
A steaming hot pile of sh...ell scripts and configuration files.
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commit d99515695c4f46436d2118d50373b649c1a55b80
parent c9fd15953cccb15a22c4c1f2b3250dda4c09a5ee
Author: Yuval Langer <>
Date:   Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:21:11 +0300

Move kakafarm-utils.el to kakafarm.el in its own location.

Mconfig/emacs/init.el | 4+++-
Dconfig/emacs/kakafarm-utils.el | 375-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aconfig/emacs/local-packages/emacs-kakafarm/kakafarm.el | 409+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 412 insertions(+), 376 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config/emacs/init.el b/config/emacs/init.el @@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ (require 'benchmark-init) -(load (locate-user-emacs-file "kakafarm-utils.el")) +(add-to-list 'load-path (concat user-emacs-directory + "local-packages/emacs-kakafarm/")) + (load (locate-user-emacs-file "local-stuff.el")) (setq package-archives '()) diff --git a/config/emacs/kakafarm-utils.el b/config/emacs/kakafarm-utils.el @@ -1,375 +0,0 @@ -;;; -*- lexical-binding:t -*- - -(require 'cl-lib) - -(defun kakafarm/advice-remove-all (function) - "Remove every advice function from FUNCTION." - (advice-mapc - (lambda (advice-function properties-alist) - (advice-remove function - advice-function)) - function)) - -(defun kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input (program &optional input-string &rest args) - (with-temp-buffer - (let ((our-output-buffer (current-buffer))) - (if input-string - (with-temp-buffer - (let ((our-input-buffer (current-buffer))) - (progn - (erase-buffer) - (insert input-string) - (apply 'call-process-region - (buffer-end -1) - (buffer-end 1) - program - nil - our-output-buffer - nil - args)))) - (apply 'call-process - program - nil - our-output-buffer - nil - args))) - (buffer-string))) - -(list (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input "cat" - "cat says moo") - (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input "echo" - nil - "-n" - "echo echo echo")) - -(defun kakafarm/drop-while (lst predp) - (named-let loop ((lst lst)) - (cond - (() - lst) - ((predp (car lst)) - (cdr lst)) - (t - (loop (cdr lst)))))) - -(defun kakafarm/easy-underscore (arg) - "Convert all inputs of semicolon to an underscore -If given ARG, then it will insert an actual semicolon. - -from" - (interactive "P") - (message (format "%s" arg)) - (if arg - (insert ";") - (insert "_"))) - -(defun kakafarm/elfeed-sort-feed-tags (a-feed) - (cond - ((stringp a-feed) - a-feed) - (t - (let* ((feed-url (car a-feed)) - (tags (cdr a-feed)) - (tags-as-strings (mapcar #'symbol-name - tags)) - (sorted-tags (sort tags-as-strings - #'string-lessp)) - (tags-as-symbols (mapcar #'intern sorted-tags))) - (cons feed-url tags-as-symbols))))) - -(defun kakafarm/elfeed-compare-feeds-urls (feed-a feed-b) - (string-lessp (car feed-a) - (car feed-b))) - -(defun kakafarm/elfeed-sort-feeds (feeds) - "Sort A-FEED, an `elfeed-feeds' list." - (sort (mapcar #'kakafarm/elfeed-sort-feed-tags - feeds) - #'kakafarm/elfeed-compare-feeds-urls)) - -(defun kakafarm/ffap-browse-urls () - "Open all visible URLs." - (interactive) - - (let* ((urls (mapcar 'car (ffap-menu-rescan))) - (urls-newlined (mapcar (lambda (url) (concat url "\n")) - urls)) - (prompt (format "Open URLs? [y/n] - -%s" - (apply 'concat - urls-newlined)))) - (when (y-or-n-p prompt) - (dolist (url urls) - (browse-url url))))) - -(defun kakafarm/kill-ring-save-unlines () - "Like `kill-ring-save', but also unlines and trims the newly killed stuff." - (interactive) - - (kill-ring-save (point) (mark)) - - (with-temp-buffer - (yank-pop) - (goto-char 1) - (replace-regexp "\n+" " ") - (let ((trimmed (string-trim (buffer-string)))) - (with-temp-buffer - (insert trimmed) - (kill-region (point-min) (point-max)))))) - -(defun kakafarm/list-all-http-or-https () - (interactive) - (dolist (url (let* ((list-of-lines - (split-string (substring-no-properties (buffer-string)) - "[ \n]"))) - (cl-reduce (lambda (accumulator line) - (if (string-match-p "https?://.+" - line) - (cons line accumulator) - accumulator)) - list-of-lines - :initial-value '()))) - (message "%s" url))) - -(defun kakafarm/org-roam-keyword-is-filetags-p (keyword-node) - (equal (org-element-property :key - keyword-node) - "FILETAGS")) - -(defun kakafarm/org-roam-filetags-keyword-is-publishable-p (filestags-keyword-node) - (seq-contains-p (split-string (org-element-property :value - filestags-keyword-node) - ":") - "publish")) - -(defun kakafarm/org-roam-publishable-node-p (org-filename) - (with-temp-buffer - (insert-file-contents org-filename) - (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'keyword - (lambda (keyword) - (and (kakafarm/org-roam-keyword-is-filetags-p keyword) - (kakafarm/org-roam-filetags-keyword-is-publishable-p keyword))) - nil - t))) - -(defun kakafarm/org-roam-sitemap (title list-of-org-links) - (message (format "kakafarm/org-roam-sitemap title: %S; list-of-links: %S\n" - title - list-of-org-links)) - ;; (let ((a-publishable-org-roam-node - ;; (seq-filter (lambda (org-link-list) - ;; (pcase org-link-list - ;; (`(,org-link) - ;; (with-temp-buffer - ;; (insert org-link) - ;; (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'link - ;; (lambda (link) - ;; ;; Check if file linked is publishable. - ;; (kakafarm/org-roam-publishable-node-p - ;; (concat "~/mine/roam/" - ;; (org-element-property :path - ;; link)))) - ;; nil - ;; t))))) - ;; list-of-org-links))) - ;; (message "poop %S" a-publishable-org-roam-node)) - - (concat - "# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-\n" - "#+OPTIONS: ^:nil author:nil html-postamble:nil\n" - ;;"#SETUPFILE: ./simple_inline.theme\n" ; No theme yet. - "#+FILETAGS: publish\n" - "#+TITLE: " title "\n\n" - (org-list-to-org list-of-org-links) "\n" - - ;; TODO: No sitemap SVG yet because it shows all the fucking - ;; files in the org-roam database. - ;; - ;;"file:sitemap.svg\n" - )) - -(defun kakafarm/org-roam-publication-wrapper (plist filename pubdir) - ;; (when (kakafarm/org-roam-publishable-node-p filename) - ;; nil) - ;;(org-roam-graph) ; How the fuck do I make this one not show every fucking node in the org-roam database?! - (org-html-publish-to-html plist - filename - pubdir) - (setq kakafarm/org-roam-project-publish-time - (cadr (current-time)))) - -(defun kakafarm/org-roam-custom-link-builder (node) - (let ((node-file (org-roam-node-file node))) - ;; (when (kakafarm/org-roam-publishable-node-p node-file) - ;; nil) - (message (format "kakafarm/org-roam-custom-link-builder: %S" node)) - (concat (file-name-base node-file) - ".html"))) - -(defun kakafarm/percent-read () - "Display percent read by current cursor location vs. total characters in file." - - (interactive) - - (message "%.2f%%" - (* 100 - (/ (float (- (point) 1)) - (+ 1 (buffer-size)))))) - -(defun kakafarm/percent-read-point-min-max () - "Display percent read by current cursor location vs. place within (point-min) and (point-max)." - - (interactive) - - (let* ((our-location (point)) - (our-location-0-indexed (- our-location 1))) - (message "%.2f%%" - (* 100 - (/ (float (- our-location-0-indexed - (point-min))) - (- (point-max) - (point-min))))))) - -(defun kakafarm/recenter-top-bottom (original-function &rest arguments) - "Move view such that point is 4 lines from the top of the frame when function is `recenter-top-bottom'." - - (cond - ((null (car arguments)) - (apply original-function '(4))) - (t - (apply original-function arguments)))) - -(defun kakafarm/pulse-current-region (&rest _) - "Pulse the selected bit, either the marked region or if there's no -mark, the bit between mark and point... or something like -that... I don't even work here. - -From Goparism ( - which is from the -user 0xMii on R***** which copied it from -who-knows-where-and-who." - (if mark-active - (pulse-momentary-highlight-region (region-beginning) - (region-end)) - (pulse-momentary-highlight-region (mark) - (point)))) - -(defun kakafarm/multi-vterm-weechat () - "Either start a weechat vterm buffer, or switch to it if it already exists." - - (interactive) - - (require 'multi-vterm) - - (let* ((vterm-shell (expand-file-name "~/bin/w")) - (weechat-buffer-name "weechat") - (maybe-weechat-buffer (get-buffer "weechat"))) - (cond - ((multi-vterm-buffer-exist-p maybe-weechat-buffer) - (switch-to-buffer maybe-weechat-buffer)) - (t - (multi-vterm) - (rename-buffer weechat-buffer-name))))) - -(defun kakafarm/sentence-end-double-nilify-for-read-only-buffers () - "Set `sentence-end-double-space' in read-only buffer to `nil'." - (when buffer-read-only - (setq-local sentence-end-double-space - nil))) - -;; Uploading README.html from stuff. -(defun kakafarm/srht-repo-id (repository-name) - "Returns the unique numerical I Dentification associated with -every sourcehut repository. - -" - - (interactive "sRepo name: ") - (let* ((srht (netrc-machine (netrc-parse "~/.netrc.gpg") - "")) - (srht-token (netrc-get srht - "password")) - (our-response (with-temp-buffer - (call-process "curl" - nil - (list (current-buffer) nil) - nil - "--oauth2-bearer" srht-token - "-G" - "--data-urlencode" - (concat "query=query { me { repository(name: \"" - repository-name - "\") { id } } }") - "") - (buffer-string))) - (repository-id (string-trim (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input "jq" - our-response - "")))) - (if (called-interactively-p) - (message "Repository ID: %S" repository-id) - repository-id))) - -(defun kakafarm/srht-set-readme (repository-id) - "Export the current file to HTML and set the result as README for -the sourcehut repo identified by ID. - -" - - (interactive "sRepository ID: ") - (let* ((srht (netrc-machine (netrc-parse "~/.netrc.gpg") - "")) - (srht-token (netrc-get srht - "password")) - (readme.html (org-export-as (org-export-get-backend 'html) - nil - nil - t)) - (our-json-query (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input - "jq" - readme.html - "-sR" - (concat " -{ \"query\": \"mutation UpdateRepo($id: Int!, $readme: String!) { updateRepository(id: $id, input: { readme: $readme }) { id } }\", - \"variables\": { - \"id\": " repository-id ", - \"readme\": . - } -}")))) - (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input "curl" - our-json-query - "--oauth2-bearer" srht-token - "-H" "Content-Type: application/json" - "-d@-" - ""))) - -(defun kakafarm/take-while (lst predp) - (named-let loop ((lst lst) - (accumulator '())) - (cond - ((null lst) - (reverse accumulator)) - ((predp (car lst)) - (reverse accumulator)) - (t - (loop (cdr lst) - accumulator))))) - -(defun kakafarm/url-response-to-body (response) - (cdr (kakafarm/drop-while - (string-split response - "\n") - (lambda (line) - (not (string-blank-p line)))))) - -(defun kakafarm/yank-unlines () - "`yank' with each consecutive newlines converted to a single space, and trim both ends." - (interactive) - - (insert - (string-trim - (with-temp-buffer - (yank) - (goto-char 1) - (replace-regexp "\n+" " ") - (buffer-string))))) diff --git a/config/emacs/local-packages/emacs-kakafarm/kakafarm.el b/config/emacs/local-packages/emacs-kakafarm/kakafarm.el @@ -0,0 +1,409 @@ +;;; kakafarm.el --- Various functions for my GNU Emacs configuration. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- + +;; Copyright (C) 2024 Yuval Langer + +;; Author: Yuval Langer <> +;; Version: 0.0.0 +;; Keywords: Personal, Auxiliary +;; URL: + +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +;; (at your option) any later version. + +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with this program. If not, see <>. + +;;; Commentary: + +;; Do not expect any of these functions to remain stable. +;; +;; The functions are ordered in an alphabetic order. I do not know +;; if it makes much sense, but so be it. + +;;; Code: + +(require 'cl-lib) + +(defun kakafarm/advice-remove-all (function) + "Remove every advice function from FUNCTION." + (advice-mapc + (lambda (advice-function properties-alist) + (advice-remove function + advice-function)) + function)) + +(defun kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input (program &optional input-string &rest args) + (with-temp-buffer + (let ((our-output-buffer (current-buffer))) + (if input-string + (with-temp-buffer + (let ((our-input-buffer (current-buffer))) + (progn + (erase-buffer) + (insert input-string) + (apply 'call-process-region + (buffer-end -1) + (buffer-end 1) + program + nil + our-output-buffer + nil + args)))) + (apply 'call-process + program + nil + our-output-buffer + nil + args))) + (buffer-string))) + +(list (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input "cat" + "cat says moo") + (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input "echo" + nil + "-n" + "echo echo echo")) + +(defun kakafarm/drop-while (lst predp) + (named-let loop ((lst lst)) + (cond + (() + lst) + ((predp (car lst)) + (cdr lst)) + (t + (loop (cdr lst)))))) + +(defun kakafarm/easy-underscore (arg) + "Convert all inputs of semicolon to an underscore +If given ARG, then it will insert an actual semicolon. + +from" + (interactive "P") + (message (format "%s" arg)) + (if arg + (insert ";") + (insert "_"))) + +(defun kakafarm/elfeed-sort-feed-tags (a-feed) + (cond + ((stringp a-feed) + a-feed) + (t + (let* ((feed-url (car a-feed)) + (tags (cdr a-feed)) + (tags-as-strings (mapcar #'symbol-name + tags)) + (sorted-tags (sort tags-as-strings + #'string-lessp)) + (tags-as-symbols (mapcar #'intern sorted-tags))) + (cons feed-url tags-as-symbols))))) + +(defun kakafarm/elfeed-compare-feeds-urls (feed-a feed-b) + (string-lessp (car feed-a) + (car feed-b))) + +(defun kakafarm/elfeed-sort-feeds (feeds) + "Sort A-FEED, an `elfeed-feeds' list." + (sort (mapcar #'kakafarm/elfeed-sort-feed-tags + feeds) + #'kakafarm/elfeed-compare-feeds-urls)) + +(defun kakafarm/ffap-browse-urls () + "Open all visible URLs." + (interactive) + + (let* ((urls (mapcar 'car (ffap-menu-rescan))) + (urls-newlined (mapcar (lambda (url) (concat url "\n")) + urls)) + (prompt (format "Open URLs? [y/n] + +%s" + (apply 'concat + urls-newlined)))) + (when (y-or-n-p prompt) + (dolist (url urls) + (browse-url url))))) + +(defun kakafarm/kill-ring-save-unlines () + "Like `kill-ring-save', but also unlines and trims the newly killed stuff." + (interactive) + + (kill-ring-save (point) (mark)) + + (with-temp-buffer + (yank-pop) + (goto-char 1) + (replace-regexp "\n+" " ") + (let ((trimmed (string-trim (buffer-string)))) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert trimmed) + (kill-region (point-min) (point-max)))))) + +(defun kakafarm/list-all-http-or-https () + (interactive) + (dolist (url (let* ((list-of-lines + (split-string (substring-no-properties (buffer-string)) + "[ \n]"))) + (cl-reduce (lambda (accumulator line) + (if (string-match-p "https?://.+" + line) + (cons line accumulator) + accumulator)) + list-of-lines + :initial-value '()))) + (message "%s" url))) + +(defun kakafarm/org-roam-keyword-is-filetags-p (keyword-node) + (equal (org-element-property :key + keyword-node) + "FILETAGS")) + +(defun kakafarm/org-roam-filetags-keyword-is-publishable-p (filestags-keyword-node) + (seq-contains-p (split-string (org-element-property :value + filestags-keyword-node) + ":") + "publish")) + +(defun kakafarm/org-roam-publishable-node-p (org-filename) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert-file-contents org-filename) + (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'keyword + (lambda (keyword) + (and (kakafarm/org-roam-keyword-is-filetags-p keyword) + (kakafarm/org-roam-filetags-keyword-is-publishable-p keyword))) + nil + t))) + +(defun kakafarm/org-roam-sitemap (title list-of-org-links) + (message (format "kakafarm/org-roam-sitemap title: %S; list-of-links: %S\n" + title + list-of-org-links)) + ;; (let ((a-publishable-org-roam-node + ;; (seq-filter (lambda (org-link-list) + ;; (pcase org-link-list + ;; (`(,org-link) + ;; (with-temp-buffer + ;; (insert org-link) + ;; (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'link + ;; (lambda (link) + ;; ;; Check if file linked is publishable. + ;; (kakafarm/org-roam-publishable-node-p + ;; (concat "~/mine/roam/" + ;; (org-element-property :path + ;; link)))) + ;; nil + ;; t))))) + ;; list-of-org-links))) + ;; (message "poop %S" a-publishable-org-roam-node)) + + (concat + "# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-\n" + "#+OPTIONS: ^:nil author:nil html-postamble:nil\n" + ;;"#SETUPFILE: ./simple_inline.theme\n" ; No theme yet. + "#+FILETAGS: publish\n" + "#+TITLE: " title "\n\n" + (org-list-to-org list-of-org-links) "\n" + + ;; TODO: No sitemap SVG yet because it shows all the fucking + ;; files in the org-roam database. + ;; + ;;"file:sitemap.svg\n" + )) + +(defun kakafarm/org-roam-publication-wrapper (plist filename pubdir) + ;; (when (kakafarm/org-roam-publishable-node-p filename) + ;; nil) + ;;(org-roam-graph) ; How the fuck do I make this one not show every fucking node in the org-roam database?! + (org-html-publish-to-html plist + filename + pubdir) + (setq kakafarm/org-roam-project-publish-time + (cadr (current-time)))) + +(defun kakafarm/org-roam-custom-link-builder (node) + (let ((node-file (org-roam-node-file node))) + ;; (when (kakafarm/org-roam-publishable-node-p node-file) + ;; nil) + (message (format "kakafarm/org-roam-custom-link-builder: %S" node)) + (concat (file-name-base node-file) + ".html"))) + +(defun kakafarm/percent-read () + "Display percent read by current cursor location vs. total characters in file." + + (interactive) + + (message "%.2f%%" + (* 100 + (/ (float (- (point) 1)) + (+ 1 (buffer-size)))))) + +(defun kakafarm/percent-read-point-min-max () + "Display percent read by current cursor location vs. place within (point-min) and (point-max)." + + (interactive) + + (let* ((our-location (point)) + (our-location-0-indexed (- our-location 1))) + (message "%.2f%%" + (* 100 + (/ (float (- our-location-0-indexed + (point-min))) + (- (point-max) + (point-min))))))) + +(defun kakafarm/recenter-top-bottom (original-function &rest arguments) + "Move view such that point is 4 lines from the top of the frame when function is `recenter-top-bottom'." + + (cond + ((null (car arguments)) + (apply original-function '(4))) + (t + (apply original-function arguments)))) + +(defun kakafarm/pulse-current-region (&rest _) + "Pulse the selected bit, either the marked region or if there's no +mark, the bit between mark and point... or something like +that... I don't even work here. + +From Goparism ( + which is from the +user 0xMii on R***** which copied it from +who-knows-where-and-who." + (if mark-active + (pulse-momentary-highlight-region (region-beginning) + (region-end)) + (pulse-momentary-highlight-region (mark) + (point)))) + +(defun kakafarm/multi-vterm-weechat () + "Either start a weechat vterm buffer, or switch to it if it already exists." + + (interactive) + + (let* ((vterm-shell (expand-file-name "~/bin/w")) + (weechat-buffer-name "weechat") + (maybe-weechat-buffer (get-buffer weechat-buffer-name))) + (cond + ((multi-vterm-buffer-exist-p maybe-weechat-buffer) + (switch-to-buffer maybe-weechat-buffer)) + (t + (multi-vterm) + (rename-buffer weechat-buffer-name))))) + +(defun kakafarm/sentence-end-double-nilify-for-read-only-buffers () + "Set `sentence-end-double-space' in read-only buffer to `nil'." + (when buffer-read-only + (setq-local sentence-end-double-space + nil))) + +;; Uploading README.html from stuff. +(defun kakafarm/srht-repo-id (repository-name) + "Returns the unique numerical I Dentification associated with +every sourcehut repository. + +" + + (interactive "sRepo name: ") + (let* ((srht (netrc-machine (netrc-parse "~/.netrc.gpg") + "")) + (srht-token (netrc-get srht + "password")) + (our-response (with-temp-buffer + (call-process "curl" + nil + (list (current-buffer) nil) + nil + "--oauth2-bearer" srht-token + "-G" + "--data-urlencode" + (concat "query=query { me { repository(name: \"" + repository-name + "\") { id } } }") + "") + (buffer-string))) + (repository-id (string-trim (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input "jq" + our-response + "")))) + (if (called-interactively-p) + (message "Repository ID: %S" repository-id) + repository-id))) + +(defun kakafarm/srht-set-readme (repository-id) + "Export the current file to HTML and set the result as README for +the sourcehut repo identified by ID. + +" + + (interactive "sRepository ID: ") + (let* ((srht (netrc-machine (netrc-parse "~/.netrc.gpg") + "")) + (srht-token (netrc-get srht + "password")) + (readme.html (org-export-as (org-export-get-backend 'html) + nil + nil + t)) + (our-json-query (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input + "jq" + readme.html + "-sR" + (concat " +{ \"query\": \"mutation UpdateRepo($id: Int!, $readme: String!) { updateRepository(id: $id, input: { readme: $readme }) { id } }\", + \"variables\": { + \"id\": " repository-id ", + \"readme\": . + } +}")))) + (kakafarm/call-process-with-string-as-input "curl" + our-json-query + "--oauth2-bearer" srht-token + "-H" "Content-Type: application/json" + "-d@-" + ""))) + +(defun kakafarm/take-while (lst predp) + (named-let loop ((lst lst) + (accumulator '())) + (cond + ((null lst) + (reverse accumulator)) + ((predp (car lst)) + (reverse accumulator)) + (t + (loop (cdr lst) + accumulator))))) + +(defun kakafarm/url-response-to-body (response) + (cdr (kakafarm/drop-while + (string-split response + "\n") + (lambda (line) + (not (string-blank-p line)))))) + +(defun kakafarm/yank-unlines () + "`yank' with each consecutive newlines converted to a single space, and trim both ends." + (interactive) + + (insert + (string-trim + (with-temp-buffer + (yank) + (goto-char 1) + (replace-regexp "\n+" " ") + (buffer-string))))) + +(provide 'kakafarm) + +;;; Local Variables: +;; read-symbol-shorthands: (("kf/" . "kakafarm/")) +;; End: +;;; kakafarm.el ends here.