commit 7bbddff92c5331f4a47c95350e592eb1a3bb5d15
parent 177f635f9e93fa11b6439f969ed38049b437952f
Author: Yuval Langer <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 02:05:39 +0300
Use procedure definitions instead of named lambdas.
M | pstk.scm | | | 655 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------- |
1 file changed, 312 insertions(+), 343 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pstk.scm b/pstk.scm
@@ -234,16 +234,15 @@
(set! enabled (car args))))))
-(define ->string
- (lambda (x)
- (cond ((string? x) x)
- ((symbol? x) (symbol->string x))
- ((char? x) (string x))
- ((number? x) (number->string x))
- (else
- (let ((out (open-output-string)))
- (display x out)
- (get-output-string out))))))
+(define (->string x)
+ (cond ((string? x) x)
+ ((symbol? x) (symbol->string x))
+ ((char? x) (string x))
+ ((number? x) (number->string x))
+ (else
+ (let ((out (open-output-string)))
+ (display x out)
+ (get-output-string out)))))
;;; Start weird letrec definitions:
@@ -385,27 +384,24 @@
(define flush-output-port force-output)
-(define flush-wish
- (lambda ()
- (flush-output-port wish-input)))
-(define option?
- (lambda (x)
- (or (and *use-keywords?*
- (keyword? x))
- (and (symbol? x)
- (let* ((s (symbol->string x))
- (n (string-length s)))
- (char=? #\: (string-ref s (- n 1))))))))
-(define make-option-string
- (lambda (x)
- (if (and *use-keywords?*
- (keyword? x))
- (string-append " -" (keyword->string x))
- (let ((s (symbol->string x)))
- (string-append " -"
- (substring s 0 (- (string-length s) 1)))))))
+(define (flush-wish)
+ (flush-output-port wish-input))
+(define (option? x)
+ (or (and *use-keywords?*
+ (keyword? x))
+ (and (symbol? x)
+ (let* ((s (symbol->string x))
+ (n (string-length s)))
+ (char=? #\: (string-ref s (- n 1)))))))
+(define (make-option-string x)
+ (if (and *use-keywords?*
+ (keyword? x))
+ (string-append " -" (keyword->string x))
+ (let ((s (symbol->string x)))
+ (string-append " -"
+ (substring s 0 (- (string-length s) 1))))))
(define (improper-list->string a first)
(cond ((pair? a)
@@ -431,19 +427,18 @@
(else "#<other>")))
(define (string-translate s map)
- (letrec
- ((s-prepend (lambda (s1 s2)
- (cond ((null? s1) s2)
- (else (s-prepend (cdr s1) (cons (car s1) s2))))))
- (s-xlate (lambda (s r)
- (cond ((null? s) (reverse r))
- (else (let ((n (assv (car s) map)))
- (cond (n (s-xlate (cdr s)
- (s-prepend (string->list (cdr n)) r)))
- (else (s-xlate (cdr s)
- (cons (car s) r))))))))))
- (list->string
- (s-xlate (string->list s) '()))))
+ (define (s-prepend s1 s2)
+ (cond ((null? s1) s2)
+ (else (s-prepend (cdr s1) (cons (car s1) s2)))))
+ (define (s-xlate s r)
+ (cond ((null? s) (reverse r))
+ (else (let ((n (assv (car s) map)))
+ (cond (n (s-xlate (cdr s)
+ (s-prepend (string->list (cdr n)) r)))
+ (else (s-xlate (cdr s)
+ (cons (car s) r))))))))
+ (list->string
+ (s-xlate (string->list s) '())))
(define (string-trim-left str)
(cond ((string=? str "") "")
@@ -574,306 +569,280 @@
(cons result tk-ids+widgets)))
-(define scheme-arg->tk-arg
- (lambda (x)
- (cond ((eq? x #f) " 0")
- ((eq? x #t) " 1")
- ((eq? x '()) " {}")
- ((option? x) (make-option-string x))
- ((widget? x) (string-append " " (x 'get-id)))
- ((and (pair? x) (procedure? (car x)))
- (let* ((lambda-term (car x))
- (rest (cdr x))
- (l (memq lambda-term
- inverse-commands-invoked-by-tk))
- (keystr (if l (form->string (cadr l))
- (symbol->string (gen-symbol)))))
- (if (not l)
- (let ((key (string->symbol keystr)))
- (set! inverse-commands-invoked-by-tk
- (cons lambda-term
- (cons key
- inverse-commands-invoked-by-tk)))
- (set! commands-invoked-by-tk
- (cons key
- (cons lambda-term
- commands-invoked-by-tk)))))
- (string-append " {callToScm "
- keystr
- (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring rest)
- "}")))
- ((procedure? x)
- (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring `((,x))))
- ((list? x)
- (cond ((eq? (car x) '+)
- (let ((result (string-trim-left
- (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring
- (cdr x)))))
- (cond ((string=? result "") " +")
- ((string=? "{" (substring result 0 1))
- (string-append
- " {+ "
- (substring result 1
- (string-length result))))
- (else (string-append " +" result)))))
- ((and (= (length x) 3)
- (equal? (car x) (string->symbol "@"))
- (number? (cadr x))
- (number? (caddr x)))
- (string-append
- "@"
- (number->string (cadr x))
- ","
- (number->string (caddr x))))
- (else
- (string-append
- " {"
- (string-trim-left
- (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring x))
- "}"))))
- ((pair? x)
- (string-append
- " "
- (form->string (car x))
- "."
- (form->string (cdr x))))
- ((string? x)
- (if (string->number x)
- (string-append " " x)
- (string-append
- " \""
- (string-translate x
- '((#\\ . "\\\\") (#\" . "\\\"")
- (#\[ . "\\u005b") (#\] . "\\]")
- (#\$ . "\\u0024")
- (#\{ . "\\{") (#\} . "\\}")))
- "\"")))
- (else (string-append " " (form->string x))))))
-(define scheme-arglist->tk-argstring
- (lambda (args)
- (apply string-append
- (map scheme-arg->tk-arg
- args))))
-(define make-wish-func
- (lambda (tkname)
- (let ((name (form->string tkname)))
- (lambda args
- (eval-wish
+(define (scheme-arg->tk-arg x)
+ (cond ((eq? x #f) " 0")
+ ((eq? x #t) " 1")
+ ((eq? x '()) " {}")
+ ((option? x) (make-option-string x))
+ ((widget? x) (string-append " " (x 'get-id)))
+ ((and (pair? x) (procedure? (car x)))
+ (let* ((lambda-term (car x))
+ (rest (cdr x))
+ (l (memq lambda-term
+ inverse-commands-invoked-by-tk))
+ (keystr (if l (form->string (cadr l))
+ (symbol->string (gen-symbol)))))
+ (if (not l)
+ (let ((key (string->symbol keystr)))
+ (set! inverse-commands-invoked-by-tk
+ (cons lambda-term
+ (cons key
+ inverse-commands-invoked-by-tk)))
+ (set! commands-invoked-by-tk
+ (cons key
+ (cons lambda-term
+ commands-invoked-by-tk)))))
+ (string-append " {callToScm "
+ keystr
+ (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring rest)
+ "}")))
+ ((procedure? x)
+ (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring `((,x))))
+ ((list? x)
+ (cond ((eq? (car x) '+)
+ (let ((result (string-trim-left
+ (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring
+ (cdr x)))))
+ (cond ((string=? result "") " +")
+ ((string=? "{" (substring result 0 1))
+ (string-append
+ " {+ "
+ (substring result 1
+ (string-length result))))
+ (else (string-append " +" result)))))
+ ((and (= (length x) 3)
+ (equal? (car x) (string->symbol "@"))
+ (number? (cadr x))
+ (number? (caddr x)))
+ (string-append
+ "@"
+ (number->string (cadr x))
+ ","
+ (number->string (caddr x))))
+ (else
+ (string-append
+ " {"
+ (string-trim-left
+ (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring x))
+ "}"))))
+ ((pair? x)
- name
- (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring args)))))))
-(define read-wish
- (lambda ()
- (let ((term (read wish-output)))
- (cond (*wish-debug-output*
- (display "wish->scheme: ")
- (write term)
- (newline)))
- term)))
-(define wish
- (lambda arguments
- (for-each
- (lambda (argument)
- (cond (*wish-debug-input*
- (display "scheme->wish: ")
- (display argument)
- (newline)))
- (display argument wish-input)
- (newline wish-input)
- (flush-wish))
- arguments)))
-(define start-wish
- (lambda ()
- (let ((result (run-program *wish-program*)))
- (set! wish-input (cadr result))
- (set! wish-output (car result)))))
-(define read-line
- (lambda (in)
- (letrec
- ((collect-chars
- (lambda (c s)
- (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (char=? c #\newline))
- (apply string (reverse s)))
- (else (collect-chars (read-char in) (cons c s))))))
- (first-char
- (read-char in)))
- (cond ((eof-object? first-char) first-char)
- (else (collect-chars first-char '()))))))
-(define eval-wish
- (lambda (cmd)
- (wish (string-append
- "evalCmdFromScm \""
- (string-translate cmd
- '((#\\ . "\\\\") (#\" . "\\\"")))
- "\""))
- (let again ((result (read-wish)))
- (cond ((not (pair? result))
- (report-error (string-append
- "An error occurred inside Tcl/Tk" nl
- " --> " (form->string result)
- " " (read-line wish-output))))
- ((eq? (car result) 'return)
- (cadr result))
- ((eq? (car result) 'call)
- (apply call-by-key (cdr result))
- (again (read-wish)))
- ((eq? (car result) 'error)
- (report-error (string-append
- "An error occurred inside Tcl/Tk" nl
- " " cmd nl
- " --> " (cadr result))))
- (else (report-error result))))))
-(define id->widget
- (lambda (id)
- (get-property
- (string->symbol (form->string id))
- tk-ids+widgets
- (lambda ()
- (if (tcl-true? (tk/winfo 'exists id))
- (make-widget-by-id
- (tk/winfo 'class id)
- (form->string id))
- #f)))))
-(define var
- (lambda (varname)
- (set-var! varname "")
- (string-append
- "::scmVar("
- (form->string varname)
- ")")))
-(define get-var
- (lambda (varname)
- (eval-wish
- (string-append
- "set ::scmVar("
- (form->string varname)
- ")"))))
-(define set-var!
- (lambda (varname value)
- (eval-wish
- (string-append
- "set ::scmVar("
- (form->string varname)
- ") {"
- (form->string value)
- "}"))))
-(define start
- (lambda ()
- (start-wish)
- (wish tk-init-string)
- (set! tk-ids+widgets '())
- (set! tk-widgets '())
- (set! in-callback #f)
- (set! tk (make-widget-by-id 'toplevel "." 'class: 'Wish))
- (set! commands-invoked-by-tk '())
- (set! inverse-commands-invoked-by-tk '())
- (tk/wm 'protocol tk 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW end-tk)))
-(define end-tk
- (lambda ()
- (set! tk-is-running #f)
- (wish "after 200 exit")))
-(define ispatch-event
- (lambda ()
- (let ((tk-statement (read-wish)))
- (if (and (list? tk-statement)
- (eq? (car tk-statement) 'call))
- (apply call-by-key (cdr tk-statement))))))
-(define loop
- (lambda ()
- (cond ((not tk-is-running)
- (if wish-output
- (tk/wm 'protocol tk 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW '())))
- (else (dispatch-event)
- (loop)))))
-(define event-loop
- (lambda ()
- (set! tk-is-running #t)
- (loop)))
-(define map-ttk-widgets
- (lambda (x)
- (cond ((eq? x 'all)
- (set! ttk-widget-map '("button" "checkbutton" "radiobutton"
- "menubutton" "label" "entry" "frame"
- "labelframe" "scrollbar" "notebook"
- "progressbar" "combobox" "separator"
- "scale" "sizegrip" "treeview")))
- ((eq? x 'none)
- (set! ttk-widget-map '()))
- ((pair? x) (set! ttk-widget-map
- (map form->string x)))
- (else (report-error
- (string-append
- "Argument to TTK-MAP-WIDGETS must be "
- "ALL, NONE or a list of widget types."))))))
-(define string-split
- (lambda (c s)
- (letrec
- ((split (lambda (i k tmp res)
- (cond ((= i k)
- (if (null? tmp) res (cons tmp res)))
- ((char=? (string-ref s i) c)
- (split (+ i 1) k "" (cons tmp res)))
- (else (split (+ i 1) k
- (string-append tmp
- (string (string-ref s i)))
- res))))))
- (reverse (split 0 (string-length s) "" '())))))
-(define ttk-available-themes
- (lambda ()
- (string-split #\space (eval-wish "ttk::style theme names"))))
-(define do-wait-for-window
- (lambda (w)
- (dispatch-event)
- (cond ((equal? (tk/winfo 'exists w) "0") '())
- (else (do-wait-for-window w)))))
-(define wait-for-window
- (lambda (w)
- (let ((outer-allow callback-mutex))
- (set! callback-mutex #t)
- (do-wait-for-window w)
- (set! callback-mutex outer-allow))))
-(define wait-until-visible
- (lambda (w)
- (tk/wait 'visibility w)))
-(define lock!
- (lambda ()
- (set! callback-mutex
- (cons callback-mutex #t))))
-(define unlock!
- (lambda ()
- (if (pair? callback-mutex)
- (set! callback-mutex
- (cdr callback-mutex)))))
-(define with-lock
- (lambda (thunk)
- (lock!)
- (thunk)
- (unlock!)))
+ " "
+ (form->string (car x))
+ "."
+ (form->string (cdr x))))
+ ((string? x)
+ (if (string->number x)
+ (string-append " " x)
+ (string-append
+ " \""
+ (string-translate x
+ '((#\\ . "\\\\") (#\" . "\\\"")
+ (#\[ . "\\u005b") (#\] . "\\]")
+ (#\$ . "\\u0024")
+ (#\{ . "\\{") (#\} . "\\}")))
+ "\"")))
+ (else (string-append " " (form->string x)))))
+(define (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring args)
+ (apply string-append
+ (map scheme-arg->tk-arg
+ args)))
+(define (make-wish-func tkname)
+ (let ((name (form->string tkname)))
+ (lambda args
+ (eval-wish
+ (string-append
+ name
+ (scheme-arglist->tk-argstring args))))))
+(define (read-wish)
+ (let ((term (read wish-output)))
+ (cond (*wish-debug-output*
+ (display "wish->scheme: ")
+ (write term)
+ (newline)))
+ term))
+(define (wish arguments)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (argument)
+ (cond (*wish-debug-input*
+ (display "scheme->wish: ")
+ (display argument)
+ (newline)))
+ (display argument wish-input)
+ (newline wish-input)
+ (flush-wish))
+ arguments))
+(define (start-wish)
+ (let ((result (run-program *wish-program*)))
+ (set! wish-input (cadr result))
+ (set! wish-output (car result))))
+(define (read-line in)
+ (letrec
+ ((collect-chars
+ (lambda (c s)
+ (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (char=? c #\newline))
+ (apply string (reverse s)))
+ (else (collect-chars (read-char in) (cons c s))))))
+ (first-char
+ (read-char in)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? first-char) first-char)
+ (else (collect-chars first-char '())))))
+(define (eval-wish cmd)
+ (wish (string-append
+ "evalCmdFromScm \""
+ (string-translate cmd
+ '((#\\ . "\\\\") (#\" . "\\\"")))
+ "\""))
+ (let again ((result (read-wish)))
+ (cond ((not (pair? result))
+ (report-error (string-append
+ "An error occurred inside Tcl/Tk" nl
+ " --> " (form->string result)
+ " " (read-line wish-output))))
+ ((eq? (car result) 'return)
+ (cadr result))
+ ((eq? (car result) 'call)
+ (apply call-by-key (cdr result))
+ (again (read-wish)))
+ ((eq? (car result) 'error)
+ (report-error (string-append
+ "An error occurred inside Tcl/Tk" nl
+ " " cmd nl
+ " --> " (cadr result))))
+ (else (report-error result)))))
+(define (id->widget id)
+ (get-property
+ (string->symbol (form->string id))
+ tk-ids+widgets
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (tcl-true? (tk/winfo 'exists id))
+ (make-widget-by-id
+ (tk/winfo 'class id)
+ (form->string id))
+ #f))))
+(define (var varname)
+ (set-var! varname "")
+ (string-append
+ "::scmVar("
+ (form->string varname)
+ ")"))
+(define (get-var varname)
+ (eval-wish
+ (string-append
+ "set ::scmVar("
+ (form->string varname)
+ ")")))
+(define (set-var! varname value)
+ (eval-wish
+ (string-append
+ "set ::scmVar("
+ (form->string varname)
+ ") {"
+ (form->string value)
+ "}")))
+(define (start)
+ (start-wish)
+ (wish tk-init-string)
+ (set! tk-ids+widgets '())
+ (set! tk-widgets '())
+ (set! in-callback #f)
+ (set! tk (make-widget-by-id 'toplevel "." 'class: 'Wish))
+ (set! commands-invoked-by-tk '())
+ (set! inverse-commands-invoked-by-tk '())
+ (tk/wm 'protocol tk 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW end-tk))
+(define (end-tk)
+ (set! tk-is-running #f)
+ (wish "after 200 exit"))
+(define (ispatch-event)
+ (let ((tk-statement (read-wish)))
+ (if (and (list? tk-statement)
+ (eq? (car tk-statement) 'call))
+ (apply call-by-key (cdr tk-statement)))))
+(define (loop)
+ (cond ((not tk-is-running)
+ (if wish-output
+ (tk/wm 'protocol tk 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW '())))
+ (else (dispatch-event)
+ (loop))))
+(define (event-loop)
+ (set! tk-is-running #t)
+ (loop))
+(define (map-ttk-widgets x)
+ (cond ((eq? x 'all)
+ (set! ttk-widget-map '("button" "checkbutton" "radiobutton"
+ "menubutton" "label" "entry" "frame"
+ "labelframe" "scrollbar" "notebook"
+ "progressbar" "combobox" "separator"
+ "scale" "sizegrip" "treeview")))
+ ((eq? x 'none)
+ (set! ttk-widget-map '()))
+ ((pair? x) (set! ttk-widget-map
+ (map form->string x)))
+ (else (report-error
+ (string-append
+ "Argument to TTK-MAP-WIDGETS must be "
+ "ALL, NONE or a list of widget types.")))))
+(define (string-split c s)
+ (letrec
+ ((split (lambda (i k tmp res)
+ (cond ((= i k)
+ (if (null? tmp) res (cons tmp res)))
+ ((char=? (string-ref s i) c)
+ (split (+ i 1) k "" (cons tmp res)))
+ (else (split (+ i 1) k
+ (string-append tmp
+ (string (string-ref s i)))
+ res))))))
+ (reverse (split 0 (string-length s) "" '()))))
+(define (ttk-available-themes)
+ (string-split #\space (eval-wish "ttk::style theme names")))
+(define (do-wait-for-window w)
+ (dispatch-event)
+ (cond ((equal? (tk/winfo 'exists w) "0") '())
+ (else (do-wait-for-window w))))
+(define (wait-for-window w)
+ (let ((outer-allow callback-mutex))
+ (set! callback-mutex #t)
+ (do-wait-for-window w)
+ (set! callback-mutex outer-allow)))
+(define (wait-until-visible w)
+ (tk/wait 'visibility w))
+(define (lock!)
+ (set! callback-mutex
+ (cons callback-mutex #t)))
+(define (unlock!)
+ (if (pair? callback-mutex)
+ (set! callback-mutex
+ (cdr callback-mutex))))
+(define (with-lock thunk)
+ (lock!)
+ (thunk)
+ (unlock!))
;;; End weird letrec definitions.