commit 5b3d3c8c5682cf9119f584d440b92fe93cefd360
parent 4369a89184920fa238845628a91dfe6578d2cae2
Author: Yuval Langer <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2024 20:43:29 +0200
Move all our code into a "kakafarm" toplevel library and get rid of the ./haunt/ sub-directory.
7 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)
diff --git a/haunt.scm b/haunt.scm
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
(haunt reader)
(haunt site)
- (prefix (haunt kakafarm index)
- haunt:kakafarm:index:))
+ (prefix (kakafarm index)
+ kakafarm:index:))
(define (pp attribute record)
(pretty-print (list attribute (attribute record))))
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@
#:builders (list (blog #:prefix "/haunt/posts"
#:theme blog-theme)
(page-builder "/haunt/index.html" make-haunt-blog-index-sxml)
- (page-builder "/index.html" haunt:kakafarm:index:make-index-sxml)
+ (page-builder "/index.html" kakafarm:index:make-index-sxml)
(atom-feed #:file-name "/haunt/feed.xml"
#:blog-prefix "/haunt/posts")
(atom-feeds-by-tag #:prefix "/haunt/feeds"
#:blog-prefix "/haunt/feeds/")
(static-directory "" "/")
- (static-directory "haunt/assets" "haunt/assets")
- (static-directory "haunt/images" "haunt/images")))
+ (static-directory "assets" "haunt/assets")
+ (static-directory "images" "haunt/images")))
diff --git a/haunt/kakafarm/index.scm b/haunt/kakafarm/index.scm
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-(define-library (haunt kakafarm index)
- (import (guile))
- (export make-index-sxml)
- (begin
- (define* (make-index-sxml #:key posts)
- `(html
- (head
- (meta (@ (charset "UTF-8")))
- (link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
- (type "text/css")
- (href "index.css")))
- (title "💩 kaka farm 💩"))
- (body
- (div (@ (id "topmostdiv"))
- (h1 "Various stuff:")
- (h2 "Clipboard Speaker")
- (p "An accessibility tool that reads either what you mark with your mouse:"
- (dl
- (dt "Python")
- (dd (pre "clipboard-speaker -p"))
- (dt "Guile>")
- (dd (pre "clipboard-speaker --clipboard-type=p")))
- "Or the contents of your clipboard:"
- (dl
- (dt "Python")
- (dd (pre "clipboard-speaker -b"))
- (dt "Guile")
- (dd (pre "clipboard-speaker --clipboard-type=b")))
- (a (@ (href ""))
- "Clipboard Speaker's Sourcehut repositories"))
- (h3 "Python Clipboard Speaker")
- (p "The original Python code:"
- (a (@ (href ""))
- "Python Clipboard Speaker's Sourcehut repository"))
- (h3 "Guile Clipboard Speaker")
- (p "Also rewritten it in Guile:"
- (a (@ (href ""))
- "Guile Clipboard Speaker's Sourcehut repository"))
- (h2 "Rusty Diceware")
- (p
- (a (@ (href ""))
- "A diceware tool in Rustlang."))
- (h2 "Blog")
- (ul
- (li (a (@ (href "//"))
- "blog-ish"))
- (li (a (@ (href "//"))
- "A Haunt blog! Maybe I will migrate everything into Haunt and SXML?")))
- (h2 "Commonly Forgotten")
- (a (@ (href "//")) "Commonly Forgotten")
- " "
- "has some terribly written notes (which I should consolidate into Haunt)."
- (h2 "Git repository repositories")
- (p (ul (li "The static site generator"
- (a (@ (href ""))
- "Stagit")
- "("
- (a (@ (href ""))
- ") was used to generate"
- (a (@ (href "/stagit/"))
- "my copies of some of my git repositories")
- ".")
- (li (a (@ (href "//")) "Sourcehut"))
- (li (a (@ (href "//")) "GitGud profile"))
- (li (a (@ (href "//")) "GitLab profile"))
- (li (a (@ (href "//")) "GitHub profile"))))
- (h2 "org-roam notes")
- (p
- "Splitting your org-roam notes into"
- (a (@ (href "/private-org-roam-notes/")) "private")
- " "
- "and"
- " "
- (a (@ (href "/org-roam-notes/"))
- "public")
- " "
- "notes is a pain in the arse. Luckily for me I love"
- " "
- (a (@ (href "//"))
- "."))
- (h2 "Contact(?)")
- (ul
- (li (a (@ (href ""))
- "")
- "."))))))))
diff --git a/haunt/kakafarm/weechatlog.scm b/haunt/kakafarm/weechatlog.scm
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-(define-library (haunt kakafarm weechatlog)
- (import (scheme base)
- (srfi :9)
- (srfi :19)
- (ice-9 match)
- (ice-9 peg))
- (export parse-weechatlog
- weechatlog-line?
- weechatlog-datetime
- weechatlog-user-status
- weechatlog-nickname
- weechatlog-message)
- (begin
- (define-record-type <weechatlog-line>
- (make-weechatlog-line datetime
- user-status
- nickname
- message)
- weechatlog-line?
- (datetime weechatlog-datetime)
- (user-status weechatlog-user-status)
- (nickname weechatlog-nickname)
- (message weechatlog-message))
- (define-peg-string-patterns
- "weechatlog <-- (NL* weechatlog-line)* NL*
-weechatlog-line <-- datetime-field T BRA user-status nickname-field KET T message-field
-datetime-field <-- (!NL !T .)*
-nickname-field <-- (!NL !T !KET .)*
-message-field <-- (!NL .)*
-user-status <-- (.)
-BRA < '<'
-KET < '>'
-T < '\t'
-NL < '\n'")
- (define (parse-datetime str)
- (string->date str "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S~z"))
- (define (parse-weechatlog str)
- (let ((tree (peg:tree (match-pattern weechatlog str))))
- (match tree
- (`(weechatlog
- . ,weechatlog-lines)
- (map parse-weechatlog-line
- weechatlog-lines))
- (else
- (error "Bad weechatlog:" tree)))))
- (define (parse-weechatlog-line tree)
- (match tree
- (`(weechatlog-line (datetime-field ,datetime-field)
- (user-status ,user-status)
- (nickname-field ,nickname-field)
- (message-field ,message-field))
- (make-weechatlog-line (parse-datetime datetime-field)
- user-status
- nickname-field
- message-field))))))
diff --git a/haunt/images/logo.png b/images/logo.png
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/kakafarm/index.scm b/kakafarm/index.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+(define-library (kakafarm index)
+ (import (guile))
+ (export make-index-sxml)
+ (begin
+ (define* (make-index-sxml #:key posts)
+ `(html
+ (head
+ (meta (@ (charset "UTF-8")))
+ (link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
+ (type "text/css")
+ (href "index.css")))
+ (title "💩 kaka farm 💩"))
+ (body
+ (div (@ (id "topmostdiv"))
+ (h1 "Various stuff:")
+ (h2 "Clipboard Speaker")
+ (p "An accessibility tool that reads either what you mark with your mouse:"
+ (dl
+ (dt "Python")
+ (dd (pre "clipboard-speaker -p"))
+ (dt "Guile>")
+ (dd (pre "clipboard-speaker --clipboard-type=p")))
+ "Or the contents of your clipboard:"
+ (dl
+ (dt "Python")
+ (dd (pre "clipboard-speaker -b"))
+ (dt "Guile")
+ (dd (pre "clipboard-speaker --clipboard-type=b")))
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "Clipboard Speaker's Sourcehut repositories"))
+ (h3 "Python Clipboard Speaker")
+ (p "The original Python code:"
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "Python Clipboard Speaker's Sourcehut repository"))
+ (h3 "Guile Clipboard Speaker")
+ (p "Also rewritten it in Guile:"
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "Guile Clipboard Speaker's Sourcehut repository"))
+ (h2 "Rusty Diceware")
+ (p
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "A diceware tool in Rustlang."))
+ (h2 "Blog")
+ (ul
+ (li (a (@ (href "//"))
+ "blog-ish"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "//"))
+ "A Haunt blog! Maybe I will migrate everything into Haunt and SXML?")))
+ (h2 "Commonly Forgotten")
+ (a (@ (href "//")) "Commonly Forgotten")
+ " "
+ "has some terribly written notes (which I should consolidate into Haunt)."
+ (h2 "Git repository repositories")
+ (p (ul (li "The static site generator"
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ "Stagit")
+ "("
+ (a (@ (href ""))
+ ") was used to generate"
+ (a (@ (href "/stagit/"))
+ "my copies of some of my git repositories")
+ ".")
+ (li (a (@ (href "//")) "Sourcehut"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "//")) "GitGud profile"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "//")) "GitLab profile"))
+ (li (a (@ (href "//")) "GitHub profile"))))
+ (h2 "org-roam notes")
+ (p
+ "Splitting your org-roam notes into"
+ (a (@ (href "/private-org-roam-notes/")) "private")
+ " "
+ "and"
+ " "
+ (a (@ (href "/org-roam-notes/"))
+ "public")
+ " "
+ "notes is a pain in the arse. Luckily for me I love"
+ " "
+ (a (@ (href "//"))
+ "."))
+ (h2 "Contact(?)")
+ (ul
+ (li (a (@ (href ""))
+ "")
+ "."))))))))
diff --git a/kakafarm/weechatlog.scm b/kakafarm/weechatlog.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(define-library (kakafarm weechatlog)
+ (import (scheme base)
+ (srfi :9)
+ (srfi :19)
+ (ice-9 match)
+ (ice-9 peg))
+ (export parse-weechatlog
+ weechatlog-line?
+ weechatlog-datetime
+ weechatlog-user-status
+ weechatlog-nickname
+ weechatlog-message)
+ (begin
+ (define-record-type <weechatlog-line>
+ (make-weechatlog-line datetime
+ user-status
+ nickname
+ message)
+ weechatlog-line?
+ (datetime weechatlog-datetime)
+ (user-status weechatlog-user-status)
+ (nickname weechatlog-nickname)
+ (message weechatlog-message))
+ (define-peg-string-patterns
+ "weechatlog <-- (NL* weechatlog-line)* NL*
+weechatlog-line <-- datetime-field T BRA user-status nickname-field KET T message-field
+datetime-field <-- (!NL !T .)*
+nickname-field <-- (!NL !T !KET .)*
+message-field <-- (!NL .)*
+user-status <-- (.)
+BRA < '<'
+KET < '>'
+T < '\t'
+NL < '\n'")
+ (define (parse-datetime str)
+ (string->date str "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S~z"))
+ (define (parse-weechatlog str)
+ (let ((tree (peg:tree (match-pattern weechatlog str))))
+ (match tree
+ (`(weechatlog
+ . ,weechatlog-lines)
+ (map parse-weechatlog-line
+ weechatlog-lines))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad weechatlog:" tree)))))
+ (define (parse-weechatlog-line tree)
+ (match tree
+ (`(weechatlog-line (datetime-field ,datetime-field)
+ (user-status ,user-status)
+ (nickname-field ,nickname-field)
+ (message-field ,message-field))
+ (make-weechatlog-line (parse-datetime datetime-field)
+ user-status
+ nickname-field
+ message-field))))))
diff --git a/posts/you-know-what-i-hate.sxml b/posts/you-know-what-i-hate.sxml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(ice-9 pretty-print)
(ice-9 match)
(haunt utils)
- (haunt kakafarm weechatlog))
+ (kakafarm weechatlog))
(define-record-type <hate>
(make-hate title logs-or-paragraphs)