
Commandline diceware, with or without dice, written in Rustlang.
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      1 use std::env;
      2 use std::fs::File;
      3 use std::io::Read;
      4 use std::io::Write;
      5 use std::path::Path;
      6 use std::string::String;
      8 fn make_diceware_wordlist(array_name: String) -> impl Fn(&str) -> String {
      9     move |contents: &str| {
     10         // 7776 words = 6*6*6*6*6; five 6 faced dice throws.
     11         format!("pub static {}: [&str; 7776] = [\n", array_name)
     12             + &contents
     13                 .split('\n')
     14                 .skip(2)
     15                 .take(6 * 6 * 6 * 6 * 6)
     16                 .map(|s| s.split_once('\t').unwrap().1)
     17                 .map(|s| {
     18                     s.chars()
     19                         .map(|c| {
     20                             if c == '"' {
     21                                 "\\\"".to_owned()
     22                             } else {
     23                                 c.to_string()
     24                             }
     25                         })
     26                         .collect::<String>()
     27                 })
     28                 .map(|s| format!("    \"{}\",\n", s))
     29                 .collect::<String>()
     30             + "];\n\n"
     31     }
     32 }
     34 fn make_minilock_wordlist(contents: &str) -> std::string::String {
     35     // 58110 words in the MiniLock wordlist.
     36     "pub static MINILOCK_WORDLIST: [&str; 58110] = [\n".to_owned()
     37         + &contents[1023..543718]
     38             .split(',')
     39             .map(|x| format!("    \"{}\",\n", x))
     40             .collect::<String>()
     41         + "];\n"
     42 }
     44 fn make_eff_long_wordlist(contents: &str) -> String {
     45     // 7776 words = 6*6*6*6*6; five 6 faced dice throws.
     46     "pub static EFF_LONG_WORDLIST: [&str; 7776] = [\n".to_owned()
     47         + &contents
     48             .split('\n')
     49             .take(6 * 6 * 6 * 6 * 6)
     50             .map(|x| x.split('\t').nth(1).unwrap())
     51             .map(|x| format!("    \"{}\",\n", x))
     52             .collect::<String>()
     53         + "];\n"
     54 }
     56 fn make_eff_short_wordlist(array_name: String) -> impl Fn(&str) -> String {
     57     move |contents: &str| {
     58         // 1296 words = 6*6*6*6; five 6 faced dice throws.
     59         format!("pub static {}: [&str; 1296] = [\n", array_name)
     60             + &contents
     61                 .split('\n')
     62                 .take(6 * 6 * 6 * 6)
     63                 .map(|x| x.split('\t').nth(1).unwrap())
     64                 .map(|x| format!("    \"{}\",\n", x))
     65                 .collect::<String>()
     66             + "];\n"
     67     }
     68 }
     70 fn build_wordlist(
     71     wordlist_file_path: &str,
     72     destination_file: &mut File,
     73     make_wordlist: &dyn Fn(&str) -> String,
     74 ) {
     75     let manifest_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap();
     76     println!("{}", manifest_dir);
     77     let wordlist_file_path = Path::new(&manifest_dir).join(wordlist_file_path);
     79     let mut wordlist_file = File::open(&wordlist_file_path).unwrap();
     81     let mut wordlist_string = String::new();
     83     wordlist_file.read_to_string(&mut wordlist_string).unwrap();
     85     destination_file
     86         .write_all(make_wordlist(&wordlist_string).as_bytes())
     87         .unwrap();
     88 }
     90 fn main() {
     91     let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
     92     let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("");
     93     let mut destination_file = File::create(&dest_path).unwrap();
     95     build_wordlist(
     96         "wordlists/beale.wordlist.asc",
     97         &mut destination_file,
     98         &make_diceware_wordlist("BEALE_WORDLIST".to_string()),
     99     );
    100     build_wordlist(
    101         "wordlists/diceware.wordlist.asc",
    102         &mut destination_file,
    103         &make_diceware_wordlist("REINHOLD_WORDLIST".to_string()),
    104     );
    105     build_wordlist(
    106         "wordlists/phrase.js",
    107         &mut destination_file,
    108         &make_minilock_wordlist,
    109     );
    110     build_wordlist(
    111         // They call it "EFF's Long Wordlist" on, not "EFF's Large
    112         // Wordlist", although the file name is different, so I will call it "long" rather than
    113         // "large".
    114         "wordlists/",
    115         &mut destination_file,
    116         &make_eff_long_wordlist,
    117     );
    118     build_wordlist(
    119         "wordlists/",
    120         &mut destination_file,
    121         &make_eff_short_wordlist("EFF_SHORT_WORDLIST_1".to_string()),
    122     );
    123     build_wordlist(
    124         "wordlists/",
    125         &mut destination_file,
    126         &make_eff_short_wordlist("EFF_SHORT_WORDLIST_2_0".to_string()),
    127     );
    128 }