)
+However, (log 0.0) returns -inf.0 (and (log -0.0) returns -inf.0+πi) if the implementation
+supports infinities (and -0.0).
+The range of (atan
+x) is as in the following table. The asterisk (*) indicates that the entry applies to
+implementations that distinguish minus zero.
+ y condition x condition range of result r
+ y = 0.0 x > 0.0 0.0
+ ∗ y = + 0.0 x > 0.0 + 0.0
+ ∗ y = −0.0 x > 0.0 −0.0
+ y > 0.0 x > 0.0 0.0 < r < π/2
+ y > 0.0 x = 0.0 π/2
+ y > 0.0 x < 0.0 π/2 < r < π
+ y = 0.0 x < 0 π
+ ∗ y = + 0.0 x < 0.0 π
+ ∗ y = −0.0 x < 0.0 −π
+ y < 0.0 x < 0.0 −π< r< −π/2
+ y < 0.0 x = 0.0 −π/2
+ y @svar{ 0.0 x } 0.0 −π/2 < r< 0.0
+ y = 0.0 x = 0.0 undefined
+ ∗ y = + 0.0 x = + 0.0 + 0.0
+ ∗ y = −0.0 x = + 0.0 −0.0
+ ∗ y = + 0.0 x = −0.0 π
+ ∗ y = −0.0 x = −0.0 −π
+ ∗ y = + 0.0 x = 0 π/2
+ ∗ y = −0.0 x = 0 −π/2
+The above specification follows [34], which in turn cites [26]; refer to these sources for
+more detailed discussion of branch cuts, boundary conditions, and implementation of
+these functions. When it is possible, these procedures produce a real result from a real
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure square z
+Returns the square of z. This is equivalent to @code{(* z z)}.
+(square 42) @result{} 1764
+(square 2.0) @result{} 4.0
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {inexact library procedure} sqrt z
+Returns the principal square root of
+z. The result will have either a positive real part, or a zero real part and a non-negative
+imaginary part.
+(sqrt 9) @result{} 3
+(sqrt -1) @result{} +i
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure exact-integer-sqrt k
+Returns two non-negative exact integers s and r where
+k = s2 + r and
+k < (s + 1)2.
+(exact-integer-sqrt 4) @result{} 2 0
+(exact-integer-sqrt 5) @result{} 2 1
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure expt z1 z2
+z1 raised to the power
+z2. For nonzero
+z1, this is
+ z1 z2 = ez2 log z1
+The value of 0z is 1 if (zero? z), 0 if (real-part z) is positive, and an error otherwise.
+Similarly for 0.0z, with inexact results.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {complex library procedure} make-rectangular x1 x2
+@deffnx {complex library procedure} make-polar x3 x4
+@deffnx {complex library procedure} real-part z
+@deffnx {complex library procedure} imag-part z
+@deffnx {complex library procedure} magnitude z
+@deffnx {complex library procedure} angle z
+x3, and
+x4 be real numbers and
+z be a complex number such that
+ z = x1 + x2 i = x3 ·
+ ei
+ x4
+Then all of
+(make-rectangular x1 x2) @result{} z
+(make-polar x3 x4) @result{} z
+(real-part z) @result{} x1
+(imag-part z) @result{} x2
+(magnitude z) @result{} |x3|
+(angle z) @result{} xangle
+@end example
+are true, where −π≤xangle ≤π with xangle =
+x4 + 2πn for some integer n.
+The make-polar procedure may return an inexact complex number even if its arguments
+are exact. The real-part and imag-part procedures may return exact real numbers when
+applied to an inexact complex number if the corresponding argument passed to
+make-rectangular was exact.
+Rationale: The magnitude procedure is the same as abs for a real argument, but abs
+is in the base library, whereas magnitude is in the optional complex library.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure inexact z
+@deffnx procedure exact z
+The procedure inexact returns an inexact representation of
+z. The value returned is the inexact number that is numerically closest to the argument.
+For inexact arguments, the result is the same as the argument. For exact complex
+numbers, the result is a complex number whose real and imaginary parts are the result
+of applying inexact to the real and imaginary parts of the argument, respectively. If an
+exact argument has no reasonably close inexact equivalent (in the sense of =), then a
+violation of an implementation restriction may be reported.
+The procedure exact returns an exact representation of
+z. The value returned is the exact number that is numerically closest to the argument.
+For exact arguments, the result is the same as the argument. For inexact non-integral
+real arguments, the implementation may return a rational approximation, or may report
+an implementation violation. For inexact complex arguments, the result is a complex
+number whose real and imaginary parts are the result of applying exact to the real and
+imaginary parts of the argument, respectively. If an inexact argument has no reasonably
+close exact equivalent, (in the sense of =), then a violation of an implementation
+restriction may be reported.
+These procedures implement the natural one-to-one correspondence between exact and
+inexact integers throughout an implementation-dependent range. See section 6.2.3.
+Note: These procedures were known in R5RS as exact->inexact and inexact->exact,
+respectively, but they have always accepted arguments of any exactness. The new
+names are clearer and shorter, as well as being compatible with R6RS.
+@end deffn
+@node Numerical input and output
+@subsection Numerical input and output
+@deffn procedure number->string z
+@deffnx procedure number->string z radix
+It is an error if
+radix is not one of 2, 8, 10, or 16.
+The procedure number->string takes a number and a radix and returns as a string an
+external representation of the given number in the given radix such that
+(let ((number number)
+ (radix radix))
+ (eqv? number
+ (string->number (number->string number
+ radix)
+ radix)))
+@end example
+is true. It is an error if no possible result makes this expression true. If omitted,
+radix defaults to 10.
+z is inexact, the radix is 10, and the above expression can be satisfied by a result that
+contains a decimal point, then the result contains a decimal point and is expressed using
+the minimum number of digits (exclusive of exponent and trailing zeroes) needed to
+make the above expression true [4, 5]; otherwise the format of the result is unspecified.
+The result returned by number->string never contains an explicit radix prefix.
+Note: The error case can occur only when
+z is not a complex number or is a complex number with a non-rational real or
+imaginary part.
+Rationale: If
+z is an inexact number and the radix is 10, then the above expression is normally
+satisfied by a result containing a decimal point. The unspecified case allows for
+infinities, NaNs, and unusual representations.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string->number string
+@deffnx procedure string->number string radix
+Returns a number of the maximally precise representation expressed by the given
+It is an error if
+radix is not 2, 8, 10, or 16.
+If supplied,
+radix is a default radix that will be overridden if an explicit radix prefix is present in
+string (e.g. "#o177"). If
+radix is not supplied, then the default radix is 10. If
+string is not a syntactically valid notation for a number, or would result in a number that
+the implementation cannot represent, then string->number returns #f. An error is never
+signaled due to the content of
+(string->number "100") @result{} 100
+(string->number "100" 16) @result{} 256
+(string->number "1e2") @result{} 100.0
+@end example
+Note: The domain of string->number may be restricted by implementations in the
+ following ways. If all numbers supported by an implementation are real, then
+ string->number is permitted to return #f whenever
+ string uses the polar or rectangular notations for complex numbers. If all numbers
+ are integers, then string->number may return #f whenever the fractional notation is
+ used. If all numbers are exact, then string->number may return #f whenever an
+ exponent marker or explicit exactness prefix is used. If all inexact numbers are
+ integers, then string->number may return #f whenever a decimal point is used.
+ The rules used by a particular implementation for string->number must also be
+ applied to read and to the routine that reads programs, in order to maintain
+ consistency between internal numeric processing, I/O, and the processing of
+ programs. As a consequence, the R5RS permission to return #f when
+ string has an explicit radix prefix has been withdrawn.
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/pairs-and-lists.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/pairs-and-lists.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+@node Pairs and lists
+@section Pairs and lists
+A pair (sometimes called a dotted pair) is a record structure with two fields called the car
+and cdr fields (for historical reasons). Pairs are created by the procedure cons. The car
+and cdr fields are accessed by the procedures car and cdr. The car and cdr fields are
+assigned by the procedures set-car! and set-cdr!.
+Pairs are used primarily to represent lists. A list can be defined recursively as either the
+empty listor a pair whose cdr is a list. More precisely, the set of lists is defined as the
+smallest set
+X such that
+* The empty list is in
+ X.
+* If
+ list is in
+ X, then any pair whose cdr field contains
+ list is also in
+ X.
+The objects in the car fields of successive pairs of a list are the elements of the list. For
+example, a two-element list is a pair whose car is the first element and whose cdr is a
+pair whose car is the second element and whose cdr is the empty list. The length of a list
+is the number of elements, which is the same as the number of pairs.
+The empty listis a special object of its own type. It is not a pair, it has no elements, and its
+length is zero.
+Note: The above definitions imply that all lists have finite length and are terminated
+by the empty list.
+The most general notation (external representation) for Scheme pairs is the ``dotted''
+notation (
+c1 .
+c1 is the value of the car field and
+c2 is the value of the cdr field. For example (4 . 5) is a pair whose car is 4 and whose cdr is
+5. Note that (4 . 5) is the external representation of a pair, not an expression that
+evaluates to a pair.
+A more streamlined notation can be used for lists: the elements of the list are simply
+enclosed in parentheses and separated by spaces. The empty listis written (). For
+(a b c d e) and
+(a . (b . (c . (d . (e . ()))))) are equivalent notations for a list of symbols.
+A chain of pairs not ending in the empty list is called an improper list. Note that an
+improper list is not a list. The list and dotted notations can be combined to represent
+improper lists:
+(a b c . d) is equivalent to
+(a . (b . (c . d))) Whether a given pair is a list depends upon what is stored in the cdr field.
+When the set-cdr! procedure is used, an object can be a list one moment and not the
+(define x (list 'a 'b 'c))
+(define y x)
+y @result{} (a b c)
+(list? y) @result{} #t
+(set-cdr! x 4) @result{} unspecified
+x @result{} (a . 4)
+(eqv? x y) @result{} #t
+y @result{} (a . 4)
+(list? y) @result{} #f
+(set-cdr! x x) @result{} unspecified
+(list? x) @result{} #f Within literal expressions and representations of objects read by the
+read procedure, the forms '@svar{datum}, `@svar{datum}, ,@svar{datum}, and ,@@@svar{datum} denote
+two-element lists whose first elements are the symbols quote, quasiquote, unquote, and
+unquote-splicing, respectively. The second element in each case is @svar{datum}. This
+convention is supported so that arbitrary Scheme programs can be represented as lists.
+That is, according to Scheme's grammar, every @svar{expression} is also a @svar{datum} (see
+section 7.1.2). Among other things, this permits the use of the read procedure to parse
+Scheme programs. See section 3.3.
+@deffn procedure pair? obj
+The pair? predicate returns #t if
+obj is a pair, and otherwise returns #f.
+(pair? '(a . b)) @result{} #t
+(pair? '(a b c)) @result{} #t
+(pair? '()) @result{} #f
+(pair? '#(a b)) @result{} #f
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure cons obj1 obj2
+Returns a newly allocated pair whose car is
+obj1 and whose cdr is
+obj2. The pair is guaranteed to be different (in the sense of eqv?) from every existing
+(cons 'a '()) @result{} (a)
+(cons '(a) '(b c d)) @result{} ((a) b c d)
+(cons "a" '(b c)) @result{} ("a" b c)
+(cons 'a 3) @result{} (a . 3)
+(cons '(a b) 'c) @result{} ((a b) . c)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure car pair
+Returns the contents of the car field of
+pair. Note that it is an error to take the car of the empty list.
+(car '(a b c)) @result{} a
+(car '((a) b c d)) @result{} (a)
+(car '(1 . 2)) @result{} 1
+(car '()) @result{} error
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure cdr pair
+Returns the contents of the cdr field of
+pair. Note that it is an error to take the cdr of the empty list.
+(cdr '((a) b c d)) @result{} (b c d)
+(cdr '(1 . 2)) @result{} 2
+(cdr '()) @result{} error
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure set-car! pair obj
+obj in the car field of
+(define (f) (list 'not-a-constant-list))
+(define (g) '(constant-list))
+(set-car! (f) 3) @result{} unspecified
+(set-car! (g) 3) @result{} error
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure set-cdr! pair obj
+obj in the cdr field of
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure caar pair
+@deffnx procedure cadr pair
+@deffnx procedure cdar pair
+@deffnx procedure cddr pair
+These procedures are compositions of car and cdr as follows:
+(define (caar x) (car (car x)))
+(define (cadr x) (car (cdr x)))
+(define (cdar x) (cdr (car x)))
+(define (cddr x) (cdr (cdr x)))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {cxr library procedure} caaar @var{pair}
+@deffnx {cxr library procedure} caadr @var{pair}
+@deffnx {cxr library procedure} c...r @var{pair}
+@deffnx {cxr library procedure} cdddar @var{pair}
+@deffnx {cxr library procedure} cddddr @var{pair}
+These twenty-four procedures are further compositions of car and cdr on the same
+principles. For example, caddr could be defined by
+(define caddr (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))).
+@end example
+Arbitrary compositions up to four deep are
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure null? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is the empty list, otherwise returns #f.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure list? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is a list. Otherwise, it returns #f. By definition, all lists have finite length and are
+terminated by the empty list.
+(list? '(a b c)) @result{} #t
+ (list? '()) @result{} #t
+ (list? '(a . b)) @result{} #f
+ (let ((x (list 'a)))
+ (set-cdr! x x)
+ (list? x)) @result{} #f
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure make-list k
+@deffnx procedure make-list k fill
+Returns a newly allocated list of
+k elements. If a second argument is given, then each element is initialized to
+fill. Otherwise the initial contents of each element is unspecified.
+(make-list 2 3) @result{} (3 3)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure list obj @dots{}
+Returns a newly allocated list of its arguments.
+(list 'a (+ 3 4) 'c) @result{} (a 7 c)
+(list) @result{} ()
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure length list
+Returns the length of @var{list}.
+(length '(a b c)) @result{} 3
+(length '(a (b) (c d e))) @result{} 3
+(length '()) @result{} 0
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure append list@dots{}
+The last argument, if there is one, can be of any type.
+Returns a list consisting of the elements of the first @var{list}
+followed by the elements of the other @var{lists}. If there are no
+arguments, the empty list is returned. If there is exactly one
+argument, it is returned. Otherwise the resulting list is always newly
+allocated, except that it shares structure with the last argument. An
+improper list results if the last argument is not a proper list.
+(append '(x) '(y)) @result{} (x y)
+(append '(a) '(b c d)) @result{} (a b c d)
+(append '(a (b)) '((c))) @result{} (a (b) (c))
+(append '(a b) '(c . d)) @result{} (a b c . d)
+(append '() 'a) @result{} a
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure reverse list
+Returns a newly allocated list consisting of the elements of
+@var{list} in reverse order.
+(reverse '(a b c)) @result{} (c b a)
+(reverse '(a (b c) d (e (f))))
+@result{} ((e (f)) d (b c) a)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure list-tail list k
+It is an error if
+list has fewer than
+k elements.
+Returns the sublist of
+list obtained by omitting the first
+k elements. The list-tail procedure could be defined by
+(define list-tail
+ (lambda (x k)
+ (if (zero? k)
+ x
+ (list-tail (cdr x) (- k 1)))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure list-ref list k
+list argument can be circular, but it is an error if
+list has
+k or fewer elements.
+Returns the
+kth element of
+list. (This is the same as the car of (list-tail
+(list-ref '(a b c d) 2) @result{} c
+(list-ref '(a b c d)
+ (exact (round 1.8)))
+@result{} c
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure list-set! list k obj
+It is an error if
+k is not a valid index of
+The list-set! procedure stores
+obj in element
+k of
+(let ((ls (list 'one 'two 'five!)))
+ (list-set! ls 2 'three)
+ ls)
+@result{} (one two three)
+(list-set! '(0 1 2) 1 "oops")
+@result{} error ; constant list
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure memq obj list
+@deffnx procedure memv obj list
+@deffnx procedure member obj list
+@deffnx procedure member obj list compare
+These procedures return the first sublist of
+list whose car is
+obj, where the sublists of
+list are the non-empty lists returned by (list-tail
+k) for
+k less than the length of
+list. If
+obj does not occur in
+list, then #f (not the empty list) is returned. The memq procedure uses eq? to compare
+obj with the elements of
+list, while memv uses eqv? and member uses
+compare, if given, and equal? otherwise.
+(memq 'a '(a b c)) @result{} (a b c)
+(memq 'b '(a b c)) @result{} (b c)
+(memq 'a '(b c d)) @result{} #f
+(memq (list 'a) '(b (a) c)) @result{} #f
+(member (list 'a)
+ '(b (a) c)) @result{} ((a) c)
+(member "B"
+ '("a" "b" "c")
+ string-ci=?) @result{} ("b" "c")
+(memq 101 '(100 101 102)) @result{} unspecified
+(memv 101 '(100 101 102)) @result{} (101 102)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure assq obj alist
+@deffnx procedure assv obj alist
+@deffnx procedure assoc obj alist
+@deffnx procedure assoc obj alist compare
+It is an error if
+alist (for ``association list'') is not a list of pairs.
+These procedures find the first pair in
+alist whose car field is
+obj, and returns that pair. If no pair in
+alist has
+obj as its car, then #f (not the empty list) is returned. The assq procedure uses eq? to
+obj with the car fields of the pairs in
+alist, while assv uses eqv? and assoc uses
+compare if given and equal? otherwise.
+(define e '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
+(assq 'a e) @result{} (a 1)
+(assq 'b e) @result{} (b 2)
+(assq 'd e) @result{} #f
+(assq (list 'a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c))))
+ @result{} #f
+(assoc (list 'a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c))))
+ @result{} ((a))
+(assoc 2.0 '((1 1) (2 4) (3 9)) =)
+ @result{} (2 4)
+(assq 5 '((2 3) (5 7) (11 13)))
+ @result{} unspecified
+(assv 5 '((2 3) (5 7) (11 13)))
+ @result{} (5 7)
+@end example
+Rationale: Although they are often used as predicates, memq, memv, member, assq,
+ assv, and assoc do not have question marks in their names because they return
+ potentially useful values rather than just #t or #f.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure list-copy obj
+Returns a newly allocated copy of the given
+obj if it is a list. Only the pairs themselves are copied; the cars of the result are the same
+(in the sense of eqv?) as the cars of
+list. If
+obj is an improper list, so is the result, and the final cdrs are the same in the sense of
+eqv?. An
+obj which is not a list is returned unchanged. It is an error if
+obj is a circular list.
+(define a '(1 8 2 8)) ; a may be immutable
+(define b (list-copy a))
+(set-car! b 3) ; b is mutable
+b @result{} (3 8 2 8)
+a @result{} (1 8 2 8)
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/strings.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/strings.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+@node Strings
+@section Strings
+Strings are sequences of characters. Strings are written as sequences of characters
+enclosed within quotation marks (@code{"}). Within a string literal, various escape
+sequencesrepresent characters other than themselves. Escape sequences always start
+with a backslash (@code{\}):
+@code{\a} : alarm, U+0007
+@code{\b} : backspace, U+0008
+@code{\t} : character tabulation, U+0009
+@code{\n} : linefeed, U+000A
+@code{\r} : return, U+000D
+@code{\"} : double quote, U+0022
+@code{\\} : backslash, U+005C
+@code{\|} : vertical line, U+007C
+@code{\}@svar{intraline whitespace}*@svar{line ending}
+@svar{intraline whitespace}* : nothing
+@code{\x}@svar{hex scalar value}@code{;} : specified character
+(note the terminating semi-colon).
+@end itemize
+The result is unspecified if any other character in a string occurs after a backslash.
+Except for a line ending, any character outside of an escape sequence stands for itself in
+the string literal. A line ending which is preceded by \@svar{intraline whitespace} expands to
+nothing (along with any trailing intraline whitespace), and can be used to indent strings
+for improved legibility. Any other line ending has the same effect as inserting a \n
+character into the string.
+"The word \"recursion\" has many meanings."
+"Another example:\ntwo lines of text"
+"Here's text \
+ containing just one line"
+"\x03B1; is named GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA." The length of a string is the number of
+characters that it contains. This number is an exact, non-negative integer that is fixed
+when the string is created. The valid indexes of a string are the exact non-negative
+integers less than the length of the string. The first character of a string has index 0, the
+second has index 1, and so on.
+Some of the procedures that operate on strings ignore the difference between upper
+and lower case. The names of the versions that ignore case end with ``-ci'' (for ``case
+Implementations may forbid certain characters from appearing in strings. However, with
+the exception of #\null, ASCII characters must not be forbidden. For example, an
+implementation might support the entire Unicode repertoire, but only allow characters
+U+0001 to U+00FF (the Latin-1 repertoire without #\null) in strings.
+It is an error to pass such a forbidden character to make-string, string, string-set!, or
+string-fill!, as part of the list passed to list->string, or as part of the vector passed to
+vector->string (see section 6.8), or in UTF-8 encoded form within a bytevector passed to
+utf8->string (see section 6.9). It is also an error for a procedure passed to string-map
+(see section 6.10) to return a forbidden character, or for read-string (see section 6.13.2)
+to attempt to read one.
+@deffn procedure string? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is a string, otherwise returns #f.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure make-string k
+@deffnx procedure make-string k char
+The make-string procedure returns a newly allocated string of length
+k. If
+char is given, then all the characters of the string are initialized to
+char, otherwise the contents of the string are unspecified.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string char @dots{}
+Returns a newly allocated string composed of the arguments. It is analogous to list.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string-length string
+Returns the number of characters in the given
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string-ref string k
+It is an error if
+k is not a valid index of
+The string-ref procedure returns character
+k of
+string using zero-origin indexing.
+There is no requirement for this procedure to execute in constant time.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string-set! string k char
+It is an error if
+k is not a valid index of
+The string-set! procedure stores
+char in element
+k of
+string. There is no requirement for this procedure to execute in constant time.
+(define (f) (make-string 3 #\*))
+(define (g) "***")
+(string-set! (f) 0 #\?) @result{} unspecified
+(string-set! (g) 0 #\?) @result{} error
+(string-set! (symbol->string 'immutable)
+ 0
+ #\?) @result{} error
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string=? string1 string2 string3 @dots{}
+Returns #t if all the strings are the same length and contain exactly the same characters
+in the same positions, otherwise returns #f.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {char library procedure} string-ci=? string1 string2 string3 @dots{}
+Returns #t if, after case-folding, all the strings are the same length and contain the same
+characters in the same positions, otherwise returns #f. Specifically, these procedures
+behave as if string-foldcase were applied to their arguments before comparing them.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string<? string1 string2 string3@dots{}
+@deffnx {char library procedure} string-ci<? string1 string2 string3@dots{}
+@deffnx procedure string>? string1 string2 string3@dots{}
+@deffnx {char library procedure} string-ci>? string1 string2 string3@dots{}
+@deffnx procedure string<=? string1 string2 string3@dots{}
+@deffnx {char library procedure} string-ci<=? string1 string2 string3@dots{}
+@deffnx procedure string>=? string1 string2 string3@dots{}
+@deffnx {char library procedure} string-ci>=? string1 string2 string3@dots{}
+These procedures return #t if their arguments are (respectively): monotonically
+increasing, monotonically decreasing, monotonically non-decreasing, or monotonically
+These predicates are required to be transitive.
+These procedures compare strings in an implementation-defined way. One approach is
+to make them the lexicographic extensions to strings of the corresponding orderings on
+characters. In that case, string<? would be the lexicographic ordering on strings induced
+by the ordering char<? on characters, and if the two strings differ in length but are the
+same up to the length of the shorter string, the shorter string would be considered to be
+lexicographically less than the longer string. However, it is also permitted to use the
+natural ordering imposed by the implementation's internal representation of strings, or
+a more complex locale-specific ordering.
+In all cases, a pair of strings must satisfy exactly one of string<?, string=?, and
+and must satisfy string<=? if and only if they do not satisfy string>? and string>=? if and
+only if they do not satisfy string<?.
+The ``-ci'' procedures behave as if they applied string-foldcase to their arguments before
+invoking the corresponding procedures without ``-ci''.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {char library procedure} string-upcase string
+@deffnx {char library procedure} string-downcase string
+@deffnx {char library procedure} string-foldcase string
+These procedures apply the Unicode full string uppercasing, lowercasing, and
+case-folding algorithms to their arguments and return the result. In certain cases, the
+result differs in length from the argument. If the result is equal to the argument in the
+sense of string=?, the argument may be returned. Note that language-sensitive
+mappings and foldings are not used. The Unicode Standard prescribes special
+treatment of the Greek letter Σ, whose normal lower-case form is σ but which becomes ς
+at the end of a word. See UAX #44 [11] (part of the Unicode Standard) for details.
+However, implementations of string-downcase are not required to provide this
+behavior, and may choose to change Σ to σ in all cases.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure substring string start end
+The substring procedure returns a newly allocated string formed from the characters of
+string beginning with index
+start and ending with index
+end. This is equivalent to calling string-copy with the same arguments, but is provided
+for backward compatibility and stylistic flexibility.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string-append string @dots{}
+Returns a newly allocated string whose characters are the concatenation of the
+characters in the given strings.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string->list string
+@deffnx procedure string->list string start
+@deffnx procedure string->list string start end
+@deffnx procedure list->string list
+It is an error if any element of
+list is not a character.
+The string->list procedure returns a newly allocated list of the characters of
+string between
+start and
+end. list->string returns a newly allocated string formed from the elements in the list
+list. In both procedures, order is preserved. string->list and list->string are inverses so
+far as equal? is concerned.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string-copy string
+@deffnx procedure string-copy string start
+@deffnx procedure string-copy string start end
+Returns a newly allocated copy of the part of the given
+string between
+start and
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string-copy! to at from
+@deffnx procedure string-copy! to at from start
+@deffnx procedure string-copy! to at from start end
+It is an error if
+at is less than zero or greater than the length of
+to. It is also an error if (- (string-length
+at) is less than (-
+Copies the characters of string
+from between
+start and
+end to string
+to, starting at
+at. The order in which characters are copied is unspecified, except that if the source and
+destination overlap, copying takes place as if the source is first copied into a temporary
+string and then into the destination. This can be achieved without allocating storage by
+making sure to copy in the correct direction in such circumstances.
+(define a "12345")
+(define b (string-copy "abcde"))
+(string-copy! b 1 a 0 2)
+b @result{} "a12de"
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string-fill! string fill
+@deffnx procedure string-fill! string fill start
+@deffnx procedure string-fill! string fill start end
+It is an error if
+fill is not a character.
+The string-fill! procedure stores
+fill in the elements of
+string between
+start and
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/symbols.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/symbols.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+@node Symbols
+@section Symbols
+Symbols are objects whose usefulness rests on the fact that two symbols are identical (in
+the sense of eqv?) if and only if their names are spelled the same way. For instance, they
+can be used the way enumerated values are used in other languages.
+The rules for writing a symbol are exactly the same as the rules for writing an identifier;
+see sections 2.1 and 7.1.1.
+It is guaranteed that any symbol that has been returned as part of a literal expression,
+or read using the read procedure, and subsequently written out using the write
+procedure, will read back in as the identical symbol (in the sense of eqv?).
+Note: Some implementations have values known as ``uninterned symbols,'' which
+defeat write/read invariance, and also violate the rule that two symbols are the
+same if and only if their names are spelled the same. This report does not specify
+the behavior of implementation-dependent extensions.
+@deffn procedure symbol? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is a symbol, otherwise returns #f.
+(symbol? 'foo) @result{} #t
+(symbol? (car '(a b))) @result{} #t
+(symbol? "bar") @result{} #f
+(symbol? 'nil) @result{} #t
+(symbol? '()) @result{} #f
+(symbol? #f) @result{} #f
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure symbol=? symbol1 symbol2 symbol3 @dots{}
+Returns #t if all the arguments all have the same names in the sense of string=?.
+Note: The definition above assumes that none of the arguments are uninterned
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure symbol->string symbol
+Returns the name of
+symbol as a string, but without adding escapes. It is an error to apply mutation
+procedures like string-set! to strings returned by this procedure.
+(symbol->string 'flying-fish)
+ @result{} "flying-fish"
+(symbol->string 'Martin) @result{} "Martin"
+ (string->symbol "Malvina"))
+ @result{} "Malvina"
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure string->symbol string
+Returns the symbol whose name is
+string. This procedure can create symbols with names containing special characters that
+would require escaping when written, but does not interpret escapes in its input.
+(string->symbol "mISSISSIppi")
+(eqv? 'bitBlt (string->symbol "bitBlt"))
+@result{} #t
+(eqv? 'LollyPop
+ (string->symbol
+ (symbol->string 'LollyPop)))
+@result{} #t
+(string=? "K. Harper, M.D."
+ (symbol->string
+ (string->symbol "K. Harper, M.D.")))
+@result{} #t
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/system-interface.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/system-interface.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+@node System interfacea
+@section System interface
+Questions of system interface generally fall outside of the domain of this report.
+However, the following operations are important enough to deserve description here.
+@deffn {load library procedure} load filename
+@deffnx {load library procedure} load filename environment-specifier
+It is an error if
+filename is not a string.
+An implementation-dependent operation is used to transform
+filename into the name of an existing file containing Scheme source code. The load
+procedure reads expressions and definitions from the file and evaluates them
+sequentially in the environment specified by
+environment-specifier. If
+environment-specifier is omitted, (interaction-environment) is assumed.
+It is unspecified whether the results of the expressions are printed. The load procedure
+does not affect the values returned by current-input-port and current-output-port. It
+returns an unspecified value.
+Rationale: For portability, load must operate on source files. Its operation on other
+kinds of files necessarily varies among implementations.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {file library procedure} file-exists? filename
+It is an error if
+filename is not a string.
+The file-exists? procedure returns #t if the named file exists at the time the procedure is
+called, and #f otherwise.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {file library procedure} delete-file filename
+It is an error if
+filename is not a string.
+The delete-file procedure deletes the named file if it exists and can be deleted, and
+returns an unspecified value. If the file does not exist or cannot be deleted, an error that
+satisfies file-error? is signaled.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {process-context library procedure} command-line
+Returns the command line passed to the process as a list of strings. The first string
+corresponds to the command name, and is implementation-dependent. It is an error to
+mutate any of these strings.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {process-context library procedure} exit
+@deffnx {process-context library procedure} exit obj
+Runs all outstanding dynamic-wind
+after procedures, terminates the running program, and communicates an exit value to
+the operating system. If no argument is supplied, or if
+obj is #t, the exit procedure should communicate to the operating system that the
+program exited normally. If
+obj is #f, the exit procedure should communicate to the operating system that the
+program exited abnormally. Otherwise, exit should translate
+obj into an appropriate exit value for the operating system, if possible.
+The exit procedure must not signal an exception or return to its continuation.
+Note: Because of the requirement to run handlers, this procedure is not just the
+operating system's exit procedure.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {process-context library procedure} emergency-exit
+@deffnx {process-context library procedure} emergency-exit obj
+Terminates the program without running any outstanding dynamic-wind
+after procedures and communicates an exit value to the operating system in the same
+manner as exit.
+Note: The emergency-exit procedure corresponds to the _exit procedure in Windows
+and Posix.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {process-context library procedure} get-environment-variable name
+Many operating systems provide each running process with an environment consisting of
+environment variables. (This environment is not to be confused with the Scheme
+environments that can be passed to eval: see section 6.12.) Both the name and value of
+an environment variable are strings. The procedure get-environment-variable returns
+the value of the environment variable
+name, or #f if the named environment variable is not found. It may use locale information
+to encode the name and decode the value of the environment variable. It is an error if
+get-environment-variable can't decode the value. It is also an error to mutate the
+resulting string.
+(get-environment-variable "PATH")
+@result{} "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {process-context library procedure} get-environment-variables
+Returns the names and values of all the environment variables as an alist, where the car
+of each entry is the name of an environment variable and the cdr is its value, both as
+strings. The order of the list is unspecified. It is an error to mutate any of these strings
+or the alist itself.
+@result{} (("USER" . "root") ("HOME" . "/"))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn {time library procedure} current-second
+Returns an inexact number representing the current time on the International Atomic
+Time (TAI) scale. The value 0.0 represents midnight on January 1, 1970 TAI (equivalent to
+8.000082 seconds before midnight Universal Time) and the value 1.0 represents one TAI
+second later. Neither high accuracy nor high precision are required; in particular,
+returning Coordinated Universal Time plus a suitable constant might be the best an
+implementation can do.
+As of 2018, a TAI-UTC offset table can be found at [40].
+@end deffn
+@deffn {time library procedure} current-jiffy
+Returns the number of jiffies as an exact integer that have elapsed since an arbitrary,
+implementation-defined epoch. A jiffy is an implementation-defined fraction of a second
+which is defined by the return value of the jiffies-per-second procedure. The starting
+epoch is guaranteed to be constant during a run of the program, but may vary between
+Rationale: Jiffies are allowed to be implementation-dependent so that current-jiffy
+can execute with minimum overhead. It should be very likely that a compactly
+represented integer will suffice as the returned value. Any particular jiffy size will be
+inappropriate for some implementations: a microsecond is too long for a very fast
+machine, while a much smaller unit would force many implementations to return
+integers which have to be allocated for most calls, rendering current-jiffy less
+useful for accurate timing measurements.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {time library procedure} jiffies-per-second
+Returns an exact integer representing the number of jiffies per SI second. This value is
+an implementation-specified constant.
+(define (time-length)
+ (let ((list (make-list 100000))
+ (start (current-jiffy)))
+ (length list)
+ (/ (- (current-jiffy) start)
+ (jiffies-per-second))))
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure features
+Returns a list of the feature identifiers which cond-expand treats as true. It is an error to
+modify this list. Here is an example of what features might return:
+(features) @result{}
+ (r7rs ratios exact-complex full-unicode
+ gnu-linux little-endian
+ fantastic-scheme
+ fantastic-scheme-1.0
+ space-ship-control-system)
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/vectors.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/procedures/vectors.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+@node Vectors
+@section Vectors
+Vectors are heterogeneous structures whose elements are indexed by integers. A vector
+typically occupies less space than a list of the same length, and the average time needed
+to access a randomly chosen element is typically less for the vector than for the list.
+The length of a vector is the number of elements that it contains. This number is a
+non-negative integer that is fixed when the vector is created. The valid indexesof a vector
+are the exact non-negative integers less than the length of the vector. The first element
+in a vector is indexed by zero, and the last element is indexed by one less than the length
+of the vector.
+Vectors are written using the notation #(
+obj @dots{}). For example, a vector of length 3 containing the number zero in element 0, the
+list (2 2 2 2) in element 1, and the string "Anna" in element 2 can be written as follows:
+#(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna") Vector constants are self-evaluating, so they do not need to be
+quoted in programs.
+@deffn procedure vector? obj
+Returns #t if
+obj is a vector; otherwise returns #f.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure make-vector k
+@deffnx procedure make-vector k fill
+Returns a newly allocated vector of
+k elements. If a second argument is given, then each element is initialized to
+fill. Otherwise the initial contents of each element is unspecified.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector obj @dots{}
+Returns a newly allocated vector whose elements contain the given arguments. It is
+analogous to list.
+(vector 'a 'b 'c) @result{} #(a b c)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector-length vector
+Returns the number of elements in
+vector as an exact integer.
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector-ref vector k
+It is an error if
+k is not a valid index of
+The vector-ref procedure returns the contents of element
+k of
+(vector-ref '#(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21)
+ 5)
+@result{} 8
+(vector-ref '#(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21)
+ (exact
+ (round (* 2 (acos -1)))))
+@result{} 13
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector-set! vector k obj
+It is an error if
+k is not a valid index of
+The vector-set! procedure stores
+obj in element
+k of
+(let ((vec (vector 0 '(2 2 2 2) "Anna")))
+ (vector-set! vec 1 '("Sue" "Sue"))
+ vec)
+@result{} #(0 ("Sue" "Sue") "Anna")
+(vector-set! '#(0 1 2) 1 "doe")
+@result{} error ; constant vector
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector->list vector
+@deffnx procedure vector->list vector start
+@deffnx procedure vector->list vector start end
+@deffnx procedure list->vector list
+The vector->list procedure returns a newly allocated list of the objects contained in the
+elements of
+vector between
+start and
+end. The list->vector procedure returns a newly created vector initialized to the elements
+of the list
+In both procedures, order is preserved.
+(vector->list '#(dah dah didah))
+@result{} (dah dah didah)
+(vector->list '#(dah dah didah) 1 2)
+@result{} (dah)
+(list->vector '(dididit dah))
+@result{} #(dididit dah)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector->string vector
+@deffnx procedure vector->string vector start
+@deffnx procedure vector->string vector start end
+@deffnx procedure string->vector string
+@deffnx procedure string->vector string start
+@deffnx procedure string->vector string start end
+It is an error if any element of
+vector between
+start and
+end is not a character.
+The vector->string procedure returns a newly allocated string of the objects contained in
+the elements of
+vector between
+start and
+end. The string->vector procedure returns a newly created vector initialized to the
+elements of the string
+string between
+start and
+In both procedures, order is preserved.
+(string->vector "ABC") @result{} #(#\A #\B #\C)
+ #(#\1 #\2 #\3) @result{} "123"
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector-copy vector
+@deffnx procedure vector-copy vector start
+@deffnx procedure vector-copy vector start end
+Returns a newly allocated copy of the elements of the given
+vector between
+start and
+end. The elements of the new vector are the same (in the sense of eqv?) as the elements
+of the old.
+(define a #(1 8 2 8)) ; a may be immutable
+(define b (vector-copy a))
+(vector-set! b 0 3) ; b is mutable
+b @result{} #(3 8 2 8)
+(define c (vector-copy b 1 3))
+c @result{} #(8 2)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector-copy! to at from
+@deffnx procedure vector-copy! to at from start
+@deffnx procedure vector-copy! to at from start end
+It is an error if
+at is less than zero or greater than the length of
+to. It is also an error if (- (vector-length
+at) is less than (-
+Copies the elements of vector
+from between
+start and
+end to vector
+to, starting at
+at. The order in which elements are copied is unspecified, except that if the source and
+destination overlap, copying takes place as if the source is first copied into a temporary
+vector and then into the destination. This can be achieved without allocating storage by
+making sure to copy in the correct direction in such circumstances.
+(define a (vector 1 2 3 4 5))
+(define b (vector 10 20 30 40 50))
+(vector-copy! b 1 a 0 2)
+b @result{} #(10 1 2 40 50)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector-append vector@dots{}
+Returns a newly allocated vector whose elements are the concatenation of the elements
+of the given vectors.
+(vector-append #(a b c) #(d e f))
+@result{} #(a b c d e f)
+@end example
+@end deffn
+@deffn procedure vector-fill! vector fill
+@deffnx procedure vector-fill! vector fill start
+@deffnx procedure vector-fill! vector fill start end
+The vector-fill! procedure stores
+fill in the elements of
+vector between
+start and
+(define a (vector 1 2 3 4 5))
+(vector-fill! a 'smash 2 4)
+@result{} #(1 2 smash smash 5)
+@end example
+@end deffn
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/program-structure.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/program-structure.texinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+@node Program structure
+@chapter Program structure
+* Programs::
+* Import declarations::
+* Variable definitions::
+* Syntax definitions::
+* Record-type definitions::
+* Libraries::
+* The REPL::
+@end menu
+@node Programs
+@section Programs
+A Scheme program consists of one or more import declarations followed by a sequence
+of expressions and definitions. Import declarations specify the libraries on which a
+program or library depends; a subset of the identifiers exported by the libraries are made
+available to the program. Expressions are described in chapter 4. Definitions are either
+variable definitions, syntax definitions, or record-type definitions, all of which are
+explained in this chapter. They are valid in some, but not all, contexts where expressions
+are allowed, specifically at the outermost level of a @svar{program} and at the beginning of a
+At the outermost level of a program, (begin @svar{expression or definition1} @dots{}) is equivalent to
+the sequence of expressions and definitions in the begin. Similarly, in a @svar{body}, (begin
+@svar{definition1} @dots{}) is equivalent to the sequence @svar{definition1} @dots{}. Macros can expand into
+such begin forms. For the formal definition, see 4.2.3.
+Import declarations and definitions cause bindings to be created in the global
+environment or modify the value of existing global bindings. The initial environment of a
+program is empty, so at least one import declaration is needed to introduce initial
+Expressions occurring at the outermost level of a program do not create any bindings.
+They are executed in order when the program is invoked or loaded, and typically perform
+some kind of initialization.
+Programs and libraries are typically stored in files, although in some implementations
+they can be entered interactively into a running Scheme system. Other paradigms are
+possible. Implementations which store libraries in files should document the mapping
+from the name of a library to its location in the file system.
+@node Import declarations
+@section Import declarations
+An import declaration takes the following form:
+(import @svar{import-set} @dots{})
+An import declaration provides a way to import identifiers exported by a library. Each
+@svar{import set} names a set of bindings from a library and possibly specifies local names for
+the imported bindings. It takes one of the following forms:
+* @svar{library name}
+* (only @svar{import set} @svar{identifier} @dots{})
+* (except @svar{import set} @svar{identifier} @dots{})
+* (prefix @svar{import set} @svar{identifier})
+* (rename @svar{import set}
+ (@svar{identifier1} @svar{identifier2}) @dots{})
+In the first form, all of the identifiers in the named library's export clauses are imported
+with the same names (or the exported names if exported with rename). The additional
+@svar{import set} forms modify this set as follows:
+* only produces a subset of the given @svar{import set} including only the listed identifiers
+ (after any renaming). It is an error if any of the listed identifiers are not found in the
+ original set.
+* except produces a subset of the given @svar{import set}, excluding the listed identifiers
+ (after any renaming). It is an error if any of the listed identifiers are not found in the
+ original set.
+* rename modifies the given @svar{import set}, replacing each instance of @svar{identifier1} with
+ @svar{identifier2}. It is an error if any of the listed @svar{identifier1}s are not found in the original
+ set.
+* prefix automatically renames all identifiers in the given @svar{import set}, prefixing each
+ with the specified @svar{identifier}.
+In a program or library declaration, it is an error to import the same identifier more than
+once with different bindings, or to redefine or mutate an imported binding with a
+definition or with set!, or to refer to an identifier before it is imported. However, a REPL
+should permit these actions.
+@node Variable definitions
+@section Variable definitions
+A variable definition binds one or more identifiers and specifies an initial value for each of
+them. The simplest kind of variable definition takes one of the following forms:
+* (define @svar{variable} @svar{expression})
+* (define (@svar{variable} @svar{formals}) @svar{body})
+ @svar{Formals} are either a sequence of zero or more variables, or a sequence of one or
+ more variables followed by a space-delimited period and another variable (as in a
+ lambda expression). This form is equivalent to
+(define @svar{variable}
+ (lambda (@svar{formals}) @svar{body})).
+@end example
+* (define (@svar{variable} . @svar{formal}) @svar{body})
+ @svar{Formal} is a single variable. This form is equivalent to
+(define @svar{variable}
+ (lambda @svar{formal} @svar{body})).
+@end example
+* Top level definitions::
+* Internal definitions::
+* Multiple-value definitions::
+@end menu
+@node Top level definitions
+@subsection Top level definitions
+At the outermost level of a program, a definition
+(define @svar{variable} @svar{expression})has essentially the same effect as the assignment
+expression (set! @svar{variable} @svar{expression})if @svar{variable} is bound to a non-syntax value.
+However, if @svar{variable} is not bound, or is a syntactic keyword, then the definition will bind
+@svar{variable} to a new location before performing the assignment, whereas it would be an
+error to perform a set! on an unboundvariable.
+(define add3
+ (lambda (x) (+ x 3)))
+(add3 3) @result{} 6
+(define first car)
+(first '(1 2)) @result{} 1
+@end example
+@node Internal definitions
+@subsection Internal definitions
+Definitions can occur at the beginning of a @svar{body} (that is, the body of a lambda, let, let*,
+letrec, letrec*, let-values, let*-values, let-syntax, letrec-syntax, parameterize, guard, or
+case-lambda). Note that such a body might not be apparent until after expansion of other
+syntax. Such definitions are known as internal definitionsas opposed to the global
+definitions described above. The variables defined by internal definitions are local to the
+@svar{body}. That is, @svar{variable} is bound rather than assigned, and the region of the binding is
+the entire @svar{body}. For example,
+(let ((x 5))
+ (define foo (lambda (y) (bar x y)))
+ (define bar (lambda (a b) (+ (* a b) a)))
+ (foo (+ x 3))) @result{} 45
+@end example
+An expanded @svar{body} containing internal definitions can always
+be converted into a completely equivalent letrec* expression. For example, the let
+expression in the above example is equivalent to
+(let ((x 5))
+ (letrec* ((foo (lambda (y) (bar x y)))
+ (bar (lambda (a b) (+ (* a b) a))))
+ (foo (+ x 3))))
+@end example
+Just as for the equivalent letrec* expression, it is an error if it is not
+possible to evaluate each @svar{expression} of every internal definition in a @svar{body} without
+assigning or referring to the value of the corresponding @svar{variable} or the @svar{variable} of
+any of the definitions that follow it in @svar{body}.
+It is an error to define the same identifier more than once in the same @svar{body}.
+Wherever an internal definition can occur, (begin @svar{definition1} @dots{}) is equivalent to the
+sequence of definitions that form the body of the begin.
+@node Multiple-value definitions
+@subsection Multiple-value definitions
+Another kind of definition is provided by define-values, which creates multiple definitions
+from a single expression returning multiple values. It is allowed wherever define is
+syntax: (define-values @svar{formals} @svar{expression})
+It is an error if a variable appears more than once in the set of @svar{formals}.
+Semantics: @svar{Expression} is evaluated, and the @svar{formals} are bound to the return values in
+the same way that the @svar{formals} in a lambda expression are matched to the arguments in
+a procedure call.
+(define-values (x y) (exact-integer-sqrt 17))
+(list x y) @result{} (4 1)
+(let ()
+ (define-values (x y) (values 1 2))
+ (+ x y)) @result{} 3
+@end example
+@node Syntax definitions
+@section Syntax definitions
+Syntax definitions have this form:
+(define-syntax @svar{keyword} @svar{transformer spec})
+@svar{Keyword} is an identifier, and the @svar{transformer spec} is an instance of syntax-rules. Like
+variable definitions, syntax definitions can appear at the outermost level or nested within
+a body.
+If the define-syntax occurs at the outermost level, then the global syntactic environment
+is extended by binding the @svar{keyword} to the specified transformer, but previous
+expansions of any global binding for @svar{keyword} remain unchanged. Otherwise, it is an
+internal syntax definition, and is local to the @svar{body} in which it is defined. Any use of a
+syntax keyword before its corresponding definition is an error. In particular, a use that
+precedes an inner definition will not apply an outer definition.
+(let ((x 1) (y 2))
+ (define-syntax swap!
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((swap! a b)
+ (let ((tmp a))
+ (set! a b)
+ (set! b tmp)))))
+ (swap! x y)
+ (list x y)) @result{} (2 1)
+@end example
+Macros can expand into definitions in any context that permits them. However, it is an
+error for a definition to define an identifier whose binding has to be known in order to
+determine the meaning of the definition itself, or of any preceding definition that belongs
+to the same group of internal definitions. Similarly, it is an error for an internal definition
+to define an identifier whose binding has to be known in order to determine the
+boundary between the internal definitions and the expressions of the body it belongs to.
+For example, the following are errors:
+(define define 3)
+(begin (define begin list))
+ ((foo (syntax-rules ()
+ ((foo (proc args ...) body ...)
+ (define proc
+ (lambda (args ...)
+ body ...))))))
+ (let ((x 3))
+ (foo (plus x y) (+ x y))
+ (define foo x)
+ (plus foo x)))
+@end example
+@node Record-type definitions
+@section Record-type definitions
+Record-type definitions are used to introduce new data types, called record types. Like other
+definitions, they can appear either at the outermost level or in a body. The values of a
+record type are called records and are aggregations of zero or more fields, each of which
+holds a single location. A predicate, a constructor, and field accessors and mutators are
+defined for each record type.
+syntax: (define-record-type @svar{name}
+ @svar{constructor} @svar{pred} @svar{field} @dots{})
+Syntax: @svar{name} and @svar{pred} are identifiers. The @svar{constructor} is of the form
+(@svar{constructor name} @svar{field name} @dots{})and each @svar{field} is either of the form (@svar{field name}
+@svar{accessor name})or of the form (@svar{field name} @svar{accessor name} @svar{modifier name}) It is an
+error for the same identifier to occur more than once as a field name. It is also an error
+for the same identifier to occur more than once as an accessor or mutator name.
+The define-record-type construct is generative: each use creates a new record type that is
+distinct from all existing types, including Scheme's predefined types and other record
+types---even record types of the same name or structure.
+An instance of define-record-type is equivalent to the following definitions:
+* @svar{name} is bound to a representation of the record type itself. This may be a run-time
+ object or a purely syntactic representation. The representation is not utilized in this
+ report, but it serves as a means to identify the record type for use by further language
+ extensions.
+* @svar{constructor name} is bound to a procedure that takes as many arguments as there
+ are @svar{field name}s in the (@svar{constructor name} @dots{}) subexpression and returns a new
+ record of type @svar{name}. Fields whose names are listed with @svar{constructor name} have
+ the corresponding argument as their initial value. The initial values of all other fields are
+ unspecified. It is an error for a field name to appear in @svar{constructor} but not as a <field
+ name>.
+* @svar{pred} is bound to a predicate that returns #t when given a value returned by the
+ procedure bound to @svar{constructor name} and #f for everything else.
+* Each @svar{accessor name} is bound to a procedure that takes a record of type @svar{name} and
+ returns the current value of the corresponding field. It is an error to pass an accessor a
+ value which is not a record of the appropriate type.
+* Each @svar{modifier name} is bound to a procedure that takes a record of type @svar{name} and
+ a value which becomes the new value of the corresponding field; an unspecified value
+ is returned. It is an error to pass a modifier a first argument which is not a record of
+ the appropriate type.
+For instance, the following record-type definition
+(define-record-type @svar{pare}
+ (kons x y)
+ pare?
+ (x kar set-kar!)
+ (y kdr))
+@end example
+defines kons to be a constructor, kar and kdr to be accessors, set-kar! to be a modifier,
+and pare? to be a predicate for instances of @svar{pare}.
+(pare? (kons 1 2)) @result{} #t
+ (pare? (cons 1 2)) @result{} #f
+ (kar (kons 1 2)) @result{} 1
+ (kdr (kons 1 2)) @result{} 2
+ (let ((k (kons 1 2)))
+ (set-kar! k 3)
+ (kar k)) @result{} 3
+@end example
+@node Libraries
+@section Libraries
+Libraries provide a way to organize Scheme programs into reusable parts with explicitly
+defined interfaces to the rest of the program. This section defines the notation and
+semantics for libraries.
+* Library Syntax::
+* Library example::
+@end menu
+@node Library Syntax
+@subsection Library Syntax
+A library definition takes the following form:
+(define-library @svar{library name}
+ @svar{library declaration} @dots{})
+@svar{library name} is a list whose members are identifiers and exact non-negative integers. It
+is used to identify the library uniquely when importing from other programs or libraries.
+Libraries whose first identifier is scheme are reserved for use by this report and future
+versions of this report. Libraries whose first identifier is srfi are reserved for libraries
+implementing Scheme Requests for Implementation. It is inadvisable, but not an error,
+for identifiers in library names to contain any of the characters | \ ? * @svar{ " : } + [ ] / or
+control characters after escapes are expanded.
+A @svar{library declaration} is any of:
+* (export @svar{export spec} @dots{})
+* (import @svar{import set} @dots{})
+* (begin @svar{command or definition} @dots{})
+* (include @svar{filename1} @svar{filename2} @dots{})
+* (include-ci @svar{filename1} @svar{filename2} @dots{})
+* (include-library-declarations @svar{filename1} @svar{filename2} @dots{})
+* (cond-expand @svar{ce-clause1} @svar{ce-clause2} @dots{})
+An export declaration specifies a list of identifiers which can be made visible to other
+libraries or programs. An @svar{export spec} takes one of the following forms:
+* @svar{identifier}
+* (rename @svar{identifier1} @svar{identifier2})
+In an @svar{export spec}, an @svar{identifier} names a single binding defined within or imported
+into the library, where the external name for the export is the same as the name of the
+binding within the library. A rename spec exports the binding defined within or imported
+into the library and named by @svar{identifier1} in each (@svar{identifier1} @svar{identifier2}) pairing,
+using @svar{identifier2} as the external name.
+An import declaration provides a way to import the identifiers exported by another
+library. It has the same syntax and semantics as an import declaration used in a program
+or at the REPL (see section 5.2).
+The begin, include, and include-ci declarations are used to specify the body of the library.
+They have the same syntax and semantics as the corresponding expression types. This
+form of begin is analogous to, but not the same as, the two types of begin defined in
+section 4.2.3.
+The include-library-declarations declaration is similar to include except that the contents
+of the file are spliced directly into the current library definition. This can be used, for
+example, to share the same export declaration among multiple libraries as a simple form
+of library interface.
+The cond-expand declaration has the same syntax and semantics as the cond-expand
+expression type, except that it expands to spliced-in library declarations rather than
+expressions enclosed in begin.
+One possible implementation of libraries is as follows: After all cond-expand library
+declarations are expanded, a new environment is constructed for the library consisting of
+all imported bindings. The expressions from all begin, include and include-ci library
+declarations are expanded in that environment in the order in which they occur in the
+library. Alternatively, cond-expand and import declarations may be processed in left to
+right order interspersed with the processing of other declarations, with the environment
+growing as imported bindings are added to it by each import declaration.
+When a library is loaded, its expressions are executed in textual order. If a library's
+definitions are referenced in the expanded form of a program or library body, then that
+library must be loaded before the expanded program or library body is evaluated. This
+rule applies transitively. If a library is imported by more than one program or library, it
+may possibly be loaded additional times.
+Similarly, during the expansion of a library (foo), if any syntax keywords imported from
+another library (bar) are needed to expand the library, then the library (bar) must be
+expanded and its syntax definitions evaluated before the expansion of (foo).
+Regardless of the number of times that a library is loaded, each program or library that
+imports bindings from a library must do so from a single loading of that library,
+regardless of the number of import declarations in which it appears. That is, (import (only
+(foo) a)) followed by (import (only (foo) b)) has the same effect as (import (only (foo) a b)).
+@node Library example
+@subsection Library example
+The following example shows how a program can be divided into libraries plus a relatively
+small main program [16]. If the main program is entered into a REPL, it is not necessary to
+import the base library.
+(define-library (example grid)
+ (export make rows cols ref each
+ (rename put! set!))
+ (import (scheme base))
+ (begin
+ ;; Create an NxM grid.
+ (define (make n m)
+ (let ((grid (make-vector n)))
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((= i n) grid)
+ (let ((v (make-vector m #false)))
+ (vector-set! grid i v)))))
+ (define (rows grid)
+ (vector-length grid))
+ (define (cols grid)
+ (vector-length (vector-ref grid 0)))
+ ;; Return #false if out of range.
+ (define (ref grid n m)
+ (and (< -1 n (rows grid))
+ (< -1 m (cols grid))
+ (vector-ref (vector-ref grid n) m)))
+ (define (put! grid n m v)
+ (vector-set! (vector-ref grid n) m v))
+ (define (each grid proc)
+ (do ((j 0 (+ j 1)))
+ ((= j (rows grid)))
+ (do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))
+ ((= k (cols grid)))
+ (proc j k (ref grid j k)))))))
+(define-library (example life)
+ (export life)
+ (import (except (scheme base) set!)
+ (scheme write)
+ (example grid))
+ (begin
+ (define (life-count grid i j)
+ (define (count i j)
+ (if (ref grid i j) 1 0))
+ (+ (count (- i 1) (- j 1))
+ (count (- i 1) j)
+ (count (- i 1) (+ j 1))
+ (count i (- j 1))
+ (count i (+ j 1))
+ (count (+ i 1) (- j 1))
+ (count (+ i 1) j)
+ (count (+ i 1) (+ j 1))))
+ (define (life-alive? grid i j)
+ (case (life-count grid i j)
+ ((3) #true)
+ ((2) (ref grid i j))
+ (else #false)))
+ (define (life-print grid)
+ (display "\x1B;[1H\x1B;[J") ; clear vt100
+ (each grid
+ (lambda (i j v)
+ (display (if v "*" " "))
+ (when (= j (- (cols grid) 1))
+ (newline)))))
+ (define (life grid iterations)
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
+ (grid0 grid grid1)
+ (grid1 (make (rows grid) (cols grid))
+ grid0))
+ ((= i iterations))
+ (each grid0
+ (lambda (j k v)
+ (let ((a (life-alive? grid0 j k)))
+ (set! grid1 j k a))))
+ (life-print grid1)))))))
+;; Main program.
+(import (scheme base)
+ (only (example life) life)
+ (rename (prefix (example grid) grid-)
+ (grid-make make-grid)))
+;; Initialize a grid with a glider.
+(define grid (make-grid 24 24))
+(grid-set! grid 1 1 #true)
+(grid-set! grid 2 2 #true)
+(grid-set! grid 3 0 #true)
+(grid-set! grid 3 1 #true)
+(grid-set! grid 3 2 #true)
+;; Run for 80 iterations.
+(life grid 80)
+@end example
+@node The REPL
+@section The REPL
+Implementations may provide an interactive session called a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop),
+where import declarations, expressions and definitions can be entered and evaluated one
+at a time. For convenience and ease of use, the global Scheme environment in a REPL
+must not be empty, but must start out with at least the bindings provided by the base
+library. This library includes the core syntax of Scheme and generally useful procedures
+that manipulate data. For example, the variable abs is bound to a procedure of one
+argument that computes the absolute value of a number, and the variable + is bound to a
+procedure that computes sums. The full list of (scheme base) bindings can be found in
+Appendix A.
+Implementations may provide an initial REPL environment which behaves as if all possible
+variables are bound to locations, most of which contain unspecified values. Top level REPL
+definitions in such an implementation are truly equivalent to assignments, unless the
+identifier is defined as a syntax keyword.
+An implementation may provide a mode of operation in which the REPL reads its input
+from a file. Such a file is not, in general, the same as a program, because it can contain
+import declarations in places other than the beginning.
diff --git a/doc/r7rs-small/r7rs-small.texinfo b/doc/r7rs-small/r7rs-small.texinfo
@@ -202,9577 +202,151 @@ influence of manuals for MIT Scheme [24], T [28], Scheme 84 [15], Common Lisp [3
Algol 60 [25], as well as the following SRFIs: 0, 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 30, 34, 39, 43, 46, 62, and
87, all of which are available at
+@include overview.texinfo
-@node Overview of Scheme
-@chapter Overview of Scheme
+@include lexical-conventions.texinfo
-* Semantics::
-* Syntax::
-* Notation and terminology::
-@end menu
-@node Semantics
-@section Semantics
-This section gives an overview of Scheme's semantics. A detailed informal semantics is the
-subject of chapters 3 through 6. For reference purposes, section 7.2 provides a formal
-semantics of Scheme.
-Scheme is a statically scoped programming language. Each use of a variable is associated
-with a lexically apparent binding of that variable.
-Scheme is a dynamically typed language. Types are associated with values (also called
-objects) rather than with variables. Statically typed languages, by contrast, associate types
-with variables and expressions as well as with values.
-All objects created in the course of a Scheme computation, including procedures and
-continuations, have unlimited extent. No Scheme object is ever destroyed. The reason
-that implementations of Scheme do not (usually!) run out of storage is that they are
-permitted to reclaim the storage occupied by an object if they can prove that the object
-cannot possibly matter to any future computation. Implementations of Scheme are
-required to be properly tail-recursive. This allows the execution of an iterative
-computation in constant space, even if the iterative computation is described by a
-syntactically recursive procedure. Thus with a properly tail-recursive implementation,
-iteration can be expressed using the ordinary procedure-call mechanics, so that special
-iteration constructs are useful only as syntactic sugar. See section 3.5.
-Scheme procedures are objects in their own right. Procedures can be created
-dynamically, stored in data structures, returned as results of procedures, and so on. One
-distinguishing feature of Scheme is that continuations, which in most other languages
-only operate behind the scenes, also have ``first-class'' status. Continuations are useful for
-implementing a wide variety of advanced control constructs, including non-local exits,
-backtracking, and coroutines. See section 6.10.
-Arguments to Scheme procedures are always passed by value, which means that the
-actual argument expressions are evaluated before the procedure gains control,
-regardless of whether the procedure needs the result of the evaluation. Scheme's model
-of arithmetic is designed to remain as independent as possible of the particular ways in
-which numbers are represented within a computer. In Scheme, every integer is a rational
-number, every rational is a real, and every real is a complex number. Thus the distinction
-between integer and real arithmetic, so important to many programming languages,
-does not appear in Scheme. In its place is a distinction between exact arithmetic, which
-corresponds to the mathematical ideal, and inexact arithmetic on approximations. Exact
-arithmetic is not limited to integers.
-@node Syntax
-@section Syntax
-Scheme, like most dialects of Lisp, employs a fully parenthesized prefix notation for
-programs and other data; the grammar of Scheme generates a sublanguage of the
-language used for data. An important consequence of this simple, uniform representation
-is that Scheme programs and data can easily be treated uniformly by other Scheme
-programs. For example, the eval procedure evaluates a Scheme program expressed as
-The read procedure performs syntactic as well as lexical decomposition of the data it
-reads. The read procedure parses its input as data (section 7.1.2), not as program.
-The formal syntax of Scheme is described in section 7.1.
-@node Notation and terminology
-@section Notation and terminology
-* Base and optional features::
-* Error situations and unspecified behavior::
-* Entry format::
-* Evaluation examples::
-* Naming conventions::
-@end menu
-@node Base and optional features
-@subsection Base and optional features
-Every identifier defined in this report appears in one or more of several libraries.
-Identifiers defined in the base library are not marked specially in the body of the report.
-This library includes the core syntax of Scheme and generally useful procedures that
-manipulate data. For example, the variable @code{abs} is bound to a procedure of one argument
-that computes the absolute value of a number, and the variable @code{+} is bound to a procedure
-that computes sums. The full list all the standard libraries and the identifiers they export
-is given in Appendix A.
-All implementations of Scheme:
-Must provide the base library and all the identifiers exported from it.
-May provide or omit the other libraries given in this report, but each library must either
- be provided in its entirety, exporting no additional identifiers, or else omitted
- altogether.
-May provide other libraries not described in this report.
-May also extend the function of any identifier in this report, provided the extensions
- are not in conflict with the language reported here.
-Must support portable code by providing a mode of operation in which the lexical
- syntax does not conflict with the lexical syntax described in this report.
-@end itemize
-@node Error situations and unspecified behavior
-@subsection Error situations and unspecified behavior
-When speaking of an error situation, this report uses the phrase ``an error is signaled'' to
-indicate that implementations must detect and report the error. An error is signaled by
-raising a non-continuable exception, as if by the procedure @code{raise} as described in section
-6.11. The object raised is implementation-dependent and need not be distinct from
-objects previously used for the same purpose. In addition to errors signaled in situations
-described in this report, programmers can signal their own errors and handle signaled
-The phrase ``an error that satisfies @var{predicate} is signaled'' means that an error is signaled as
-above. Furthermore, if the object that is signaled is passed to the specified predicate (such
-as @code{file-error?} or @code{read-error?}), the predicate returns @code{#t}.
-If such wording does not appear in the discussion of an error, then implementations are
-not required to detect or report the error, though they are encouraged to do so. Such a
-situation is sometimes, but not always, referred to with the phrase ``an error.'' In such a
-situation, an implementation may or may not signal an error; if it does signal an error, the
-object that is signaled may or may not satisfy the predicates @code{error-object?}, @code{file-error?}, or
-@code{read-error?}. Alternatively, implementations may provide non-portable extensions.
-For example, it is an error for a procedure to be passed an argument of a type that the
-procedure is not explicitly specified to handle, even though such domain errors are seldom
-mentioned in this report. Implementations may signal an error, extend a procedure's
-domain of definition to include such arguments, or fail catastrophically.
-This report uses the phrase ``may report a violation of an implementation restriction'' to
-indicate circumstances under which an implementation is permitted to report that it is
-unable to continue execution of a correct program because of some restriction imposed
-by the implementation. Implementation restrictions are discouraged, but
-implementations are encouraged to report violations of implementation restrictions.
-For example, an implementation may report a violation of an implementation restriction if
-it does not have enough storage to run a program, or if an arithmetic operation would
-produce an exact number that is too large for the implementation to represent.
-If the value of an expression is said to be ``unspecified,'' then the expression must evaluate
-to some object without signaling an error, but the value depends on the implementation;
-this report explicitly does not say what value is returned.
-Finally, the words and phrases ``must,'' ``must not,'' ``shall,'' ``shall not,'' ``should,'' ``should
-not,'' ``may,'' ``required,'' ``recommended,'' and ``optional,'' although not capitalized in this
-report, are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [3]. They are used only with
-reference to implementer or implementation behavior, not with reference to
-programmer or program behavior.
-@node Entry format
-@subsection Entry format
-@c To what extent should the Texinfo version follow the PDF's
-@c formatting?
-Chapters 4 and 6 are organized into entries. Each entry describes one language feature
-or a group of related features, where a feature is either a syntactic construct or a
-procedure. An entry begins with one or more header lines of the form
-for identifiers in the base library, or
-name library
-name is the short name of a library as defined in Appendix A.
-category is ``syntax,'' the entry describes an expression type, and the template gives the
-syntax of the expression type. Components of expressions are designated by syntactic
-variables, which are written using angle brackets, for example @svar{expression} and
-@svar{variable}. Syntactic variables are intended to denote segments of program text; for
-example, @svar{expression} stands for any string of characters which is a syntactically valid
-expression. The notation
-@svar{thing@sub{1}} @dots{}
-@end display
-indicates zero or more occurrences of a @svar{thing}, and
-@svar{thing@sub{1}} @svar{thing@sub{2}} @dots{}
-@end display
-indicates one or more occurrences of a @svar{thing}.
-category is ``auxiliary syntax,'' then the entry describes a syntax binding that occurs only as
-part of specific surrounding expressions. Any use as an independent syntactic construct
-or variable is an error.
-category is ``procedure,'' then the entry describes a procedure, and the header line gives a
-template for a call to the procedure. Argument names in the template are
-italicized. Thus the header line
-@deffn procedure vector-ref vector k
-indicates that the procedure bound to the @code{vector-ref} variable takes two arguments, a
-@var{vector} and an exact non-negative integer
-@var{k} (see below).
-@end deffn
-The header lines
-@deffn procedure make-vector k
-@deffnx procedure make-vector k fill
-indicate that the @code{make-vector} procedure must be defined to take either one or two
-@end deffn
-It is an error for a procedure to be presented with an argument that it is not specified to
-handle. For succinctness, we follow the convention that if an argument name is also the
-name of a type listed in section 3.2, then it is an error if that argument is not of the named
-type. For example, the header line for @code{vector-ref} given above dictates that the first
-argument to @code{vector-ref} is a vector. The following naming conventions also imply type
-@table @asis
-@item @var{alist}
-association list (list of pairs)
-@item @var{boolean}
-boolean value (@code{#t} or @code{#f})
-@item @var{byte}
-exact integer 0 @leq{} @var{byte} < 256
-@item @var{bytevector}
-@item @var{char}
-@item @var{end}
-exact non-negative integer
-@item @var{k}, @var{k}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{k}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
-exact non-negative integer
-@item @var{letter}
-alphabetic character
-@item @var{list}, @var{list}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{list}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
-@item @var{n}, @var{n}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{n}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
-@item @var{obj}
-any object
-@item @var{pair}
-@item @var{port}
-@item @var{proc}
-@item @var{q}, @var{q}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{q}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
-rational number
-@item @var{start}
-exact non-negative integer
-@item @var{string}
-@item @var{symbol}
-@item @var{thunk}
-zero-argument procedure
-@item @var{vector}
-@item @var{x}, @var{x}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{x}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
-real number
-@item @var{y}, @var{y}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{y}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
-real number
-@item @var{z}, @var{z}@sub{1}, @dots{} @var{z}@sub{@var{j}}, @dots{}
-complex number
-@end table
-The names
-@var{start} and
-@var{end} are used as indexes into strings, vectors, and bytevectors. Their use implies the
-It is an error if @var{start} is greater than @var{end}.
-It is an error if @var{end} is greater than the length of the string,
-vector, or bytevector.
-If @var{start} is omitted, it is assumed to be zero.
-If @var{end} is omitted, it assumed to be the length of the string, vector,
-or bytevector.
-The index @var{start} is always inclusive and the index
-@var{end} is always exclusive. As an example, consider a string. If
-@var{start} and
-@var{end} are the same, an empty substring is referred to, and if
-@var{start} is zero and
-@var{end} is the length of
-string, then the entire string is referred to.
-@end itemize
-@node Evaluation examples
-@subsection Evaluation examples
-The symbol ``@result{}'' used in program examples is read ``evaluates to.'' For example,
-(* 5 8) @result{} 40
-@end example
-means that the expression @code{(* 5 8)} evaluates to the object @code{40}. Or, more
-precisely: the expression given by the sequence of characters ``@code{(* 5 8)}'' evaluates, in an
-environment containing the base library, to an object that can be represented externally
-by the sequence of characters ``@code{40}.'' See section 3.3 for a discussion of external
-representations of objects.
-@node Naming conventions
-@subsection Naming conventions
-By convention, @samp{?} is the final character of the names of procedures that always return a
-boolean value. Such procedures are called @dfn{predicates}. Predicates are generally understood
-to be side-effect free, except that they may raise an exception when passed the wrong
-type of argument.
-Similarly, @samp{!} is the final character of the names of procedures that store values into
-previously allocated locations (see section 3.4). Such procedures are called @dfn{mutation
-procedures}. The value returned by a mutation procedure is unspecified.
-By convention, ``@samp{->}'' appears within the names of procedures that take an object of one
-type and return an analogous object of another type. For example, @code{list->vector} takes a list
-and returns a vector whose elements are the same as those of the list.
-A @dfn{command} is a procedure that does not return useful values to its continuation.
-A @dfn{thunk} is a procedure that does not accept arguments.
-@node Lexical conventions
-@chapter Lexical conventions
-This section gives an informal account of some of the lexical conventions used in writing
-Scheme programs. For a formal syntax of Scheme, see section 7.1.
-* Identifiers::
-* Whitespace and comments::
-* Other notations::
-* Datum labels::
-@end menu
-@node Identifiers
-@section Identifiers
-An identifieris any sequence of letters, digits, and ``extended identifier characters''
-provided that it does not have a prefix which is a valid number. However, the . token (a
-single period) used in the list syntax is not an identifier.
-All implementations of Scheme must support the following extended identifier
-! $ % & * + - . / : < = > ? @ ^ _ ~
-@end example
-Alternatively, an identifier can be represented by a sequence
-of zero or more characters enclosed within vertical lines (@samp{|}), analogous to string literals.
-Any character, including whitespace characters, but excluding the backslash and vertical
-line characters, can appear verbatim in such an identifier. In addition, characters can be
-specified using either an @svar{inline hex escape} or the same escapes available in strings.
-For example, the identifier @code{|H\x65;llo|} is the same identifier as @code{Hello}, and in an
-implementation that supports the appropriate Unicode character the identifier @code{|\x3BB;|}
-is the same as the identifier @math{\lambda}. What is more, @code{|\t\t|} and @code{|\x9;\x9;|} are the same. Note
-that @code{||} is a valid identifier that is different from any other identifier.
-Here are some examples of identifiers:
-... +
-+soup+ <=?
-->string a34kTMNs
-lambda list->vector
-q V17a
-|two words| |two\x20;words|
-@end example
-See section 7.1.1 for the formal syntax of
-Identifiers have two uses within Scheme programs:
-Any identifier can be used as a variable or as a syntactic keyword
-(see sections 3.1 and 4.3).
-When an identifier appears as a literal or within a literal (see
-section 4.1.2), it is being used to denote a @dfn{symbol} (see section 6.5).
-@end itemize
-In contrast with earlier revisions of the report [20], the syntax distinguishes between
-upper and lower case in identifiers and in characters specified using their names.
-However, it does not distinguish between upper and lower case in numbers, nor in <inline
-hex escapes> used in the syntax of identifiers, characters, or strings. None of the
-identifiers defined in this report contain upper-case characters, even when they appear to
-do so as a result of the English-language convention of capitalizing the first word of a
-The following directives give explicit control over case folding.
-@end example
-These directives can appear anywhere comments are permitted (see section 2.2) but
-must be followed by a delimiter. They are treated as comments, except that they affect
-the reading of subsequent data from the same port. The @code{#!fold-case} directive causes
-subsequent identifiers and character names to be case-folded as if by string-foldcase (see
-section 6.7). It has no effect on character literals. The @code{#!no-fold-case} directive causes a
-return to the default, non-folding behavior.
-@node Whitespace and comments
-@section Whitespace and comments
-@dfn{Whitespace} characters include the space, tab, and newline characters. (Implementations
-may provide additional whitespace characters such as page break.) Whitespace is used
-for improved readability and as necessary to separate tokens from each other, a token
-being an indivisible lexical unit such as an identifier or number, but is otherwise
-insignificant. Whitespace can occur between any two tokens, but not within a token.
-Whitespace occurring inside a string or inside a symbol delimited by vertical lines is
-The lexical syntax includes several comment forms. Comments are treated exactly like
-A semicolon (@samp{;}) indicates the start of a line comment.The comment continues to the end
-of the line on which the semicolon appears. Another way to indicate a comment is to
-prefix a @svar{datum} (cf. section 7.1.2) with @code{#;} and optional @svar{whitespace}. The comment
-consists of the comment prefix #;, the space, and the @svar{datum} together. This notation is
-useful for ``commenting out'' sections of code.
-Block comments are indicated with properly nested @code{#|} and @code{|#} pairs.
- The FACT procedure computes the factorial
- of a non-negative integer.
-(define fact
- (lambda (n)
- (if (= n 0)
- #;(= n 1)
- 1 ;Base case: return 1
- (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
-@end example
-@node Other notations
-@section Other notations
-For a description of the notations used for numbers, see section 6.2.
-@table @t
-@item @t{. + -}
- These are used in numbers, and can also occur anywhere in an identifier. A delimited
- plus or minus sign by itself is also an identifier. A delimited period (not occurring
- within a number or identifier) is used in the notation for pairs (section 6.4), and to
- indicate a rest-parameter in a formal parameter list (section 4.1.4). Note that a
- sequence of two or more periods is an identifier.
-@item @t{( )}
- Parentheses are used for grouping and to notate lists (section 6.4).
-@item @t{'}
- The apostrophe (single quote) character is used to indicate literal data (section
- 4.1.2).
-@item @t{`}
- The grave accent (backquote) character is used to indicate partly constant data
- (section 4.2.8).
-@item @t{, ,@@}
- The character comma and the sequence comma at-sign are used in conjunction with
- quasiquotation (section 4.2.8).
-@item @t{"}
- The quotation mark character is used to delimit strings (section 6.7).
-@item @t{\}
- Backslash is used in the syntax for character constants (section 6.6) and as an escape
- character within string constants (section 6.7) and identifiers (section 7.1.1).
-@item @t{[ ] @{ @} |}
- Left and right square and curly brackets (braces) are reserved for possible future
- extensions to the language.
-@item @t{#}
- The number sign is used for a variety of purposes depending on the character that
- immediately follows it:
-@item @t{#t #f}
- These are the boolean constants (section 6.3), along with the alternatives #true and
- #false.
-@item @t{#\}
- This introduces a character constant (section 6.6).
-@item @t{#(}
- This introduces a vector constant (section 6.8). Vector constants are terminated by ) .
-@item @t{#u8(}
- This introduces a bytevector constant (section 6.9). Bytevector constants are
- terminated by @code{)} .
-@item @t{#e #i #b #o #d #x}
- These are used in the notation for numbers (section 6.2.5).
-@item @t{#<n>= #<n>#}
- These are used for labeling and referencing other literal data (section 2.4).
-@end table
-@node Datum labels
-@section Datum labels
-@deffn {lexical syntax} #<n>=<datum>
-@deffnx {lexical syntax} #<n>#
-The lexical syntax @code{#}<n>@code{=}<datum> reads the same as <datum>, but also results in <datum>
-being labelled by <n>. It is an error if <n> is not a sequence of digits.
-The lexical syntax @code{#}<n>@code{#} serves as a reference to some object labelled by @code{#}<n>@code{=}; the
-result is the same object as the @code{#}<n>@code{=} (see section 6.1). Together, these syntaxes permit
-the notation of structures with shared or circular substructure.
-(let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
- (set-cdr! (cddr x) x)
- x) @result{} #0=(a b c . #0#)
-@end example
-The scope of a datum label is the portion of the outermost datum in which it appears that
-is to the right of the label. Consequently, a reference @code{#}<n>@code{#} can occur only after a label
-@code{#}<n>@code{=}; it is an error to attempt a forward reference. In addition, it is an error if the
-reference appears as the labelled object itself (as in @code{#}<n>@code{=} @code{#}<n>@code{#}), because the object
-labelled by @code{#}<n>@code{=} is not well defined in this case.
-It is an error for a <program> or <library> to include circular references except in literals.
-In particular, it is an error for quasiquote (section 4.2.8) to contain them.
-#1=(begin (display #\x) #1#) @result{} @error{}
-@end example
-@end deffn
-@node Basic concepts
-@chapter Basic concepts
-@c XXX: How do I insert commas into menu items?
-* Variables - syntactic keywords - and regions::
-* Disjointness of types::
-* External representations basic::
-* Storage model::
-* Proper tail recursion::
-@end menu
-@node Variables - syntactic keywords - and regions
-@section Variables, syntactic keywords, and regions
-An identifier can name either a type of syntax or a location where a value
-can be stored. An identifier that names a type of syntax is called a
-@dfn{syntactic keyword} and is said to be @dfn{bound} to a transformer for
-that syntax. An identifier that names a location is called a @dfn{variable}
-and is said to be @dfn{bound} to that location. The set of all visible
-bindings in effect at some point in a program is known as the
-@dfn{environment} in effect at that point. The value stored in the location
-to which a variable is bound is called the variable's value. By abuse of
-terminology, the variable is sometimes said to name the value or to be bound
-to the value. This is not quite accurate, but confusion rarely results from
-this practice.
-Certain expression types are used to create new kinds of syntax and to bind
-syntactic keywords to those new syntaxes, while other expression types
-create new locations and bind variables to those locations. These expression
-types are called @dfn{binding constructs}. Those that bind syntactic
-keywords are listed in section 4.3. The most fundamental of the variable
-binding constructs is the @code{lambda} expression, because all other
-variable binding constructs (except top-level bindings) can be explained in
-terms of @code{lambda} expressions. The other variable binding constructs
-are @code{let}, @code{let*}, @code{letrec}, @code{letrec*},
-@code{let-values}, @code{let*-values}, and @code{do} expressions (see
-sections 4.1.4, 4.2.2, and 4.2.4).
-Scheme is a language with block structure. To each place where an identifier
-is bound in a program there corresponds a @dfn{region} of the program text
-within which the binding is visible. The region is determined by the
-particular binding construct that establishes the binding; if the binding is
-established by a @code{lambda} expression, for example, then its region is
-the entire @code{lambda} expression. Every mention of an identifier refers
-to the binding of the identifier that established the innermost of the
-regions containing the use. If there is no binding of the identifier whose
-region contains the use, then the use refers to the binding for the variable
-in the global environment, if any (chapters 4 and 6); if there is no binding
-for the identifier, it is said to be @dfn{unbound}.
-@node Disjointness of types
-@section Disjointness of types
-No object satisfies more than one of the following predicates:
-@c Yes, this is a table in the PDF, but it's semantically a list.
-@end itemize
-and all predicates created by @code{define-record-type}.
-These predicates define the types @dfn{boolean}, @dfn{bytevector},
-@dfn{character}, the empty list object, @dfn{eof-object}, @dfn{number},
-@dfn{pair}, @dfn{port}, @dfn{procedure}, @dfn{string}, @dfn{symbol},
-@dfn{vector}, and all record types.
-Although there is a separate boolean type, any Scheme value can be used as a
-boolean value for the purpose of a conditional test. As explained in section
-6.3, all values count as true in such a test except for @code{#f}. This
-report uses the word ``true'' to refer to any Scheme value except @code{#f},
-and the word ``false'' to refer to @code{#f}.
-@node External representations basic
-@section External representations (basic)
-An important concept in Scheme (and Lisp) is that of the @dfn{external
-representation} of an object as a sequence of characters. For example, an
-external representation of the integer 28 is the sequence of characters
-@samp{28}, and an external representation of a list consisting of the
-integers 8 and 13 is the sequence of characters @samp{(8 13)}.
-The external representation of an object is not necessarily unique. The
-integer 28 also has representations @samp{#e28.000} and @samp{#x1c}, and the
-list in the previous paragraph also has the representations @samp{( 08 13 )}
-and @samp{(8 . (13 . ()))} (see section 6.4).
-Many objects have standard external representations, but some, such as
-procedures, do not have standard representations (although particular
-implementations may define representations for them).
-An external representation can be written in a program to obtain the
-corresponding object (see @code{quote}, section 4.1.2).
-External representations can also be used for input and output. The
-procedure @code{read} (section 6.13.2) parses external representations, and
-the procedure @code{write} (section 6.13.3) generates them. Together, they
-provide an elegant and powerful input/output facility.
-Note that the sequence of characters @samp{(+ 2 6)} is @emph{not} an
-external representation of the integer 8, even though it @emph{is} an
-expression evaluating to the integer 8; rather, it is an external
-representation of a three-element list, the elements of which are the symbol
-@code{+} and the integers 2 and 6. Scheme's syntax has the property that any
-sequence of characters that is an expression is also the external
-representation of some object. This can lead to confusion, since it is not
-always obvious out of context whether a given sequence of characters is
-intended to denote data or program, but it is also a source of power, since
-it facilitates writing programs such as interpreters and compilers that
-treat programs as data (or vice versa).
-The syntax of external representations of various kinds of objects
-accompanies the description of the primitives for manipulating the objects
-in the appropriate sections of chapter 6.
-@node Storage model
-@section Storage model
-Variables and objects such as pairs, strings, vectors, and bytevectors
-implicitly denote locations or sequences of locations. A string, for
-example, denotes as many locations as there are characters in the string. A
-new value can be stored into one of these locations using the
-@code{string-set!} procedure, but the string continues to denote the same
-locations as before.
-An object fetched from a location, by a variable reference or by a procedure
-such as @code{car}, @code{vector-ref}, or @code{string-ref}, is equivalent
-in the sense of @code{eqv?} (@ref{Equivalence predicates}) to the object
-last stored in the location before the fetch.
-Every location is marked to show whether it is in use. No variable or object
-ever refers to a location that is not in use.
-Whenever this report speaks of storage being newly allocated for a variable
-or object, what is meant is that an appropriate number of locations are
-chosen from the set of locations that are not in use, and the chosen
-locations are marked to indicate that they are now in use before the
-variable or object is made to denote them. Notwithstanding this, it is
-understood that the empty list cannot be newly allocated, because it is a
-unique object. It is also understood that empty strings, empty vectors, and
-empty bytevectors, which contain no locations, may or may not be newly
-Every object that denotes locations is either mutable or immutable. Literal
-constants, the strings returned by @code{symbol->string}, and possibly the
-environment returned by @code{scheme-report-environment} are immutable
-objects. All objects created by the other procedures listed in this report
-are mutable. It is an error to attempt to store a new value into a location
-that is denoted by an immutable object.
-These locations are to be understood as conceptual, not physical. Hence,
-they do not necessarily correspond to memory addresses, and even if they do,
-the memory address might not be constant.
-Rationale: In many systems it is desirable for constants (i.e. the values of
-literal expressions) to reside in read-only memory. Making it an error to
-alter constants permits this implementation strategy, while not requiring
-other systems to distinguish between mutable and immutable objects.
-@node Proper tail recursion
-@section Proper tail recursion
-Implementations of Scheme are required to be @dfn{properly tail-recursive}.
-Procedure calls that occur in certain syntactic contexts defined below are
-@dfn{tail calls}. A Scheme implementation is properly tail-recursive if it
-supports an unbounded number of active tail calls. A call is @dfn{active} if
-the called procedure might still return. Note that this includes calls that
-might be returned from either by the current continuation or by
-continuations captured earlier by @code{call-with-current-continuation} that
-are later invoked. In the absence of captured continuations, calls could
-return at most once and the active calls would be those that had not yet
-returned. A formal definition of proper tail recursion can be found in [6].
-@subheading Rationale
-Intuitively, no space is needed for an active tail call because the
-continuation that is used in the tail call has the same semantics as the
-continuation passed to the procedure containing the call. Although an
-improper implementation might use a new continuation in the call, a return
-to this new continuation would be followed immediately by a return to the
-continuation passed to the procedure. A properly tail-recursive
-implementation returns to that continuation directly.
-Proper tail recursion was one of the central ideas in Steele and Sussman's
-original version of Scheme. Their first Scheme interpreter implemented both
-functions and actors. Control flow was expressed using actors, which
-differed from functions in that they passed their results on to another
-actor instead of returning to a caller. In the terminology of this section,
-each actor finished with a tail call to another actor.
-Steele and Sussman later observed that in their interpreter the code for
-dealing with actors was identical to that for functions and thus there was
-no need to include both in the language.
-A @dfn{tail call} is a procedure call that occurs in a tail context. Tail
-contexts are defined inductively. Note that a tail context is always
-determined with respect to a particular lambda expression.
-The last expression within the body of a lambda expression, shown as <tail
-expression> below, occurs in a tail context. The same is true of all the
-bodies of @code{case-lambda} expressions.
-(lambda @svar{formals}
- @svar{definition}* @svar{expression}* @svar{tail expression})
-(case-lambda (@svar{formals} @svar{tail body})*)
-@end example
-If one of the following expressions is in a tail context, then the
-subexpressions shown as @svar{tail expression} are in a tail context. These
-were derived from rules in the grammar given in @ref{Formal syntax and
-semantics} by replacing some occurrences of @svar{body} with @svar{tail
-body}, some occurrences of @svar{expression} with @svar{tail expression},
-and some occurrences of @svar{sequence} with @svar{tail sequence}. Only
-those rules that contain tail contexts are shown here.
-@c Maybe @format would be better here. FIXME: We still need markup
-@c for metavariables.
-(@code{if} @svar{expression} @svar{tail expression} @svar{tail expression})
-(@code{if} @svar{expression} @svar{tail expression})
-(@code{cond} @svar{cond clause}+)
-(@code{cond} @svar{cond clause}* (else @svar{tail sequence}))
-(@code{case} @svar{expression}
- @svar{case clause}+)
-(@code{case} @svar{expression}
- @svar{case clause}*
- (else @svar{tail sequence}))
-(@code{and} @svar{expression}* @svar{tail expression})
-(@code{or} @svar{expression}* @svar{tail expression})
-(@code{when} @svar{test} @svar{tail sequence})
-(@code{unless} @svar{test} @svar{tail sequence})
-(@code{let} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
-(@code{let} @svar{variable} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
-(@code{let*} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
-(@code{letrec} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
-(@code{letrec*} (@svar{binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
-(@code{let-values} (@svar{mv binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
-(@code{let*-values} (@svar{mv binding spec}*) @svar{tail body})
-(@code{let-syntax} (@svar{syntax spec}*) @svar{tail body})
-(@code{letrec-syntax} (@svar{syntax spec}*) @svar{tail body})
-(@code{begin} @svar{tail sequence})
-(@code{do} (@svar{iteration spec}*)
- (@svar{test} @svar{tail sequence})
- @svar{expression}*)
-@end display
-@svar{cond clause} @expansion{} (@svar{test} @svar{tail sequence})
-@svar{case clause} @expansion{} ((@svar{datum}*) @svar{tail sequence})
-@svar{tail body} @expansion{} @svar{definition}* @svar{tail sequence}
-@svar{tail sequence} @expansion{} @svar{expression}* @svar{tail expression}
-@end display
-If a @code{cond} or @code{case} expression is in a tail context, and has a
-clause of the form @code{(}@svar{expression@sub{1}} @code{=>}
-@svar{expression@sub{2}}@code{)} then the (implied) call to the procedure
-that results from the evaluation of @svar{expression} is in a tail context.
-@svar{expression} itself is not in a tail context.
-@end itemize
-Certain procedures defined in this report are also required to perform tail
-calls. The first argument passed to @code{apply} and to
-@code{call-with-current-continuation}, and the second argument passed to
-@code{call-with-values}, must be called via a tail call. Similarly,
-@code{eval} must evaluate its first argument as if it were in tail position
-within the @code{eval} procedure.
-In the following example the only tail call is the call to @code{f}. None of
-the calls to @code{g} or @code{h} are tail calls. The reference to @code{x}
-is in a tail context, but it is not a call and thus is not a tail call.
-(lambda ()
- (if (g)
- (let ((x (h)))
- x)
- (and (g) (f))))
-@end example
-@subheading Note
-Implementations may recognize that some non-tail calls, such as the call to
-@code{h} above, can be evaluated as though they were tail calls. In the
-example above, the @code{let} expression could be compiled as a tail call to
-@code{h}. (The possibility of @code{h} returning an unexpected number of
-values can be ignored, because in that case the effect of the @code{let} is
-explicitly unspecified and implementation-dependent.)
-@node Expressions
-@chapter Expressions
-Expression types are categorized as @dfn{primitive} or @dfn{derived}.
-Primitive expression types include variables and procedure calls. Derived
-expression types are not semantically primitive, but can instead be defined
-as macros. Suitable syntax definitions of some of the derived expressions
-are given in @ref{Derived expression types formal}.
-The procedures @code{force}, @code{promise?}, @code{make-promise}, and
-@code{make-parameter} are also described in this chapter because they are
-intimately associated with the @code{delay}, @code{delay-force}, and
-@code{parameterize} expression types.
-* Primitive expression types::
-* Derived expression types::
-* Macros::
-@end menu
-@node Primitive expression types
-@section Primitive expression types
-* Variable references::
-* Literal expressions::
-* Procedure calls::
-* Procedures::
-* Conditionals primitive::
-* Assignments::
-* Inclusion::
-@end menu
-@node Variable references
-@subsection Variable references
-syntax: @svar{variable}
-An expression consisting of a variable
-(@xref{Variables - syntactic keywords - and regions}) is a variable
-reference. The value of the variable reference is the value stored in the
-location to which the variable is bound. It is an error to reference an
-(define x 28)
-x @result{} 28
-@end example
-@node Literal expressions
-@subsection Literal expressions
-syntax: (quote @svar{datum})
-syntax: '@svar{datum}
-syntax: @svar{constant}
-@code{(quote} @svar{datum}@code{)} evaluates to @svar{datum}. @svar{Datum} can be any
-external representation of a Scheme object
-(@xref{External representations (basic)}). This notation is used to include
-literal constants in Scheme code.
-(quote a) @result{} a
-(quote #(a b c)) @result{} #(a b c)
-(quote (+ 1 2)) @result{} (+ 1 2)
-@end example
-@code{(quote} @svar{datum}@code{)} can be abbreviated as @code{'}@svar{datum}. The two
-notations are equivalent in all respects.
-'a @result{} a
-'#(a b c) @result{} #(a b c)
-'() @result{} ()
-'(+ 1 2) @result{} (+ 1 2)
-'(quote a) @result{} (quote a)
-''a @result{} (quote a)
-@end example
-Numerical constants, string constants, character constants, vector
-constants, bytevector constants, and boolean constants evaluate to
-themselves; they need not be quoted.
-'145932 @result{} 145932
-145932 @result{} 145932
-'"abc" @result{} "abc"
-"abc" @result{} "abc"
-'#\a @result{} #\a
-#\a @result{} #\a
-'#(a 10) @result{} #(a 10)
-#(a 10) @result{} #(a 10)
-'#u8(64 65) @result{} #u8(64 65)
-#u8(64 65) @result{} #u8(64 65)
-'#t @result{} #t
-#t @result{} #t
-@end example
-As noted in @ref{Storage model}, it is an error to attempt to alter a
-constant (i.e.@: the value of a literal expression) using a mutation
-procedure like @code{set-car!} or @code{string-set!}.
-@node Procedure calls
-@subsection Procedure calls
-syntax: (@svar{operator} @svar{operand@sub{1}} @dots{})
-A procedure call is written by enclosing in parentheses an expression for
-the procedure to be called followed by expressions for the arguments to be
-passed to it. The operator and operand expressions are evaluated (in an
-unspecified order) and the resulting procedure is passed the resulting
-(+ 3 4) @result{} 7
-((if #f + *) 3 4) @result{} 12
-@end example
-The procedures in this document are available as the values of variables
-exported by the standard libraries. For example, the addition and
-multiplication procedures in the above examples are the values of the
-variables @code{+} and @code{*} in the base library. New procedures are
-created by evaluating lambda expressions (@xref{Procedures}).
-Procedure calls can return any number of values (see values in @ref{Control
-features}). Most of the procedures defined in this report return one value
-or, for procedures such as apply, pass on the values returned by a call to
-one of their arguments. Exceptions are noted in the individual descriptions.
-Note: In contrast to other dialects of Lisp, the order of evaluation is
-unspecified, and the operator expression and the operand expressions are
-always evaluated with the same evaluation rules.
-Note: Although the order of evaluation is otherwise unspecified, the effect
-of any concurrent evaluation of the operator and operand expressions is
-constrained to be consistent with some sequential order of evaluation. The
-order of evaluation may be chosen differently for each procedure call.
-Note: In many dialects of Lisp, the empty list, @code{()}, is a legitimate
-expression evaluating to itself. In Scheme, it is an error.
-@node Procedures
-@subsection Procedures
-@deffn syntax lambda @svar{formals} @svar{body}
-Syntax: @svar{Formals} is a formal arguments list as described below, and
-@svar{body} is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by one or
-more expressions.
-Semantics: A @code{lambda} expression evaluates to a procedure. The
-environment in effect when the @code{lambda} expression was evaluated is
-remembered as part of the procedure. When the procedure is later called with
-some actual arguments, the environment in which the @code{lambda} expression
-was evaluated will be extended by binding the variables in the formal
-argument list to fresh locations, and the corresponding actual argument
-values will be stored in those locations. (A @dfn{fresh} location is one
-that is distinct from every previously existing location.) Next, the
-expressions in the body of the @code{lambda} expression (which, if it
-contains definitions, represents a @code{letrec*} form---@xref{Binding
-constructs}) will be evaluated sequentially in the extended environment. The
-results of the last expression in the body will be returned as the results
-of the procedure call.
-((lambda (x) (+ x x)) @result{} @r{a procedure}
-((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4) @result{} 8
-@end example
-(define reverse-subtract
- (lambda (x y) (- y x)))
-(reverse-subtract 7 10) @result{} 3
-(define add4
- (let ((x 4))
- (lambda (y) (+ x y))))
-(add4 6) @result{} 10
-@end example
-@svar{Formals} have one of the following forms:
-@code{(}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @dots{}@code{)}: The procedure takes a fixed
-number of arguments; when the procedure is called, the arguments will be
-stored in fresh locations that are bound to the corresponding variables.
-@svar{variable}: The procedure takes any number of arguments; when the
-procedure is called, the sequence of actual arguments is converted into a
-newly allocated list, and the list is stored in a fresh location that is
-bound to @svar{variable}.
-@code{(}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @dots{} @svar{variable@sub{n}} .
-@svar{variable@sub{n+1}}@code{)}: If a space-delimited period precedes the
-last variable, then the procedure takes @var{n} or more arguments, where
-@var{n} is the number of formal arguments before the period (it is an error
-if there is not at least one). The value stored in the binding of the last
-variable will be a newly allocated list of the actual arguments left over
-after all the other actual arguments have been matched up against the other
-formal arguments.
-@end itemize
-It is an error for a @svar{variable} to appear more than once in @svar{formals}.
-((lambda x x) 3 4 5 6) @result{} (3 4 5 6)
-((lambda (x y . z) z)
- 3 4 5 6) @result{} (5 6)
-@end example
-Each procedure created as the result of evaluating a @code{lambda}
-expression is (conceptually) tagged with a storage location, in order to
-make @code{eqv?} and @code{eq?} work on procedures (@xref{Equivalence
-@end deffn
-@node Conditionals primitive
-@subsection Conditionals
-@deffn syntax if @svar{test} @svar{consequent} @svar{alternate}
-@deffnx syntax if @svar{test} @svar{consequent}
-Syntax: @svar{Test}, @svar{consequent}, and @svar{alternate} are expressions.
-Semantics: An @code{if} expression is evaluated as follows: first,
-@svar{test} is evaluated. If it yields a true value (@xref{Booleans}), then
-@svar{consequent} is evaluated and its values are returned. Otherwise
-@svar{alternate} is evaluated and its values are returned. If @svar{test}
-yields a false value and no @svar{alternate} is specified, then the result
-of the expression is unspecified.
-@end deffn
-(if (> 3 2) 'yes 'no) @result{} yes
-(if (> 2 3) 'yes 'no) @result{} no
-(if (> 3 2)
- (- 3 2)
- (+ 3 2)) @result{} 1
-@end example
-@node Assignments
-@subsection Assignments
-@deffn syntax set! @svar{variable} @svar{expression}
-Semantics: @svar{Expression} is evaluated, and the resulting value is stored
-in the location to which @svar{variable} is bound. It is an error if
-@svar{variable} is not bound either in some regionenclosing the set!
-expression or else globally. The result of the @code{set!} expression is
-@end deffn
-(define x 2)
-(+ x 1) @result{} 3
-(set! x 4) @result{} @r{unspecified}
-(+ x 1) @result{} 5
-@end example
-@node Inclusion
-@subsection Inclusion
-@deffn syntax include @svar{string@sub{1}} @svar{string@sub{2}}@dots{}
-@deffnx syntax include-ci @svar{string@sub{1}} @svar{string@sub{2}}@dots{}
-Semantics: Both @code{include} and @code{include-ci} take one or more
-filenames expressed as string literals, apply an implementation-specific
-algorithm to find corresponding files, read the contents of the files in the
-specified order as if by repeated applications of read, and effectively
-replace the @code{include} or @code{include-ci} expression with a
-@code{begin} expression containing what was read from the files. The
-difference between the two is that @code{include-ci} reads each file as if
-it began with the @code{#!fold-case} directive, while @code{include} does
-Note: Implementations are encouraged to search for files in the directory
-which contains the including file, and to provide a way for users to specify
-other directories to search.
-@end deffn
-@node Derived expression types
-@section Derived expression types
-The constructs in this section are hygienic, as discussed in @ref{Macros}. For reference
-purposes, @ref{Derived expression types formal} gives syntax definitions that will convert most of the constructs
-described in this section into the primitive constructs described in the previous section.
-* Conditionals derived::
-* Binding constructs::
-* Sequencing::
-* Iteration::
-* Delayed evaluation::
-* Dynamic bindings::
-* Exception handling::
-* Quasiquotation::
-* Case-lambda::
-@end menu
-@node Conditionals derived
-@subsection Conditionals
-@deffn syntax cond @svar{clause@sub{1}} @svar{clause@sub{2}}@dots{}
-@deffnx {auxiliary syntax} else
-@deffnx {auxiliary syntax} =>
-Syntax: @svar{Clauses} take one of two forms, either
-@code{(}@svar{test} @svar{expression@sub{1}} @dots{}@code{)}
-@end display
-where @svar{test} is any expression, or
-@code{(}@svar{test}@code{ => }@svar{expression}@code{)}
-@end display
-The last @svar{clause} can be an ``else clause,'' which has the form
-@code{(else }@svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}} @dots{}@code{)}.
-@end display
-Semantics: A @code{cond} expression is evaluated by evaluating the
-@svar{test} expressions of successive @svar{clause}s in order until one of
-them evaluates to a true value (@xref{Booleans). When a @svar{test}
-evaluates to a true value, the remaining @svar{expression}s in its
-@svar{clause} are evaluated in order, and the results of the last
-@svar{expression} in the @svar{clause} are returned as the results of the
-entire cond expression.
-If the selected @svar{clause} contains only the @svar{test} and no
-@svar{expression}s, then the value of the @svar{test} is returned as the
-result. If the selected @svar{clause} uses the @code{=>} alternate form,
-then the @svar{expression} is evaluated. It is an error if its value is not
-a procedure that accepts one argument. This procedure is then called on the
-value of the @svar{test} and the values returned by this procedure are
-returned by the @code{cond} expression.
-If all @svar{test}s evaluate to @code{#f}, and there is no else clause, then
-the result of the conditional expression is unspecified; if there is an else
-clause, then its @svar{expression}s are evaluated in order, and the values
-of the last one are returned.
-@end deffn
-(cond ((> 3 2) 'greater)
- ((< 3 2) 'less)) @result{} greater
-(cond ((> 3 3) 'greater)
- ((< 3 3) 'less)
- (else 'equal)) @result{} equal
-(cond ((assv 'b '((a 1) (b 2))) => cadr)
- (else #f)) @result{} 2
-@end example
-@deffn syntax case @svar{key} @svar{clause@sub{1}} @svar{clause@sub{2}}@dots{}
-Syntax: @svar{Key} can be any expression. Each @svar{clause} has the form
-@code{((}@svar{datum@sub{1}} @dots{}@code{) }@svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}} @dots{}@code{)},
-@end display
-where each @svar{datum} is an external representation of some object. It is
-an error if any of the @svar{datum}s are the same anywhere in the
-expression. Alternatively, a @svar{clause} can be of the form
-@code{((}@svar{datum@sub{1}} @dots{})@code{ => }@svar{expression}@code{)}
-@end display
-The last @svar{clause} can be an ``else clause,'' which has one of the forms
-@code{(else }@svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}} @dots{}@code{)}
-@end display
-@code{(else => }@svar{expression}@code{)}.
-@end display
-Semantics: A @code{case} expression is evaluated as follows. @svar{Key} is
-evaluated and its result is compared against each @svar{datum}. If the
-result of evaluating @svar{key} is the same (in the sense of @code{eqv?};
-@xref{Equivalence predicates}) to a @svar{datum}, then the expressions in
-the corresponding @svar{clause} are evaluated in order and the results of
-the last expression in the @svar{clause} are returned as the results of the
-@code{case} expression.
-If the result of evaluating @svar{key} is different from every @svar{datum},
-then if there is an else clause, its expressions are evaluated and the
-results of the last are the results of the @code{case} expression; otherwise
-the result of the case expression is unspecified.
-If the selected @svar{clause} or else clause uses the @code{=>} alternate
-form, then the @svar{expression} is evaluated. It is an error if its value
-is not a procedure accepting one argument. This procedure is then called on
-the value of the @svar{key} and the values returned by this procedure are
-returned by the @code{case} expression.
-@end deffn
-(case (* 2 3)
- ((2 3 5 7) 'prime)
- ((1 4 6 8 9) 'composite)) @result{} composite
-(case (car '(c d))
- ((a) 'a)
- ((b) 'b)) @result{} unspecified
-(case (car '(c d))
- ((a e i o u) 'vowel)
- ((w y) 'semivowel)
- (else => (lambda (x) x))) @result{} c
-@end example
-@deffn syntax and @svar{test@sub{1}}@dots{}
-Semantics: The @svar{test} expressions are evaluated from left to right, and
-if any expression evaluates to @code{#f} (@xref{Booleans}), then @code{#f}
-is returned. Any remaining expressions are not evaluated. If all the
-expressions evaluate to true values, the values of the last expression are
-returned. If there are no expressions, then @code{#t} is returned.
-@end deffn
-(and (= 2 2) (> 2 1)) @result{} #t
-(and (= 2 2) (< 2 1)) @result{} #f
-(and 1 2 'c '(f g)) @result{} (f g)
-(and) @result{} #t
-@end example
-@deffn syntax or @svar{test@sub{1}}@dots{}
-Semantics: The @svar{test} expressions are evaluated from left to right, and
-the value of the first expression that evaluates to a true value
-(@xref{Booleans}) is returned. Any remaining expressions are not evaluated.
-If all expressions evaluate to @code{#f} or if there are no expressions,
-then @code{#f} is returned.
-@end deffn
-(or (= 2 2) (> 2 1)) @result{} #t
-(or (= 2 2) (< 2 1)) @result{} #t
-(or #f #f #f) @result{} #f
-(or (memq 'b '(a b c))
- (/ 3 0)) @result{} (b c)
-@end example
-@deffn syntax when @svar{test} @svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}}@dots{}
-Syntax: The @svar{test} is an expression.
-Semantics: The test is evaluated, and if it evaluates to a true value, the
-expressions are evaluated in order. The result of the @code{when} expression
-is unspecified.
-@end deffn
-(when (= 1 1.0)
- (display "1")
- (display "2")) @result{} @r{unspecified}
-@print{} 12
-@end example
-@deffn syntax unless @svar{test} @svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}}@dots{}
-Syntax: The @svar{test} is an expression.
-Semantics: The test is evaluated, and if it evaluates to @code{#f}, the
-expressions are evaluated in order. The result of the @code{unless}
-expression is unspecified.
-@end deffn
-(unless (= 1 1.0)
- (display "1")
- (display "2")) @result{} @r{unspecified}
-@print{} @r{nothing}
-@end display
-@deffn syntax cond-expand @svar{ce-clause@sub{1}} @svar{ce-clause@sub{2}}@dots{}
-Syntax: The @code{cond-expand} expression type provides a way to statically
-expand different expressions depending on the implementation. A
-@svar{ce-clause} takes the following form:
-@code{(}@svar{feature requirement} @svar{expression} @dots{}@code{)}
-@end display
-The last clause can be an ``else clause,'' which has the form
-@code{(else }@svar{expression} @dots{}@code{)}
-@end display
-A @svar{feature requirement} takes one of the following forms:
-@svar{feature identifier}
-@code{(library }@svar{library name}@code{)}
-@code{(and }@svar{feature requirement} @dots{}@code{)}
-@code{(or }@svar{feature requirement} @dots{}@code{)}
-@code{(not }@svar{feature requirement}@code{)}
-@end itemize
-Semantics: Each implementation maintains a list of feature identifiers which
-are present, as well as a list of libraries which can be imported. The value
-of a @svar{feature requirement} is determined by replacing each
-@svar{feature identifier} and @code{(library }@svar{library name}@code{)} on
-the implementation's lists with @code{#t}, and all other feature identifiers
-and library names with @code{#f}, then evaluating the resulting expression
-as a Scheme boolean expression under the normal interpretation of
-@code{and}, @code{or}, and @code{not}.
-A @code{cond-expand} is then expanded by evaluating the @svar{feature
-requirement}s of successive @svar{ce-clause}s in order until one of them
-returns @code{#t}. When a true clause is found, the corresponding
-@svar{expression}s are expanded to a @code{begin}, and the remaining clauses
-are ignored. If none of the @svar{feature requirement}s evaluate to
-@code{#t}, then if there is an else clause, its @svar{expression}s are
-included. Otherwise, the behavior of the @code{cond-expand} is unspecified.
-Unlike @code{cond}, @code{cond-expand} does not depend on the value of any
-The exact features provided are implementation-defined, but for portability
-a core set of features is given in appendix B.
-@end deffn
-@node Binding constructs
-@subsection Binding constructs
-The binding constructs @code{let}, @code{let*}, @code{letrec},
-@code{letrec*}, @code{let-values}, and @code{let*-values} give Scheme a
-block structure, like Algol 60. The syntax of the first four constructs is
-identical, but they differ in the regions they establish for their variable
-bindings. In a @code{let} expression, the initial values are computed before
-any of the variables become bound; in a @code{let*} expression, the bindings
-and evaluations are performed sequentially; while in @code{letrec} and
-@code{letrec*} expressions, all the bindings are in effect while their
-initial values are being computed, thus allowing mutually recursive
-definitions. The @code{let-values} and @code{let*-values} constructs are
-analogous to @code{let} and @code{let*} respectively, but are designed to
-handle multiple-valued expressions, binding different identifiers to the
-returned values.
-@deffn syntax let @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
-Syntax: @svar{Bindings} has the form
-@code{((}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
-@end display
-where each @svar{init} is an expression, and @svar{body} is a sequence of
-zero or more definitions followed by a sequence of one or more expressions
-as described in @ref{Expressions}. It is an error for a @svar{variable} to
-appear more than once in the list of variables being bound.
-Semantics: The @svar{init}s are evaluated in the current environment (in
-some unspecified order), the @svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations
-holding the results, the @svar{body} is evaluated in the extended
-environment, and the values of the last expression of @svar{body} are
-returned. Each binding of a @svar{variable} has @svar{body} as its region.
-(let ((x 2) (y 3))
- (* x y)) @result{} 6
-(let ((x 2) (y 3))
- (let ((x 7)
- (z (+ x y)))
- (* z x))) @result{} 35
-@end example
-See also ``named @code{let},'' @ref{Iteration}.
-@end deffn
-@deffn syntax let* @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
-Syntax: @svar{Bindings} has the form
-@code{((}@svar{variable1} @svar{init@sub{1}}) @dots{}@code{)},
-@end display
-and @svar{body} is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by
-one or more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}.
-Semantics: The @code{let*} binding construct is similar to @code{let}, but
-the bindings are performed sequentially from left to right, and the region
-of a binding indicated by @code{(}@svar{variable} @svar{init}@code{)} is
-that part of the @code{let*} expression to the right of the binding. Thus
-the second binding is done in an environment in which the first binding is
-visible, and so on. The @svar{variable}s need not be distinct.
-(let ((x 2) (y 3))
- (let* ((x 7)
- (z (+ x y)))
- (* z x))) @result{} 70
-@end example
-@end deffn
-@deffn syntax letrec @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
-Syntax: @svar{Bindings} has the form
-@code{((}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
-@end display
-and @svar{body} is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by one or
-more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}. It is an error for a
-@svar{variable} to appear more than once in the list of variables being
-Semantics: The @svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations holding
-unspecified values, the @svar{init}s are evaluated in the resulting
-environment (in some unspecified order), each @svar{variable} is assigned to
-the result of the corresponding @svar{init}, the @svar{body} is evaluated in
-the resulting environment, and the values of the last expression in
-@svar{body} are returned. Each binding of a @svar{variable} has the entire
-letrec expression as its region, making it possible to define mutually
-recursive procedures.
-(letrec ((even?
- (lambda (n)
- (if (zero? n)
- #t
- (odd? (- n 1)))))
- (odd?
- (lambda (n)
- (if (zero? n)
- #f
- (even? (- n 1))))))
- (even? 88))
-@result{} #t
-@end example
-One restriction on @code{letrec} is very important: if it is not possible to
-evaluate each @svar{init} without assigning or referring to the value of any
-@svar{variable}, it is an error. The restriction is necessary because
-@code{letrec} is defined in terms of a procedure call where a @code{lambda}
-expression binds the @svar{variable}s to the values of the @svar{init}s. In
-the most common uses of @code{letrec}, all the @svar{init}s are
-@code{lambda} expressions and the restriction is satisfied automatically.
-@end deffn
-@deffn syntax letrec* @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
-Syntax: @svar{Bindings} has the form
-@code{((}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
-@end display
-and @svar{body}is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by one or
-more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}. It is an error for a
-@svar{variable} to appear more than once in the list of variables being
-Semantics: The @svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations, each
-@svar{variable} is assigned in left-to-right order to the result of
-evaluating the corresponding @svar{init} (interleaving evaluations and
-assignments), the @svar{body} is evaluated in the resulting environment, and
-the values of the last expression in @svar{body} are returned. Despite the
-left-to-right evaluation and assignment order, each binding of a
-@svar{variable} has the entire @code{letrec*} expression as its region,
-making it possible to define mutually recursive procedures.
-If it is not possible to evaluate each @svar{init} without assigning or
-referring to the value of the corresponding @svar{variable} or the
-@svar{variable} of any of the bindings that follow it in @svar{bindings}, it
-is an error. Another restriction is that it is an error to invoke the
-continuation of an @svar{init} more than once.
-;; Returns the arithmetic, geometric, and
-;; harmonic means of a nested list of numbers
-(define (means ton)
- (letrec*
- ((mean
- (lambda (f g)
- (f (/ (sum g ton) n))))
- (sum
- (lambda (g ton)
- (if (null? ton)
- (+)
- (if (number? ton)
- (g ton)
- (+ (sum g (car ton))
- (sum g (cdr ton)))))))
- (n (sum (lambda (x) 1) ton)))
- (values (mean values values)
- (mean exp log)
- (mean / /))))
-@end example
-Evaluating @code{(means '(3 (1 4)))} returns three values: 8/3,
-2.28942848510666 (approximately), and 36/19.
-@end deffn
-@deffn syntax let-values @svar{mv binding spec} @svar{body}
-Syntax: @svar{Mv binding spec} has the form
-@code{((}@svar{formals@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
-@end display
-where each @svar{init} is an expression, and @svar{body} is zero or more
-definitions followed by a sequence of one or more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}.
-It is an error for a variable to appear more than once in the set of @svar{formals}.
-The @svar{init}s are evaluated in the current environment (in some
-unspecified order) as if by invoking @code{call-with-values}, and the
-variables occurring in the @svar{formals} are bound to fresh locations
-holding the values returned by the @svar{init}s, where the
-@svar{formals} are matched to the return values in the same way that
-the @svar{formals} in a @code{lambda} expression are matched to the
-arguments in a procedure call. Then, the @svar{body} is evaluated in
-the extended environment, and the values of the last expression of
-@svar{body} are returned. Each binding of a @svar{variable} has
-@svar{body} as its region.
-It is an error if the @svar{formals} do not match the number of values
-returned by the corresponding @svar{init}.
-(let-values (((root rem) (exact-integer-sqrt 32)))
- (* root rem)) @result{} 35
-@end example
-@end deffn
-@deffn syntax let*-values @svar{mv binding spec} @svar{body}
-Syntax: @svar{Mv binding spec} has the form
-@code{((}@svar{formals} @svar{init}@code{)} @dots{}@code{)},
-@end display
-and @svar{body} is a sequence of zero or more definitions followed by one or
-more expressions as described in @ref{Expressions}. In each @svar{formals},
-it is an error if any variable appears more than once.
-The @code{let*-values} construct is similar to @code{let-values}, but the
-@svar{init}s are evaluated and bindings created sequentially from left to
-right, with the region of the bindings of each @svar{formals} including the
-@svar{init}s to its right as well as @svar{body}. Thus the second
-@svar{init} is evaluated in an environment in which the first set of
-bindings is visible and initialized, and so on.
-(let ((a 'a) (b 'b) (x 'x) (y 'y))
- (let*-values (((a b) (values x y))
- ((x y) (values a b)))
- (list a b x y))) @result{} (x y x y)
-@end example
-@end deffn
-@node Sequencing
-@subsection Sequencing
-Both of Scheme's sequencing constructs are named @code{begin}, but the two have slightly
-different forms and uses:
-@deffn syntax begin @svar{expression or definition}@dots{}
-This form of begin can appear as part of a @svar{body}, or at the outermost level of a
-@svar{program}, or at the REPL, or directly nested in a @code{begin} that is itself of this form. It causes
-the contained expressions and definitions to be evaluated exactly as if the enclosing @code{begin}
-construct were not present.
-Rationale: This form is commonly used in the output of macros (@xref{Macros}) which
-need to generate multiple definitions and splice them into the context in which they
-are expanded.
-@end deffn
-@deffn syntax begin @svar{expression@sub{1}} @svar{expression@sub{2}}@dots{}
-This form of @code{begin} can be used as an ordinary expression. The @svar{expression}s are
-evaluated sequentially from left to right, and the values of the last @svar{expression} are
-returned. This expression type is used to sequence side effects such as assignments or
-input and output.
-(define x 0)
-(and (= x 0)
- (begin (set! x 5)
- (+ x 1))) @result{} 6
-(begin (display "4 plus 1 equals ")
- (display (+ 4 1)))
- @result{} @r{unspecified}
-@print{} 4 plus 1 equals 5
-@end example
-@end deffn
-Note that there is a third form of @code{begin} used as a library declaration.
-@xref{Library syntax}
-@node Iteration
-@subsection Iteration
-@c Since @deffn would put this whole complex form on one line in most
-@c output types, I've put the actual syntax after definition header.
-@c Maybe there's a better way?
-@deffn syntax do
-@code{(do ((}@svar{variable@sub{1}} @svar{init@sub{1}} @svar{step@sub{1}}@code{)}
- @dots{}@code{)}
- @code{(}@svar{test} @svar{expression} @dots{}@code{)}
- @svar{command} @dots{}@code{)}
-@end format
-Syntax: All of @svar{init}, @svar{step}, @svar{test}, and @svar{command} are expressions.
-A @code{do} expression is an iteration construct. It specifies a set of variables to
-be bound, how they are to be initialized at the start, and how they are
-to be updated on each iteration. When a termination condition is met,
-the loop exits after evaluating the @svar{expression}s.
-A @code{do} expression is evaluated as follows:
-The @svar{init} expressions are evaluated (in some unspecified order),
-the @svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations, the results of the
-@svar{init} expressions are stored in the bindings of the
-@svar{variable}s, and then the iteration phase begins.
-Each iteration begins by evaluating @svar{test}; if the result is
-false (@xref{Booleans}), then the @svar{command}
-expressions are evaluated in order for effect, the @svar{step}
-expressions are evaluated in some unspecified order, the
-@svar{variable}s are bound to fresh locations, the results of the
-@svar{step}s are stored in the bindings of the
-@svar{variable}s, and the next iteration begins.
-If @svar{test} evaluates to a true value, then the
-@svar{expression}s are evaluated from left to right and the values of
-the last @svar{expression} are returned. If no @svar{expression}s
-are present, then the value of the @code{do} expression is unspecified.
-The region of the binding of a @svar{variable}
-consists of the entire @code{do} expression except for the @svar{init}s.
-It is an error for a @svar{variable} to appear more than once in the
-list of @code{do} variables.
-A @svar{step} can be omitted, in which case the effect is the
-same as if @code{(}@svar{variable} @svar{init} @svar{variable}@code{)} had
-been written instead of @code{(}@svar{variable} @svar{init}@code{)}.
-(do ((vec (make-vector 5))
- (i 0 (+ i 1)))
- ((= i 5) vec)
- (vector-set! vec i i)) @result{} #(0 1 2 3 4)
-(let ((x '(1 3 5 7 9)))
- (do ((x x (cdr x))
- (sum 0 (+ sum (car x))))
- ((null? x) sum))) @result{} 25
-@end example
-@end deffn
-@deffn syntax let @svar{variable} @svar{bindings} @svar{body}
-``Named @code{let}'' is a variant on the syntax of @code{let} which provides
-a more general looping construct than @code{do} and can also be used to express
-It has the same syntax and semantics as ordinary @code{let}
-except that @svar{variable} is bound within @svar{body} to a procedure
-whose formal arguments are the bound variables and whose body is
-@svar{body}. Thus the execution of @svar{body} can be repeated by
-invoking the procedure named by @svar{variable}.
-(let loop ((numbers '(3 -2 1 6 -5))
- (nonneg '())
- (neg '()))
- (cond ((null? numbers) (list nonneg neg))
- ((>= (car numbers) 0)
- (loop (cdr numbers)
- (cons (car numbers) nonneg)
- neg))
- ((< (car numbers) 0)
- (loop (cdr numbers)
- nonneg
- (cons (car numbers) neg)))))
- @result{} ((6 1 3) (-5 -2))
-@end example
-@end deffn
-@node Delayed evaluation
-@subsection Delayed evaluation
-@deffn {lazy library syntax} delay @svar{expression}
-The @code{delay} construct is used together with the procedure @code{force} to
-implement @dfn{lazy evaluation} or @dfn{call by need}.
-@code{(delay} @svar{expression}@code{)} returns an object called a
-@dfn{promise} which at some point in the future can be asked (by
-the @code{force} procedure) to evaluate
-@svar{expression}, and deliver the resulting value.
-The effect of @svar{expression} returning multiple values
-is unspecified.
-@end deffn
-@deffn {lazy library syntax} delay-force @svar{expression}
-The expression @code{(delay-force} @var{expression}@code{)} is conceptually similar to
-@code{(delay (force} @var{expression}@code{))},
-with the difference that forcing the result
-of @code{delay-force} will in effect result in a tail call to
-@code{(force} @var{expression}@code{)},
-while forcing the result of
-@code{(delay (force} @var{expression}@code{))}
-might not. Thus
-iterative lazy algorithms that might result in a long series of chains of
-@code{delay} and @code{force}
-can be rewritten using @code{delay-force} to prevent consuming
-unbounded space during evaluation.
-@end deffn
-@deffn {lazy library procedure} force promise
-The @code{force} procedure forces the value of a @var{promise} created
-by @code{delay}, @code{delay-force}, or @code{make-promise}.
-If no value has been computed for the promise, then a value is
-computed and returned. The value of the promise must be cached (or
-``memoized'') so that if it is forced a second time, the previously
-computed value is returned.
-Consequently, a delayed expression is evaluated using the parameter
-values and exception handler of the call to @code{force} which first
-requested its value.
-If @var{promise} is not a promise, it may be returned unchanged.
-(force (delay (+ 1 2))) @result{} 3
-(let ((p (delay (+ 1 2))))
- (list (force p) (force p)))
- @result{} (3 3)
-(define integers
- (letrec ((next
- (lambda (n)
- (delay (cons n (next (+ n 1)))))))
- (next 0)))
-(define head
- (lambda (stream) (car (force stream))))
-(define tail
- (lambda (stream) (cdr (force stream))))
-(head (tail (tail integers)))
- @result{} 2
-@end example
-@end deffn
-The following example is a mechanical transformation of a lazy
-stream-filtering algorithm into Scheme. Each call to a constructor is
-wrapped in @code{delay}, and each argument passed to a deconstructor is
-wrapped in @code{force}. The use of @code{(delay-force @dots{})} instead of
-@code{(delay (force @dots{}))} around the body of the procedure ensures that an
-ever-growing sequence of pending promises does not
-exhaust available storage,
-because @code{force} will in effect force such sequences iteratively.
-(define (stream-filter p? s)
- (delay-force
- (if (null? (force s))
- (delay '())
- (let ((h (car (force s)))
- (t (cdr (force s))))
- (if (p? h)
- (delay (cons h (stream-filter p? t)))
- (stream-filter p? t))))))
-(head (tail (tail (stream-filter odd? integers)))) @result{} 5
-@end example
-The following examples are not intended to illustrate good programming
-style, as @code{delay}, @code{force}, and @code{delay-force} are mainly intended
-for programs written in the functional style.
-However, they do illustrate the property that only one value is
-computed for a promise, no matter how many times it is forced.
-(define count 0)
-(define p
- (delay (begin (set! count (+ count 1))
- (if (> count x)
- count
- (force p)))))
-(define x 5)
-p @result{} @r{a promise}
-(force p) @result{} 6
-p @result{} @r{a promise, still}
-(begin (set! x 10)
- (force p)) @result{} 6
-@end example
-Various extensions to this semantics of @code{delay}, @code{force} and
-@code{delay-force} are supported in some implementations:
-Calling @code{force} on an object that is not a promise may simply return the object.
-It may be the case that there is no means by which a promise can be operationally
- distinguished from its forced value. That is, expressions like the following may evaluate
- to either @code{#t} or to @code{#f}, depending on the implementation:
-(eqv? (delay 1) 1) @result{} @r{unspecified}
-(pair? (delay (cons 1 2))) @result{} @r{unspecified}
-@end example
-Implementations may implement ``implicit forcing,'' where the value of a promise is
- forced by procedures that operate only on arguments of a certain type, like
-@code{cdr} and @code{*}.
- However, procedures that operate uniformly on their arguments, like
-@code{list}, must not
- force them.
-(+ (delay (* 3 7)) 13) @result{} @r{unspecified}
- (list (delay (* 3 7)) 13)) @result{} @r{a promise}
-@end example
-@end itemize
-@deffn {lazy library procedure} promise? obj
-The promise? procedure returns @code{#t} if its argument is a promise, and
-@code{#f} otherwise. Note
-that promises are not necessarily disjoint from other Scheme types such as procedures.
-@end deffn
-@deffn {lazy library procedure} make-promise obj
-The make-promise procedure returns a promise which, when forced, will return
-@var{obj}. It is similar to delay, but does not delay its argument: it is a procedure rather than
-syntax. If
-@var{obj} is already a promise, it is returned.
-@end deffn
-@node Dynamic bindings
-@subsection Dynamic bindings
-The dynamic extent of a procedure call is the time between when it is initiated and when it
-returns. In Scheme, call-with-current-continuation (section 6.10) allows reentering a
-dynamic extent after its procedure call has returned. Thus, the dynamic extent of a call
-might not be a single, continuous time period.
-This sections introduces parameter objects, which can be bound to new values for the
-duration of a dynamic extent. The set of all parameter bindings at a given time is called
-the dynamic environment.
-@deffn procedure make-parameter init
-@deffnx procedure make-parameter init converter
-Returns a newly allocated parameter object, which is a procedure that accepts zero
-arguments and returns the value associated with the parameter object. Initially, this value
-is the value of @code{(@var{converter} @var{init})}, or of
-@var{init} if the conversion procedure
-@var{converter} is not specified. The associated value can be temporarily changed using
-parameterize, which is described below.
-The effect of passing arguments to a parameter object is implementation-dependent.
-@end deffn
-@deffn syntax parameterize (@svar{param@sub{1}} @svar{value@sub{1}})@dots{} @svar{body}
-Syntax: Both @svar{param@sub{1}} and @svar{value@sub{1}} are expressions.
-It is an error if the value of any @svar{param} expression is not a parameter object.
-A @code{parameterize} expression is used to change the values returned by
-specified parameter objects during the evaluation of the body.
-The @svar{param} and @svar{value} expressions
-are evaluated in an unspecified order. The @svar{body} is
-evaluated in a dynamic environment in which calls to the
-parameters return the results of passing the corresponding values
-to the conversion procedure specified when the parameters were created.
-Then the previous values of the parameters are restored without passing
-them to the conversion procedure.
-The results of the last
-expression in the @svar{body} are returned as the results of the entire
-@code{parameterize} expression.
-Note: If the conversion procedure is not idempotent, the results of
-@code{(parameterize ((x (x))) @dots{})},
-which appears to bind the parameter @var{x} to its current value,
-might not be what the user expects.
-If an implementation supports multiple threads of execution, then
-@code{parameterize} must not change the associated values of any parameters
-in any thread other than the current thread and threads created
-inside @svar{body}.
-Parameter objects can be used to specify configurable settings for a
-computation without the need to pass the value to every
-procedure in the call chain explicitly.
-(define radix
- (make-parameter
- 10
- (lambda (x)
- (if (and (exact-integer? x) (<= 2 x 16))
- x
- (error "invalid radix")))))
-(define (f n) (number->string n (radix)))
-(f 12) @result{} "12"
-(parameterize ((radix 2))
- (f 12)) @result{} "1100"
-(f 12) @result{} "12"
-(radix 16) @result{} @r{unspecified}
-(parameterize ((radix 0))
- (f 12)) @error{}
-@end example
-@end deffn
-@node Exception handling
-@subsection Exception handling
-syntax: (guard (@svar{variable}
- @svar{cond clause1} @svar{cond clause2} @dots{})
- @svar{body})
-Syntax: Each @svar{cond clause} is as in the specification of cond.
-Semantics: The @svar{body} is evaluated with an exception handler that binds the raised object
-(see raise in section 6.11) to @svar{variable} and, within the scope of that binding, evaluates the
-clauses as if they were the clauses of a cond expression. That implicit cond expression is
-evaluated with the continuation and dynamic environment of the guard expression. If
-every @svar{cond clause}'s @svar{test} evaluates to #f and there is no else clause, then
-raise-continuable is invoked on the raised object within the dynamic environment of the
-original call to raise or raise-continuable, except that the current exception handler is that
-of the guard expression.
-See section 6.11 for a more complete discussion of exceptions.
-(guard (condition
- ((assq 'a condition) => cdr)
- ((assq 'b condition)))
- (raise (list (cons 'a 42))))
-@result{} 42
-(guard (condition
- ((assq 'a condition) => cdr)
- ((assq 'b condition)))
- (raise (list (cons 'b 23))))
-@result{} (b . 23)
-@end example
-@node Quasiquotation
-@subsection Quasiquotation
-syntax: (quasiquote @svar{qq template})
-syntax: `@svar{qq template}
-auxiliary syntax: unquote
-auxiliary syntax: ,
-auxiliary syntax: unquote-splicing
-auxiliary syntax: ,﹫
-``Quasiquote''expressions are useful for constructing a list or vector structure when some
-but not all of the desired structure is known in advance. If no commasappear within the
-@svar{qq template}, the result of evaluating `@svar{qq template} is equivalent to the result of
-evaluating '@svar{qq template}. If a commaappears within the @svar{qq template}, however, the
-expression following the comma is evaluated (``unquoted'') and its result is inserted into
-the structure instead of the comma and the expression. If a comma appears followed
-without intervening whitespace by a commercial at-sign (﹫),then it is an error if the
-following expression does not evaluate to a list; the opening and closing parentheses of
-the list are then ``stripped away'' and the elements of the list are inserted in place of the
-comma at-sign expression sequence. A comma at-sign normally appears only within a list
-or vector @svar{qq template}.
-Note: In order to unquote an identifier beginning with @code{,} it is necessary to use either
-an explicit unquote or to put whitespace after the comma, to avoid colliding with the
-comma at-sign sequence.
-`(list ,(+ 1 2) 4) @result{} (list 3 4)
-(let ((name 'a)) `(list ,name ',name))
-@result{} (list a (quote a))
-`(a ,(+ 1 2) ,@@(map abs '(4 -5 6)) b)
-@result{} (a 3 4 5 6 b)
-`(( foo ,(- 10 3)) ,@@(cdr '(c)) . ,(car '(cons)))
-@result{} ((foo 7) . cons)
-`#(10 5 ,(sqrt 4) ,@@(map sqrt '(16 9)) 8)
-@result{} #(10 5 2 4 3 8)
-(let ((foo '(foo bar)) (@@baz 'baz))
- `(list ,@@foo , @@baz))
-@result{} (list foo bar baz)
-@end example
-Quasiquote expressions can be nested. Substitutions are made only
-for unquoted components appearing at the same nesting level as the outermost
-quasiquote. The nesting level increases by one inside each successive quasiquotation, and
-decreases by one inside each unquotation.
-`(a `(b ,(+ 1 2) ,(foo ,(+ 1 3) d) e) f)
-@result{} (a `(b ,(+ 1 2) ,(foo 4 d) e) f)
-(let ((name1 'x)
- (name2 'y))
- `(a `(b ,,name1 ,',name2 d) e))
-@result{} (a `(b ,x ,'y d) e)
-@end example
-A quasiquote expression may return either newly allocated, mutable
-objects or literal structure for any structure that is constructed at run time during the
-evaluation of the expression. Portions that do not need to be rebuilt are always literal.
-Thus, @code{(let ((a 3)) `((1 2) ,a ,4 ,'five 6))} may be treated as equivalent to either of the following
-`((1 2) 3 4 five 6)
-(let ((a 3))
- (cons '(1 2)
- (cons a (cons 4 (cons 'five '(6))))))
-@end example
-However, it is not equivalent to this expression:
-(let ((a 3)) (list (list 1 2) a 4 'five 6))
-@end example
-The two notations `@svar{qq template} and (quasiquote <qq
-template>) are identical in all respects. ,@svar{expression} is identical to (unquote
-@svar{expression}), and ,@@@svar{expression} is identical to (unquote-splicing @svar{expression}). The
-write procedure may output either format.
-(quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))
-@result{} (list 3 4)
-'(quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))
-@result{} `(list ,(+ 1 2) 4)
- i.e., (quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))
-@end example
-It is an error if any of the identifiers quasiquote, unquote, or unquote-splicing appear in
-positions within a @svar{qq template} otherwise than as described above.
-@node Case-lambda
-@subsection Case-lambda
-case-lambda library syntax: (case-lambda @svar{clause} @dots{})
-Syntax: Each @svar{clause} is of the form (@svar{formals} @svar{body}), where @svar{formals} and @svar{body}
-have the same syntax as in a lambda expression.
-Semantics: A case-lambda expression evaluates to a procedure that accepts a variable
-number of arguments and is lexically scoped in the same manner as a procedure resulting
-from a lambda expression. When the procedure is called, the first @svar{clause} for which the
-arguments agree with @svar{formals} is selected, where agreement is specified as for the
-@svar{formals} of a lambda expression. The variables of @svar{formals} are bound to fresh
-locations, the values of the arguments are stored in those locations, the @svar{body} is
-evaluated in the extended environment, and the results of @svar{body} are returned as the
-results of the procedure call.
-It is an error for the arguments not to agree with the @svar{formals} of any @svar{clause}.
-(define range
- (case-lambda
- ((e) (range 0 e))
- ((b e) (do ((r '() (cons e r))
- (e (- e 1) (- e 1)))
- ((< e b) r)))))
-(range 3) @result{} (0 1 2)
-(range 3 5) @result{} (3 4)
-@end example
-@node Macros
-@section Macros
-Scheme programs can define and use new derived expression types, called
-macros.Program-defined expression types have the syntax
-(@svar{keyword} @svar{datum} ...)where @svar{keyword} is an identifier that uniquely determines the
-expression type. This identifier is called the syntactic keyword, or simply keyword, of the
-macro. The number of the @svar{datum}s, and their syntax, depends on the expression type.
-Each instance of a macro is called a useof the macro. The set of rules that specifies how a
-use of a macro is transcribed into a more primitive expression is called the transformerof
-the macro.
-The macro definition facility consists of two parts:
-* A set of expressions used to establish that certain identifiers are macro keywords,
- associate them with macro transformers, and control the scope within which a macro
- is defined, and
-* a pattern language for specifying macro transformers.
-The syntactic keyword of a macro can shadow variable bindings, and local variable
-bindings can shadow syntactic bindings. Two mechanisms are provided to prevent
-unintended conflicts:
-* If a macro transformer inserts a binding for an identifier (variable or keyword), the
- identifier will in effect be renamed throughout its scope to avoid conflicts with other
- identifiers. Note that a global variable definition may or may not introduce a binding;
- see section 5.3.
-* If a macro transformer inserts a free reference to an identifier, the reference refers to
- the binding that was visible where the transformer was specified, regardless of any
- local bindings that surround the use of the macro.
-In consequence, all macros defined using the pattern language are ``hygienic'' and
-``referentially transparent'' and thus preserve Scheme's lexical scoping. [21, 22, 2, 9, 12]
-Implementations may provide macro facilities of other types.
-* Binding constructs for syntactic keywords::
-* Pattern language::
-* Signaling errors in macro transformers::
-@end menu
-@node Binding constructs for syntactic keywords
-@subsection Binding constructs for syntactic keywords
-The let-syntax and letrec-syntax binding constructs are analogous to let and letrec, but
-they bind syntactic keywords to macro transformers instead of binding variables to
-locations that contain values. Syntactic keywords can also be bound globally or locally
-with define-syntax; see section 5.4.
-syntax: (let-syntax @svar{bindings} @svar{body})
-Syntax: @svar{Bindings} has the form
-((@svar{keyword} @svar{transformer spec}) @dots{})Each @svar{keyword} is an identifier, each <transformer
-spec> is an instance of syntax-rules, and @svar{body} is a sequence of zero or more
-definitions followed by one or more expressions. It is an error for a @svar{keyword} to
-appear more than once in the list of keywords being bound.
-Semantics: The @svar{body} is expanded in the syntactic environment obtained by extending
-the syntactic environment of the let-syntax expression with macros whose keywords are
-the @svar{keyword}s, bound to the specified transformers. Each binding of a @svar{keyword} has
-@svar{body} as its region.
-(let-syntax ((given-that (syntax-rules ()
- ((given-that test stmt1 stmt2 ...)
- (if test
- (begin stmt1
- stmt2 ...))))))
- (let ((if #t))
- (given-that if (set! if 'now))
- if)) @result{} now
-(let ((x 'outer))
- (let-syntax ((m (syntax-rules () ((m) x))))
- (let ((x 'inner))
- (m)))) @result{} outer
-@end example
-syntax: (letrec-syntax @svar{bindings} @svar{body})
-Syntax: Same as for let-syntax.
-Semantics: The @svar{body} is expanded in the syntactic environment obtained by extending
-the syntactic environment of the letrec-syntax expression with macros whose keywords
-are the @svar{keyword}s, bound to the specified transformers. Each binding of a @svar{keyword}
-has the @svar{transformer spec}s as well as the @svar{body} within its region, so the transformers
-can transcribe expressions into uses of the macros introduced by the letrec-syntax
- ((my-or (syntax-rules ()
- ((my-or) #f)
- ((my-or e) e)
- ((my-or e1 e2 ...)
- (let ((temp e1))
- (if temp
- temp
- (my-or e2 ...)))))))
- (let ((x #f)
- (y 7)
- (temp 8)
- (let odd?)
- (if even?))
- (my-or x
- (let temp)
- (if y)
- y))) @result{} 7
-@end example
-@node Pattern language
-@subsection Pattern language
-A @svar{transformer spec} has one of the following forms:
-syntax: (syntax-rules (@svar{pattern literal} @dots{})
- @svar{syntax rule} @dots{})
-syntax: (syntax-rules @svar{ellipsis} (@svar{pattern literal} @dots{})
- @svar{syntax rule} @dots{})
-auxiliary syntax: _
-auxiliary syntax: @dots{}
-Syntax: It is an error if any of the @svar{pattern literal}s, or the @svar{ellipsis} in the second form, is
-not an identifier. It is also an error if @svar{syntax rule} is not of the form
-(@svar{pattern} @svar{template})The @svar{pattern} in a @svar{syntax rule} is a list @svar{pattern} whose first
-element is an identifier.
-A @svar{pattern} is either an identifier, a constant, or one of the following
-(@svar{pattern} @dots{})
-(@svar{pattern} @svar{pattern} @dots{} . @svar{pattern})
-(@svar{pattern} @dots{} @svar{pattern} @svar{ellipsis} @svar{pattern} @dots{})
-(@svar{pattern} @dots{} @svar{pattern} @svar{ellipsis} @svar{pattern} @dots{}
- . @svar{pattern})
-#(@svar{pattern} @dots{})
-#(@svar{pattern} @dots{} @svar{pattern} @svar{ellipsis} @svar{pattern} @dots{})and a @svar{template} is either an identifier, a
-constant, or one of the following (@svar{element} @dots{})
-(@svar{element} @svar{element} @dots{} . @svar{template})
-(@svar{ellipsis} @svar{template})
-#(@svar{element} @dots{})where an @svar{element} is a @svar{template} optionally followed by an @svar{ellipsis}.
-An @svar{ellipsis} is the identifier specified in the second form of syntax-rules, or the default
-identifier ... (three consecutive periods) otherwise.
-Semantics: An instance of syntax-rules produces a new macro transformer by specifying a
-sequence of hygienic rewrite rules. A use of a macro whose keyword is associated with a
-transformer specified by syntax-rules is matched against the patterns contained in the
-@svar{syntax rule}s, beginning with the leftmost @svar{syntax rule}. When a match is found, the
-macro use is transcribed hygienically according to the template.
-An identifier appearing within a @svar{pattern} can be an underscore (_), a literal identifier
-listed in the list of @svar{pattern literal}s, or the @svar{ellipsis}. All other identifiers appearing
-within a @svar{pattern} are pattern variables.
-The keyword at the beginning of the pattern in a @svar{syntax rule} is not involved in the
-matching and is considered neither a pattern variable nor a literal identifier.
-Pattern variables match arbitrary input elements and are used to refer to elements of
-the input in the template. It is an error for the same pattern variable to appear more
-than once in a @svar{pattern}.
-Underscores also match arbitrary input elements but are not pattern variables and so
-cannot be used to refer to those elements. If an underscore appears in the <pattern
-literal>s list, then that takes precedence and underscores in the @svar{pattern} match as
-literals. Multiple underscores can appear in a @svar{pattern}.
-Identifiers that appear in (@svar{pattern literal} @dots{}) are interpreted as literal identifiers to be
-matched against corresponding elements of the input. An element in the input matches
-a literal identifier if and only if it is an identifier and either both its occurrence in the
-macro expression and its occurrence in the macro definition have the same lexical
-binding, or the two identifiers are the same and both have no lexical binding.
-A subpattern followed by @svar{ellipsis} can match zero or more elements of the input,
-unless @svar{ellipsis} appears in the @svar{pattern literal}s, in which case it is matched as a literal.
-More formally, an input expression E matches a pattern P if and only if:
-* P is an underscore (_).
-* P is a non-literal identifier; or
-* P is a literal identifier and E is an identifier with the same binding; or
-* P is a list (P1 @dots{} Pn) and E is a list of n elements that match P1 through Pn, respectively;
- or
-* P is an improper list (P1P2 @dots{} Pn . Pn+1) and E is a list or improper list of n or more
- elements that match P1 through Pn, respectively, and whose nth tail matches Pn+1; or
-* P is of the form (P1 @dots{} PkPe @svar{ellipsis} Pm+1 @dots{} Pn) where E is a proper list of n elements,
- the first k of which match P1 through Pk, respectively, whose next m−k elements each
- match Pe, whose remaining n−m elements match Pm+1 through Pn; or
-* P is of the form (P1 @dots{} PkPe @svar{ellipsis} Pm+1 @dots{} Pn . Px) where E is a list or improper list of n
- elements, the first k of which match P1 through Pk, whose next m−k elements each
- match Pe, whose remaining n−m elements match Pm+1 through Pn, and whose nth and
- final cdr matches Px; or
-* P is a vector of the form #(P1 @dots{} Pn) and E is a vector of n elements that match P1
- through Pn; or
-* P is of the form #(P1 @dots{} PkPe @svar{ellipsis} Pm+1 @dots{}Pn) where E is a vector of n elements the
- first k of which match P1 through Pk, whose next m−k elements each match Pe, and
- whose remaining n−m elements match Pm+1 through Pn; or
-* P is a constant and E is equal to P in the sense of the equal? procedure.
-It is an error to use a macro keyword, within the scope of its binding, in an expression
-that does not match any of the patterns.
-When a macro use is transcribed according to the template of the matching <syntax
-rule>, pattern variables that occur in the template are replaced by the elements they
-match in the input. Pattern variables that occur in subpatterns followed by one or more
-instances of the identifier @svar{ellipsis} are allowed only in subtemplates that are followed
-by as many instances of @svar{ellipsis}. They are replaced in the output by all of the elements
-they match in the input, distributed as indicated. It is an error if the output cannot be
-built up as specified.
-Identifiers that appear in the template but are not pattern variables or the identifier
-@svar{ellipsis} are inserted into the output as literal identifiers. If a literal identifier is inserted
-as a free identifier then it refers to the binding of that identifier within whose scope the
-instance of syntax-rules appears. If a literal identifier is inserted as a bound identifier
-then it is in effect renamed to prevent inadvertent captures of free identifiers.
-A template of the form (@svar{ellipsis} @svar{template}) is identical to @svar{template}, except that
-ellipses within the template have no special meaning. That is, any ellipses contained
-within @svar{template} are treated as ordinary identifiers. In particular, the template
-(@svar{ellipsis} @svar{ellipsis}) produces a single @svar{ellipsis}. This allows syntactic abstractions to
-expand into code containing ellipses.
-(define-syntax be-like-begin
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((be-like-begin name)
- (define-syntax name
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((name expr (... ...))
- (begin expr (... ...))))))))
-(be-like-begin sequence)
-(sequence 1 2 3 4) @result{} 4
-@end example
-As an example, if let and cond are defined as in section 7.3 then
-they are hygienic (as required) and the following is not an error.
-(let ((=> #f))
- (cond (#t => 'ok))) @result{} ok
-@end example
-The macro transformer for cond recognizes @code{=>} as a local
-variable, and hence an expression, and not as the base identifier
-@code{=>}, which the macro transformer treats as a syntactic
-keyword. Thus the example expands into
-(let ((=> #f))
- (if #t (begin => 'ok)))
-@end example
-instead of
-(let ((=> #f))
- (let ((temp #t))
- (if temp ('ok temp))))
-@end example
-which would result in an invalid procedure call.
-@node Signaling errors in macro transformers
-@subsection Signaling errors in macro transformers
-syntax: (syntax-error @svar{message} @svar{args} @dots{})
-syntax-error behaves similarly to error (6.11) except that implementations with an
-expansion pass separate from evaluation should signal an error as soon as syntax-error
-is expanded. This can be used as a syntax-rules @svar{template} for a @svar{pattern} that is an
-invalid use of the macro, which can provide more descriptive error messages.
-@svar{message} is a string literal, and @svar{args} arbitrary expressions providing additional
-information. Applications cannot count on being able to catch syntax errors with
-exception handlers or guards.
-(define-syntax simple-let
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ (head ... ((x . y) val) . tail)
- body1 body2 ...)
- (syntax-error
- "expected an identifier but got"
- (x . y)))
- ((_ ((name val) ...) body1 body2 ...)
- ((lambda (name ...) body1 body2 ...)
- val ...))))
-@end example
-@node Program structure
-@chapter Program structure
-* Programs::
-* Import declarations::
-* Variable definitions::
-* Syntax definitions::
-* Record-type definitions::
-* Libraries::
-* The REPL::
-@end menu
-@node Programs
-@section Programs
-A Scheme program consists of one or more import declarations followed by a sequence
-of expressions and definitions. Import declarations specify the libraries on which a
-program or library depends; a subset of the identifiers exported by the libraries are made
-available to the program. Expressions are described in chapter 4. Definitions are either
-variable definitions, syntax definitions, or record-type definitions, all of which are
-explained in this chapter. They are valid in some, but not all, contexts where expressions
-are allowed, specifically at the outermost level of a @svar{program} and at the beginning of a
-At the outermost level of a program, (begin @svar{expression or definition1} @dots{}) is equivalent to
-the sequence of expressions and definitions in the begin. Similarly, in a @svar{body}, (begin
-@svar{definition1} @dots{}) is equivalent to the sequence @svar{definition1} @dots{}. Macros can expand into
-such begin forms. For the formal definition, see 4.2.3.
-Import declarations and definitions cause bindings to be created in the global
-environment or modify the value of existing global bindings. The initial environment of a
-program is empty, so at least one import declaration is needed to introduce initial
-Expressions occurring at the outermost level of a program do not create any bindings.
-They are executed in order when the program is invoked or loaded, and typically perform
-some kind of initialization.
-Programs and libraries are typically stored in files, although in some implementations
-they can be entered interactively into a running Scheme system. Other paradigms are
-possible. Implementations which store libraries in files should document the mapping
-from the name of a library to its location in the file system.
-@node Import declarations
-@section Import declarations
-An import declaration takes the following form:
-(import @svar{import-set} @dots{})
-An import declaration provides a way to import identifiers exported by a library. Each
-@svar{import set} names a set of bindings from a library and possibly specifies local names for
-the imported bindings. It takes one of the following forms:
-* @svar{library name}
-* (only @svar{import set} @svar{identifier} @dots{})
-* (except @svar{import set} @svar{identifier} @dots{})
-* (prefix @svar{import set} @svar{identifier})
-* (rename @svar{import set}
- (@svar{identifier1} @svar{identifier2}) @dots{})
-In the first form, all of the identifiers in the named library's export clauses are imported
-with the same names (or the exported names if exported with rename). The additional
-@svar{import set} forms modify this set as follows:
-* only produces a subset of the given @svar{import set} including only the listed identifiers
- (after any renaming). It is an error if any of the listed identifiers are not found in the
- original set.
-* except produces a subset of the given @svar{import set}, excluding the listed identifiers
- (after any renaming). It is an error if any of the listed identifiers are not found in the
- original set.
-* rename modifies the given @svar{import set}, replacing each instance of @svar{identifier1} with
- @svar{identifier2}. It is an error if any of the listed @svar{identifier1}s are not found in the original
- set.
-* prefix automatically renames all identifiers in the given @svar{import set}, prefixing each
- with the specified @svar{identifier}.
-In a program or library declaration, it is an error to import the same identifier more than
-once with different bindings, or to redefine or mutate an imported binding with a
-definition or with set!, or to refer to an identifier before it is imported. However, a REPL
-should permit these actions.
-@node Variable definitions
-@section Variable definitions
-A variable definition binds one or more identifiers and specifies an initial value for each of
-them. The simplest kind of variable definition takes one of the following forms:
-* (define @svar{variable} @svar{expression})
-* (define (@svar{variable} @svar{formals}) @svar{body})
- @svar{Formals} are either a sequence of zero or more variables, or a sequence of one or
- more variables followed by a space-delimited period and another variable (as in a
- lambda expression). This form is equivalent to
-(define @svar{variable}
- (lambda (@svar{formals}) @svar{body})).
-@end example
-* (define (@svar{variable} . @svar{formal}) @svar{body})
- @svar{Formal} is a single variable. This form is equivalent to
-(define @svar{variable}
- (lambda @svar{formal} @svar{body})).
-@end example
-* Top level definitions::
-* Internal definitions::
-* Multiple-value definitions::
-@end menu
-@node Top level definitions
-@subsection Top level definitions
-At the outermost level of a program, a definition
-(define @svar{variable} @svar{expression})has essentially the same effect as the assignment
-expression (set! @svar{variable} @svar{expression})if @svar{variable} is bound to a non-syntax value.
-However, if @svar{variable} is not bound, or is a syntactic keyword, then the definition will bind
-@svar{variable} to a new location before performing the assignment, whereas it would be an
-error to perform a set! on an unboundvariable.
-(define add3
- (lambda (x) (+ x 3)))
-(add3 3) @result{} 6
-(define first car)
-(first '(1 2)) @result{} 1
-@end example
-@node Internal definitions
-@subsection Internal definitions
-Definitions can occur at the beginning of a @svar{body} (that is, the body of a lambda, let, let*,
-letrec, letrec*, let-values, let*-values, let-syntax, letrec-syntax, parameterize, guard, or
-case-lambda). Note that such a body might not be apparent until after expansion of other
-syntax. Such definitions are known as internal definitionsas opposed to the global
-definitions described above. The variables defined by internal definitions are local to the
-@svar{body}. That is, @svar{variable} is bound rather than assigned, and the region of the binding is
-the entire @svar{body}. For example,
-(let ((x 5))
- (define foo (lambda (y) (bar x y)))
- (define bar (lambda (a b) (+ (* a b) a)))
- (foo (+ x 3))) @result{} 45
-@end example
-An expanded @svar{body} containing internal definitions can always
-be converted into a completely equivalent letrec* expression. For example, the let
-expression in the above example is equivalent to
-(let ((x 5))
- (letrec* ((foo (lambda (y) (bar x y)))
- (bar (lambda (a b) (+ (* a b) a))))
- (foo (+ x 3))))
-@end example
-Just as for the equivalent letrec* expression, it is an error if it is not
-possible to evaluate each @svar{expression} of every internal definition in a @svar{body} without
-assigning or referring to the value of the corresponding @svar{variable} or the @svar{variable} of
-any of the definitions that follow it in @svar{body}.
-It is an error to define the same identifier more than once in the same @svar{body}.
-Wherever an internal definition can occur, (begin @svar{definition1} @dots{}) is equivalent to the
-sequence of definitions that form the body of the begin.
-@node Multiple-value definitions
-@subsection Multiple-value definitions
-Another kind of definition is provided by define-values, which creates multiple definitions
-from a single expression returning multiple values. It is allowed wherever define is
-syntax: (define-values @svar{formals} @svar{expression})
-It is an error if a variable appears more than once in the set of @svar{formals}.
-Semantics: @svar{Expression} is evaluated, and the @svar{formals} are bound to the return values in
-the same way that the @svar{formals} in a lambda expression are matched to the arguments in
-a procedure call.
-(define-values (x y) (exact-integer-sqrt 17))
-(list x y) @result{} (4 1)
-(let ()
- (define-values (x y) (values 1 2))
- (+ x y)) @result{} 3
-@end example
-@node Syntax definitions
-@section Syntax definitions
-Syntax definitions have this form: